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Posts posted by ljaylh

  1. Hmm... this is definitely very very naughty :smilenod:


    When I first apply the glop there's a full-on battle happening between the red musk and the leather for title of Dominant Note - at first the leather is KAPOW in your face, all hot black and steamy, then the red musk bubbles up to the surface with its warm rich cola-like syrupy goodness, then the leather comes back BLAM but the red musk comes back POW and so it goes for a few rounds until they finally settle down and let the patchouli come out. The patchouli is all like "dude, mellow out" to the leather, wraps its sweet earthy arms around the red musk and says "it's ok bro, you don't have to win", and because red patchouli is just that persuasive the leather and red musk do what they're told and calm down a little. That's when the red patchouli grabs its friend bourbon vanilla and says "you can come out now, it's safe" and suddenly there's a riot of dark rich vanilla goodness wafting under my nose. All together, the musk and leather and vanilla and patchouli create a hot, wickedly naughty mix that is definitely not subtle - it's very rich and strong - and yes, very much like Eldritch Dark but without the rose. Definitely not for those who enjoy soft fragrances... this smell doesn't just follow you round the room, it runs around smashing into all the furniture and scaring the cat.


    So that's the good side of Naughty Glop... the not-so-good side of it for me is the consistency. It's very runny - moreso even than a lotion or creme - this is almost as liquid/thin as water, it's actually about the same as my coconut oil when that's melted. And it's very greasy/oily on the skin - it doesn't absorb for a long time, so there's an oily film on my skin for quite a while.. even after I've rubbed it in as best I can. I really don't like things that feel greasy on my skin, and this definitely does.


    And here's the thing... although the smell of this is pretty amazing, it's also pretty full-on... to the point where it's kind of too much. It's rare for me to say that - I generally like my BPALs to be rich and dark and strong, but this is taking things a bit too far. In future, I'm going to put just a few drops of this glop into a mix with another moisturiser and use it that way, because I'm not sure I can walk around all day with this uber-strong naughty business wafting around me, it's overwhelming. .

  2. 2013 version - via a tester generously gifted to me by the lovely OctoberGwen!


    So this is pretty much the same as the original Skadi, but just fresher and more vibrant. The only slight difference I can tell is that the pine in here is much more subtle than it is in my decant of the original.


    I find that BPAL's 'snow' notes vary greatly - some are nasty soapy ozone on me, some are minty-cool, and others are sweet and bright. This one is the latter - fresh, sweet, wet snow. The berries here are a major player, but they're not really 'fruity' as such - like raspberries or similar - more like forest berries... green, woodsy, dry rather than sweet. Overall I find Skadi translates as green - like forest green... so it smells exactly like walking through a lush pine forest that's blanketed in snow.


    As with the original Skadi, I find that this is a lovely scent experience but not something I would wear as a perfume. But I'm very happy that this one made a return, since it's so loved by so many :smile:

  3. Many thanks to the lovely OctoberGwen for passing her tester of this along to me! :hug:


    So this is that slushy kind of snow note that translates to ozone soap on my skin... it does smell like a grey winter's day, but unfortunately that's just not a smell that works nicely on my skin - nor does it appeal to me in any way as a perfume. I don't get anything 'trees' related, nor any kind of smoke, so I'm not sure what that aspect of the description is about.


    Ultimately this ends up smelling like shampoo on me - ozoney and soapy. With a hint of sharpess... like a cheap after-shave or men's cologne. Not for me at all.

  4. OctoberGwen, being the fabulous lady she is, generously passed her tester of this on to me :smile:


    Soooo... hmmm... what an interesting little mix this is! When I first took the cap off of the vial (before I knew what any of the notes were), I swear I smelled apples. But no - no apples in here! So now I see the notes list, and I guess it was the pear that initially hit me... but this isn't the pear I'm used to with BPAL... it's beautifully juicy but not sweet, and with a distinctive woodsy undertone - not really obviously PEAR like it often is (like in The Vine, which was obvious PEAR to me).


    Then when it first meets my skin - I get that warm, buttery, powdery-cloying thing that honey always gives me... so I'm thinking 'oh no, there's honey in here!' but no - no honey in here! So that must be the oats? Then that honey-like sweetness completely disappears (I mean - completely disappears!) and I can really smell the oats/wheat - it's a fresh, warm smell - kind of like the scent of bread baking, but not quite. Underneath all this is a subtle hint of the wine - nothing too obvious, but there's a definite bed of soft fruit with a hint of spice underneath everything else.


    Once everything fully dries down, I am left with a soft and slightly woodsy pear that's lost the 'juicy' aspect and gone quite dry and dusky. And just the slightest hint of the spice/fruit from the wine. Very pretty, and quite unlike any other 'fruity' blend I've had from BPAL before. This does have a gorgeous summery-outdoorsy feel, but somehow it also feels like a cosy kitchen filled with the smells of warm bread and juicy wine.

  5. It might take some effort to find these, as they've been discontinued for a while now, but for tropical scents you really can't go past the Atomic Luau Lounge series. Reviews here


    In particular:



    Peach liquor, almond syrup, orgeat syrup, and pineapple cream de cacao.



    Grenadine, banana, and coconut rum.



    Spiced rum, coconut, pineapple, and vanilla.


    And of course, this one:



    A frothy, cold coconut perfume, pure and sweet, with gentle wafts of plumeria, pikake, and ala ala wai nui.


    I always get a lovely tropical vibe from Shango (red apples, banana, chili pepper, coconut, pineapple, pomegranate and sugar cane), and Black Pearl has a gorgeous coconut/musk/nutty with a hint of tropical floral thing going on. Another one to consider is Wembley (white musk, banana, orange blossom honey, pineapple, and mint), and also Pet Magah Bird (blood orange, black plum, sugar cane, guava, frangipani, coconut, pimento berry, violet, caramel, and pear) is also a full-on tropical fruity fest. Another beautiful tropical-island LE to look for is Velvet Tiki (Gold-washed frangipani, vanilla flower, vanilla bean, coconut, hibiscus, papaya, pineapple, bouganvilla, passion fruit, and three orchids). I also heartily second OctoberGwen's suggestion of Nightmarchers - that one's quite unusual but really sumptuous.


    Sorry for recommending things that are no longer available, but an ISO post should be able to help :smile:

  6. The Miskatonic Valley’s premiere sex shop. Black and red musks with honey, leather, and sugared black rose.


    I never tried the ED bath oil, so I can't compare this perfume to it, but here's my review anyway smile.gif

    What I get - above all else - is the sugared black rose. I always have problems with rose... it amps like crazy on me, but I think it's the leather that's keeping the rose in check here - the soft warmness of the leather is a perfect partner to the lovely dark rose. Honey is another note I usually have trouble with, but not here! Another YAY!! Actually, I can hardly detect any honey at all - if it wasn't a listed note, I probably wouldn't know it's there, except for the powdery feel of this blend which is likely coming from the combination of black musk and the honey.

    The red musk is a nice touch - it doesn't really stand out on its own at all, but along with the leather it gives the whole thing a nice warm base.

    I nearly let this one pass me by, because of the honey and the rose, but I'm glad I tried it because the musk/leather combination is stunning. Unfortunately - as usual - the rose eventually drowns out all that other good stuff and what I end up with is pretty much all sugared rose with warm leather in the background. Boo.

  7. It would be easy to say that this smells like pink bubblegum,,, and it kind of does - but it's so much more than that. This is such a beautiful fragrance - I love the innocent sweet fruitiness of the strawberry and vanilla, and I love how the red musk is so subtle, and I love how the black cherry adds a bit of darkess, but what I love the most is the gorgeous Egyptian amber and heliotrope that together turn this from just a pretty perfume into a lush, glowing extravaganza of pink glittery naughtiness.

  8. I was rummaging through my GC bottles today, and picked up The Hamptons. I couldn't remember what it was like, so I slathered some on. I'm so glad I did! I had forgotten all about this little beauty :smile:


    I haven't ever tried a Cosmopolitan cocktail, and I generally stay away from anything that might have white spirits such as gin (ick, nasty sourness on my skin!), but there's nothing obviously 'alcoholic' smelling about The Hamptons... just a slight hint of a boozy smell. Mostly what I get is a dark, rich orange that smells syrupy - like a liquer (Cointreau comes to mind). But mixing with the orange is something red - like a pomegranate or cranberry. And there's a touch of a zesty citrus - lime, I guess.. since that's what everyone else is reporting.


    The interesting thing about The Hamptons is that for something so obviously fruity, it doesn't really smell like a fruit blend per se. It ends up quite dry, rather than fizzy, but retains that lovely orange top note all the way through to the last little bit of fragrance that remains on my skin after a few hours.


    PS - just for the record, my bottle is well aged, circa early 2007.


    If this is what The Hamptons really smell like, then - as Liz Lemon would say - I want to go to there.

  9. The very best I've tried in the 'sweet, sugary, cotton candy type scents' would definitely be Midway (or Midway Res), but that can be hard to find. For me, Mouse Circus runs a very close second... I don't get any popcorn or peanut butter (thankfully!!) - just a lovely sweet cotton candy with-a-touch-of-warm-doughnuts from that one... it's really pretty, and a good substitute for Midway.


    As a comparison - on me, Boo is all vanilla all the time - like a really rich, syrupy vanilla essence - with a kind of buttercream tone. Like I've just whipped up a batch of buttercream icing and put a whole splash of vanilla essence in the bowl. So it's definitely sweet and sugary, but I don't get cotton candy from it.


    High Strung Daisies is gorgeous - it pulls a little 'pink' on me, but the pepper gives it a bit of interest and it's a lovely fresh, sweet and almost-candylike scent. And of course there's Marshmallow Poof, but that one is very hard to find.


    I know a lot of people loved the vanilla in Celeste, and got a soft cotton candy sweetness from it - personally, it was the kind of vanilla that goes sharp and nasty on me, but it's a huge favourite for a lot of people so that might also be worth a try.


    I would also suggest looking for a tester of this one from BPTP:



    French vanilla, pink candies, strawberry sugar, and orange blossom.


    It's soooooo pretty... for me, it was more strawberry sugar/candy and orange creamsicle, but a few reviewers mentioned a cotton candy feel to it.


    And for something just a little different, also from BPTP:



    Marshmallows, a bit of limp lettuce, and wads of soggy cotton soaking in a stew of tea (with lemon and honey!).


    For me, this was a gorgeous marshmallow-y delight! Not quite cotton candy, but really soft and sweet and pretty. Don't let the lettuce put you off ;)


    Good luck with your search!

  10. I find it interesting that so far most people are saying that blonde = all the soft/pink/fruity/pretty scents. As a (natural) blonde... I do appreciate those kinds of things but the BPALs I reach for are more the dark, resinous, voluptuous type - from gnarly patchoulis through to smokey incenses and snuggly leathers. And I stay far far away from any 'white' notes. But to be fair, I'm definitely not a bubblegum-chewing flowery-dress-wearing type of blonde :)

  11. Thank you! sunshinedaisybliss - one of my bottles looks exactly like that, the other has a multi-colored snake on the opposite side of the label.


    I was able to see the photo by clicking the little 'gallery' button under your avatar in your post :smile:


    I'm curious now, too! I know my bottles are pretty old (2008-ish) so I suspect that the coloured snake is younger, but I don't know for sure. I have a vague recollection of the Snake Pit labels being re-done at some stage, with slightly different designs and more colour, but I could be completely wrong about that.


    Hopefully someone around here has got a bottle of Australian Copperhead that they bought right back when it first came out, and we'll be able to find out :smile:


    PS to put an image into a post, just grab its location (right-click/copy image location) then use the 'insert picture' button inside your post to paste that in. Here's your pic:



  12. Thanks :) I saw the cottonmouth discussion. My Australian copperheads- I am still new enough that I haven't figured out how to post a picture!- one has a multi colored snake on the left side of the label, the other has a coiled green snake on the right side of the label. Anyone know which is which?? Thanks ;)


    All my bottles of Australian Copperhead are around five years old, and they have this label:




    The label itself is not shiny - it's the 'parchment paper' style. Hope that helps!

  13. This is a very strange blend indeed - there's the black rose, rosewood and oudh which for me just blend together into dark rose... but over the top of all that is a very salty, clean and almost menthol-like aroma which I guess must be the 'sea-kissed' aspect. It's the olfactory equivalent of pushing a heavy curtain aside to look into a room... I really have to push past the saltiness to get to the rose. I'm not finding anything related to the candle at all. After fully drying down (about 30 minutes), all I have here is a weird mix of saltiness and soapiness with rose.


    So as usual, the rose here amps on my skin so that eventually it's all I can smell. Note to self: give up on these rose blends! No matter what other notes are there to tempt me, I should know by now that rose always wins :(

  14. Thank you to the lovely Mellifluous for frimping this to me! :wub:


    The first thing to hit my nose here is the laurel honey - very fresh, and almost 'green' smelling. But right behind it is a gorgeous glowing amber softness, and then the bright saffron peeks through the honey-amber haze. A few minutes later, the waxy sweetness of the heliotrope appears. The only thing I never really find in its own right is the cedar, but there is a 'woodsy' kind of undertone to this blend.


    Unfortunately, the honey drowns out everything else here... that's just how honey rolls when it gets on my skin. BOO! I love all the golden warmth and brightness of Progressus, but that damn honey just spoils it... this ends up being just all honey all the time :(

  15. I had to try this one, because I'm a fan of the perfect and absolute mental collapse :)


    I don't get the OMG VETIVERRRRRRRR thing that others have mentioned - not at all... what I do get straight away is a gorgeous smokey cacao - imagine a chocolate factory on fire - that's the smell, and it's fan-freakin-tastic! Quite unlike any other scent experience I've had in BPALania so far. But then - just as I'm swooning in a cloud of smokey cacoa... the black pomegranate shows up - like a dark red hard-boiled candy... all sticky juicy dark sweetness, which adds a whole new dimension to that smokey chocolate. I investigate this business a little further - lean in for a deeper sniff - and there's just a teensy hint of rose, and I notice the smoke isn't like a black/ash smell but a softly sweet smoke which must be the vetiver + myrrh working together. And hey - there's my beloved red patchouli in there too! The patchouli comes out at about the 5-minute mark, by which stage the smokiness has mellowed right out. i'm not picking up any bitterness at all from the rue, and I expected a tinge of orange/citrus from the petitgrain... it's there, but it's very much a subtle top note rather than a key player.


    Unfortunately, that lovely smokey/chocolate/pomegranate/patchouli combination that I enjoyed so much at the start doesn't hold strong through the dry-down... for a blend that started off with so much oomph, this one fades fairly quickly into a mix of mostly pomegranate and rose on my skin - sweet, almost sickly, and a bit powdery. That's what happens with rose for me - it almost always ends up drowning everything else out :( So... sadly... this is not a winner for me. Bummer, because those first ten minutes of it were glorious.

  16. My first thoughts on this one... Snow White + mint, with something floral - lily, maybe. It has the exact same vanilla with a touch of tropical sweetness that I love so much from Snow White, but also a cool, crisp mint element that I wasn't expecting. Perhaps I should have expected it, since 99% of the time the BPAL 'snow' note translates straight into mint on my skin :(


    As it dries down, the mintiness subdues a little and everything sweetens up, but I never really get a true 'spun-sugar' because the mint stays there the whole time and that floral tone is also quite obvious. The whole thing fades rather quickly (in less than an hour, it's almost completely gone and it fades down to something that smells kind of stale), where a dab of Snow White lasts on my skin all day. So although it seems unfair to directly compare this to Snow White - that's honestly what it is on me... Snow White + mint. Lovely in its own right, but it's just not doing it for me.

  17. Why do I love the sludge...lets just say it's thick, interesting, and I dig it. Call me crazy! :lol:


    Heh... hello crazy :wave:


    Most of the 'sludge' I have encountered recently has been due to cocoa/cacoa/chocolate in a blend. As you mentioned - BTBT has sludge, and so has Countess Willie, Playing With Dangerous Toys, Delight and Consternation, and #occupywallstreet (the sludge in one of my OWS bottles is so thick that it absolutely refuses to budge from the bottom of the bottle!). I have a few bottles of Boomslang that I've been aging for a while now - they are all at various levels of sludginess, but the oldest bottle is very thick and sludgy and glorious... like a chocolate syrup :smile: And of course, the older Snake Oil gets... the thicker and sludgier it becomes - same with most of the Snake Pit blends, and also Snake Charmer.


    I dig the sludge too! But I also dig the BPALs with globules - they're like little lava lamps in a bottle :) The one that most comes to mind is Hellhound On My Trail - my bottles of that all have black globules in them :thumbsup:

  18. I don't think there would have been many people more excited than me when Siilkybat Hair Gloss was announced. Sensual? Sugared? Patchouli? Oh yes, I thought... OH YESSSSSS. I ordered two bottles without a moment's hesitation.


    But I have to say... oh no. OH, NO. Just no. For me, Silkybat is all just so wrong, and I'm very disappointed :thud:


    First up - the patchouli here is not rich and warm and earthy - it's light, but sharp. Whatever the 'sugar' is, it's not mixing well with the patchouli at all - not to my nose - and overall this smells like one of those spray cleaners you use on your kitchen bench. I wouldn't really say it's 'sweet' - it smells like dry, dusty candy that's gone a bit off, and that's just a bad, bad match with the sharpness of the patchouli. I'm happy with its performance as a hair gloss - in that regard, it's just as good as all the other HGs from the Trading Post that I've tried so far - but... oh, the smell. I was hoping for a more sensual, sweet and rich version of Amber and Patchouli HG, which I lovelovelove, but... no. To me, Silkybat is not anything like the A&P gloss with its beautiful dusky amber and snuggly patchouli.


    So I do believe I'm the first reviewer to not love this, but there you have it. For the record.. I got mine from the second batch - following the backorder from the initial orders. So perhaps there was a batch variation? I dunno, but I'm definitely not gettiing all the sexy sugared patchouli goodness that everyone else is talking about :( I don't know what I'm going to do with these two bottles, but I really can't see myself wearing this. I just don't dig walking around in a cloud of Ajax Spray n'Wipe.

  19. Question for the patchouli lovers out there... which do you think would be better for me


    Red or Black?


    As most of you know I love foodie, gourmand scents the most, but LOVE Banshee Beat! So if I had to go with Red or Black what would you recommend? :D


    You're going to get a mix of answers to that question, because patchouli is one of those notes that is very susceptible to skin chemistry :smile:


    On me, red patchouli is warm, syrupy, sensuous and voluptuous... and black is more woody, earthy and dry, and often goes a little bitter or sharp on my skin. Red is snuggly, Black is gnarly. So if I had to choose, it would be red all the way (for example, I have... er... several bottles of the Sumatran Red Patchouli SN, but I only bought one of the Black Patch SN).


    Knowing what kind of BPALs you like, I suspect it's probably the rich sticky vanilla that makes the patchouli in Banshee Beat work for you - which makes me think that the red variety will be more your thing because it's generally sweeter and warmer than black. I can't say I've ever really thought of patchouli as being 'gourmand', but if a patchouli were ever to be placed in that category then it would be the red.


    But hey - that's just my opinion! Someone who loves black patchouli will probably be here any minute to smack me down ;)

  20. This is one of those smooth, creamy blends that I love so much... whenever I see 'golden amber', I know I'm in for a treat. I still have fond memories of my first dab of Feed Me & Fill Me With Pleasure, when I first experienced that beautiful luxurious vanilla amber... and this beautiful amber in Hesiod's reminds me very much of that - not in smell, but in feel. I really appreciate the BPALs that have only a small number of notes - I seem to have a lot of wins with three-note blends, and this is a definite winner.


    If I had a criticism of this lovely blend, it would be that I find it a little too sweet. I do love oudh, but this isn't your regular kick-ass dark/smoky variety... it definitely has a sweet top note about it, which in combination with the robust bourbon vanilla is giving me an almost licorice-like smell. I mean... almost licorice, just on the verge - like hmm... is that licorice? Nah, it's not kinda thing. And that does mellow out after it's been on my skin for 10 minutes or so, and then a lovely woodsy tone comes out. This amber+vanilla+oudh combination is just divine.


    I can see myself reaching for this on those days where I don't feel like drowning myself in my usual gnarly patchouli or dark voluptuous incense-y or resin-y BPALs - it still feels like all of those things, but a more snuggly and softer version of them. On me, Hesiod's Phoenix stays close to the skin, and doesn't have a lot of throw, but I can catch little whiffs of it around me. I think this one is going to be one of those BPALs that people go nuts trying to find a few years from now - it should age beautifully.

  21. After a lot of research (i.e. review-reading), I decided to go with Temple of Dreams.


    I see you've already made your decision, so I'm a bit late... but I would have recommended the Erebos atmospheric spray from BPTP (reviews here) - it's a beautiful lavender with soft vanilla and subtle florals, really beautiful and a must-try for lavender lovers. Because it's designed for a room scent rather than a skin scent, I think it would have been a better choice because BPAL oils don't always translate fragrance the same way they do on your skin when used in an oil burner. If you want to give it a try, I'm pretty sure you could find a goblin squirt of Erebos for sale on the forum (or post an ISO) :smile:


    But - I have Temple of Dreams, and it is great too - I hope your friend loves it!

  22. As an anti-floral person myself, I hear ya :)


    You definitely need to try Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat - green tea, melon, mint, lime rind, and champagne grape with lemon balm, mullein, and toadflax - those notes may sound like an odd combination, but this is a beautiful fresh slightly-minty citrus/melon blend that's really lovely.


    The whole Mad Tea Party line is probably one you should explore, as it has a lot of blends that fit your brief.


    For warm/spicy vanilla - Morocco is the main one I'd recommend, but check through the whole Wanderlust line as it has some beauties.


    And as others have said, the White/Red/Black Riders for sure.


    For wild cards, I would recommend Depraved and Debauchery :thumbsup:
