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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by ljaylh

  1. Speaking of crack me the f*ck up reviews.. I just saw your "Hippie rating: 5 bongs" for Goblin and had a good chuckle :)

  2. Hello, fellow black coconut lover!! :)

  3. Happy Happy Birthday to you Ms C - haven't seen you around in a little while.. I hope everything is well and good in your life *hugs*

  4. Hello Princess Patti-La-La! I just had this sudden impulse to visit and give you some luurv )

  5. Thank you for the happy birthday wishes! You're a sweetie :)

  6. Hey birthday twin!! :)

  7. Hey sexy hippie! What a great family to be in :D

  8. HA! Funny you should say that.. I look for your reviews too :) Hi there, scent twin ;)

  9. aww.. *hugs you*

    MMM! You smell good!! *hugs you again* :)

  10. I'm drinking that yummy blueberry tea you sent me! yumyumyum :D

