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Posts posted by acidrica

  1. Hello everyone!


    I received my 6 imps a few days ago and if I wasn't hooked before (which I most definitely was) I'm hooked now for life!!! Seeing as I am such a newbie to everything BPAL, I would absolutely love it if someone could recommend some scents for me based on my personality.



    I am 19 years old, a Pisces (born on the Aquarian/Pisces cusp), blue eyes, bisexual, I love to act, read, paint, play the piano - if it's creative, then I love to dabble in it! I'm attending University at the moment for a Bachelor of Arts and the courses I'm doing at the moment are Drama, English, History, and Film, Media & Cultural Studies. Even though I know it sounds trite and naive, my dream is to be an Actress. Ever since I was little I have had a passion for the Occult and have had some of the 'things' that come with the gift of Second Sight. For one example, when I was about one and a half I told my Mother that in my past life I was a male farmer from Scotland with 5 children, "those horses with the very large feet" and a wife!


    Some words that people in my life have used to describe me are "ethereal" - "dramatic" - "complex" - "intense"


    I've always loved Gothic Horror (my 3 favourite gothic horror literary texts being Wuthering Heights, Dracula & Jane Eyre), the Renaissance, Pirates etc. A few people have actually told me that my face/features are like out of a Botticelli painting - not that I'm saying I look like Venus, or anything as vain as that haha.

    Two big role models of mine are Florence Welch (from Florence and the Machine) and Helena Bonham Carter. Game of Thrones-wise, I love me some Margaery Tyrell!


    If anyone could help a baby BPALer find her scent, it would be you guys! I would be so grateful for any suggestions as it is slightly overwhelming looking at all the gorgeous descriptions for the vast array of scents!


    Thank you so much! (And I promise once I'm more knowledgable on what the perfumes smell like, I'll be recommending so many to all of you!)



    Here's some quick recs from the GC. :D


    Eternal - Stephanotis, cyclamen, heliotrope, white rose and gardenia.

    Twilight - Lavender and jasmine, with a touch of glowing honeysuckle.

    Arcana - Frankincense, rosemary, lavender, neroli, and verbena.

    Intrigue - Black palm, with cocoa, fig and shadowy wooded notes.

    Séance - A mysterious, enigmatic blend of dry, mellow rosewood, crushed rose leaf and the slightest touch of warm hazel.

    Veil - White sandalwood, lilac, gardenia, violet, orris, lavender and ylang ylang.

    Bram Stoker - Bourbon vetiver with opoponax, Italian bergamot, and hay absolute.

  2. Any ideas for popular characters in anime and manga?


    I'm really excited especially about Tsubasa Chronicle, because they're finally coming out with a new chapter after years.

    (I ordered RPG Mage while thinking about Fai D. Flourite, but it doesn't quite fit. I'm looking for something clean, frosty, light and sweet. He's absolutely one of my favorite characters.)

    They are?! Oh wow, I might need to actually finish it then. I'll reread my books and then get back to you on Fai. :D


    Hmm, I'll put in my own request for a recommendation. Kazuma Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho. I am literally stumped. Something manly, but you also have to keep his kindness and TRUE LOVE thing into account. Also his sensitivity to spirits... o.o He's basically a street punk that goes on to fight demons.


    "Kuwabara was described as a stupid and ugly person. However he is extremely loyal to his friends and has a very strict code of honor. He would do anything for his friends and for love. He can be clumsy, reckless, and is also stubborn, persistent, and also has a great sense of humor. He doesn't give up a fight, even if he's injured. He has a temper, but not as bad as Yusuke's. He has a kind heart and an honest nature. He does not fight girls. Kuwabara is considered the kindest of the main characters." - From the Yu Yu Hakusho wiki.

    Hey Acid! I am thinking about joining the black furies as well!

    Black Furies? Sweet! I love them! That'll help me a lot! What notes were you thinking might fit? Or would very much NOT fit? :o I haven't tested all of my collection, so I'd be going on the scent descriptions to find something.




    In GoT I really like Ned Stark and Brienne of Tarth, which I think should sum me up pretty well.

    :biggrin: Brienne is also my favorite!


    I have two suggestions for you:

    Embalming Fluid: A light, pure scent: white musk, green tea, aloe and lemon. (a bit of a no-nonsense scent. Crisp, sharp, and interesting)

    Pandy: Fresh white musk, honeycomb, sweet apricot, elemi, orange blossom, and mischievous pink pepper. (A scent based on somebody who wants to travel and have adventures. Fresh, sweet, but with a hint of spice)

    Yay fellow Brienne fan :D Thank you! I have already tried embalming fluid and it was lovely. Pandy sounds very exciting and I had never heard of it. I will order it next.


    Here's some recs for you, fellow genderqueer-y and INFP person! :D


    Miskatonic University: The scent of Irish coffee, dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls.(for the thinky person/neuroscience person in you. It's very comforting but also a good 'sit down and study' blend)

    Al-Azif: A sinister, sinuous incense of summoning, a herald and paean to the Primordial Gods of Darkness, Chaos, Madness and Decay.( I think my love of this perfume might be clouding my judgement, but just...ignore the description and trust me when I tell you it smells like an old psychology textbook. Or an evil book. Either or. It's pretty no-nonsense and gender-neutral in my opinion. Very Slytherin.)

    Ladon: The hundred-headed dragon that guards the garden of the Hesperides: dragon’s blood resin, golden apple, apple blossom, white musk and hyacinth. (More Slytherin love, but with a sweet edge I guess? I'm just guessing from the apple. I kind also just want you to try dragon's blood resin. :D )

    Black Pearl: Evocative of the sea's unplumbed mysteries. Gentle and lovely, but menacing and profound. Coconut, Florentine iris, hazelnut and opalescent white musk.(You love the Ocean, right? *grins*)

    Kumiho: A sharp, biting blend of crisp white tea and ginger. (Just based on how you like embalming fluid)

    Olokun: His ofrenda is the scent of the lightless deep: the glorious, unknowable gloom of the ocean floor. (more ocean love)

    Verdandi:Deep herbs and apple with black amber.(Necessity)

    Dormouse: A dizzying eddy of four teas brushed with light herbs and a breath of peony.

    Veritas: The essence of honesty, integrity, and veracity: frankincense, white carnation, angelica, chamomile, and heliotrope.

    The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: Whiffs of cinnamon bark, almond, and spikenard surround a perfect fruit, whose scent is akin to a tamarind, with the grace of a fine grape, as warm and rich as a fresh fig, glistening red like pomegranate seeds, and as crisp as an apple.

    Half-Elf: White sandalwood, beeswax, white tea leaf, oud, and a hint of sophisticated urban musk

    R'lyeh: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. The sunken city of the Great God Cthulhu. A hellishly dark aquatic scent, evocative of fathomless oceanic deeps, the mysteries of madness buried under crushing black waters, and the brooding eternal evil that lies beneath the waves.

    Rome: Refined, austere and graceful. A recipe gleaned from Classical Rome: cypress, juniper, chamomile and rose.

    Shanghai:The crisp, clean scent of green tea touched with lemon verbena and honeysuckle.


    If you want to ask why I picked a certain scent, ask away! :)


    I hate myself a lot, because I see myself as a burden, though I'm trying to work through that.

    I hope you can work through that too; not to sound presumptuous, but you sound like a kind, fun and talented person. I know for a fact that there are plenty of people not having to deal with constant pain and mental illnesses that choose not to accomplish half the things it sounds like you have.


    Dragon's Heart - Dragon’s blood resin, red and black musks, a throb of fig and a sliver of black currant.

    Haunted - Soft golden amber darkened with a touch of murky black musk.

    Sissy, the Ascendant - Sassafras and smoke for black vulture feathers, and King mandarin and red musk for the deep red-orange of the vulture’s face. Blue lilac and chamomile / opoponax and vetiver for the blue and black of her eyes. Vanilla bean and fig represent her innate goodness and instinctive kindness.

    The Visionary - Lush, honeyed red musk twined with heart-thrilling white musk on passion-warmed skin against a backdrop of raw, iced peat, common heather, and hearth wood.

    Imaginer - Honeyed patchouli, Madagascan black pepper, fossilized amber oil, beeswax absolute, massoia bark, Egyptian myrrh, and a thin thread of blood-red saffron.

    Fractured Singularity - Tobacco flower, saffron crocus, myrrh, ambergris accord, and a touch of vetiver grass.

    Halloween: Las Vegas - Walls smeared with red and black frosting, copious amounts of spilled red wine, the leftover contents of three full bars, dry leaves and desert flowers crushed into carpet, tobacco smoke, and champaca incense in a cloud of body-heat amped Snake Oil and Dorian.

    Anubis - Holy myrrh, storax, balsam, and embalming herbs.

    Mr. Jacquel - Golden amber, hyssop, North African patchouli, and embalming spices.

    The Lights of Men's Lives - The wax and smoke of millions upon millions of candles illuminating the walls of Death’s shadowy cave.

    Death Shall Come in with Thee - Opium poppy, smoke, and tar with green cognac, brittle white vanilla pod, white sandalwood, and clove bud.




    Acid, first off, a huge internet hug for coping with your illness. I too have depression and anxiety, and when that stuff gets the better of me, I am a shell of what I normally am. I completely understand, and I hope you can get through the foggy days (that's what I call my off days).


    Now, for something a little more on the fun side of things, a scent rec! Personally, I think that Hand of Glory would be great for you. Beeswax, dry leather, black pepper, saltpeter, nutmeg, Mysore sandalwood, and oak bark. It's dark and a bit brooding, but with the beeswax and spices, there is an under current of sweet lightness about it. A little mysterious, and it'll catch people off guard when they ask what are you wearing, and you get to reply with Hand of Glory.



    Acid, I'm sorry to hear you have so many things to struggle with. I myself am diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia, so I can relate to a bit of what you're experiencing. I also get long bouts of "nothingness", when the avolition/apathy and what the less informed would call "laziness" really kicks in, but usually I think I manage fairly well.

    Anyway, just wanted to say that I'm certain you already ARE contributing to life and the world, at least to those close to you :smile:

    But I can absolutely relate to your feelings.

    If you ever want to have a chat, feel free to pm me any time :smile:


    I was also going to suggest Mr. Jacquel for your interest in things related to death and dying, so now I'll second that.

    In the same vein, Yorick might work for you: Grave dirt, bone, decay, angel’s trumpet, and moldering scraps of shroud: the essence of finality.

    And for your love of reading, there is no better scent than ParaNorman's The Book: Old, yellowed parchment paper, tattered leather bindings. There’s a distinct warmth to the scent, though it is ancient and brittle.


    Ahhhh, thank you all so much, reading these really made my day! Time to update my wishlist and go curl up in feel-goods. <3 Aviatrix, I might PM you when I feel up to it, actually. I've been oddly busy these last few days, so I might be slow with any communication though. ^^;

  5. Here goes nothing:


    First of all, I'm diagnosed with schizoaffective (depressive type) and ADHD (combined type), along with anxiety and PTSD. That may seem really odd to start off with, but dealing with that really does color almost everything about me. I see things, hear things, and get delusional, but I take medication and I -know- I'm out of it, so I can usually manage myself. What I can't manage is the debilitating apathy/avolition that makes it so that I can't even feed myself unless someone ushers me to the kitchen. I'm very distracted without my medication, and I also have no sense of time in the sense that I live 'in the moment' oftentimes. I have poor working memory (not remembering things, but putting things you know into practice). I also suffer from chronic pain, specifically Fibromyalgia, so I'm pretty much in constant pain all over, which makes it hard for me to be active. I'm 23. Also, I don't consider myself male or female, but non-binary or at the very least 'gender confused'.


    I'm very lonely a lot, despite having a loving mother, irl boyfriend (3 years wooh!), and many online friends. It's almost as if I need to be in constant contact with -someone- or else I start to feel panicked. I'm an artist, but I enjoy drawing monsters and fantastical things. Not to sound arrogant, but I'm pretty good at it. I'm an avid roleplayer (I tend to run tabletop games for friends online), and I also enjoy writing. I hope to one day become a self-published author (because my stories are too strange and niche for any publisher I know of).


    I've been told I'm very giving. To quote a friend, "I almost think you get some kind of perverse pleasure out of giving people things". I'm very open, as you can probably tell by now. I simply don't care what people know about me, because I have nothing to hide, and I figure if I can help combat stigma, then I'm at least doing something good. This often makes me awkward in social situations. I tend to like most people right off the bat, but sometimes my paranoia will kick in if they remind me of certain people from my past. I'm spiritual, but in a very strange way. I understand that being spiritual gives me comfort, so it's really a survival strategy as opposed to true devotion or belief that 'my way is right'. I worship the ancient Egyptian deities, particularly Anubis, Set, Sobek, and Sokar. I used to want to be a funeral director, but then the hallucinations started to really hit me, so I decided that would be a bad idea. Still, I feel drawn to dead things, even though I fear death immensely. For example, I used to skin and dry hides from fresh roadkill. Of course, I also used to talk to animal skulls, but that was before my medication...so yeah.


    I care about people a lot, and in a situation where it's fight or flight, I will generally always flee. I'm more afraid than violent. In fact, I've been in less fights than anyone I know. Fear is a constant in my life. It doesn't matter if someone lives far away, if they're nice to me, I'll care about them all the same. I could barely know you, but if you asked for support in the form of anything I could give, I probably would. I tend to be a lot of my friends' crisis contact, and I've stayed up many a night talking people down from depression or such.


    I want to make a difference in the world, but I don't know how, the more it becomes clear how strongly my mental illnesses affect my life. I don't want to go on disability, but it's seeming more and more likely. But even if I do, I -will- find a way to contribute, even if it's through writing or art. I -need- to be of use.


    I'm smart (tested IQ of 148, though I really don't think that matters because my meds make my brain really slow nowadays), and was raised considered 'gifted' before my grades plummeted due to a variety of factors. I read a lot, mostly non-fiction. I also read a -lot- about abnormal psychology, mostly about how my illnesses affect me. I hate myself a lot, because I see myself as a burden, though I'm trying to work through that.


    I don't trust people in positions of authority. I'm an anarchist (think 'direct democracy' and 'highly organized' anarchy, not terrorism). I'm not active in trying to do anything to change the way the government works though, I just know that an anarchistic society is the only one (in theory) I'd feel safe in. Despite that, I tend to be submissive in bed. Go figure.


    Sorry if that was long or too in depth. I'm just really interested to see what I get based on what I think about myself, I guess.

  6. Hmm.. I like the idea of Pepper! Thanks!

    And Acid: I do not a lot about the tribes yet, but my auspice is the Philodox. (I guess this request had better fitted in the scent recs for roleplaying charactters, sorry).

    I LOVE playing Philodox almost as much as Theurges. :D I once had a metis Black Fury Philodox, she was pretty cool, though bitter. Don't worry about it, if you want, we can move this over to the other thread while I look through and try to find scents that might fit Tala. :D

  7. A thread like this exists? Hooray! Maybe you lovely people can help me find a scent for my D&D character!


    He is a goblin by the name of Grixis Geargrinder, The Chosen One, The King of the Goblin Mountain, the Creator of Realms, the Tamer of Beasts, the Wielder of Magic and the Master of Illusion, and probably more titles I'm forgetting about right now (he has more than Daenerys Targaryen). He is a rogue illusionist, and way way way chaotic. He has a castle made entirely of ruby, atop a mountain inhabited, within and without, by goblins who have finally accepted him as their king; he also created (well, more like discovered) a realm within mirrors that only goblins can access. He is obsessed with dinosaurs and has two dinosaur familiars, a velociraptor named Grumkin and a pterodactyl named Snark. He is infamous for smearing blood across his cheeks like war paint, and for dropping his pants to remind his friends that HE'S A BOY (since I myself am actually a girl, they often refer to Grixis as a she).


    Sadly, the RPG series does not (yet? poke poke Lab) have a Goblin. And the other Goblin does not at all smell like what a goblin should smell like. Not that I want something completely realistic, because it would probably smell like poop and blood and raw meat, but something at least symbolically goblinesque would be nice.


    I'm thinking perhaps Creature Feature as a "natural goblin skin" base. Chaotic should probably be one ingredient, but I don't think Rogue or Mage will work for him; Rogue because he doesn't wear leather, and Mage because it's way too pretty.


    Any other suggestions?



    ETA: This is my 1337th post. :cool:


    Black Annis - A mixture of damp cave lichen and oak leaf with a hint of vetiver, civet and anise.(I'm planning on trying this for my kobold sorcerer)

    Azathoth - tangerine, saffron, vetiver, black amber and cedarwood.

    Bloodlust - Dragon’s blood essence, heavy red musk, Indonesian patchouli and swarthy vetiver with a drop of cinnamon.

    Czernobog - A combination of three musks, with splashes of dark myrrh, vetiver and mullein.

    Sloth - Vetiver over Black Myrrh

    Troll - vetiver, pine pitch, troll musk, black basil, clove smoke, and scorched cumin.


    In case you couldn't tell, I'm feeling the Vetiver for him.




    I need help thinking of a scent for a character I'm coming up with. She's a doppelganger (shape shifting fey) who has lived a good chunk thinking she was actually the person she was shape-shifted as for some reason. She's an artist, and after she finds out what she really is, she kind of...designs new forms for her to try out using her skill at art. I'm hoping for something slightly 'fey' with some absent-minded artist thrown in, but hopefully without florals because I hate those. XD


    So apparently to me, "absent-minded fey artist" says "sparkly and flitting! And fruit!" because here's what I thought of:


    Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel: Polycarbonate and metallic film monuments to domestic whimsy, whirling merrily in the summer breeze. Raspberry, lime, blueberry, tangerine, lemon, juniper, and white grape.

    Schroedinger's Cat: A paradoxical scent experiment! - tangerine, sugared lime, pink grapefruit, oakmoss, lavender, zdravetz, and chocolate peppermint.


    Getting away from the fruits a little, I considered:


    Mag Mell: The Plane of Joy, eternal reward for a lifetime of valor and glory. A place of eternal youth and beauty, strength and honor, music and revelry. The warmth of amber, the puissance of white ginger and the clarity of verbena, with fresh green grass, lush sage and cleansing droplets of summer rain.

    Imaginer: A report from the land of dreams: honeyed patchouli, Madagascan black pepper, fossilized amber oil, beeswax absolute, massoia bark, Egyptian myrrh, and a thin thread of blood-red saffron.


    And of course, these based mostly on the names:


    A Fit of Artistic Enthusiasm: Electric jolts of mania: a salt-crusted coffin bobbing through tumultuous ocean.

    Who in the World Am I: Sheer vanilla, hinoki wood, lavender, bergamot, cotton blossom, and lightly spiced oriental blossoms.



    Oh, these are all interesting! Fruits tend to go odd on me though...but oakmoss always smells lovely. Hmmm. Anything more mossy, now that I think about it? Thank you!

  8. Ah cool! we play classic world of darkness ; werewolf: the apocalypse.


    Tala is a 16 year old high schooler living in King Cove, Alaska. She is very witty and always a bit sarcastic. At school she takes on the role of 'the interesting and mysterious outsider' and she is interested in occult and supernatural things. She and her three best friends just found out that they are werewolves, Tala was the first that changed; triggered by fear and rage when a taxidriver tried to rob them, she changed into a giant beast and ripped the guy apart. She does not know much about the whole werewolf thing and what it means for her and her friends yet.

    Ah, my favorite game!


    What tribe do you see her eventually fitting into, if any at all? Also, auspice? :D

  9. Whoo cosplay bump for Otakon!


    I need recommendations for the following;


    1.) Orihime Inoue from Bleach


    2.) Priestess Rao from Okami (I'm currently using Kitsune-Tsuki)


    3.) 50's diner waitress-turned-zombie


    4.) Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing


    5.) Ariel from The Little Mermaid (in human dress)


    6.) Dante from Devil May Cry



    For the Zombie, I know it's obvious, but maybe Zombie Apocalypse? I found it to be kind of fruity in an unnerving way.


    I need help thinking of a scent for a character I'm coming up with. She's a doppelganger (shape shifting fey) who has lived a good chunk thinking she was actually the person she was shape-shifted as for some reason. She's an artist, and after she finds out what she really is, she kind of...designs new forms for her to try out using her skill at art. I'm hoping for something slightly 'fey' with some absent-minded artist thrown in, but hopefully without florals because I hate those. XD


    For the aquatic dragon, do you want something marshy, or something oceanic -- salt or fresh?


    Marshy, actually. :) I'd be happy with either though, probably.


    Thank you for all the advice guys! I actually did something silly yesterday and tried to layer secretions manifique (by Etat Libre d'Orange, look it up if you don't know what it it...it's...interesting) with dragon's heart. The dragon's heart made it smell less...horrid, but it was still pretty bad. Not really fitting for my character, but some horrible part of me kind of wants to try it out, because it -is- strong enough. If I could get that kind of strength with another bpal, I'd be all for that.


    Just now tried debauchery. Layering it with dragon's tears once I get it might work. The civet doesn't turn into anything horrible on my skin, but my mom says it smells really soapy. I'm still open to ideas though. Black Annis really sounds like it might work if I layer it with one of the dragon's blood blends. :)

  11. Oh wow, quick responses! Thank you so much! Right now I'm rocking a TON of dragon's heart, some dragon's musk, a bit of banded sea snake (me trying to replicate a watery..thing, idk), and the pool of tears. Right now it's not as strong as I'd like, and a lot of the scents seem to cancel each other out. I'll try to get some dragon's tears (is it new? I thought I had all of the dragon's blood blends, but that one eluded me). The florals are going kind of...meh on me, so I think I'll try to down it out with some more dragon's heart. Dragon's musk seems to be a bit too...sexy, I guess?


    Don't worry, at this point drowning myself in perfume is the point. XD Seems I'll have to invest in some bottles.

  12. So, after searching for 'kobold', 'dragon', and finding nothing for 'rpg', I figure it's safe to make my own thread. This is a pretty specific request, but if there's a thread like this I've overlooked, don't hesitate to show me.


    I'm going to be playing a character in a LARP, and I need something a bit....odd. I'm looking to get a specific kind of reaction, so bear with me...


    First off, she's a kobold with heavy draconic blood (a kobold is basically a 2 and a half foot tall dragon/lizard person), an elemental sorcerer (either water or fire, I'd love suggestions for either), and thinks she's destined to rule her species. She's not a -bad- person, she's actually pretty nice. She's just been raised as if she were royalty. She dresses in robes, but takes very good care of herself. For a kobold though, I think this would only enhance her 'natural' smell, instead of making her smell normal.


    To be blunt, I want her to stink. I don't want it to be an obviously 'bad' smell, but I want it to be something that can be pretty strong without me having to dump an imp on myself. I don't want it to be exactly pleasant though, just 'odd'. Musky. I know I probably want dragon's blood in it, but I'm open to other recommendations as well. I'd also love it to smell slightly aquatic, since she's descended from an aquatic dragon. Aquatic notes don't usually work at all on me but...this time it's kind of the point. She also uses fear spells, so something unnerving would be awesome.


    I would be very up for layering advice as well, I'm totally okay with layering a bunch of smells and seeing what happens. One for 'draconic', one for 'aquatic' and one for 'scary'. Maybe another for 'full of herself'. ;D


    Hopefully this, coupled with a half mask, makeup, robes, and a thick 'draconic' accent will make my costume believable.

  13. I mostly get acai berry when I first put it on. Then on the drydown it blooms to include my lovely snake oil and vanilla. It actually started to fade a bit quicker than I like, so I broke down and slathered some more on. It stays close to my skin, unlike normal snake oil. It smells absolutely divine after a while. It's very smoky and just gorgeous.

  14. Leather. I smell leather. Once I put it on, it spikes up into a scent that causes a tickling sensation in the back of my throat. Meh. I'm not particularly pleased with it at this point. It's very sharp. I don't know if it's the age, or what, but I'm not liking it. I can't really pick out the snake oil.


    After a while, I can start to pick out the snake oil, but it's still faint.


    Finally the snake oil blooms, and it's like a leathery snake oil. It smells great now, but I don't think I'll be able to stand the drydown time.

  15. Muuuuuuusk~ And dragon's blood. There's something else, but I'm too distracted by the musk to pick it out. These musks always morph into something that's just....sex on my skin. So...I'm happy. Yep. There's a hint of something slightly bitter? Sharp? I'm not sure. Kind of a metallic smell. Fig? I don't know, but I like it. Not as much as dragon's musk though.

  16. Mmmm, vetiver. Vetiver and cinnamon and a touch of sage? I don't know, but I like it. It's very fiery, and smells a lot like burnt wood. I LOVE burnt wood. There's a hint of mandarin in there, but it doesn't muck up anything else, and actually adds to the scent. I like. =D

  17. I'm horrible at picking out florals. All I can tell is that this is a floral, and it's soft. That's...pretty much it. It smells soapy, but I have a cold, so that could be part of it. I don't like it, but I don't like florals.

  18. I had high hopes for this, since I love all the other 'snake-type' bpal blends. Alas, the dreaded citrus ruins this for me. I can tell I'd love this if it didn't have that horrid, rancid tang that most citrus turns on me, but I can't tell anything besides that. I'll keep this just in case my body chemistry changes, but I won't be able to wear it until then.


  19. This is...wow. This has a certain note in it that I can only describe as 'evil'. Not evil in that it doesn't work on me...it just smells evil. To me, this smells like Al-Azif and Shub-Niggurath had a lovechild. There's ginger, but also a citrus-y note (a specific one, because other citrus notes hate me) that makes this smell disgusting. But in a good way. It completely evokes the image of a ghoul. I don't think I could wear this, but I may keep the decant.
