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Everything posted by MCS4096

  1. MCS4096

    Holiday Argument Diffusing Spray

    Hod in a spray bottle Straight up, and wonderful
  2. MCS4096

    Mr. Fezziwig's Ball

    My bf really likes this one so I'm glad I got an imp before the party ended (it was a fast and furious one huh!) The second I had him sniff it he called out "Mince meat pie!!!" Which he loves.. so it's very evocative and sentimental for him
  3. MCS4096


    2010 version: This has given me the strangest scent association I've yet experienced from BPAL. When I first smelled it I couldn't quite place it.. but I worked at it and sure enough there it was.. this is going to sound really really weird... This smells like my pets always have when they come back from being spayed/neutered. It's a combo of their shaved skin and leftover medicinal odors. It's not a totally negative association because it's distinctly the smell of them home safe and done with surgery. Still... so so odd Going to keep the imp because it's such a weird experience for me.
  4. placed a BPAL order on Sept 19... no CnS yet.. from the CnS thread it seems that mine should have arrived by now maybe?
  5. MCS4096

    Halloween: New Orleans

    ummmm... this was toothachingly sweet lemon drop candy from start to finish on my skin. No Mississippi, no moss.. just candy candy candy. Most unfortunate
  6. MCS4096

    Halloween: Brooklyn

    This was initially very heavy on the evergreen notes.. with time it sweetened up a bit and got very light. There was an unfortunate bitter note that came out on my skin in the dry down. This blend was just a bit underwhelming as I was very excited to smell Brooklyn in the fall. oh well!
  7. MCS4096

    Punkie Night

    Yep.. CRISP apples. Bright, fresh and acidic. I tested this against To Autumn from Weenie 08 (a bottle of which I already have) and Lambswool from this year because I really don't need a ton of apple blends (I'm dont reach for fruity blends often). And what I decided was this.. To Autumn is fairly smokey and the apple there is almost dried- less sweet and fairly subtle. Lambwool starts out with a lot of YUMMY apple, spice and awesome cream.. then turns to cheap spice isle on my skin. And Punkie Night.. well it's tasty and the blend that stays the most apply on me with time, pretty much straight Juicy Apple.. but in the end I don't love love any of the three
  8. MCS4096

    Halloween: San Francisco

    Initially on skin this is JUST as described. It's up there with October and Leaf Strewn Couch-- mildewy bittersweet leaves, and I love it! I cant get enough of scents like this. What sets this one a bit above the others listed, for me anyway, is that eventually.. deep in the dry down.. this becomes totally different. It becomes super femme, soft, powdery, semi floral. Weird. And this could bother some people, but since I like both stages I'm cool with this since some of the Lab's other (wonderful) dead leaf blends eventually fade into nondescript bitterness. So YAY Edited for spelling
  9. MCS4096

    Halloween: Los Angeles

    Guys. Guys... hey, guys.. This is Thriambus! Seriously! Don't judge it in the bottle-- get it on your skin and it opens up into this wonderful, warm, dry breeze of a scent. It's gorgeous
  10. MCS4096

    The Madwoman

    Hmm.. When I smelled this in the decant I didn't love it, but when it first went on my skin I found it quite nice (I do love my sandalwood blends..) it was dry and sweet.. but so faint I had to cram my nose against my wrist searching for the scent. It quickly faded to only a slightly sour shadow of it's former self. Bummer!
  11. MCS4096

    Dia De Los Natitas

    This is great! This is the first weenie I gave the all day wear test and I really like it.. it's easy to wear. I think I read the cigarette smoke as more of an "ozoney" note, and it mixes and swirls with soft sweet florals, and yes I get a slight hint of dried cocoa from time to time. I find it kinda languid and calm. Can't wait to get a bottle
  12. MCS4096

    Nothing Gold Can Stay

    Ok.. do you love the smell of leaves? ALL kinds of leaves? Well I have successfully experienced the smell of green leaves and mildewed black leaves thanks to BPAL.. but this is the first time I've smelled those crisp, crunchy, golden, just fallen leaves! THIS IS PERFECT! pick up a yellow fallen maple leaf before it's had a chance to be rained on. Is it crunchy between your fingers? Crunch it up and smell it. THAT is this smell! Thank you Beth My instant favorite from this year's Weenies
  13. MCS4096

    Pomegranate V

    UM. Hello pomegranate.. where are the rest of your friends? Seriously I don't get ANY of the other notes here. This is straight pom on me.
  14. MCS4096

    Blue Pumpkin Floss

    Erm This was ok. I got a decant because sometimes I like to follow the BPAL crowd into the frenzy over a certain blend (You guys were SO right about The Girl!) I wish this had less spice in it.. I have a real problem with ginger spice containing blends, and pretty much no pumpkin blend I've tried has worked because they all seem gingery to me. Thankfully over time the berry note came out in this blend and it was tolerable and actually pretty nice. But NOT something I could wear often. And not was I was hoping the blend would be like...
  15. MCS4096

    The Wild Swans At Coole

    This smelled down right horrible on my boyfriend-- straight up BO However, on my skin it was definitely better, although I'm still waffling on it. I tend to shy away from aquatic blends because they strike me as generic and cold. When this first went on my skin it was kinda that way- a tad sweet, a tad cold, a tad bitter.. blah.. with time it definitely came into its own; the orris root softens it and the other florals finally peak out behind the cool water note, I even get a hint of the leaves. I'm on the fence about this blend more than any other weenie this year. I see it as a challenge to unravel.
  16. MCS4096


    YUM I did not try last year's version, so I'm reviewing 2010 alone. I'm pleasantly surprised! I did not expect to like this as I tend away from foody scents in general and autumnal foody scents seem to be especially bad on my skin but lo! This blend is divine.. spicy and sweet and with the slightest hint of cream (that does NOT go sour). Straight forward and a good choice for when you just want to smell yummy and comfy. I think I'll really enjoy it on wet deary days.
  17. MCS4096

    The Unsavory Grave-Diggers

    Ok, there has GOT to be a note here shared with Strangler Fig, a recently found GC love of mine. This blend goes on true to the idea-- wood and weedy, astringent greens and a hint of sweet booze (almost chocolatey?). I almost get a sense of chocolate/dirt which makes me want to experiment.. maybe combining Death Cap and Velvet? As time passes the biting green note swells... then turns into this beautiful, sweet and soft scent-- just like in Strangler Fig! Anyone else experience this similarity?! Eventually this is completely different from it's beginnings: a soft girly comforting scent. I enjoy both stages and the transition between the two so I'll no doubt pick up a bottle
  18. MCS4096

    The Byronic Antihero

    When I first put this on I was a little let down-- my boyfriend and I both found it a little "rough" I'm guessing the patchouli and some of the other dark elements are more prominent upon application and it comes across a bit ill balanced. BUT THEN.. it dried down and I kept thinking " what is that delightful scent?" well, it was this guy! The darker elements recede but don't disappear, and the carnation steps up. It became lovely, sweet.. yet complex and the throw and lasting power was quite impressive. So glad I waited him out because he might very well be a bottle
  19. MCS4096

    Tobacco Honey

    I'm right there with marared.. I thought tobacco as in smoking tobacco, but this is definitely tobacco flower. As such it smells a lot like dish soap-- incredibly clean and green and cologney. Not at all what I was expecting or hoping for, and it leaves me wondering about reviewers who DO get more of a tobacco leaf vibe.. are you hallucinating?
  20. MCS4096

    Horse Chestnut Honey

    I like it in the imp, but on my skin it's Caramel SN and it is hoooorrible It's burning plastic-- sticky sweet, acrid and bitter
  21. MCS4096

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I believe I've experienced this, although I've always thought it was more of a "celery" smell.. but going back and sniffing a couple blends I've found this with, I can see how one could think it smelled of "coffee." I found this both in a bottle of Psych Horror I had as well as a bottle of Zarita. Very odd
  22. MCS4096


    MMMmmmmm Definitely sharp AND sweet. My boyfriend's initial reaction was "brown sugar" and I have to agree. You're first hit with the sweetness, but then you realize it's spicy and high pitched with strong expensive tobacco and a faint resinous tinge you have to search for. It strikes me as a "loud" blend-- it stays very biting (ha ) on me throughout it's wearing.. but if you like the smell (as I definitely do) that's a good thing. This is the one that struck me first when I was sniffing my VILF decants; I need to apply this to skin now! Will probably become a bottle
  23. MCS4096

    Ghoul Hooligan

    As soon as I saw someone had described this as Mexican Cocoa I knew I'd probably like it. I've discovered I'm not much into chocolate scents, but I feel like I need a good one to mix with my resins in the winter. So, yes, this is chocolate and cinnamon (maybe a few other spices to add depth). It's simple and yummy. When I smell it on my skin it actually smells warm! Good throw and wear length! It never went bitter and it stayed as much chocolate as spice. Thus, I ordered a bottle.. it will replace Greatly Revered Ones (which has never sat super well with me anyhow...) as my "chocolate" blend of choice
  24. MCS4096

    The Fainting Couch Atmosphere Spray

    It's definitely roses for me Lots and lots of fragile, dried roses. I would love to get more of the impression of dust and tea.. but to me this is soft, sweet roses. Very much not my thing!
  25. MCS4096

    The Asylum

    Oh, YUM Received an awesome goblin squirt in my Trading Post order! Agreed-- when first sprayed it's very cold mint (brings to mind the dentist to me, of course, cold steel instruments and white tile) but, I swear to god, I can also smell freaking rubber gloves, eek! Yes, I think there might be some of the latex note that was also in Thriambus. If not then it's just wishful thinking, but either way it's amazing! There's also a hint of sweet vanilla. Over time it becomes pretty much MINT, as it loses some of it's creepier nuances. Still, I would love to have a whole bottle of this stuff