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Posts posted by AmandaArcana

  1. An Irish Halloween tradition! This fruit bread is used as a method of divination: a medallion of the Virgin Mary, a sliver of rag, a pea, a coin, a stick, and a ring are baked into the pastry. On Halloween night, it is cut up and served to the household. If you received the stick, you would spend the next year in conflict…

    if you received the medallion, you would be called to the priesthood…
    if you received the rag, you would be plagued with misfortune…
    if you received the ring, you would be married within the year…
    if you received the pea, you would not marry within the year…

    Each bottle of Barmbrack spray comes with a toy coin and a wish for your good fortune in 2010!


    Oh wow! First to review!
    It smells like really good sweetbread with a touch of cinnamon and dried fruit. Foodies rejoyce! However in my place it tends to dissapate and is not so strong.
    Also mine came with a pirate coin and a jack-o-lantern yoyo, fun.

  2. Trick or Treat 2009


    In the bottle: Wow, smells like I opened a can of sweet corn...and then spilled a bottle of corn whisky in it!


    Ok, now that I let air out a bit: Very sweet corn!


    On me: sweet boozy corn that's been made into corn cake. Now (after drying) it's turned candy corn, expensive, upscale candycorn (if such a thing existed).

  3. Oh WOW! This is delicious!


    In the bottle: sweet cherry candy! Like cherry syrup (NOT cough syrup).


    On me: Whoo! There's the booze! Hi booze, I missed you! If you really like booze scents this ones for you! The cherry smell dies down on me though after it dries.

  4. In the bottle: warm pumpkin and honey, very yummy and slightly comforting (?)


    On me: the almond is trying to ruin this for me but its loosing the battle with the pumpkin and honey. WooHoo!!!! Pumpkin triumphs!!! Sweet honey-almond and pumpkin! No floral! YEEESSS!


    If Bite Me broke you heart with the floral almond get this instead 'cause it's just the right amount/kind of almond that doesn't go all floral.



    (1/2 hour later)


    Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!

    ....pumpkin lost....now almond playdough!

    Forget what I said earlier.....

  5. Creepy 2009


    Ok, 2009 smells like they used a different kind of apple...maybe a red apple instead of a green one.

    the booze is not no noticiable in this one either.If you have 2006 you should also get 2009 'cause they are slightly different.


    Ok, in the bottle of 2009: carmel apples with just a hint of coconut rum.


    On me: much the same as in the bottle though the carmel stands out more. Very yummy, go get yourself one!

  6. In the bottle: APPLE! Red jucy apple! A bit like Fearful Pleasure


    On me:Apples and cinnamon, not getting any milk though. Very nice though, reminds me of the apple farms that make fresh cider and pie during the fall. Great fall scent!

  7. Devil's Night 2009


    In the bottle:Woha!!!Major stinkage! Not sure what that is but I think it's supposed to be the "boozy swoon". Smells like really cheap beer and feet!

    On me: Smells really good! Like burning leavs and autumn spices. I bet this will be awesome on my man! I think this is more a men's fragrance but I still like it. Not much throw on me, got to get right up on my arm to smell it.



    FYI: I left this open to air out a bit and now in the bottle I get more of the sugar and musk. I just got this in the mail so it probably needs to settle a bit.

  8. In anything else I love almond....except perfume. Always turns floral on my skin, and not a good floral either.

    In the bottle:almond cake, much like marzipan.

    On me: awful, nasty, cheap floral! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Like those scented dollar store artificial flowers.


    I'll let this sit for a few months to see if the almond settles down but I doubt it. It's great if almond works with your skin chemstry.

  9. Had reservations about this one after I ordered it but I'm really happy with this one!

    In the bottel: Smells like vanilla cream

    On me: Nice balance of the cottoncandy and sheets. Totally does NOT smell like dryer sheets like I feared. It is similar to Midway but its stronger. Also kinda like pink flamingo with out the plastic and sap. This is really nice and I might need another bottle of it!

  10. Ok, I've let this one sit for about a month to settle before I tried it. I was very sold on it from the description but when I got it I wondered if they left something out when they made my bottle...like the honey, the fig, the berries...what I got is musk. When I put it on all I get is musk. Perhaps I need to let this age a while before I try it again...like next summer. Maybe then the other notes will show up.

  11. A sparkly, batty little scent: green tea, melon, mint, lime rind, and champagne grape with lemon balm, mullein, and toadflax.

    Had to let this one settle for a few weeks before I tried it on... I definately get melon and lime right off the bat with a little hint of mint. Smells really good on me, great for summer! However, after a few hours I loose the melon/lime/mint and it goes to this weird green musk kinda smell. I don't like that part but my man likes it. I can always refresh the scent by applying more and it doesn't get overpowering. All in all I like it!

  12. Goes on realy strong with me, I have to use it lightly! Also it lasts all day. Very spicy, totally getting the ginger with some prunes. Can't really get the rum though. Fortunately I do well with the prune scents...wierd! This makes a great fall/halloween scent.

  13. Ok, I was a little dissapointed in this one. I hoped for more marshmallow and less dandelion and that's not what I got. In the bottle it smells a lot like velvet unicorn but with something bitter. On my skin I get mostly bitter dandelion with underlying marshmallow. But I do have to give it props...it does smell like a plastic flamingo! The lable art is cute too.

  14. In the bottle I get chocolate peanutbutter...and strawberry?! It kinda reminds me of those flavor oils you'd get if you were gonna make your own molded flavored chocolates. On the drydown I get just a little of the peanut butter and the grenadine and caro syrup. I settles down on me to some kind of citrus and clear syrup... and some kind of coconut...weird!

  15. In the bottle I get straight up bananna.

    On my skin it starts out bananna...then goes to circus peanut...then to popcorn :blink:

    Now that its dry all I get is some very greasy banannas with extra emphasis on greasy!

    I think this is one that will have to age a bit before I try it again.

  16. Vibrant with the joy and sweetness of life in death! A blend of five sugars, lightly dusted with candied fruits.

    I really had high hopes for this one but unfortunately this one dosen't work for me :(
    In the bottle it smells like cough syrup. Some one earlier mentioned grape bubble yum...yeah I get that too.
    On me it kinda dissappears but it's smelling like To Autumn only slightly different...then its gone! :ghost:

  17. Yum! Very rum and coconut! Pineapple and vanilla in the backround but still detectable. On me these smell the same as in the bottle but this has got a lot of throw! I usually don't have to reaply this when I wear it.

  18. This is my second favorite in the Atomic Luau Lounge! I can really smell the pineapple and rum, then a salty undertone like the way a green margarita would taste. I wore this all last summer! It smells pretty much the same on the skin as in the bottle which is pretty rare for me. Essence of summer in a bottle... B)
