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Everything posted by MCS4096

  1. MCS4096

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    In the Imp: This smells really dry and dusty to me.. I'm not sure what notes are combining to do that.. might be the iris and carnation, because the other distinct contribution is definitely sugared cream and orange blossoms. I actually find it really weird due to that intense dustiness. Wet: The carnation comes forward, and things get a bit spicier. The orange blossom also amps.. haha, totally like fruit loops as someone above said. Dry: I get a lot more iris and orange blossom, not as much carnation (unfortunately since that is why I wanted to try this blend). But fortunately that dustiness went away a bit, and the sugared cream note is very pleasant. It's not exactly what I expected (I have a hard time imagining iris in blends for some reason)-- it's rather sharp (sociopathic I guess ) I was going to buy a bottle unsniffed before I got this imp.. but I think the imp might be good enough for me. ETA: Ive actually got this on my "bottles to buy" list Its a great, STRONG floral with a nice unique edge. I get a similar vibe (from the white carnation, which I initially didn't recognize as such because I was used to the red carnation in Morocco) as is in Metal Phoenix.
  2. MCS4096

    The Magi

    In the Imp: I guess it's the grapes and vanilla mixing with the resins that give this that cola, effervescent quality. But really, I smell the cumin and coriander.. which frankly, I can't imagine ever being something I'd want to wear because I HATE smelling like food after being at a restaurant. Wet: Cumin and grapes Interesting.. but not an instant favorite, to say the least. Dry: Hmm... well, I can see the appeal I guess, it does remind me of opening an old chest that herbs, potions and jewelry has been stored in. The resins definitely came forward, thank god! I think this is the first time I've been able to identify ambergris as a distinct note.. it has a golden, kinda old fashioned perfumey quality (makes sense, considering). Ahhhh.. the cumin is all gone, and now this is rather nice actually. The throw smells like a nice, older perfume.. golden, but dry. I might have to give this another go.. color me surprised!
  3. In the Imp: Very well blended! I get a warm honey feeling, with the peachy sweetness, but there is definitely a slightly bitter undertone. Wet: Gets a bit more herbal, but still really warm and sweet (not foody to me) Dry: The sweetness dies back a bit, but it's all warmth from the honey and resins, the slightest fruity peach and green herbs. I don't usually like herbal blends.. but I LOVE this scent. It reminds me of thick, clear, orange honey.. like smearing yourself with it, and how it feels on you skin. I'm definitely considering a bottle.. I think it would be amazing slathered!
  4. MCS4096

    Champagne and Cigars

    Got a sniffie of this from GirlinDenial In the Imp: Smells a LOT like Visting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone on the Winter Solstice. It's a citrusy, wet effervescent note with a subtle dry, dusty note. Wet: wow, it totally opens up on the skin! It smells more like actual champagne now.. and very very subtle smoke. This aint no stinky cigar! The smoke is waaaay deep in there, it's mostly sensed on the back of my tongue when I inhale deeply. Dry: Definitely similar to Visting the Temple-- fascinating scent experience, but not exactly an every day scent for me. I would have liked to have worn it on New Years though! Maybe I'll save my little sniffie for next New Years
  5. MCS4096


    In the Imp: This smells a LOT like something I can't put my finger on.. a perfume I had at one time or another. The combo of rose/mandarin and the sandalwood make it seem wet, and dry at the same time. It is a little sour, but I know it's good on because I already tried it Wet: I can pretty much pick out every note, but no one note is dominant. I wish I could get a bit more nutmeg. Dry: This becomes a really lovely scent! It's mostly warm, glowing and rosy.. but there is a slightly wet note, that I think must be the bergamot . I've been trying to pick a "rose and resin" blend to add to my collection, and this one is climbing the list of possibilities.
  6. MCS4096

    How to remove scents from your skin

    I'd give rubbing alcohol a shot. Yes, they put it in some perfumes.. but alcohols are good solvents, and will cut through oil.. hence, BPAL blends (as well as your natural skin oils, which is why alcohols are drying) You could also try some acetone (nail polish remover).
  7. MCS4096

    The Lurid Library

    I'm in search of my "perfect" library scented perfume, and I thought this was an appropriate place to start we'll see! In the bottle: Mmmm.. clean musk (I think of the lighter musks as "clean" and the dark ones as thicker and dirtier) and definitely a dusty, dry note. Wet: Totally getting the dusty books, this is the smell of sticking your nose into the middle of a library book-- spot on eh? BUT, there's like... someone kinda hot and sweaty standing behind you Dry: This wears a little masculine on me (I'm beginning to think that cooler scents seem masculine to me, and warm ones feminine..) As others have said, this is very woody. I feel it captured the dusty parchment better in the bottle, but it's still very nice as it dries-- creamy and spicy, and it does begin to warm up a bit as the musk dulls
  8. MCS4096


    I recently bought a bottle of Ivanushka from Indig0 after reading the reviews.. and boy am I glad I did! This oil is AMAZING No, it's not really complex, it doesn't send me on a "scent trip".. but is it something I could easily smell like for the rest of my life. And that's why I'm buying several more bottles! In the bottle: I always worry about the power of negative suggestion after reading reviews.. like some of the above which said this smelled like pickles! I can actually smell that if I'm thinking of it, but thankfully its not what comes to my mind naturally. It's a warm, and very slightly sour, musk. I guess that slight sourness is supposed to evoke the woods and leaves, but to me this is a super clean, soft musk. Wet: The woodsiness comes up a little, it's not really mossy or dank, it's still very warm and comfy. A little spicy. Dry: The most pleasant warm, soft, pure, powdery, comforting musk EVA! I slather this stuff on, yet the throw is pretty minimal.. although I could smell it all day, it's still close to the skin. It's a little sexy but also very homey. I was really drawn in by the reviews saying it smelled like cat fur.. I loooove burying my face in my kitties' bellies.. but this doesnt totally smell like that.
  9. MCS4096

    Rose Cross

    In the Imp: Dried roses and frankincense, pretty simple! Its a little bit Catholic, a little bit underwear drawer sachet. Wet: The frankincense amps some, it's resinous and spicy. Dry: This is a nice simple combo, the throw is mostly roses, but smoky roses-- I wish there was a bit more frankincense but it's still nice.
  10. MCS4096


    So excited to try this one! In the Imp: Spot on with the description! The dirt note smells dry, but there's a moist mossy note. The moisture is also coming from the wine, with smells a bit like roses to me (thought that's what it was before checking the description). The wine is definitely a red, it's got a lovely subtle bitterness. Wet: The dirt really comes forward, and there's an almost incensey spiciness. The wine really smells rosy. Dry: Stays pretty true to form. It's cool damp rocks and bitter red wine, dying roses in the background. Very unusual, and I'll enjoy using my imp. I love supporting the Lab's more exotic blends, but this one really fits the concept and may not be for daily wear.
  11. MCS4096


    Loooove at first sniff.. In my wildest ( ) fantasies a well dressed, well educated and ravishing handsome man wears this scent. In the Imp: It's very well blended, but I think it's primarily bergamot, patchouli and lavender.. a very classic cologne combo. But it's sooo good.. it's creamy underneath, but crisp and sparkling on the surface. I don't really get jasmine, but I guess there's a very slight floral touch. It's mostly citrus with a mossy bottom note. I sure wish I had a boy to slather this on.. Wet: The patchouli and lavender amp. This is the cleanest patchouli ever.. the citrusy bergamot definitely has a more bitter (rather than sweeter) twinge than it did in the imp. Wow though.. excuse me while I make out with my arm! Dry: Blends really well, I'm having a hard time picking out notes at this point. I think I do prefer the scent in the imp (and I'd never wear this on myself.. except maybe to bed) but this is still a beautiful blend, really fantastic. It reminds me a bit of Emporio Armani cologne (which smelled amazing on a fellow I used to know )
  12. MCS4096


    In the imp: Boy, that honey has some bite. Maybe it's the combo of honey and rose, but there's something a little strange about this scent given the notes-- it's a little sharp. I definitely get carnation in the background, and the whole thing is creamy. No bergamot. Wet: I guess the bergamot is adding a bit of lemon-ness to this. Hmm.. I was hoping to really like this because I love carnation, but it's kinda rubbing me the wrong way. There's something a little.. flat about it, perhaps it's the milk note. Dry: As it dries it becomes mostly milk and sweet carnations.. which I can definitely get into! In fact this is quite nice, very similar to a favorite-- Morocco. I'll need to compare them side by side I think. Off the top of my head this one seems a little less creamy than Morocco, a little ironic since this has a milk note. NICE! Very pleasantly surprised
  13. MCS4096

    Schrodinger's Cat

    As a chemistry person I had to try this out! In the imp: I can smell pretty much every note except the mint (well, and whatever zdravetz is of course I had to google it after I typed that-- geranium). It's primarily lime and grapefruit, but the oakmoss and lavender are there too. Wet: A little more bitter, I'm guessing the lavender and geranium are amping some.. and its also a bit more tangeriney now. I think I can get the "chocolate mint" bit, but I'm not sure I'd have guessed it as such. It's very well blended... every note has an equal probability of being smelled Dry: This is the smell of rubbing a citrus fruit's peel.. sweet, but also bitter and astringent. It's mostly lime and tangerine, and the longer it wears the less bitter it is (guess I'm not a big lavender amper) I'm not a huge citrus fan, but I do like having a range of scents to choose from, and I'll probably get a bottle of this because I love the concept so much, and I think it's a great citrus blend, very interesting!
  14. MCS4096

    L'Heure Verte

    A friend and I spent a particularly amusing evening in an absinthe bar in Amsterdam. To me absinthe is a near perfect drink, and I've been excited to try the labs absinthe blends, although I know the reviews of L'Heure Verte have said it is a minor player here *shrug* In the Bottle: Absinthe and rosewater, the effect is a sour floral, with a bit of opium smoke, not really sweet. Absinthe has a very high alcohol content, and I get that from this.. it's a cool boozy note, not the lab's warm boozy note. The scent is certainly evocative of green as well. Wet: The sugar and flowers amp.. it's almost entirely roses and lilacs. Dry: Mmm... the opium smoke really comes out, it's hazy and warm opium. The notes are all pretty even on me right now.. I do wish the absinthe was predominant, but the blend is lovely.. herbal, floral and smoky. There's a nice juxtaposition between the roses (which are warm to me) with the coolness of the sour herbs. It's a bit medicinal (well, opium and wormwood anyhow ) Very unique! And given the memories it evokes for me, I'm really enjoying it
  15. MCS4096


    In the Imp: Mostly sweet woods and leather, with a hint of incense. I've been wanting to try a parchment note.. but I'm not really sure what that means, and am not sure what I'm looking for. Wet: Mmm this is a warm scent. Woods fell back a little, mostly spices and leather and tonka-- it's quite sweet. Well, I guess you could say the "parchment" is just the sorta dry flat note you can sense beneath the spices and tonka. It's kinda like a book.. you can smell a flat smooth leather and dry note, and over that hovers the spices and incense. Guess that's spot on eh Dry: I'm usually one of those people that finds scents masculine that others may find gender neutral, but suprisingly I find this totally gender neutral. On me the tonka makes it very sweet. It's a very nice balance of creamy sweetness, dry leather and warm spices. I think this one might grow on me! ETA: I actually think this smells a similar to fresh Snake Oil
  16. MCS4096


    In the Imp: Wet evergreens.. maybe juniper, cedar and fir boughs. A little sweetness too. Pretty much straight up evergreen extravaganza. Wet: Something very spicy coming out. It's interesting, but quite a lot like some kind of cleaning product, Simple Green maybe. But it is kinda pleasant, but totally different than anything I've considered wearing. It's got a little spicy resin quality to it. Before it was the wet greenery, now it's the snapped branches oozing sap. Dry: Sooo sharp. Pretty much as in the wet stage-- spicy, sappy and green. I'm from Oregon, and this is the smell of trampling around the forest in the rain, when you're right up next to the trees.. but it's really concentrated, like you're rubbing the new green growth from the branches between your fingers under your nose. Very evocative, and I might give it a few more tries when I've feeling adventurous, because it's VERY strong and distinct.
  17. MCS4096


    Little scared to try this frimp since I see it contains "red patchouli" which I've come to believe is death note on me that generally results in nausea In the imp: I CAN smell the patchouli, but the cypress is the predominant note. I can also smell the rose. This is sweet woods and evergreen greenery. Tis ok... so far Wet: ah yes, the patchouli has started it's little BO contribution. The cypress has died down a lot, and the fig is now distinguishable. Dry: The patchouli in this is reeeally light, and isn't doing it's death note dance. At this point it's actually mostly roses on me.. the cypress just adds a evergreen bite, and the patchouli is almost cedary.. and it's vaguely sweet. Way different than in the imp! But not a love at first sniff scent for me.
  18. MCS4096

    Queen Mab

    In the imp: Very light.. and I don't find this shadowy at all, it's warm and creamy. A nice blend of florals and something creamy and ever so slightly medicinal. Wet: Mostly rose, with orchid and sandalwood. Also a little juicy (which is vaguely fruity) Dry: This is a juicy wet rose.. flowers in a hot house. I really really like this one, but it wears awfully faint and close to the skin, and I prefer a bit of throw.
  19. MCS4096

    La Belle au Bois Dormant

    In the imp: Lovely plumeria and juicy JUICY pear. I can also get a little magnolia, and the slightest rose. This is definitely a moist smelling blend! Smells delicious-- like pear wine or something. Wet: Little more plumeria, not as much sweetness. Lovely light floral. Still very cool and wet. Dry: Pretty much a standard classic floral.. little bit sweet, little bit tangy. Strong plumeria and rose. I love the pear in this, but it fades quite a bit from it's initial strength.
  20. MCS4096


    In the imp: BBQ? Seriously.. I think it's just the cedar mixing with someone vaguely sweetish, perhaps raspberry leaf. Wet: Lots of vetiver, and cedar a close second. The subtlest sweetness. I'm not really sure what olive leaf smells like. This is a unsettling combo of woody, sweet and.. I swear, salty. Dry: Egads.. dirty, vetivery cedar and berries. Not for me!
  21. MCS4096

    The King of Hearts

    In the Imp: Cherries and lavender.. I get a little musk, and something kinda green, which may be more from the lavender, or perhaps a little rosewood. Can't say I like this much... Wet: Ewwww... I smell a little fried chicken in there for some reason. But is still mostly cherries and lavender, which is just nasty. Dry: Almost entirely lavender and rose on me, I do like lavender but find overpowering and I generally avoid blends containing it. Definitely nicer than when first applied as the cherries have gone away completely. Musk and lavender with a hint of rose.. The cherries might be adding a tiny bit of sweetness. Hmm.. it's ok, but kinda not.
  22. MCS4096


    In the imp: Green and spicy.. like woods and leaves and grass, but the saffron definitely spices it up. It's moist, and at this stage more masculine than I generally prefer. Wet: Lots o' saffron.. woody and biting. The warmth of the saffron is fighting with the wet, moist notes. The patchouli is behaving very well-- not going to BO like it tends to on me. Dry: I'm having a very hard time thinking of how to describe this one.. I guess I'm lost in oblivion I still find it on the masculine side.. but I can tell my skin is really trying to amp the saffron, which would be awesome. It's still mostly warm resins and spice, woody, and with that murky patchouli just below the surface. I like this, but not sure I'd wear it often.. ETA: My oil isn't green in the least, it's clear bright gold
  23. MCS4096

    Snake Oil

    Purchased an imp of this with my last order.. Had to try the legendary Snake Oil In the imp: A little sharp and a little sweet. Smells a little patchouli-ish, spicy of course, and definitely has strong vanilla. Wet: This is so orange and thick it looks like iodine on me Pretty much vanilla.. lots of vanilla and a little bit of spice. It has a faintly medicinal edge. Dry: Hmm.. well, I can see how this will be good aged, and I think I might purchase a bottle to give it a try, but I wouldnt say this is terribly amazing. It's mostly vanilla on me, with subtle spices, but it does have a weird bitter twinge to it when sniffed up close. I agree with the review above me-- by perfume standards it's great, but there are certainly BPAL scents I like better. I am however, a spice/resin freak.. so I will have to try this baby aged. ETA: even after rubbing this into my skin (which I don't like to do-- I prefer to air dry) it left a distinctly orangish spot.. I have very fair colored skin
  24. MCS4096


    In the Imp: This is what I wanted Lush's Skinny Dip to smell like. It's strong violets and cloves, but the tonka really brings those two different scents together with it's creaminess. A little sharp, but very warm too. Wet: Mmmm.. the violet calms down a bit, and it's more spicy (not just cloves) and warm, with only a little bit of violet there. Dry: Same as wet.. not a lot of violet, mainly tonka and spices, which is quite nice. Not sure I love it, but I'll try it a few more times and see if I want a bottle. It's definitely unique, and that's what I like!
  25. MCS4096

    Violet Ray

    White mint, purple musk, violet, lilac, ylang ylang, lavender moss, and sandalwood. In the Imp: Definitely violet and mint, very subtle mint.. so it certainly reminds me of violet breath freshners, as someone above said I think. Also a little musk in there. I totally got this one on a whim, since I usually hate minty stuff, but this is delightful. It's feminine but unusual and edgy. Wet: I'm smelling the ylang ylang more, and I think the sandalwood is adding a creaminess, and the mint is very very subtle, you barely notice it.. it just adds a coolness. I also recognize the mossy note way down deep. Dry: Mmmm.. it cools the nose slightly, but it's sweet and flowery. Really different, and really good. It's going a tad powdery, but I actually like that, and the mint adds enough of a tingle to keep it interesting. I think I might add this to my bottle list ETA: This has become a favorite of mine. On me the throw is one of the greatest I've experienced... it lasts and lasts and is really strong. It's sweet and powdery, but retains a nice cool edge. I hate mint-- mint gum, mint toothpaste, mint anything. But this is fantastic stuff!