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Everything posted by Linaeve

  1. Linaeve

    How to make a paypal order.

    I think a partial order on the Paypal comment field could be confusing, even if the complete one follows by email. I would just write "order to follow in email" and then make sure that you reference the Paypal order number when you write the email. Thanks. You are probably right. I'll do that this next time around.
  2. Linaeve

    How to make a paypal order.

    OK I read through this thread, and i'm sure this has been answered but I can't seem to find it. What if I have a long order and there is no way to fit it in the comments field in Paypal... DO I just put "Order to follow in email" or do I just put as much as the order as I can with a comment at the bottom 'Complete order coming via email"? What do you normally do if your order doesn't fit in the comments? Thanks for any help you can provide. Please feel free to link me if this is on the forum somewhere else that I didn't find. - M -