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Everything posted by MCS4096

  1. MCS4096


    In the Imp: Very strong lemony bergamot over subtle black tea. Very crisp and light, and yummy! Wet: ... amazing! Bright lemon and the cleanest, coolest leather. This isnt sweaty cowboy leather, this is playing with a riding crop after a polite tea party. Dry: This is going to be an instant buy! It's gender neutral, and cooler than I usually like.. but it is so crisp and interesting-- as the leather note has pretty good throw on me, I'd like to have a good leather scent in my collection
  2. MCS4096

    The Caterpillar

    In the Imp: Hmm.. very very similar to Bruised Violet Compound, only more jasminey than violety, but definitely the same "moist moss and ground" notes. At this point the incense is mostly just making the whole scene smoky. Overall it does remind me of some jasmine incense sticks I have. Wet: Pretty much the same.. it is sweetening up a bit, but that patchouli and vetiver are still strong. Dry: This is like Bruised Violet Compound with incense. I like it a lot, but as I already have BVC, I'll probably not get a bottle of this.
  3. MCS4096

    Eshe, A Vision of Life-In-Death (2006)

    In the bottle and wet on my skin this smells a LOT like a (better) version of Harlot-- spicy florals. I don't really get anything herbal from Eshe, just a complex bouquet with the spicy resinous and creamy quality of of the myrrh and sandalwood, the "temple dust" (in the form of a subtle nose tickle) coming a long in a few hours after the florals (which are quite strong initially) calm down some. I love this blend, and could really see myself wearing it daily. ETS: Plan on a back-up bottle or two before the CD leaves.. I want to be able to slather Eshe to my hearts content
  4. In the Bottle: Rummy, spicy gingerbread. The musk just creams it all together I think. Wet: Really foodie ginger.. like gingerbread and eggnog. There's a bit of cloves and orange here too I think. Smells like delicious molasses cookies. Dry: I'm not a huge ginger fan, so while I really like this I'm not sure I'll get another bottle. It is a very comfortable scent, but quite foodie. Good for the holidays, and I will be wearing it around Christmas for sure, not sure it's going to get as much wear the rest of the year though
  5. MCS4096

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain

    In the Bottle: Moist lemon pound cake. At this point I can sense the strawberry, but it's really only lending a sweetness, the cake and grapefruit are strongest.. don't really consciously sense the carnation. Wet: The strawberry amps, as does the carnation.. it's sort of a weird combo. The grapefruit is definitely still present, it's almost metallic behind that sweet strawberry. Dry: Spicy strawberry cake! I do really love this, and am thinking about a backup bottle
  6. MCS4096

    Galvanic Goggles

    In the Imp: I can see this as Dial dishsoap as well It is mostly musk, with tobacco flowers close behind.. the balsam holds it together, and the metallic note is only just hinted at.. hope it comes out more once applied. Wet: Pretty much the same.. this is a very crisp, clean, cool (as opposed to hot) shining scent.. not grease monkey in the least. Definitely cologney. I'm not sure I really think of metal when I smell this.. It's the crispest musk and tobacco flowers. Dry: WOW! Ok.. what I'm getting in the way of metal is actually more of a taste in the back of my mouth when I sniff this deeply. It's silver and highly polished. It's a much cooler scent than I generally prefer on myself, and would be far far sexier on a well dressed dude.
  7. In the Imp: The smell of a Victorian era gentleman's club.. teak and tobacco-- wood that is primarily sour, with only the slightest hint of vanilla. Wet: Pretty much the same.. blows up in your face though-- VERY strong *sneeze* Dry: The vanilla finally comes out-- I tend to amp vanilla, which does make this a sweeter more feminine scent on me than it was when it first went on. It becomes vanilla and tobacco, with only a bit of teak. I enjoy the concept of the whole Steamworks line, but I think I'll wear this one a few more times before I decide on a bottle as it is still a little more masculine (although it is gender neutral) than I usually wear.
  8. MCS4096

    To Autumn

    In the Bottle: The apple is predominant, but the moss covered bark and leaves are there in the background (I kinda wish it was vice versa) The nutmeat (... ) rounds the whole scent out, keeping the apples from being too crisp.. that is I'd say they're red, not green ones. Wet: Apple pie.. the nuts definitely combine with the apple giving it a foodie aspect. Smells a bit like a traditional apple pie scent.. those leaves and bark need to speak up! They're there, but they're so close to the skin that the throw is all apples. Dry: Still apple pie.. my skin has completely swallowed the bark and leaves that were only hinted at before. Most unfortunate.. although this scent is totally delicious anyhow! nom nom nom For those interested, by adding a swipe of Death Cap you can capture and enhance the dirt/bark/leaves aspect of this scent!
  9. MCS4096

    Death Cap

    In the Imp: While not all dirt smells like this, this certainly smells like dirt! Absolutely a must sniff for anyone interested in BPALs more unusual offerings. You may not want to wear it (although I do) but you definitely need to smells this. It is moist dirt, freshly turned, and you can catch the slightest hint of vanilla. Wet: You can get a little more of the vanilla and light musk now. Dry: Not a lot of change.. it's DIRT but in the nicest way. It isn't manure or compost, it's the highest quality vanilla soil I love this layered under other (sweet especially) scents to ground them and calm them a bit. It's a close wearer as others have said, and would need to be slathered to achieve much throw.. but when mixed with another scent the effect is subtle without screaming dirt (but you know in your head you're wearing dirt!) I think I'll probably get around to buying a bottle.
  10. MCS4096

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    Lightning splits the sky, illuminating the skeletal skyline of the carnival rides: sugared incense and night-blooming flowers. In the Bottle: Cotton candy, but slightly sour with a smoky aspect. Wet: The night blooming flowers immediately amp, like you've stepped off the midway into a tent featuring giant carnivorous plants! The cotton candy is still lingering in the background, and right now the overall affect is a little cloying and sour, but very fascinating. Dry: The incense comes out and the balance is perfect and exactly as described.. it's not so much cotton candy anymore, as the sugary soles of your shoes and a whiff of incense mixing with a heavy cloud of florals. This one is pretty boisterous with a lot of throw for about 4 hours on me (impressive this time of year when my skin is so dry!) but when it fades some it's a beautiful lighter version.. sweet smoky florals. Overall: I LOOOVE this one, and am so glad I bought a bottle unsniffed. There are a LOT of the CD scent's I'd like to try as I'm new to BPAL, but this might definitely qualify for a second bottle before the carnival leaves town!
  11. MCS4096


    I'm trying my imp of this for the first time, after just trying Dorian and loooving it.. I'm positive I'm going to love this one as well! In the imp: simple and simply amazing! spice, carnations and cream.. just as ordered. So yummy! Wet: More of the same.. pretty faint as others have said.. I do think I'm getting a bit of burning on my skin, which is a first for me, but no redness yet. Dry: Not really any changes on drydown.. this is a warm, VERY subtle spice (I am NOT a fan of cinnamon in perfumes, so this is nice and light) and beautiful carnations. I was hoping it would be similar to Lush's Potion, and it certainly is, but better IMHO. I will be purchasing a bottle in my next order for sure! I want to slather this baby all over myself!
  12. MCS4096


    So excited about this one! In the Imp: Pale pale pale musk and florals with vanilla and the faintest nip of tea.. effing amazing. I can almost see this as one of those "fresh linen" scents that are so popular those chain stores these days.. the base is very clean and crisp.. but sweet.. Clean linens you accidentally got buttercream frosting on haha! I will cry if this doesn't work on my skin. Wet: The tea comes out a bit more.. biting and a bit astringent. Wow.. so light.. it's so so faint on my skin.. Dry: This is pretty faint and close to the skin (which of course could be soo sexy) I really love this! It's light clean musk, with just enough vanilla foodie goodness to inspire salivation. It really is a refined tea party.. but one where you're dining with your heart's desire and it would just be so easy to clear the table off and go at it I'm going to have to try it with Severin as mentioned above.. that sounds fantastic seriously though.. a bottle WILL be in my next order!
  13. MCS4096


    I'm really excited to try this one, because wearing a perfume called Laudanum would be awesome! Unfortunately my first quick sniff was straight CURRY.. In the Imp: Big time curry.. I can smell the notes.. the spicey nutmeg and the earthy sassafras, the creamy myrrh and peppery poppy.. but they combine to make CURRY. Wet: Medicinal root beer.. the sassafras is a little more clear, and slightly effervescent. Sniffing of it deeply does seem to have the desired effect Dry: Hmmm.. I wonder if this is the band-aid phenomenon others have spoken of.. its smelling a bit plasticy. I wonder if I'd ever have occasion to smell like a curry covered, medicine cabinet marinated band-aid? I'm intrigued by what's going on here, and while I can appreciate the subtleties that come with sniffing this up close.. I'm totally afraid of walking into a room and someone asking if I had Indian food for lunch On direct sniff the nutmeg and sassafras are apparent, but the throw is all curry. Vaguely disappointed am I.
  14. MCS4096


    Got this as a frimp in my latest order and have been trying to pronounce it correctly, since I believe the pronunciation thread said it was "tin TA gel" rather than "TIN ta gel" which is what seems more natural for some reason.. This oil is also really interesting.. almost fluorescent orange! I did not like this on my first, super quick, "OMGMYORDERCAME!" sniff, but we'll see. Anyhow! In the imp: Mulled wine.. very sweet, which is mixed with bayberry and definitely the juniper.. I think sweet and juniper is what's turning me off like juniper candy blah! It's weird, because I love gin.. but the cinnamon/foodie aspect with that juniper is turning my stomach. Can sense the leather ever so slightly, but the other notes are lost on me I think Wet: oh thank god that juniper went away.. now it's pretty much straight up mulled wine-- spices, berries and an apple aspect. Also the Dragon's blood.. but very subtle. Dry: as it starts to dry I'm getting a green note.. must be some of the other damp branches, but not really the juniper. This certainly fits this time of year.. it's like hot spiced cider by the newly put up Christmas tree, still wet from outside. Overall: very interesting! I'm thinking I'll give it a proper try-- wear it all day one day. I did NOT like it in the imp, it kinda nauseated me, but dry it's pretty nice. Don't think I'd buy a bottle though.
  15. MCS4096


    This was the bottle I was most excited about from my first BPAL order, so I've chosen to review it last, so I've had time to think about it In the Bottle: I can seriously recognize every note.. it can be generalized as an amaretto scent, as others have said, but that is coming from the almonds blended perfectly with the creaminess of amber, Egyptian musk (personally my favorite musk) and myrrh. Those are the deep notes, and the cardamon and saffron (SO excited to be able to smell this in there!) add a subtle spice, with the lotus only serving to moisten the blend and keep it from being too resinous. The combo of creaminess and saffron reminds me of rice pudding with saffron in.. so yummy. Wet: Very sweet, and more floral as the lotus amps.. but then the amber and myrrh take their turn, giving it a woody moment-- spicy wood left in the warm rain.. Then the lotus is back in full force-- wet wet wet florals and musk. Dry: This fades to a slightly spicy sweet musk. Every stage is different with this one.. and it is a shorter wearing scent on me. I'd say towards the end (after about 4 hrs) the musk is the base note remaining, with only hints of sweet myrrh and spices. No almond here. I really love this one.. although I think it's a little too sweet of a blend to represent the kick ass Bastet I still love the idea.. Each time I apply this I say a little prayer to Bastet, and to the cats I've known.. and wonder if I was an Egyptian in another life.. shaving my eyebrows in mourning when a cat died to show Bastet respect.
  16. MCS4096

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Oh man.. Floating Brain looks awesome! I may have to buy another just for that kick butt label.. and I totally thought that was a T-Rex a la Jurassic Park on Flesh Eating Reindeer too!
  17. MCS4096


    In the Imp: Definitely smells like Elmer's glue.. I'm not well versed in notes enough to know which that is.. I think it's at least partly the nicotiana (a nicotiana note is also present in Chant D'Automne.. and that one is super bitter) Wet: Like others have said, that sourness goes away and this slowly becomes a beautiful floral. Drydown: Pretty slow.. for awhile that sourness is very slight, lending a greeness.. it's like you've stomped around a damp English garden in the middle of the night.. perfect There's almost a lavender quality here. Then it goes lighter and more powdery (and primarily moonflower if I'm not mistaken), as if you've come inside and warmed yourself by the fire. I love this one and am definitely considering a bottle for when I desire a strong, beautiful floral (with a lovely mental image)
  18. In the Bottle: I also get a primarily Sprite-lemon-lime effervescent quality, but the incense is definitely discernible. This is my first experience with the lab's "rain" note, so I can't really comment there. But it does seem much cleaner than I was expecting. In my mind what I hoped for was that "wet rain on a hot dusty parking lot" scent (by the way, if anyone can make a recommendation for a scent like that let me know ) mixed with incense.. this is almost it but not quite. Wet: *sneeze* wow! There's the dust.. I guess! I think the effervescent lemon lime died back a bit and that's actually the "dust" note. wow.. one of the most interesting things I've smelled. Boy, it's amazing how scent brings back memories.. I swear this smells like a perfume I had when I was in grade school called like "Rain" or something, by the company that made "Love's Baby Soft" (I just googled it right now, and yes that's the name and I'm positive it smelled similar to this!) I never would have been able to describe that perfume if asked, but when I smelled this.. it just came into my head. I'm back at Christmas the year I got my first set of perfumes, which was a collection of Love's Baby Soft -esqe ones. Dry: This dried while I was having the above walk down memory lane So I didn't really notice a transition. This still smells pretty clean to me, but there is a nose tickle to it
  19. MCS4096

    Bruised Violet Compound

    In the Bottle: Smells very very clean to me.. The current is very obvious too-- it's really juicy. Violets with only the tiniest hint of the moss.. I guess they haven't been crushed yet but they will be momentarily. Wet: Hmm that must be the patchouli root coming forward (bruising those violets ), lending a cologne quality at this point, rather masculine.. only the currant is giving it a sweetness.. the violets are way back in the background now. Dry: Well this definitely turned out more masculine (or gender neutral I guess) than I thought it would! I don't think the violets are that distinct, they only lend a clean soapiness to the strong moss and root notes. I find it a little drier of a scent than I would expect as well, as the image I get when imaging this oil is of rain drenched forest floors where violets grow under dark mossy logs. I'm not sure how similar patchouli root is to plain old patchouli, but I do get a little BO and celery vibe from this, which often happens to me with patchouli. That's up close however, the throw is mostly moss and currant to my nose. Interesting! Glad I have a bottle to experiment with.
  20. MCS4096

    All Night Long

    In the Imp: Dirty cinnamon.. heavy on the dirty it's mostly resinous to me Wet: The cinnamon comes forward some so it's pretty balanced between spice and resin here Dry: This is a cinnamon I could get into.. I generally wouldn't want to smell like cinnamon, but this is nice and deep.. not too sweet. It's like caressing warm smooth wood... oh dear
  21. MCS4096

    Has No Hanna

    In the Imp: ahaha after reading the dill pickle story above I can definitely imagine it that way.. but really it's a nice floral and herbal blend. It smells pretty wet, with a green bite. It has a juicy pear aspect to it. Totally tasty IMHO. Wet: Pretty much the same.. it's really nice-- juicy, fruity floral.. with something earthy underneath. Dry: Definitely more floral and less fruity on the drydown. Overall: This is interesting.. I really liked it in the imp when I first sniffed it, and it's nice on, and probably would be in an oil burner too. I'll have to try it sometime when I need a little luck (that's all the time though isn't it?) and see how that goes.
  22. MCS4096


    I'm a little scared of the patchouli, after having some bad experiences with it in other blends.. In the Imp: This smells like orange furniture polishing oil and camphor.. I swear lol... two very distinct smells to me with lots of memories. Wet: More of the same.. very medicinal oranges. It smells like Carmex lip balm! Just like that! Dry: same same same.. CARMEX! Fascinating, but not something I'm interested in smelling like!
  23. MCS4096


    In the Imp: Mmmm.. this is what I think of when I think of roses. A full lush rose, wet with a wine quality to it. Wet: Getting the first hint of the narcissus.. it gives the rose a little greenness Dry: I get the lemony twist someone else mentioned.. it's almost a little sour. I think I liked it better right out of the imp.. I smells a bit like cleaning product now, a little chemically.
  24. MCS4096


    In the imp: I agree with the description of these roses being WET.. just the slightest hint of spice. Wet: mmmmmmmm... That cinnamon springs up. mostly all cinnamon at this point. Dry: The throw on this one is pretty much entirely cinnamon for me.. the rose is up close. I bet people would think I smelled like Big Red if I wore this.. but I quite like it. It is a sweet cinnamon that I find comforting... more comforting than sexy really.
  25. MCS4096


    I got this as a frimp, but after reading the description I'm very excited to try it *muahahaha* In the Imp: Patchouli and ylang ylang.. unfortunately I think I've discovered its the "Indonesian patchouli" in this and Bloodlust that have the same nauseating affect on me We'll see.. Wet: Hmm.. it's ok. The florals come forward a bit more.. a hint of cloves perhaps. The patchouli is a tad BOish Dry: The ylang ylang is most predominant at this stage for me, I'm not really getting cloves at all and unfortunately all I can think is "Bloodlust" which was soo terrible on me. I think this is a pretty nice "dirty" floral.. but my brain is making that Bloodlust association automatically