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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by ljaylh

  1. Happy Birthday, dear lady ♥

  2. Hey lady - I haven't seen you around here in ages, I hope all is well. Just wanted to stop by and send some ♥

  3. Hey lady! Where you been? I miss youuuuuuu!! ♥

  4. Hello! *waves happily* ♥

  5. OK *secret whisper* so don't tell anyone, but I actually do have purple sparkly floaties! AND YOU CAN BORROW THEM ANY TIME MWAAAAAHAHA!!

  6. Welcome back! I did a happy dance when I saw you posting again ♥ ♥

  7. So lovely to see you back! YAY!

    ♥ ♥


    *throws glitter*

    ♥ ♥ Happy Birthday ♥ ♥

  9. BIG HUGS to you, my dear friend ♥

  10. Just stopping by to leave you some ♥♥♥

  11. Hello Mrs Gorgeous! Haven't seen you around here in a while... hope you are well ♥

  12. Hello lovely Ms M! Just stopping by to wish you a happy new year :)

  13. Your review of Callidora made me laugh right out loud! You're very naughty :)

  14. Yes! Almost Yules time! YAY!!


  15. Darling Ms M - where have you beeeeeeeeeen?? I miss you!!! *smooches*

  16. Hey! I'm stopping by to give you hugs and stuff just because xx

  17. Hope you had a happy birthday!! :)

  18. I just read your "the ground is rocky" blog post. And now I sit here teary-eyed.

    You are a special lady.

  19. Hey lady! I haven't seen you in ages!! I hope you are well xx

  20. You should stop stalking me and leaving me little love notes.

    I like it far too much.

  21. Hello dear Mr Puddin' sir - thank you for being so sweet and lovely and delicious and stuff ♥

  22. Hello lovely!

    *pulls your hair and runs away*

  23. Hello dear Mr Puddin' sir - thank you for being so sweet and lovely and delicious and stuff ♥

  24. Hello lovely!

    *pulls your hair and runs away*

  25. OK lady, where you been hiding lately?

    We miss your lovely face around here *hugs*
