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Everything posted by AmandaArcana

  1. AmandaArcana

    Rangoon Riptide

    This is my second favorite in the Atomic Luau Lounge! I can really smell the pineapple and rum, then a salty undertone like the way a green margarita would taste. I wore this all last summer! It smells pretty much the same on the skin as in the bottle which is pretty rare for me. Essence of summer in a bottle...
  2. AmandaArcana


    In the bottle it smells like sharp wet butter. I smell the popcorn after I put it on and it's very good! Smells just like buttered popcorn! It doesn't have a lot of staying power though, halfway through the day I have to reapply to kick it up, but most scents are like that on me anyway...
  3. AmandaArcana

    Blue Fire

    First I gotta say that I loved everything from the Luau Lounge and this one's got to be my favorite! In the bottle I get just a hint of blueberry with something green in the backround. When I put it on I get gin right off the bat then it dries down to fizzy lemon-lime scent. Though I don't really smell any blueberry but the neat "sprite" scent makes it worth while. Everything blends together so well, this is got to be the most summery one of them all!
  4. AmandaArcana

    Velvet Cthulhu

    Ok, I'm not too familiar with most of the components...my man bought this but I had to give it a try! It's very green and kinda sharp in the bottle. When I put it on nothing goes wonky on me, good start! After it dries I get wasabe and green tea, pretty good! I can't wait to see what it smells like on my man! Now if only we could find an actual velvet painting of Cthulhu we'd be all set...
  5. AmandaArcana

    Velvet Pink Kitty

    Another winner from bpal! Uber boozy with strawberries is my best description or just pink booze. When it dries I get more booze than anything else and it has quite a bit of staying power. I put some on last night and I could still smell it on my wrist faintly this morning. I know this is gonna sound wierd but for some reason this reminds me of christmas...
  6. AmandaArcana

    Velvet Clown

    Another really good one in my book! In the bottle I smell just about everything in the description except the grease paint (no loss there). On me I really get the boozed up circus peanuts and cotton candy but no licoirce. When it dries down I still smell the candy but I get that really nice campfire smell that I got off Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Carmel. Overall it's super boozy with campfire smoke. It also has good staying power, I put it on last night and I could still smell it when I got up this morning.
  7. AmandaArcana

    Velvet Unicorn

    So far this is my absolute favorite Velvet scent! I get the cotton candy and the cherry right off but when it dries it smells just like cake!!! It's Floating Brain without the flowers! I usually never buy back-up bottles but this one I definately will!! This one makes my top 3 favorite scents!
  8. AmandaArcana

    How to remove scents from your skin

    I've tried just about everything to get unwanted scents off my skin, most of them don't work for me but St.Ives makeup remover took off some really nasty floral scent. One time I used this thing called Fresh Fingers, its a flat piece of metal that you rub on your skin and it's supposed to get rid of fish, onion, and garlic smells. It did the trick but my skin dried out after using it.
  9. AmandaArcana

    Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid

    First, I gotta say that most florals go really nasty on me, like cheap soap being crammed up your nose nasty. This one however worked for me. It's very fresh and summery, I get the sea spray, no trace of the almond though, and just a tiny hint of the jasmine. After it settles it smells like a realy nice men's cologne.
  10. AmandaArcana

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self Similarity v4

    XLI It took me a while to figure out what this is since I've never tried snake oil before. It's snake oil and fruit! It's the same fruit smell in MB Bloody Mary, when it dries it's snake oil and cherries. Not bad!
  11. AmandaArcana

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v2

    XXI In the bottle I get a strong wiff of honey cake-good start out! Then there's this soapy note...meaning there's flowers in my cake When I put it on I get the same thing only the flowers are stronger. After a while the cake totally dissappears and all thats left is the flowers. I can't tell what kind though. Maybe I'll get another one and have better luck.
  12. AmandaArcana

    Huesos De Santo

    I like it enough...when I first put it on I can really smell the cake. When it dries the floral comes out more...not to the point of being suffacated like most florals on me. All in all, I would have liked no flowers and more cake!
  13. AmandaArcana

    Miskatonic University

    Really like this one! I get mostly coffee and maybe a little wood on my skin. It smells like "pancake breakfast" only without the syrup and goat butter. I wonder what would happen if I layered the two? (*hint* ) MMMM...breakfast with Cthulhu.
  14. AmandaArcana

    Thirteen (13): February 2009

    just got it today, unfortunately the 13s don't seem to work on me...I get no chocolate or brown sugar, only a hint here and there of some spices, mostly it's kinda sharp and acrid. I don't think my body chemsitry can handle all those scents together. I'll let it age and see what happens. eh, now it's turned to church lady perfume. I guess 13 isn't my lucky number.
  15. AmandaArcana

    White Chocolate and Strawberry

    Another good one! Smells a bit sharp when I first put it on, but then after it dries it really does smell like white chocolate with strawberries. Some candy company (maybe Hershey's) a few years back put out a white chocolate with strawberries candy bar...anyway it smells just like it! I also kinda get a strawberry shake vibe off of it. Very yummy!
  16. AmandaArcana

    Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel

    This is so cool! I diddn't mix the dark sludgy up and just applied it as is...started off as spicy chocolate and carmel. When it dried it smelled just like smoke from a summer campfire...I mean JUST like it, with a little chocolate in the background. Smells like making s'mores!!!! Yum!!!! Even when I mixed it up it still smelled like campfire with a little caramel. So friggen' sweet!!!!
  17. AmandaArcana

    Eau de Ghoul

    This one really had potential for me, in the bottle it smells like 7-up, cola, and gingerale mixed together. When I put it on I got all that plus the leather...an hour later it turns to cheap laundry detergent....... Going to give this to my man...then sniff the HELL outta him!!!
  18. AmandaArcana

    Goblin of Yuletide Past Atmosphere Spray

    WOW!! Got this on a whim and I'm glad I did! This smells so wonderful, just like christmas! You can really smell the cookies and it lingers for a long time. This is my favorite room spray.
  19. AmandaArcana

    The Tell-Tale Heart

    Just got this in the mail from ebay, had really high hopes for this one. In the bottle it smells like bloody, peppery chocolate (with a hint of Vicks?!). On me it smells like the old lady perfume you smell at church. My body chemistry is mean
  20. AmandaArcana

    Invasion of the Flesh-Eating Reindeer from Uranus

    By far my new favroite christmas scent! This one all of the different components come out on me! I smell like musky booze drenched fruitcake! I can't stop using exclamation points I like this so much!!!!
  21. AmandaArcana

    Crimson Christmas

    *pout* devistated again!!! Smells great in the bottle, once it hits my skin *PooF*...instant dryer sheets. Fresh, overly scented dryer sheets.
  22. AmandaArcana


    I just got an imp of this in my recent order...WOW! This is absoutley delicious!!!! I'm ordering a full bottle of this!!! On me it is overwhelming honey and cake with a drydown of milk (can't pick up any of the wine though). Uber yum.
  23. AmandaArcana

    Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream

    I was really excited when I was able to get a bottle of this off ebay- until I got it In the bottle it smells very fruity ( I can make out a little blueberry) then this sharp smell takes over-I think it's the currents. When I put it on it was terrible! All I get is this sharp choaking scent that took a whole day to wash off! I was devistated! This is the first time a bpal scent has gone bad on me I don't know what happened! I'm hoping this will get better with age...stupid currents.......
  24. AmandaArcana

    Pickled Imp

    When I first put it on it's a slap in face with cinnamon, then clove follows. After it drys I can smell the vanilla more and just a tiny hint of pine. It really works for me, smells like it should be in the chirstmas scents. It reminds me of those scented pinecones you can get around christmas time for your fireplace. Although one of my family members said they could smell picke juice (?)...not sure what kind of pickles they eat...
  25. AmandaArcana

    Butter Rum Cookie

    When I put this on the first thing I can smell is the rum, as it drys I get the hint of cinnamon, then cookie. Well done! Smells like Christmas to me!