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Posts posted by AmandaArcana

  1. In the bottle: Tropical fruit drink. Like something from the Atomic Luau Lounge.

    On me: Total wine spritzer, almost no fruit. I'm getting a little pineapple, maybe a bit of lime....no not lime, grapefruit! Loads of grapefruit! Usually I like these sort of scents on me but it's a little sharp. Perhaps after it settles a bit it will agree with me more.

  2. Got a sample in my Underworld Cup order. It is very strange...strong at first with something that smells like green plants and herbs with a little touch of leather I think. It's kinda faint. I would have to spray a lot to make it stand out in my place. I like it though. Good spring/summer scent. Hope to see this avaliable soon!

    Nepeta zhothaqquah
    This Saturnian herb possesses a deep mossy scent that, when crushed, emits a vapor redolent of woody oranges.

    In the bottle: very clean and fresh, I get the oranges with something green...the moss? Kinda reminds me of fancy shampoo.

    On me: woody oranges, catnip, mint, and sunblock (?). Very summery to me.

    I'm more of a foody person so I'm really not good at "fresh scents".

  4. In the bottle: CHOCOLATE!!!! Good chocolate, like Godiva chocolate and pumpkin with spices.


    On me: OMG this is sooooo wonderful!!!! Orgasm in a bottle :yum: ! It is similar to Milk Chocolate Coconut Cardamon Rum and Ginger truffle but more halloweenie. So good I just bought a back-up bottle.

  5. I did not try this on myself since wine scents do not work on me at all. I did buy this for my husband and he LOVES it. I do not get any of the other notes except deep, dark, red wine. It smells like someone totally dumped a bottle of it over his head. It is very strong and lasts all day on him. I need to be careful 'cause he put it on and then huged me and it got on me and that's all I could smell! Its a very potent blend...do not get pulled over by the cops when you are wearing it!

  6. A very lovely boozy chocolate scent. It is similar to last years dark chocolate and pepper smoked carmel but with booze.

    On me the whiskey is the dominant scent and the chocolate dosen't come into play until it dries. Not as long-lasting as I'd hope for but I don't mind re-applying.

    If you like booze scents (like Mad Sweeney) you will like this one!

  7. This is, by far, the BEST box o' chocolates blend from this year and last year! I really wish that someone would make real chocolates like this 'cause I'd eat the hell out of 'em! This just smells like warm, melted chocolate with ginger and cardamon. The coconut kinda takes a back seat but you can still smell it. The scent lasts a looong time on my skin too which is uncommon. I ususally rock any ginger scents anyway but this is the best! I will definately be buying back-up bottles!

  8. Wasn't sure if this one would work for me...but it does. Its a wonderful blend of key lime and chocolate...two flavors that I diddn't think would go together. On me it stays reletively the same but tends to wear off within a few hours. Otherwise I say this is a keeper! I kinda get a spring/summer vibe off this one so I'll be saving this for warmer days.

  9. In the bottle: getting the tea and cream right away but it's being drowned in the musk. I do get a little bit of the berry also. This is kinda like Miller vs. California but with more notes.


    On me: musk totally takes over with some cake screaming for help in the background. Now getting a little bit of the berries too. The chocolate escapes me though.


    Overall this is another scent that I think I'm going to let age a bit before I wear it. I would like this scent better if there was no musk involved.

  10. Spooky:Resurrected

    In the bottle- very minty with buttery rum. It's not the "lick it" kind of miny either...its smells like clear mint, like mint booze.

    On me: less rum and way more mint. Really amping the mint.

    Overall I'm glad I got this but I'll probably let it age a bit before I start wearing it. I gives me that victorian christmas feel, which is what I want.

  11. Blackberry jam and… scones.

    I wanted this so BAD when I heard it was comming! However, like everything I want, as soon as I get it I immeadetly regret it. In the bottle I get batter, blackberries, and rose? I'm not kidding, that's what I smell. On me I get tons of blackberry with a hint of scones. Then after it dries I get nail polish remover. I just should have bought me some blueberry scones at the bakery :cry2: !

  12. Had to let this one sit for a while before reviewing it 'cuase it diddn't smell right.


    In the bottle: smells like very salty dough. I mean all I can smell is salt.


    On me I still get the salty scent but if I sniff really hard I get an undertone similar to cockaigne. What I percieve as salty might me the incence. I just doesn't seem quite right on me. Maybe this is one that has to age before I can wear it.

  13. This is the first forum only scent I've bought and I'm gonna have to get another one of these 'cause I LOVE it! I almost diddn't get this because I had a bad experience with Dorian (my man got a bottle and SLATHERED it...my nose diddn't stop running for days!). In the bottle I get red velvet cake ( I love red velvet so much I picked it for my wedding cake) with spice and frosting. It's reminicient of Beaver'versary but more spicy. On me the cake only lasts so long and then it takes a back seat to the DC, SO, and D. I really diddn't like these on their own but mixed together its not bad at all. This means a lot comming from me since I'm a major foody. Hope Beth puts out a cake scent for each of Lilith's birthdays!

  14. In the bottle it really smells to me just like melted french vanilla ice cream. On me however, it smells like ice cream that had something really bad happen to it. I can't place it, not quite plastic but somewhat like burnt sugar. I'm gonna let this one age a bit and then try it again.

  15. WOW! This has a lot of staying power! I'm glad it came in a room spray 'cause I liked the Samhain oil, just not on me. The cinnamon-sugar adds a sweet edge to it that's kinda different, but good.



    Update: I could smell this 2 days after I sprayed!
