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Everything posted by mallorylewis

  1. mallorylewis

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    Disclaimer - I think my nose must be broken going by everyone else's reviews! In the bottle this is exactly what I was hoping for. I smell a deep, slightly sweet and spicy smelly, the patchuli smells gorgeous and I couldnt wait to get it on. Then it changes. Wet it smells pretty much as it did in the bottle, but after about a minute/ when it warms I start to get a slightly bitter waft coming from it that I cant describe. Dry - after a while that bitterness turns into what I can only describe as gentlemans cologne. Strange. Behind it is a subtle softness, not vanilla, more earthy, but all sweetness has gone. I keep getting wafts of cologne and thiking ewww, whats that smell, sniffing my wrist and, oh, its me. Now, yesterday I tried this and it was different, it was much more subtle and deeper on the dry down. I think I need to try this again before I make a judgement