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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by papermaker

  1. This started as super sweet. then in about two minutes it calmed down. Once calm there was milk, and slightly spicy carnation. It goes a smidge powdery until the rose makes its appearance, and helps the powderiness vanish. This is a very innocent scent. Much like Alice herself.

  2. This is for the 2009 batch: Thanks to Beth and the lav bringing this back for newbs like me to own. When I open the bottle, it is a blast of cognac. Once I get it on though it totally blossoms into something else: It is a sexy sweet vanilla, with tobacco and incense dirtying up the vanilla cream cotton. I think I need another bottle. I've tried it aged. and that is really good too. One for now, and one to look forward to.

  3. i decided to wear Holly King since today is his day to be the conquerer. In the bottle it is very woody and maybe pine or fir. Once wet on my skin, it is very wintery. I smell cool winter crisp air, fir trees, and as it warms more, holly berry. As it dries, it becomes a warm wood scent, with holly berry scent. I rather enjoy this, and would love to see it released.

  4. In the imp I was completely unsure of what I was smelling. Not bad not exactly the best either. But I forged on and put it on. Wet on skin it is a sparkling juicy rose. As it begins to dry it becomes more pomegranate with a rose backing than ROSE.

  5. This starts as pure banana bread on my skin. And lets ask ourselves seriously, "What bake sale doesn't include banan bread?" It is realistic too. Then it slowly turns into butterscotch- caramel type scent. Then pancakes. This is a morpher. It finally seems to settle down at ancakes with maple syrup, and a touch of coffee.

  6. This was the first Gaiman I tried, and I kind of love it. It is first a honey wine scent. Once the honey and wine settle in there is the greeness of the dandelions, and a slight sweetness from the currants. Dry it is less wine, but it is currants and dandelions dipped in honey.

  7. Glory and Majesty, Kokab, God’s Judgement.

    Oh me this is amazing. I am glad I never had to worry about trying to commit bank account suicide to get some of this before. This is an amazing carnation scent. So spicy and beautiful. In combination with what seems to be amber to my nose. :thud: I'm glad I can buy bottles because this will be amazing aged

  8. This really is the perfect vanilla mint. It does have a buttery quality to it, which make me feel that the vanilla is a more foody vanilla than is in some blends. The mint blooms once it hits my skin, but in no way overpowers the vanilla. My one sad, is that I wished it stayed longer on my skin.

  9. When I first sniffed this, I thought this is Snow White. Have to let it age before I can enjoy it. But it wasn't it's better. The vanilla rose apparently gets bored and waanders away to find more interesting things, but leaves a tempered Snow White in its wake. :wub2:

  10. This scent reminds me of being a kid, and there was the first like 1 inch snowfall, and everyone decides to have a snowball fight, but the snowballs are just as much dirt as snow. It starts as a cold scent. All mint and ice. Then comes the dirt. later as it dries it is a nice mix of dirt and the cool ice/ snow smell that Beth does so well. Once completely dry it dries down to ice.

  11. I didn't want to like this one. I even asked my friend and he said he loved it and would steal it from me if I decided I hated it. There is a soft aquatic quality to this. Not frost or snow, but a light fall rain... I can totally see the inspiration behind this. The musks do flit in and out like the beating of insect wings. Not loud, but a nice shimmering background. The red peppers are the star however as it is exactly the smell of cutting a fresh red pepper. After I get my bottle I may gift my decant to my friend. :lol:

  12. In the decant this is bergamot and tobacco flower. Once on there is a general soapiness that takes over. As thye bergamot dries, and more of a soft citrus the gardenia makes its appearance.There is no identifyable tobacco flower. Once dry there is a mix of florals. Not bad but nit my style under noral circumstances.

  13. Amber, honeysuckle and pink pepper. On my skin this is just an odd combination. Where is the passion flower? Oh about 15 minutes later it comes sauntering in behaving like a diva. It adds just enough tartness to balance the sweetness of the amber and honeysuckle.
