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Everything posted by MCS4096

  1. MCS4096


    LOADS of leather it's the supple soft kind certainly. I can almost feel it's texture when I smell this... There's also a lot of wood and tobacco, but those two notes are kinda blending together for me and are very secondary to the leather. The feeling is freshly scrubbed clean and slightly medicinal (it reminds me of something but I can't put my finger on it.. betadine maybe.) And the color is definitely pale yellow-- blonde is a major impression this gives off. I feel like this is a pretty masculine scent on me, but it's unique enough not be TOO masculine.
  2. MCS4096


    Hmmm... I got a decant of Smut over a year ago, and I'm unsure what year's blend it was.. but it was AMAZING. It was deep red in color and so red musky with fruity booze with throw for days. I was so excited to see it reissued this year. But then.. Smut 2010 oil is pale, and scent lighter and it fades to a dusty plastic scent Please, BPAL gods, tell me it's going to change some with age? Why isn't it deep red? PLEASE, if anyone knows which year's blend I might have had, let me know
  3. MCS4096

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    Heavy vanilla buttercream over strong sandalwood with a bite of rum and saffron. The saffron explodes with time and the sandalwood keeps it dry. This is waaaay sugary though! I like it but don't usually wear this sweet of blends. I have a full imp of this and it'll probably do me just fine
  4. MCS4096

    Ü Mütter Museum

    SO much balsam! Heavy vanilla second and only a touch of leather when first applied. It's really reminding me of something but I can quite put my finger on what Drying down it's almost entirely vanilla explosion, no leather at all. Up close under by nose I get probably the best "dry old book paper" note I've smelled yet from the lab, which makes me very happy.. even if the throw is heavy vanilla. At least I'll get to enjoy the paper note
  5. MCS4096

    Leaf-Strewn Couch

    My boyfriend and I love this blend! We were totally obsessed with it for the first couple weeks I had it. It is the most accurate BPAL recreation of a real smell I've yet experienced! In the bottle it's green and mildewy and so bitter. You can practically see the black mold spots on the fabric! Unlike the other reviewers, I can get this one to last on my skin.. and it dries to a greenish floral scent with only the tiniest hint of moldy leaves.. not nearly as interesting as in the bottle, but much, much more wearable
  6. MCS4096


    In the bottle it's very effervescent with a base of, yay!, Ivanushka! On my skin the focus is on the musk, with only a slight hint of forest and ozone. It's very sweet. MMmmmm.. I LOVE this. And it smells fantastic on the boy as well.. he amps the forest a bit more, on me it's almost all fizzy musk. Sooo.. I order two more bottles, one for me plus a back up for moi
  7. MCS4096

    Pink Snowballs

    As others have said this is very similar to Snow White: Smells amazing in the bottle, sweet vanilla florals, smells like dusty dirty plastic on me
  8. MCS4096

    Black Death

    A masculine edge certainly, but still very sweet beneath it. As soon as it's on my skin it's the bay I smell followed by the clove and sandalwood. The lemon verbena and lime are there, but only adding a fresh bite to the blend. As persianmouse said the patchouli is very faint. The amber is just holding it all together.. and it's VERY wearable The overall feel is that of a deep, dark, sweet core with a fresh blast over the top.
  9. MCS4096

    Black Heart

    First impression upon opening the bottle is "purple!" its a lot of sweet pea and grape (possibly some pomegranate) Immediately after application the sandalwood pops out, with a hint of spice (carnation I'd say) The cognac is subtle, but deepens the blend so it really does have airs of Black Lace.. but is MUCH lighter in spirit than BL. It's yummy: creamy and fruity but in a really velvety way so it's mysterious, not fresh or sharp. Nice
  10. MCS4096

    Blood Amber

    Juicy amber, not at all dry. I prefer the drier and spicier variety a la The Lion.. but this isn't too bad
  11. MCS4096


    Definitely melon in the imp.. On skin becomes more aquatic, not bad so far even though Im not an aquatic person by a long shot! Salty and deep blue. The throw is extremely clean but a tad traditional for my tastes.. may pass it on to the boy.
  12. MCS4096

    Slobbering Pine

    I've smells several of the labs coniferous blends, and I can appreciate authentic tree odors.. they're not always for me, but I do have some that I love. This winds up being fairly straight forward and traditional smelling to me.. as others have mentioned it's fruity sweet in addition to a hint of dilute pine. The effect really is dewy and sticky, which is pretty yummy.. even if it's a little reminiscent of toilet cleaner... Overall, smells like a cross between freshly scrubbed with Irish Spring soap and a squirt of fruity teen perfume
  13. MCS4096


    MMmmm drrrry and sweet. In the imp all the notes are distinguishable, and it's so good I recognize the dry date note from Lovers with Rutting Cats.. I think it smells like parchment, so to me Havana is cigar tobacco and rolling paper. I love blends like this... I think between Rutting Cats and Port Royal I kinda have this area covered though.. but gosh, it sure is lovely!!
  14. MCS4096


    Mmm... if this had the type of alcohol you're supposed to drink in it, I fancy I would YUM! I'm getting a lot of pineapple in the imp, but on my skin it's mostly banana and coconut.. as it dries it's all apples. I'm NOT a fruit blend wearer.. I have a couple blends which I layer with others but almost never wear alone.. however, this is really nice and I think I'll enjoy having the imp
  15. MCS4096


    Hmm.. straight up traditional incense in the imp.. not getting plum yet! Hmmmmmm... Still just incense. May need to do a longer time test, but I'm not sure the incense is worth it, I already have so many incense blends I love! ETA: I figured out what it reminds me of, it smells a lot like the Caterpillar on my skin; incense and dank florals.. not terrible but also not my favorite way to wear incense blends.
  16. MCS4096


    This smells like peaches and cinnamon on me.. but dirty dirty dirty! The patchouli is "clean" for patchouli, but still very strong. The effect is a tad nauseating to me
  17. MCS4096

    Event Horizon

    I loooove scents like this, I'm surprised it's taken me so long to get to this one. The floral note is heady and heavy, very languid, the opium is very strong but not bitter, the spices and incense hold it together perfectly. It is very heavy.. but I like that, it's like being covered by a warm soft blanket
  18. MCS4096

    The Lion

    Oh.... yummy... My main experience with amber from the lab, where it is super obvious in the blend, is Khyrsee.. and that is totally good but totally different from this. I know it's supposed to be dry grasses in here, but to me this amber smells really moist for some reason, just really succulent! Bottle worthy for sure
  19. MCS4096

    Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener

    As everyone has said, it's rootbeer and vanilla, but somehow not entirely foody.. really really nice, and different. I have several imps of this, so I likely wont get a bottle, but I do love the blend
  20. MCS4096


    Smells like light citrus and vanilla in the imp, to me. The citrusy note almost seems floral.. like an orange creamicle almost Becomes a little drier over time.. I can see why people say sandalwood. It really opens up and I can smell so many other notes like flowers and cloves and dust. I'd love to have a bottle, but I must do a full application/full day test before I make a decision, cause I hate fast faders! ETA: WTF? 20 min later this is straight up old lady rose No thanks!
  21. MCS4096

    The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe

    Damn.. I have sooo many incense based blends, but this is just soo yummy. It's also the first time I've had a chocolately blend truly work on my skin (usually chocolate just smells gingery and fake) This is warm, smokey (tobacco, not bonfire), powdery, resinous and musky which a very subtle hint of chocolate (really just adds a sweetness once the blend has dried down). I would order a second bottle, but I do have a lot of good resin blends.. what to do.. what to do?!
  22. MCS4096

    Litha 2009

    I swear I reviewed this when I first purchased it.. but if so my review has been removed. I'm not sure if this happens, but I did write something unsavory about the perfume (although I put it in a blacked out box so as not to offend too much...) Anyhow.. this stinks! Absolutely horrendous! I've come to discover after testing other honey blends (esp. O) that honey is the note in here that I hate. It smells overly sour and like sweaty skin (in a baaad way, and yes I think the copal could be adding to that sourness but I generally like copal ). I get the herbal component to this blend, but that sour honey is overpowering.. This one shall be moving on!
  23. MCS4096

    The Little Sparrow

    Loooove In the imp it's a little sharp (as I find amber always is before it hits the skin) and definitely brown feeling, cold too. As it drys so does the smell-- it gets huskier and muskier, the sandalwood definitely blows up, and the amber goes powdery.. I Just really love powdery, dry and comforting scents ETA: In the end this smells a lot like my grandmother smells.. that's a good thing to me tho
  24. MCS4096


    I ADORE white ginger In this blend I can definitely smell both the lily of the valley and the white ginger.. it's very light but sooo nice. Over time the ginger does fade out but its still a gorgeous blend of white seeming tropical flowers. As others have said however.. it has got NO throw to speak of. Most unfortunate
  25. MCS4096


    Very powdery and ambery (makes me sneeze at first), bright sandalwood and musk.. very light hint of white florals. This is a fairly simple, comforting scent.. as such it's right up my alley and Ive been planning to get a bottle for awhile