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Everything posted by MCS4096

  1. MCS4096

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I actually had this same experience with Lyonesse a few years ago. I wound up selling my bottle as I found it too difference from my imp-- in fact it smelled awful on me, while the blend from the imp was amazing. One of my first batch variation experiences. I dont think it was aging because I kept my bottle for quite awhile to see if it shaped up. wanted to add to clarify: the exact same experience-- vanilla in the imp, heady florals in the bottle.
  2. MCS4096

    Smutty Goblin Hair Gloss

    Hmm... Count me among those wondering why this doesnt smell like Smut All I get is cake and burnt sugar of doom-- one of the worst Lab notes for my chemistry unfortunately.. it's interesting to discover that caramel/burnt sugar also smells like dusty plastic death applied to my hair, as it does applied to my skin.
  3. MCS4096

    Evening on the Veranda Atmosphere Spray

    This one is brilliant! Musky and incensey, with a hint of green and spice. It has a really long lifetime when sprayed in the air (like, days). When I spray it on fabric the scent is quite a bit more sour-- I think the cypress comes out more than when it's sprayed in air.
  4. MCS4096

    Lord Leopold's Bedchamber Atmosphere Spray

    I agree that it is close to Eldritch Dark! I dont really get much, if any, opium smoke.. it's just a lovely, well balanced blend of musky soft leather and sweet roses. Will definitely get a lot of use around here
  5. MCS4096

    Edgar Miche, Mysterious Adventurer

    Yes, rooty! Almost chemical, medicinal, dusty, spicy roots. Slightly nose-tickling! I also agree with kashmira on the campfire aspect-- there is definitely a sweet smokiness here. The brown leather is prominent, but blends so well with the other notes that it doesnt seem apart from them. No one note stands out.. even my friend clove that so often muscles through everything else. Not at all sweet, almost savory (even a little salty). Dry, warm, smooth.
  6. MCS4096

    Orgy with Nine Women

    This dries down to be simply a lighter version of the French Tobacco SN on my skin. I dont think I ever get the champaca magnolia unfortunately.
  7. MCS4096

    Thrice Toss These Oaken Ashes

    This was a surprise hit for me. I thought it would be an "experience" type scent, and since I missed Brooms Of Steel I thought I'd give it a shot. Surprise surprise I love it and find it very wearable! When it goes on its a fascinating blend of apple and either menthol or eucalyptus, and it's bracing and fresh and a great alternative to mint if you dont really like mint but you want something bracing and fresh As it dries down that cold blast disappears though and you're left with a realistic apple, peel, hint of bough and ground kind of scent. Even a touch of musk to warm it up a bit. It's not too fruity, or too woody, or too dirty.. it's just a great blend of all three. I do find it interesting that not all reviewers note the menthol note... it's pretty obvious and strong upon application.. I'm hoping there isnt a batch variation that might be causing some of us to get more of that note than others because I hope to have a bottle that smells just like my decant.
  8. MCS4096

    Lady Cecily Sasquets, The Ingenue

    That slightly sour, furry musk that I love so much.. it's in Coyote, Ivanushka, Faunalia, etc etc No one floral note really stands out to me (I was worried either rose or peony would take over), but instead they just meld together to give a sweet, fresh, pinkish feel-- not high pitched or heady, but not green either.. just lovely and soft. The rose might actually be similar to the "sugared rose" in Plovers Above the Waves from the recent Lupers.. I think they're actually quite similar besides the fur note here.. this is like Plovers Above the Sasquatch Soft, feminine, with pretty decent throw. I really like it
  9. MCS4096

    Queen Venus with a Hood Striped Gold and Black

    I think this is what I wanted Little Pythia to smell like, but it was too rosey. This is a perfect blend of well behaved rose and resin and musk and a hint of something sweet, almost fruity.
  10. MCS4096

    Geisha in a State of Rumpled Annoyance

    Lavender smells "dry" to me, and plum blossom smells "juicy"... together that juxtaposition bothers me a little.. it smells conflicted. Dont get me wrong, it's lovely (although I was hoping for more white ginger.. I still dont have a bpal blend that is white gingery enough for me), but it seems unsettled to my nose.
  11. MCS4096

    Awabi Divers

    I personally find the apricot in this plenty sweet.. it's strongest on my skin, with cedar a close second and a bit of patchouli noticeable but well behaved. Fruity and woody.. drier, not really juicy. A little too woody in the end, for me, as that reads a little too masculine for my tastes, but I still find this lovely.
  12. MCS4096

    Valentine of Rome

    The frankincense is more obvious when wet, but once dried down I get mostly spicy myrrh with a hint of cypress. This isnt necessarily exciting, but it is pretty great stuff. I find it pretty similar to Minotaur (another one that is mostly spicy myrrh to me).
  13. This reminds me a lot of Holiday Argument Diffusing Spray (carnation, white sandalwood, vanilla bean, Roman chamomile, ylang ylang, bergamot, and lemon peel) but with frankincense. And I get a looot of frankincense. I also definitely get the sugared part of the sugared rose, and it's lovely and candy like. I suspect, from having aged a bottle of Argument Diffusing Spray, that the lemon will come out a lot more with time.. I dont get much right now. Carnation is a favorite note of mine, and I'm sad it doesnt stick around here very well after the initial spray... I smell mostly roses in the long run. For as much as I love resins and incenses, I find a lot of "floral plus resin" blends to be a little nondescript to my nose for some reason... As such I think I'm good with just my decant.
  14. MCS4096


    I also get a bit of a licorice vibe when it's first applied. There is a lot of lemony bergamot and mild patch.. it's clean yet earthy, a tiny bit sweet. As time goes by the balsam comes out more and it gets a little dry and woody-- which makes me miss the way it smelled at first. If it stayed more like the initial scent and had a longer wear time I would for sure get a bottle, but it is a little fleeting for my taste.
  15. MCS4096

    Scents for thesis defense?

    When I did my PhD thesis defense I did not wear a scent-- I did not want to chance bothering anyone on my committee who was sensitive to smells (even if you think they're ok, there's still a chance it will be distracting.. just my personally opinion). I instead went with a small application, above my heart, of the TAL Lionheart as I was very nervous and run down from preparing and wanted to focus on my courage.
  16. MCS4096

    The Three Cocks

    Herbal, peppery, clovey red musk. I swear I smell cinnamon even though it's not listed. I don't really get copal here-- but then I amp red musk like crazy.
  17. MCS4096

    The Fimbul Winter

    Lemon, ozone, and eucalyptus giving way to mint during the dry down. It also seems to lean a little floral as time goes on. If you like the recent Eldritch Drunken Constellations or Yellow Snowballs, this is in the same neighborhood.
  18. MCS4096

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    Concerned that with a batch of The Final Darkness already sold out we might see a variation in the next batch. I wouldnt have guessed before now that multiple batches were needed for LE runs unless blends were wildly popular.
  19. MCS4096

    The Rending of the Rock

    Furry musk and (I'd guess) myrrh and mild vetiver, a bit of moss and the cologney version of 'stone.' I think I might even detect a tiny bit of leather in there.
  20. MCS4096

    The Battle of Vigridr

    I'm sorry to say I think this smells like urine Urine and dirt and a hint of corn chips.
  21. MCS4096

    Managarm’s Bloody Jaws

    Very much like Faunalia. I'll need to compare them side by side to be sure, but I feel that where Faunalia had an airy forest vibe, this has a deeper cologney "blood" vibe. But the musk is totally the same, and the overall feeling isnt much different. This is animal musk and the high pitched metallic zing of the Lab's blood note. It is a little lemony upon application yes, but then it reaches a crescendo that is almost floral-- it's felt way up in the nose in a way that is close to dust. It's warm and spicy, almost resinous, rather than woody. I'm a huge fan of this particular musk, and I love resins and spices. If you do too, you will adore this one.
  22. MCS4096

    The Final Darkness

    Resins plus salty aquatics. It winds up feeling like one of those stone+blood blends (I just wore Sarah last night and there are some similarities). The darker notes are more apparent at the beginning, with just a slight salty hint of ocean. But as it wears, for me, the aquatic aspect becomes more obvious and the dry down is strong salt water and incense. It's funny that some folks get no salt, because it's quite obvious on my skin.
  23. MCS4096

    Diversions in the Chashitsu

    My first thought was definitely of a shampoo Funny how we all think that. This is just beautiful. Apple and bamboo are crisp and juicy and green. The floral component is fairly subdued. To me the overall effect is like biting into an apple that had a little floral note to it's flavor.. you know how they're like that sometimes? I'm not sure if it's the sandalwood alone or it in combination with green tea or bamboo, but I can smell something more like the core or the skin of the apple.. slightly woody and unsweet. It gets a little high pitched on me as it wears.. I'm thinking I might amp whatever is used as the "bamboo" note because I had a similar experience with Shamisen-- all of the sudden things start smelling like big white flowers. Perhaps I could add my decant to an unscented shampoo? or as Miasma said; a room spray would be awesome.
  24. MCS4096

    The Voice

    Saltiness and a hint of the Lab's bitter leaf note. I don't really get any florals.. maybe at the very beginning, but then this becomes pretty much salt and leaves. I don't care for it at all, but was interested in trying it. I'm often drawn to the concepts of aquatic blends, but they generally dont work on my skin.
  25. MCS4096

    Plovers Above the Waves

    This is Pink Snowballs but without whatever note that blend has in common with Snow White that goes to plastic nastiness on me and breaks my heart. I'm so excited because I LOVE Pink Snowballs! Yay, sweet rose and cream! Will definitely get one bottle, maybe two.