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Everything posted by MCS4096

  1. MCS4096

    Cykranoshian Catnip

    I have been dreaming of a BPAL catnip scent for a long time, and I was overjoyed to see this one go up on BPTP-- it was literally a dream come true. Then I read that it had "orange" in it and almost cried. I HATE orange.. the smell, the color, even the taste pretty often. Especially the smell in perfume, it doesn't seem to mix well with other notes in a blend in my opinion. But I ordered a decant anyway. Well thank god I did! This is WONDERFUL! it smells just like this salt scrub for the bath that I picked up in Prague a couple years ago-- it's mossy, and sandalwoody, and I guess that's "orange" but it doesnt really smell like "oranges" This blend is light, warm, dry, very slightly spicy, and very slightly sweet. It's like beautiful dry grasses warmed in the sun and crushed under foot. I adore it! I will order at least 3 bottles and bath in it! Thank you lab for a wonderful catnip blend!
  2. MCS4096


    Oh holy smokes This is wonderful! As the poster above me said, this is like smelling a breeze through a jasmine vine. When I tried it on my skin the first time I knew it'd have to be a bottle purchase eventually!
  3. MCS4096


    Light, delicate, slightly naughty. The mint/anise is present only in the earliest stages, then it dries down to a warm, sweet violet with only a hint of herbs. It's pretty light and only lasts a couple hours on my skin. I was hoping I'd get qualities of The Girl as another reviewer above mentioned.. but I do not. To me this has similarities to L'Huere Verte from the CD line. It's lovely but I may not need the whole bottle
  4. MCS4096

    Great Grey Witch

    Yep.. very much like Staged Moon Landing. I wore them side by side yesterday and Great Grey is sharper and a bit more soapy. I like them both, but since I have Staged Moon Landing I'll probably skip this one, especially since it's throw is much less.
  5. MCS4096

    Rosy Maple

    Pretty much straight sweet pea on my skin. Sweet pea reminds me of my mom.. she really likes the flowers. Since Mouse's Long and Sad Tale stopped working on my skin ( ) this might be a nice substitute. I'm really liking quite a few of the Metamorphosis blends soo.... Yes, this is really sweet with a juicy/floral feel. Definitely feels pink too! Not really any rose to speak of thankfully (kinda confused by this "rose sugar" business)
  6. MCS4096

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    For those who can't view the live journal link above...
  7. MCS4096

    Fledgling Raptor Moon

    Really surprised no one else has mentioned this.. to me my first thought upon application was that it smelled like a lighter Mutter Museum's U! I get the clove too, and a hint of carnation.. but whatever that main note in U is, has got to be in here too. Anyhow, it's gorgeous and yes, light, so it'll be a wonderful skin scent.
  8. MCS4096


    Ok.. This reminds me a LOT of Anna Sui's signature perfume (the one in the purple bottle). I checked the notes for that and nothing here is listed there but I swear... Anyhow, this is f-ing fabulous Heavy on the cardamom with gorgeous musk and vanilla (that low! doesn't turn to plastic on me). Great throw! Probably two bottles of this for me!
  9. MCS4096

    Spicebush Swallowtail

    I'm a clove hog so I had to try this one I hardly get any plum on the skin.. maybe the faintest hint. Mostly this is brown sugar and clove to my nose. I guess there's some sassafras there, although it's not overtly rootbeerish, it's just that the clove doesn't feel DRY to me which means maybe the sassafras is making things a bit more creamy. It's good and I'm waffling on one or two bottles-- it feels like a winter blend rather than a summer one to me!
  10. MCS4096

    Paper Kite

    God I love this! It's so interesting The sweet coconut of sun tan oil with the slightest minty rush and a blast in the face of black pepper! I know that doesn't sound appealing to everyone, but this is one of the neatest BPAL I've smelled in a long time. The pepper definitely calms down with time (I kinda wish it stayed intense ). Anyhow.. this is AWESOME and my favorite of the Metamorphosis series
  11. MCS4096


    LUNA Touareg tea, Asian pear, carnation, lime sugar, green musk, armoise, and thyme. It smells like that Fruit Stripe gum! Ok, this is really well blended.. so I'm not going to pick out certain notes but rather describe the overall feeling. Green, juicy, fresh.. fruity but also herbal with a whisper of coolness. Seriously.. this smells just like a package of Fruit Stripe gum. I loved that stuff as a kid so I may get a bottle just for that memory *sigh*
  12. MCS4096


    URGH I ordered this decant because I wanted a full Metamorphosis set, and I'm game to try anything... but there are several doom notes here.. actually all but the amber are notes I generally avoid This scent definitely makes me think of the color orange, so mission accomplished there. I'd say there's a good blend of mandarin, mango and pumpkin-- the effect is sweet, juicy and pulpy. The amber is just holding it all together I think, and then the ginger is floating on top, not too strong but noticeable. Unfortunately I hate ginger with a passion and citrus blends make me a bit queasy so this one is definitely not sitting well... sorry!
  13. MCS4096

    Common Jezebel

    I find this incredibly evocative of an actual butterfly... yes, straight out of the imp it's heavy on the nasty vetiver.. but on the skin it's apricot brightened with current which makes me think of the colors on this butterfly's wings.. but theres also the vetiver and coconut, which on my skin become a dusty, husky note (ie: vetiver behaves for me) which makes me think of the softness of the wings. Well done and beautifully blended scent, however I'm not really an apricot fan so this one is likely a no go for a bottle.
  14. MCS4096

    Snow Bunny

    Snow Bunny '05 In the bottle you get that BPAL pine "snow note" and a generic smelling "perfume".. On the skin however this opens up. The pine settles down a bit and the girlie perfume comes out.. beautiful florals and surprisingly spicy. A nice, fairly simple yet unique perfume which will be good for many occasions Glad to have scored a bottle on eBay!
  15. MCS4096

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    I finally ordered a bottle of the Mme. -- giving into the peer pressure of how it's everyone's favorite blah blah blah It's nice, and I certainly like red musk, and it has that "tried and true" feeling but I wasnt Blown Away. It reminds me a LOT of Snake Charmer Res (never tried the original). I get a lot of the fruity (deep, red) aspect from Mme. Moriarty and the patchouli is well blended and not at all gritty, just dark. Clearly fits into the same niche as Snake Oil, Snake Charmer, aged Smut etc.
  16. MCS4096

    The Feast For The Greatly Revered Ones

    Cacao mixed with ground maize, agave wine, and octli, mixed with herbs and spices native to central Mexico. Dunno how I managed to skip reviewing this! It doesn't get a lot of wear from me because it's SO darn strong and a very unique scent-- I need to be in the right mood for it, but it is truly amazing. On my skin it's a deep boozy.. and insanely sweet, cacao. DARK oil, likely the darkest I've experienced from BPAL and it definitely requires mixing pre-application. Lasts and lasts with loads of throw. Evokes hot fall nights of celebration ETA: scent description
  17. MCS4096

    Horrid Mysteries

    Heavy, dark, thick.. sweet fruity wine and spice. This is like thick syrupy wine splashed across an aged wood desk. Its quite gorgeous. I didn't try this one for a long while after getting my decants because it seemed a little unlike me in the imp. Now I see that this first impression was wrong and this is right up my alley. ETA: this was reminding me of something and I just remembered what-- the Opium Den candle by Modern Alchemy. The throw is very similar! Nice ETA2: after a couple of hours of wear this turns into sour wine on me I guess I'll pass on a bottle even though I love the initial scent. *le sigh*
  18. MCS4096


    I figured I'd get a decant of this since the forum buzz about it seemed to be pretty high. Unfortunately for me I don't really like this at all. It goes on as a synthetic sickly sweet cacophony of notes and drys down into a boring blah smell. I get a lot of peach throughout, which is hit or miss with me. Really the only description that fits for me is cacophonous.
  19. MCS4096

    Pink Moon 2007

    I LOVE THIS I got an imp from a friend and after trying it once I knew I needed a bottle! This same friend was generous enough to trade me her backup bottle for an unloved bottle of my own. As a huge carnation lover this blend is amazing! Often I find that the carnation note in blends can get drowned out if there are loads of other notes. Pink Moon 07 keeps it simple This is a beautiful spicy carnation with a hint of sweet pink fluffiness provided by the phlox and sugar. It has fairly low throw, but the staying power is pretty good-- it becomes a delicate skin scent that is pretty much perfect for any occasion.
  20. MCS4096


    This definitely smells like buttered toast at first, on the skin that fades away and it becomes an almost floral sweet wisp of scent.. likely the sugar and tea notes. An interesting scent journey worth taking!
  21. MCS4096


    This goes on sweet, juicy and slightly spicy. I used to eat wild rosehips occasionally as a kid, and this does indeed remind me of their sour yet flat earthiness. Once heated on the skin the sweetness in this blend amps and it because an ultra-feminine blend that dries out a bit with the sandalwood tempering the juicier notes. Unfortunately it winds up being a little simple for my tastes.. but it is my favorite of the Boom blends anyway.
  22. MCS4096

    The Velvets

    Same musk as in BTBT.. as well as Haunted (if you're looking for a GC relative). First on it's got a musty quality I'm really digging-- exactly like velvet thats slightly dank. But then it goes a tad floral and a tad blah and it's no longer as interesting/unique as when wet and frankly I like BTBT and Haunted better. If only it stayed like it's wet self!
  23. MCS4096

    Midnight Bell

    Yep, Inganok Jeweler's stone note (fine by me, love it!) mixed with a very spicy incense. It's not quite the incense of Midnight Mass (the '08 version is the only one I have experience with).. it's spicier and not quite as deep. What it evokes to me is fire-- flames licking wood.. sap and resins popping. You definitely smell the incense on top, with the stone lingering underneath. I love blends like this so I'll probably get a bottle
  24. MCS4096

    Mysterious Warning

    Agree with pretty much everyone here-- this is gorgeous TKO lavender and clean light amber (definitely feels crystalline) with the lightest hint of leather. I would slather this one (and I plan too ) as it's quite light, but very lovely without being generic.
  25. MCS4096


    This is absolutely divine on my boyfriend. It's a rich, supple, dark leather with the high pitched tingle of machine oil. He was spot on when he said it smelled like an expensive car... or perhaps the sexy mechanic who just finished tuning it up? He immediately logged onto BPAL and (bless his naive heart) searched for other "leather" blends I offered to track him down something with a similar leather note from GC.. It sounds like Crowley might be a good choice. Aaaaand being the good gf I am I may have tracked down another decant of Rivet.goth for the boy... ETA 03/06/11 LOVE this blend. We have managed to track down most of a bottle's worth of decants but still wear it only for special occasions. On me it is divine, dark leather. It smells just like my favorite pair of Dr Martens. As it continues to wear it becomes warm and slightly musky. It is definitely unisex, but I have no trouble wearing it at all because it lacks the "mens cologne" notes I usually associate with "masculine" blends. Overall, a real favorite, and I hope that someday we can maybe track down even more