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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Belladonnastrap

  1. Belladonnastrap

    Estimated ship time.

    I think perhaps you should maybe bold it on the webpage Beth so it's more noticable. The way it is now (at least on the computer I'm on currently) the font is very tiny and tends to just blend in with the rest of the page. Bold it or make it a different color. Just a suggestion. And I tend to order oils..and then promptly forget what I ordered so when the package comes its a happy surprise. I don't mind the wait so much...it adds to the experience
  2. Belladonnastrap

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Anyway you could maybe snap a picture and upload it Vicious Mistress?
  3. Belladonnastrap

    A Little Lunacy

    And you are DARLING for doing so since I doubt I'll be able to get back online after tonight!! *taking advantage of hijacking internet connection*
  4. Belladonnastrap

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    You guys. ROCK. Thanks SO much for all your replies and help. I love this damn board
  5. Belladonnastrap

    Mail server is up

    for all of you! Hopefully all of these problems will just END and they'll be smooth sailing soon.
  6. Belladonnastrap

    Jolly Roger

    Oh Jolly Roger...how I have been longing for you... On First Sniff Old pirate movies. The sea. People yelling "shiver me timbers!" Rollicking waves. Mint. Storms After wearing it YES. Another aquatic scent that doesn't disappear on me! I recieved this from the lovely Diana and wow...absolutely floors me. I was afraid that the rum would make this more mannish but it doesn't show up at all. The leather is very light (almost untraceable) but the defintie scent on me at least is just pure sea. Sort of like sitting outside cape cod on an early autumn day as the wind blows. Very very lovely. I agree with Dispatcherbert...its a toss up if I prefer this or Lightening more as they both have that more heady aquatic feel.
  7. Belladonnastrap


    Oh MAN. I have to get a quick order in before I leave for California next week... But but... So many....
  8. Belladonnastrap

    Dana O'Shee

    First Impression It smells like Lush's Snowcake. Oatmeal and honey goodness, it invokes images of fluffy white clouds, wamrth and lovely summer days. This is a scent made for relaxation and goodness. After wearing it Oh Dana....the praise heaped on you is true...you are lovely. I was really excited to try this scent as Snowcake is one of my favourite scents ever. However Dana has a bit more bite then Lush's scent.. While it is a very "white" sort of scent, it's not too sweet or vlying. Perfect for summer! My only gripe with this is that the lasting power is really really small..I wish it stayed longer! Definitely a huge repurchase
  9. Belladonnastrap

    New team helper

    Welcome Nella! I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly with us ...you're a BPALer after all
  10. Belladonnastrap

    Cinnamon girl...

    I agree. I adore Cinnammon and this was TOO much. It kicks yer butt.
  11. Belladonnastrap

    Since I seem to need to reiterate it...

    *MASSIVE HUGS FOR ALL THE BPAL CREW* I appreciate all the work you guys do for us and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Hopefully one day I'll get both my ipod mini and my BPAL oils and I'll come here and post out of sheer happiness.
  12. Belladonnastrap


    First sniff: Oh this is lovely lovely. Pomegranate is the overpowering smell here which is natural given the subject matter of the perfume. Smells as lovely as springtime itself!! After wearing it: Oh you my darling Persephone are most definitely getting bought in large quantities. Once I put this on the rose bloomed into full bloom and mingled with the pomegranate into this lovely bouquet that actually had me reeling. Neither scent overpowers the other they are in perfect balance. Rose breaks down a bit of the tartness while the pomegranate prevents the blend from getting too old lady with roses smelling. This is the scent that caused the most beautiful boy I have ever met to talk to me. Persephone lasts for ages on me and is quite a girly scent. If there is one rose blended scent from BPAL I recommend it is this one!
  13. Belladonnastrap


    First off a big fat to Elizabeth for sending me a 5ml bottle of this as part of her contest on LJ for free. You are a GODDESS. First sniff: Upon first smelling it I got a vision of a woman sitting in a pile of moss reading books. It's very earthy which is understandable as Virgo is an earth sign. All I could smell is the oakmoss and the white musk so I was a bit put off. The 5ml bottle this came in is a gorgeous cobalt blue bottle with the label that says Virgo green and has the astological sign for it underneath. It's so cute! After wearing it Holy crap this is GREAT. Wet it takes on this wet moss smell...very very green but as it dries down it blossoms into this wonderful woody floral scent just brimming with apples. It's definitely an earth scent so if you dislike more earthy smelling (ones that invoke images of woods, green grass..things like that) I suggest you stay far away from virgo. It's very very subtle and wears off a bit quickly (sort of like me and my attention span ha! ha!) so I don't think it would be good for everyday wear but would be best for when you want to get in touch with the more virgoy aspects of your personality (or if you're a virgo like me tapping into that energy). It's a lovely earthy, green scent.
  14. Belladonnastrap


    First sniff: Like wrapping yourself in a liquid cocoon of dark chocolate. The cocoa hits me early on and only after the tenth zillion inhalation do I detect the vanilla. Sinful. After wearing it: While it smells like nothing but chocolate in the vial when I put this on the vanilla kicks in (I have noticed with any scent containing vanilla my body chemistry almost always picks up on it and makes it the dominant note) and it smelled like I had dipped myself in chocolate covered vanilla beans. The myrrh actually enchances the chcoolate smell, giving it a bit of a darker edge...most definitely living up to its name.. Again I found Velvet long lasting...I found myself catching wiffs of it more then 5 hours after application. I'll be using the imps ear up to get more a of a feel for the scent but on me it's like sinking into a dark velvety blanket.
  15. Belladonnastrap


    First sniff: Mmm Berries! Very gushy (that was the first word that popped into my head) and a spicer scent too which might be the myrrh. It smells red and definitely invokes images of the more..carnal side of nature. After wearing it: Well this turned into a very very red and musky scent on me. When I first put it on the berry smell was extremely high but as it dried down it turned into a lovely musky sweet scent...sort of the scent of post-coitus but not entirely. Wearing this I get various images of all sorts of depravity..it definitely invokes images of Lust. The myrrh is most potent on me for some reason and the patchouli is almost non existant. Lust has amazing staying power, I went to sleep last night with it on from 7 hours ago and woke up this morning with the scent still wafting in my nose. Not entirely sure if I'll buy a bottle of it but I'll most defnitely use up the imps ear.
  16. O, Snake Oil and Psyche have gotten the most responses for me...and Persephone got hot boi to talk to me as well. Can't wait to try out the Voodoo Blends either...those work really well I hear.
  17. Belladonnastrap


    Inital Sniff: WOW. Extremely buttery with a hint of cookies underneath its almost overpowering and a bit sickening. After wearing it Oh my. This is delicious. First put on its like someone smeared butter all over you and added a dash of cinnamon but as it dries down so many scents assault you. Caramel, chocolate, toffee...at one point I smelled like Gingerbread another a sugar cookie covered in caramel. This really is the epitome of the word Gluttony..it's every sweet scent you could dream of all wrapped up in a lovely heady perfume. It's very very long lasting too...I got in an elevator about 5 hours after I put it on and my friend remarked he smelled a candy shop
  18. Belladonnastrap

    The Queen of Hearts

    Inital Sniff A very very white floral...I can smell the lillies and it also smells like..the color white. I can't go into any more depth. After wearing it For some insane reason whenever I smell this I get visions of a classic Victorian lady serving tea and finger sandwiches on a beautiful spring day. It's a very feminine and lovely scent but it doesn't drown you in it. Very lovely and white...I would scent my linen with this. Doesn't invoke images of "Off with her head!" or anything. Very recommended...a beautiful scent for spring.
  19. Belladonnastrap


    Initial Sniff Smells like berries drenched in rum. A very heady and potent scent..the smell lingers in the air. After wearing it Oh I like this. When first put on all I can smell is berry berry berry...defintely more of a fruity scent thena nything else. As Sarah said it has echoes of Lady MacBeth but this nearly isn't as sweet and bubbly as that one which I assume is the result of the wine and currant. It's definitely a red scent..invoking images of women fluttering about in bustles and corsets giving straling glances at their hefy bosoms. I'm not quite sure if this is a colder or warmer weather scent...it might be suited for both. It's deifnitely a night scent though
  20. Belladonnastrap


    When I first smelt this all I could dtect was oranges with some headier...musky smell. Definitely something that made me stop and take notice...it wasn't a straight citrus scent. Afterwards the muskier scent became more noticable on me and I kept having visions of Lillth or Lloth (for our RPG friends) in my mind. Very musky and sweet but ultimately as this dried down it smelt a lot like 404 Orange Wipes...meaning disinfect smelling and hence not good for me. Also for the Lush heads this smells a lot like Rainbow Worrier so if you love that give Succubus a chance. Apparently Citrus/Sandalwood doesn't work well for me which is sad but you live and you learn. Try this if you like your citrus with a bit of punch.
  21. Belladonnastrap


    When I first put this on it smelled a bit like O..that sort of amber honey smell I adore..but as the scent dried down on me it became a cirtusy floral and then morphed into a Rose scent. Everytime I thought I had it nailed down another note would waft up into my nose and I'd set off again trying to pinpoint it. Alice has pretty good staying power...I had to reapply after hour 5 so that was great. Not entirely sure who I would recommend this too but I think everyone should give it a try...it's a scent that completely changes depending on the wearer.
  22. Belladonnastrap


    Masquerade is divine. If the color gold had a scent this would be it. The oranges and cinammon work so well and normally this would be a fall scent but it's also perfect for summer. Very bright and fun..like Mardi Gras in the bottle. Also this smells almost exacly like Lush's Hot Toddy so if you are a fan of that lovely bubble bath go buy this. Now. Wearing this made me break out my Labyrinth DVD and watch the ballroom scene over and over again. It's lovely and I need a bottle.
  23. Belladonnastrap


    Liegia for me smelt a lot like Shroud and Veil with more of a Shroud feeling. It's a very sweet floral..the Jasmine is very noticable but not overpoweringly so. It doesn't feel as if you are saturated in Jasmine. It most definitely evokes the feeling of the story "The Tomb of Ligeia" (which if you haven't read you must it's very good...hunt down the movie copy with Vincent Price too!)...that sort of strong willed person. If you adore Jasmine you should get this as it's the most "purely" Jasmine scent I've found...however I have tons of Jasmine so up for swap it goes
  24. Belladonnastrap

    Incapacitated for a day.

    MASSIVE hugs for you Elizabeth Get well soon
  25. Belladonnastrap


    Ladies and Gentlemen: Elizabeth has outdone herself. I had been wanting to try O for the longest time and had been waiting for the right oppertunity to do so..which did not present itself until tonight. First off O lasts. It smells a lot like what a room smells like post-coitus which is both interesting and a bit odd. It's sensual and languid and a bit sweet as well...definitely a scent made for getting close to someone. Just make sure you make your intentions KNOWN. I wore this tonight to have dinner with a "friend" and while he was totally into how I smelled and mentioned it...the timing was very off Big bottle of this must be ordered