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Everything posted by MCS4096

  1. MCS4096

    Psychological Horror

    There is a note in this that I've experienced in a few blends, and I'll be darned if it doesnt smell just like celery! Up close this is a nice powdery floral as others have said, but in my opinion the throw is all celery verrrry weird
  2. MCS4096

    Gothic Horror

    This was fairly straightforward in my opinion. As with a lot of rose containing blends I initially amp that like crazy. It's a nice dusty, dry rose. As time goes on that fades some and the incense and myrrh come forward. I never get as much clove as I was desperately hoping for however. Yet, it's still a lovely rose/incense blend. When first applied it's got quite a lot of throw, but it fades to nearly nothing within a couple hours. ETA: I've never been one to think certain scents should only be worn in certain seasons ( I love "heavy" incense/spice blends allll year) but this one WILL be lovely come winter time
  3. MCS4096

    Diabolical Offspring

    I LOVE this scent! I've been wanting a fairly straight up "baby powder" scent. I know some people hate that.. but I love it to death I don't really get anything "diabolical" from this-- no brimstone at all, but I'd have been fine with that. Instead it's a straight forward baby powder scent when applied.. and it is STRONG! As it fades throughout the day it definitely smells like ylang ylang on me. I will be buying a couple back up bottles as it's an easy go-to scent for me
  4. MCS4096

    Zombie Apocalypse

    I don't really get much strawberry jam from this like everyone else does.. First applied it's very much a "burnt sugar" note. Not really caramel to me.. but like bubbling brown sugar on the top of a pastry. There is a hint of the same strawberry as in Floating brain, and like Floating brain it eventually goes plasticy on me. As someone above said, like the Strawberry Shortcake dolls I knew it would, but I HAD to have something called Zombie Apocalypse Blends like this require me to reapply several times during the day, but their novelty is worth it.
  5. MCS4096


    Musty incense soaked curtains and polished wood heated by bodies. The leather comes out more when it hits my skin. I wish there was a little less of the cologne-ness with the moody elements, but the throw IS mostly musty drapes, which is awesome Fantastic when worn side by side with Christine!
  6. MCS4096


    Very very feminine. Traditional. I don't get any honeysuckle personally.. but I also can't pick out any one note-- as others have said it's well blended. I'm not a huge floral person, but it got this to accompany Erik. This is ultra girlie and I will likely not wear it alone very often!
  7. MCS4096

    Splatter Comedy

    In the bottle and initially on this is straight up banana cream pie. As it dries down it is more of a bananas foster scent... mmmmmmmmm... I wish I got more a true "grease" note, which I would love, but the throw is undeniably bananas foster which I do adore. I'm glad to have a wearable banana scent.. I was a little worried it would be too fake candy banana.. but it's not. ETA: several hours later the banana does die down almost completely, leaving a very strong grease scent.. awesome! Freaked my boyfriend out a bit though
  8. MCS4096


    I think this smells an awful lot like joy dish soap in the bottle! When it's first applied it's not much different, but once my skin heats it up it does take on a scent a lot like Morocco, which is a fave of mine. It's fairly light and clean-- only a subtle spiciness on me, with a hint of musk and carnation and not really any cedar (except maybe that factors into the spiciness somewhat) There other similar blends I like better: Morocco, Velvet Bandito and Lyonesse
  9. MCS4096

    Nonae Caprotina

    This is a fairly light scent on me, definitely a skin scent. It's sweet and ever so slightly sour, with a earthy fruit note. The milk note in it is very similar to the one in Ichabod Crane to me.. including the sourness. But where that one turns my stomach a little bit, this is a more straightforward scent-- fewer notes competing for your attention so you end up smelling like a freshly scrubbed baby
  10. MCS4096

    St. John's Eve

    Yep.. bacon and woodsmoke in the bottle and immediately on my skin. I do find the idea of a vegetarian smelling like cooking bacon kinda humorous.. After a little while the bay rum and myrrh really come out. There's a very slight sweet white rose (recognizable from the Unity Set) note. The throw remains woodsmoke, so I'm not sure how often I'll wear it (I have it filed in my "atmospheric scents" section ) but it's definitely interesting.
  11. MCS4096


    Ivanushka is my favorite BPAL blend, and Ive been eager to try another "fur" blend Yep! Same musk that's in Ivanushka! Some people think it smells like pickles I get a little more sweetness from Coyote though. Jeeze I love that "clean musk" scent! The grasses definitely take the musk down a notch here, whereas in Ivanushka that was full on furry musk. I like Coyote a lot, but still prefer Ivanushka
  12. MCS4096

    Velvet Bandito

    When I first read this update I passed over Velvet Bandito (even though I loved the name) mostly due to the cedar. I love cedar, but I like it when I'm in the mood for straight up cedar.. rather than a cedar blend. But then the reviews started come out And lo.. here is my bottle of Velvet Bandito! In the Bottle: Oooohhh yum! Little bit clove ciggies, little bit sweet boozy, little bit woody. It's seriously almost foody.. like a really rummy spice cake or something. Wet: Oh cloves, how I love thee. Pretty much the same as in the bottle-- staying well blended. Dry: the cedar finnnally starts to come out but it's super subtle. I agree with the sandalwood comparison above. This is just awesome. In the same vein as Port Royal (one of my faves) rather than Morocco (although that would have been fine too since it's another fave). I will probably buy a back up bottle of this guy! ETA: I have gotten SO many compliments on this one! It is absolutely amazing.. like a sweet, dry hint of clove cigarette scent. I will be buying two back up bottles!
  13. MCS4096

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    *drools* at the velvet bottles! WOW! so cool
  14. MCS4096


    In the imp: Really weird! It's almost got a cake foody note?? Its sweet, floral, slightly acrid, herbal, green and purple On: Wowzy! Sharp and cologney is right! It blends together a bit as it dries down more. The throw is mostly tonka and violet.. as your nose moves in you definitely get the lime rind and more of the biting elements. Very interesting, but a little cacophonous.
  15. MCS4096

    Sea of Glass

    This is probably the most truly aquatic smelling "aquatics" from the lab that I've smelled. It really does smell like water... with some cleaning fluid in it I guess Definitely a strong floral going on.. pity I can't decide what it is but it smells white and bright. This is pretty, but it's definitely not my style.
  16. MCS4096


    Jasmine and tuberose mainly to me, with some frangipani in the background. Not much rose at first sniff in the imp. Wet it's pretty much masses of jasmine. Uh oh... here comes the rose. Get's sour and dry and blach
  17. MCS4096

    Kuang Shi

    I'm not a huge fan of orange blends... They always wind up reminding me of carmex lip balm In the imp I can discern every note here. The super sweet fruit and the dry sandalwood (which is a lovely sandalwood!) and the slightest musk holding it together. On this smells like orange gummy candies. Interesting but not anything I'd remotely want to smell like!
  18. MCS4096

    The Phantom Wooer

    In the imp: I get spicy lillies, the myrtle (which I think gives the citrusy note?) and definitely the moss. It's sweet and bright and pretty. On: more of the same, but it does open up and bloom. I actually really like this and may consider adding a bottle to my collection for when I want a beautiful and slightly wistful floral
  19. MCS4096


    My thoughts exactly. If only real "grog" tasted like this smells! Holy smokes this is boozy sugary yum! Also reminds me of Butter Rum Lifesavers as someone above says.. I LOVE those things.. I used to eat tons of them. My mom used to say she could smells me coming because I smelled like I'd been drinking hot toddies all day
  20. MCS4096

    Come to Me

    Mmm.. I could use some of this kinda mojo.. In the imp: Hmm.. floor cleaner Green and white florals.. rather pretty if somewhat antiseptic On: ewww.. hardcore over sweet flowers.. I'm a good sport and plan to give this one a try hidden in some discrete areas.. see if it works magic on the boy or not
  21. MCS4096


    In the imp: Primarily violets-- like violet candies, but the tea rose is there in the background. Very sweet and femme. I quite like it at this point! Wet: Mmmm.. This is a really lovely violet! Same violet from Violet Ray I think. Smell very fresh and bright! Drying down: Rather quiet scent.. I really have to sniff hard to smell it. Or my sniffer is broken On me this does smell similar to Violet Ray, but less exotic.. However, it's lovely in it's own right and I'm amazed that shy little violet could stomp out ms. loudmouth rose for once!
  22. MCS4096


    One of my favorite stories from Greek mythology! In the imp: Super sweet! I'm not sure I'd have guessed pom. though-- probably juicy pear. Juicy fruity scents generally make me think "pear" though for some reason Wet: Wow.. candy sweetness. Bubblegummy! Drying Down: rose starts taking over fairly quickly and it kinda smells like hmm.. herbal essences shampoo Fruity aspect pretty much gone completely.
  23. MCS4096


    In the imp: I definitely get red musk.. but the spices etc are fairly prevalent as well. This reminds me a lot of a new agey store I used to go to Wet: musky spicey and moist (strangely) Drying down: Not a big morpher-- just a nice spicey red musk. Exotic and warm ADDED Jan. 15: Red musk and champaca, straight up I love red musk and I get lots of compliments when I wear it (esp. spawn of the she-demon, that's a great red musk blend!) I also love champaca but there is also something else going on in this blend that's keeping me from outright loving it, it's got a floral edge that's rubbing me the wrong way. I think I still prefer Spawn ETA: Ugh.. already reviewed this last spring, totally didn't remember SORRY!
  24. MCS4096

    Santo Domingo

    In the imp: Mostly florals.. but there is a beachy feel to it Wet: Mmmm.. bay rum and flowers. I'm not sure what "tobacco leaf" is supposed to be like here. Drying down: Like a cleaned up pirate I think a bit of this might be nice layered with Port Royal.. but I do find it a tad aftershavey for straight wear on myself. In fact.. it actually smells a bit like Irish Spring.. ergh!
  25. MCS4096

    Black Lace

    I got a generous decant in a swap with the lovely ObsidianSwirl71 In the imp: Antique Lace with subtle musk and a sour incense/smoke note. Wet: hello tobacco smoke! Drying down: Hmm.. I think I like regular Antique Lace better! This does smell pretty "traditional" on me-- it's got a sweet vanilla base, but the throw is mostly slightly sour incense/tobacco (winds up smelling like the lab's 'opium smoke' note IMO) I will no doubt treasure my imp though!