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Everything posted by MCS4096

  1. MCS4096

    Embalming Fluid

    VERY bright lemon and crisp tea upon application.. Similar to Dorian, but more crisp, less creamy. Nice
  2. MCS4096


    Fruity and bright upon application, but drying to an aquatic musk. I really really like it in the imp, but its not as complex to me once on. It reminds me a lot of a cooling cucumber body spray I used to have from bath and body works.. so I'm taken back to hot summers in middle school when I kept that in the fridge to cool down with Kinda a nice memory to bring back..
  3. MCS4096

    The Snack Hut

    Had to get this to go with the Nameless City Drive In Theatre Oh my god, hostess cherry pie thingy! I can smell the gooey cherry filling and the sugar glazed pastry. It does start to go the way of chapstick, but I still like it
  4. MCS4096

    The Nameless City Drive-In Theatre

    Regardless of what this smells like I had to have it-- I LOVE drive in theaters, and grew up in a town in Oregon with one of the last in the state. Now I try to go to my local one as often as possible.. not just because it's sooo darn fun but to support something that likely wont be around much longer. In the bottle mostly masculine, crystalline musk, but prominent green grass and truly.. butter! gosh this is a fun blend!! On me the throw is predominantly sweet butter and green grass with a hint of clean musk.. up close it's much more metallic . I'm surprised at the sweetness and how wearable this makes it to me (I was worried it'd be too ""hot dude" arr freshener" ) More and more grassy as time goes on. Very nice
  5. MCS4096

    Now Winter Nights Enlarge

    Shorten those tedious nights with a surge of body heat: vanilla-infused red musk, champaca, petitgrain, ylang ylang, patchouli, nutmeg, honey, galbanum, and traces of caramel. I didn't realize until now that its the caramel note, that has appeared in several blends that haven't work for me, that is the reason they failed. I assumed it was some other foody note, like cake or something.. but I do believe it's caramel. This becomes dusty plastic.. also similar to that "curry" smell some people describe.. I'm hoping that with aging the caramel will blend better as the other notes come forward, but for now it's not really wearable. I had the same thing happen with Zombie Apocalypse recently. It smells nice on for about 15 minutes, but then my chemistry buggers it all up It's ironic that it's supposed to be "traces of caramel" yet that's the only thing we can all smell I was really hoping for red musk and champaca dominating this...
  6. MCS4096

    Mircalla, Countess Karnstein

    VERY red, as others have said. In the bottle it is a lot like Smut, but with clove (again, as others have said.. ) On it's a dirty red musk (I don't get loads of patchouli.. either that or it just blends really well with the musk) with lots of sweet clove. I don't get a lot of the other notes, hopefully aging with bring them out, but I still love this one.. it's very sexy and very plush!
  7. MCS4096

    The Girl

    Oh boy... I am glad I tacked a bottle of this onto my final Halloweenie order! Thank you BPALers for being so persuasive with your reviews! Too bad it wasn't two bottles.. This is really great.. its creamy and floral and feminine without being overly so. It's sweet but a little edgey, and has very decent throw.
  8. MCS4096


    Oh god.. This is amazing stuff! Carnation is my TOP note.. so trying Hod has been a dream since I joined BPAL. This is straight up strong carnation on my skin (hello throw! Not found with any other carnation blend I've tried..) with a breeze of amber every now and again. It really is warm and comforting and I know I'll be getting a few more bottles
  9. MCS4096

    Snow White

    A chilly, bright perfume: flurries of virgin snow, crisp winter wind and the faintest breath of night-blooming flowers. Snow White 09 Oh my gosh, this smells so good on my boyfriend, he's such a good sport about BPAL. he puts anything on that smells good to him, even something others would say was VERY femme. but he always wears it sooo well. Anyhow, AMAZING! Mostly a sweet, lightly floral almond with the lightest hint of pine. Very soft, BUT strong throw (if that makes sense).
  10. MCS4096

    Gacela of the Dark Death

    In the bottle this is scary strong pine. Immediately on it's similar to Illustrated Woman on me: The pitch note begins to open up. And finally, when it's dry it's all Christmasy cloves in the throw with just a hint of pitchy pine up close. It's REALLY nice Exactly what I was hoping it would be and was afraid it wasn't when I smelled it in the bottle.. but once on it's great!
  11. MCS4096

    Old Man Ackerman's Instructional Toys

    In addition to the much mentioned citrusy soapness, this also has what I guess it supposed to be a dust note but is what I recognize as a cake or cookie note Yeah.. it's like baking sugar cookies in the background?? It isn't an instant favorite blend for me, but I like the concept so I think I'll keep it around for now!
  12. MCS4096

    March Hare

    Smells exact like it is in the imp.. kinda candely but an uncomplicated scent in a NICE way.. sweet and spicy. It's really lovely, when on it just heats up and smells delicious!
  13. MCS4096


    Oh god it's all roses Please please please let aging bring out the carnation and clove! I would looooove that! I dont get any fruitiness or spiciness, just roses! I'm not even a serial rose amper! waaaahh
  14. MCS4096


    I was hoping for carnation from this, which is a favorite note of mine. In the imp it's entirely juicy plum. On it just blows up! I get spicy carnation over plum and it's all blended by the musk. Becomes a lot more flowery floral as it dries down.. this is the throw, the carnation is only noticed up close I'm afraid. Still, pretty awesome and I think I may go for a bottle eventually as it's pretty different than anything I have.
  15. MCS4096

    El Dorado

    VERY dude-ish upon first application I do get the metallic vibe, and as usual this is fairly masculine. It is certainly a golden scent. It's like a drop of golden resin oozing out of a tree... there's a dusty dryness that actually made me sneeze a bit. Interesting but not really my style I guess
  16. MCS4096

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    In the imp it's beeswax that's a little very on the BPAL honey note that I find sour. On it's much better, mellowing down to a fairly true beeswax blend (still not exactly as good as the real thing I'm afraid). Less floral than Hanerot when compared side by side. I like it a lot and will likely add it to my eventual bottle list because it's a fail proof blend for the days when you need such scents
  17. MCS4096

    The Coil

    I wanted to try this because I want to try ALL the steamworks blends.. I love the idea! However, I didn't think I'd like eucalyptus.. I"m not a huge mint family person. In the imp this is very sweet and sharp, bright. It feels in the same vein as Violet Ray (a fave) to me. On the throw is very much toothpaste to me It IS evocative, as I've found all the steamworks to be, but not really me. I'll keep my imp tho
  18. MCS4096

    Black Opal

    I ordered an imp of this the day after Antique Lace was DCed because I read it was a cousin. It is SORTA... but not really. On the other hand I love it enough I'm going to buy a bottle It has the same vanilla as AL, but its a slightly cooler scent with yes.. the smell of heated stones. Simple but interesting. I actually get quite a throw from this one as well.
  19. MCS4096


    When it first goes on it does have a herbal bite to it that's questionable.. but it very quickly dries to a straight up, lovely, subtle vanilla. Simple and gorgeous, great for those days when you just want to smell nice but not necessarily exciting
  20. MCS4096

    Shadowless like Silence

    A lot of moss in the bottle, and extremely dry (to crumbling) roses. The sandalwood comes out more and more as it dries. Its SO dry! Its truly dry leaves and bark. Smells like when I lay on my mom's porch, trying to soak up the last of the sun on a hot summer day. There's a cool breeze starting up but the wood is still warm and with my face against it I can smell it.
  21. MCS4096

    Summer's Last Will and Testament

    God this smells divine I'm not generally a citrus fan, and so avoid them as a rule, but this just sounded so darn pretty. I get a lot of the blood orange (so juicy) and the flowers, which smell very dry. Theres also loads of geranium, which does give it a bit of a cleaning solution tinge to my nose, but once on it's like a hot dry wind blowing through an orange grove that has spent, slightly rotting oranges under the trees. I mean that is the best way! its just.. it smells like the end of something. Very awesome!
  22. MCS4096

    Under the Harvest Moon

    I can pretty much smell all the listed notes in this blend in the bottle.. and it's glorious Once on its definitely musks and dried leaves (spicy from the lightest hint of carnation) with a creamy vanilla background. Lavender (which I was initially worried about) adds only a slight dryness. The rose comes out more and more as it dries down, and unfortunately this fades away pretty darn quickly on me. Gorgeous while it lasts.. wrist huffingly so!
  23. MCS4096


    I slathered this on this morning and it was initially entirely dry grasses. As it dried down I finally smelled some fur musk and flowers.. but the whole lot faded fairly quickly. Warm and comforting
  24. MCS4096


    This is like the sweet cream note from several BPAL blends (most recently the Nonae Caprotina blend) but sweeter. Unfortunately it goes to the dusty plastic note that some blends turn on my skin. I actually think it's a "cakey" note that fills out several sweet blends that does this. It stayed true on my clothes however. I have to say I"m a bit disappointed, but it's similar in feel to Antique Lace which is a tried and true fave, so at least I have that
  25. MCS4096


    Brighter and sharper in the imp, slightly subdued with warm spices on the skin.. but truly apple Great to layer with autumnal scents, especially St. John's Eve!