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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by CynicalPink

  1. CynicalPink


    Imp: Wildflowers Wet: Still very green and grassy. Cream starts up after a few seconds Drydown: Got the plum, got the cream, but the wildflowers are what really stick out on my skin and give it a green feel start to finish Overall: Really not sure how I feel about it. It's a nice creamy scent...it's just not lighting my world on fire. But I've been wrong before, so I'll keep the imp
  2. CynicalPink


    Imp: Really sweet cough medicine Wet: Less medicinal. Honey for sure. Some sort of very light floral. Drydown: ...still medicinal. What's that odd grape smell I'm getting? It's not unpleasant, but it's definitely not what I thought it would be. Overall: I'd rather not smell like Dimatap. Too bad, too. I love honey but this is not what I'm looking for
  3. CynicalPink

    Strawberry Moon 2009

    Imp: Perfect strawberries ready to be turned in to a delicious strawberry shortcake. You know like how you let strawberries sit in sugar for awhile (macerate?) and they make the perfect topping for anything. Wet: Still those ultra-sweet strawberries with a teeny bit of grass that I'm scared stiff is going to take over... Drydown: I shouldn't have worried. The deep sugary berry scent is still there and going strong. Overall: I love it. It's the berry scent I was hoping and wishing for. It's wearable, it's got a bunch of throw, and it's just an incredible sunshine-y scent I'm probably going to abuse this summer.
  4. CynicalPink

    Moon Rose

    Imp: Doh! Soapy rose... Wet: Extremely soapy rose... Drydown: Okay the soap wore off but this smells nothing like rose. It's a perfume-y soft scent with an unidentifiable floral front and center. Not bad at all! Overall: More like commercial perfume than most BPAL, but a much more well rounded scent than you could get from a department store. It'll probably be a real crowd pleaser too. Ethereal and pretty, I'll be hanging on to the imp.
  5. CynicalPink


    Imp: Sweet with no tart Wet: Still sweet. Very light and pretty. Drydown: Soft and fluffy with not a blackberry to be found. Overall: Note to self - look for more blends with heather. It's a really nice, simple scent that feels clean and light while not going dryer sheet or soap
  6. CynicalPink

    Penny Dreadful

    Imp: warm cologne-ish dirt Wet/dry-ish: Well THAT was unexpected. Florals! Interesting floral, too. This smells like...the drawer that holds all of my favorite bubble baths and stuff! In a good way! Overall: It's pleasant and pretty and oh so feminine. I like it! It's a lot more like commercial perfumes than most BPAL, but that's not a negative. It's something different and really comforting. Let's see if I wind up needing a bottle.
  7. CynicalPink


    Imp: That's some ginger right there. Feels a lot like the Feb 09 13 with all the spice Wet: Some herbs, I think. Resin as well. But they're chorus girls to ginger's main attraction Drydown: I like where this is going. The ginger is very light with the resins. It feels smells almost fizzy to me. It's definitely a ginger scent, but don't count out the contributions of resins and spices Overall: Ia! I'm a fan. Not sure i need a whole bottle right this minute, but I'll hang on to the imp and see if the Black Beast With A Thousand Young becomes a star player in the colder months
  8. CynicalPink


    Please to not be turning in to cinnamon gum? Imp: That cherry smell almond always seems to get in the bottle for me Wet: Vanilla and almond. Stronger than Dana O'Shee Drydown: It's blending right in to my skin and it's heliotrope, of all the notes, that sticks out the most. Not usually a front row note, but not bad here. Overall: This is what I was hoping O would smell like. This is what I was hoping Antique Lace would smell like. It's smooth and comforting...but I'm not sure I'll wear it very often since it's SO subtle.
  9. CynicalPink

    Black Phoenix

    Imp: Cherry with something cologne like underneath Wet: Really dark cherry. Not bad. Drydown: Oh dear. Cherry's gone and now it's this...sour rose? Overall: Can't say I'm a fan. The sourness is just too much to want to work through to see if this changes more.
  10. CynicalPink

    Snow Bunny

    Hopefully something nice and cool for a hot night Imp: Sweet and pine-y Wet: The sweetest, girly-est pine ever. Love it Drydown: Pine and snow with a lot of florals. I like it muchly Overall: I'm really coming to love the snow note. And it blends with the pine and florals to make something really unique, but totally wearable. Definite keeper that'll be a welcome addition to the arsenal when the weather cools down again
  11. CynicalPink


    Aeval was the third bottle I bought and was an instant love...and then I completely forgot about it. I started getting more imps and crazier bottles and this little sweet pea blend got badly neglected. It's 6 moths later and suddenly it's all I want to wear! Bottle: Smooth and mellow with cheery sweet pea. Something cool comes in the with sage Wet: Flash of sage then just sweet pea and that almost vanilla smelling tonka. Drydown: It's the tonka that keeps the sweet pea from running away with the scent and putting it in soap territory. As it stands, no soap to be found on me Overall: I remember exactly why I loved this scent so much that it needed a bottle right away. It's a very full scent with the different layers working well together. There is something a little bit musky about it, and when that combines with the tonka it complements the sweet pea SO well. It's a sweet flower with a musky, sultry tone to it. I'm so glad I rediscovered this bottle. What an amazing spring and summer scent!
  12. CynicalPink


    Imp: Madame Moriarity with some cypress Wet: Cypress and patchouli and a touch of fig Drydown: I kinda like it. Cypress and I are buddies, so it's not stealing the show. The red patchouli is a god complement. There's something creamy that feels more coconut like than fig. You'd never know there was rose in it, and I have no idea what cyclamen is. Overall: Gotta say, I'm a fan. It's a nice "red" scent with the patchouli and the cypress is giving it a cleaner feel than I would have expected. It's pretty nice, but I don't think it really does anything for me that Mme. Moriarity doesn't.
  13. CynicalPink

    The Lady of Shalott

    Imp: I Gardenia Wet: Very sweet and flowery. Right up my alley. Drydown: Sweet aquatic notes and bright florals. I'm really fond of it Overall: I could wear gardenia perfume all the time. It's such a lovely white flower and it blends well with the aquatics in here without turning to dryer sheets. I'm definitely keeping the imp, and I could see wanting a bottle.
  14. CynicalPink


    Worried about verbena, but I'd love to find a nice clean scent Imp: Musk with a bit of citrus Wet: The two musks and a hint of vanilla. Honestly, this is what I was looking for out of Antique Lace Drydown: Oh crap. It's my mother's Wind Song body lotion mixed with baby power. Apparently, I no can haz "clean" scent
  15. CynicalPink


    Imp: Vanilla Arkham. Weird. There're like no notes in common, but that's what I get Wet: A poof of sandalwood and the lady's vanished Dry: Really dry sandalwood with a bit of the vanilla and amber. It's not powdery, but very dry. Overall: It's very subtle, but I think I like it! A decant should be plenty, though.
  16. CynicalPink

    Velvet Unicorn

    Bottle: Smells like the strawberry cupcakes from Beaver'versay Wet: Strawberry, sugar, and fluffy cherry Drydown: No strawberry to speak of, but a light cherry note over top of the fluffy sugar and merangue Overall: It's very soft and sugary, but not much else. I think I need a fresh day to try it again. I'll be hanging on to the bottle for now, if nothing else After full day: Okay this is a winner. I'm not sure of how much use it will get but I definitely like it. It's sweet and cozy and makes me feel pretty cheerful...even if I think the unicorn on the bottle kinda looks like he wants to eat my face
  17. CynicalPink


    Having trouble getting it totally blended, but I think this it's as good as it's gonna get Wet: ...oh that's nice...Smooth coco and vanilla. Creamy with some spice Drydown: Really nice take on snake oil. I thought it might be like dessert snake oil, but it's not foody at all. Overall: Dark and creamy snake oil. A keeper as an imp, at least for now, but I can't see needing a full bottle.
  18. CynicalPink


    Imp: Yep. Nailpolish remover Wet: Still acetone Drydown: Aaand nailpolish remover
  19. CynicalPink


    Imp: freshly juiced lemon Wet: Cutesy lemon lollipop with some musk behind it that's not blending Drydown: Well the musk is gone. Now it's back to lemon lollipop land
  20. CynicalPink

    The Coil

    Imp: Maybe a bit on the side of mouthwash as mint goes Wet: Still kind of a toothpaste mint, but it's developing already Drydown: Ginger-y mint. I like it a lot so far. It stays true to the mint but adds a few tropical florals to the mix. Overall: My favorite of the Steamworks so far. The mint is a team player and just adds a cool touch to the fancy florals. A great hot day scent
  21. CynicalPink

    #20 Love Oil

    Imp: Medicinal herbage Wet: Kinda musty. Like wet cardboard. Drydown: Strongly astringent. Not my thing, unfortunately. But looking elsewhere, I get the impression that the conjure bag oils are not really meant for perfumes? Maybe this smells better then used for its original purpose.
  22. CynicalPink

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1

    CCCLVII (is that 357? man my 5th grade history teacher would be so disappointed...) Bottle: Dorian "after the operation." All that was manly about Dorian has gone decidedly femme. Right up my alley! Wet: Lemony lily sugar...woah...Okay there's the musk from Dorian...What the heck is giving me that spicy edge, though? Myrrh? Whenever I get something smokey musk i just assume it's myrrh, for better or worse. Smells great but I'm pretty lost as to what's going on. I can tell this'll be a long strange trip, but a fun one to take Drydown: Wow this review makes no sense. Like Dorian with extra lemon, maybe a touch of floral. If Dorian is a sly Victorian rake, this CT version is a no-nonsense Victorian lady taking tea with her friends in a very elegant room. It make the Victorian history nerd in me very very happy I'm very glad I took the gamble on a Chaos theory. Also the bottle is super full, which makes me
  23. CynicalPink

    Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener

    I often use rootbeer as a "blech" description with scents, but only because I don't think they were supposed to smell that way. This is supposed to be rootbeer, and I'm looking forward to it! Imp: Quality rootbeer float. Viva Stewarts! Wet: Creamy rootbeer with a touch of...something. Something nice, though. Makes it more perfume-like Drydown and overall: Have you had the pleasure of going to a Stewart's stand? They have without question the BEST rootbeer floats. The rootbeer itself is sweet, fizzy, and bitey and the ice cream they have is rich and vanilla. An old school Stewart's stand only opens in the summer, and that's the kind that I usually end up going to. I've got a lot of great memories of getting rootbeer floats and cheeseburgers from those stands with my mom and godmother...That's what this scent does for me and it smells great to boot. I love when pretty smells can give me a scent memory. Possible bottle if I'm feeling sassy on the next order After a full day wear: This is actually a lot more cologne-like than I would have guessed. I still like it, but it definitely took on another tone after a couple hours on the skin. It's potent, too! Just a little dab will do, even for a slatherer like me.
  24. CynicalPink

    The Jersey Devil

    Jersey represent Imp: CranPineMato! Wet: Very pine, but with the tartness of cranberries. I actually kinda like it! It's not Pine-Sol pine. Much more pleasant Dry: The pine takes awhile to back down, but when it does, it blends beautifully with the cranberries and blackberry leaf. It's really tart and pretty. Overall: I wanted to try this scent because it just seemed like such a clever idea. Love the Jersey Devil story and the hockey team (currently exiled to Flyers territory ) so I wanted to try it out regardless of how unlikely I was to be a fan. Total surprise! Not sure I need a full bottle, but I'll hang on to the imp to see how it goes
  25. CynicalPink

    The Knave of Hearts

    Imp: Butter-rum coffee? Wet: A spicy pie with roses somewhere in the distance. Definitely foody Drydown: Oh this is niiiice. Deep, rich buttery tart with a deep dark rose scent Overall: Me likey. Not sure I want a big bottle of it, but this is a great scent for foodies that want a little twist on that dessert scent