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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Gwen

  1. I just had to get my hands on some of this. Besides the fact the bottle looked really wicked, the story is one of my all time favs.


    This scent made me really nervous as any scent without much of a description except floral would. I knew I would be utterly heartbroken if this turned baby powder on me.


    When I first put it on it has this almost...vanilla-citrus smell, but not strong citrus-- the sort of citrus-y floral scent you'd get with orange blossom or something. It faded to a vanilla-floral then just floral throughout the day.


    I want to say there's a kick to it, but that isn't it, there's no real spice. There's a deep hint of something in the back that just makes this seem so...wrong. Like it was supposed to be something perfectly pure, but it went really wrong, which, you know if you've ever read Rappaccini's Daughter, fits Beatrice like a glove.


    This is a fantastic scent and highly recommend you find some before us patronesses hoard it away :P .

  2. Guuhh, this is really really yummy. I kind of want to eat my hand.


    This smells on me much like it did in the bottle-- it reminds me of spiced apples baking in the oven...complete with a leave-strewn yard outside the window. It's so perfect for the fall season :P .

  3. Admittedly, I was horribly worried about the "light as a spider's footfall" part, so slathered this on unmercifully.


    I thought it would be just another baby powder scent, but it went more herbal on me. Herbal-musky...not that floral surprisingly. It did fade eventually though. An unexpected triumph, nonetheless.

  4. Wow, this is so gorgeous. Might need a bigger bottle.


    At first...in the first five minutes really...it was very cough-syrup-y and I was not too optimistic. But it faded to this...herbal/fruity concoction that is really very pleasant. Sweet, but not too sickeningly. Long lasting too! I went to bed and it was still going strong!
