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Posts posted by cymbeline

  1. Smell alike: Mainly like a thick berry soup


    Color impression: Shiny berry purple


    On me: What a witty kitty! Acid sarcasm at first and then a good big laugh. An optimistic scent which keeps shifting smoothly between tart and sweet


    Wearing: this blend does not have a good throw on me. It's really the kind of subtle shiny notes I'd wear in my hair when I linger at home in comfy pants :3




  2. Smell alike: hyper chemical jelly candies


    Color impression: juicy orange and sticky neon pink


    On me: in the imp, Forbidden fruit was already obnoxious and overwhelming... but as soon as it touched my skin, this blend loudly yelled "Pleaaaase, be merciful for your SO! Wash me off!!!!"


    Wearing: too sweet and synthetic for me. I get no flower or citrus, only something alike strawberry (?!!!). Too bad because the shy watery edge set by the lotus was quite interesting!

  3. Smell alike: a long lost and bitter relative of *Aizen-Myoo* ?


    Color impression: Dusty yellow


    On me: It's pleasant and fresh, all grapefruit and citrus on my skin. The blend is only a tiny bit sweetened by a tamed kumquat. The all thing tends to get a bit too peppery on the edge


    Wearing: I like it. Deeply. Just don't know when and how I could use this one ^^;


  4. Smell alike: smells like an old boudoir to me -or a room where *Marie*-Antoinette was in (I guess because of the rose/violet combo)


    Color impression: witty pink


    On me: It just screamed "Hi! We're Roses! We're here to stay! Banzai!", and then quickly disappeared leaving just a soft trace of unwashable violet and lingering rosewood


    Wearing: Definitively not for me


  5. Smell alike: A matured and settled *Casanova*?


    Color impression: Velvet deep green and satin butter-yellow


    On me: This one - on my man - NOW! I was a bit fearful because my former experiences with tonka weren't so nice. But Wilde is so good I could bath in it. In fact, I wouldn't mind smelling like this after a long night with Beloved!


    Wearing: Not for me but this is exactly the kind of scents I find appealing on a man :heart:


  6. Smell alike: Wild flowers field near a stream


    Color impression: Bouncing young white


    On me: Usually, I am not so fond of white florals. But if I'd have to wear one, it would be something like Muse. This blend is not heady and very lively thank to a soft and joyful lime. The aquatic touch of the lotus also ground the jasmine (thanks God XD)


    Wearing: I don't often wear those kind of scents but I guess I will try this one once in a while for a change ^^


  7. Smell alike: It smells like the cleaner used by the school I used to work


    Color impression: Chilly yellow-green


    On me: Bright and lemony! A slap in your face!


    Wearing: Not so bad, but I won't wear this one as a perfume: it lacks of roundness in the background notes and it's a bit too aggressive (yet in a very nice way!) for me


  8. Smell alike: mmm, lavender always reminds me holidays in the south of France


    Color impression: Aloof pale purple


    On me: the lavender is not so masculine in this blend: it's really a sophisticated and ancient style lady's perfume -too bad it ran away quickly leaving just a soapy afterthought, I would have loved to see how it matures on the skin


    Wearing: ?


  9. Smell alike: ???


    Color impression: fresh blue and glorious white


    On me: A glorious symphony in wisteria settled with a nice white sandalwood. The result is beautiful, glittering even if basically not really me at all!


    Wearing: I am not so sure. Wisteria tends to morph on me depending on my circle. For the moment, it goes all catchy and alluring but I don't know if it's gonna last! I need more testing ^^


  10. Smell alike: reminds me sunny days in the countryside -I really don't know why :3


    Color impression: Bouncy and fluffy apple green


    On me: Smells sweet -Yum, pear!- and clean -lilly of the valley and musk. Pretty and maybe a bit too discrete for my liking but that a really comforting and delicate scent


    Wearing: I don't really feel like wearing this one myself but it might be very nice on a kid or in a kid room


  11. Smell alike: nursing room (you know, the ones crowded with flowers?)


    Color impression: weeping pale blue-green


    On me: I don't really know labdanum but if it's the one that smells like a sick person's room, I don't want more of it =/ Associated with clear roses it's just awfully medical to my nose


    Wearing: Brings back too painful memories. Not a keeper for me


  12. Smell alike: a citrusy *Maenad*


    Color impression: Electric red


    On me: Hum… my skin dislikes something in this blend and it yells it LOUD- let me wash it off XD

    I think that me and the lab's strawberry and raspberry notes don't get along together very well ^^;


    Wearing: I had nice expectations for this one but in the end the unnatural raspberry spoiled everything!


  13. Smell alike: This one is dangerously close to *Akuma*


    Color impression: sticky dark red


    On me: Irk! über super sweet! I can only smell very chemical strawberry and something like a wicked carnation in the bottle. On my skin, it's just a really sticky scent -a bit like an old sweet medicine forgotten on a shelf (dustiness =thanks to the poppy ?)


    Wearing: Not for me that for sure. But as it has been said, it could do the trick on a teenager



  14. Swap test!


    Smell alike: A tamed eau sauvage


    Color impression: bright yellow and acid pink


    On me: An icy scent, self assured and bright. It’s mainly citrusy (only a tiny bit minty in the back) as the grapefruits and orchid don’t seem strong enough to stand out.


    Wearing: It feels like a modern Casanova: flirty and quietly powerfull. Another one to try on a man :P

  15. Swap test!


    Smell alike: Pure, pure water iris


    Color impression: diaphanous white and trembling lilac


    On me: Floral, floral, floral. Not as chilly as I thought it would be. I deeply thank the lily for not going all powdery. Not being a floral fan, this scent seemed really blank to me. But, must add I really liked the background of this blend which present something deep and round (is that the ivy and the gladiolus?)


    Wearing: Light and fresh. An everyday and sporty-outdoors scent

  16. Swap test!


    Smell alike: ???


    Color impression: bloody orange


    On me: It’s not unpleasant, just… annoying. Quite true to its name in fact. It doesn’t have the time to develop further on my skin, just quickly ran away but I had the time to get a very different development, warmer and rounder. Guess it worth trying this one in a locket!


    Wearing: Not sure, I need more tests. It also something I would try on a man

  17. Swap test!


    Smell alike: hum… blank?


    Color impression: glittering blue


    On me: After a really short green floral dash (I guess tulips ‘cause it doesn’t smelled peony at all), I only get a faint of marine-ozone note. A bit disappointing


    Wearing: This one doesn’t get perfumy at all on me so I have some troubles judging ^^;

  18. Swap test!


    Smell alike: My “saltimbocca alla romana” :P


    Color impression: spiky blue-green


    On me: Kitchen herbal!!! It’s fresh, it’s lively but, as pine didn't show, I just feel like a *veal (?) escalope*!


    Wearing: No, I like it, but no :D

  19. Swap test!


    Smell alike: The little sachets we and my mother use to do and put in our closets


    Color impression: pale pink and lilac


    On me: It’s faint and a tiny bit powdery. I like the orchid note. Not an unpleasant scent and not really blank but… definitely too discreet for me


    Wearing: Fade away too quickly on me to get a real judgement. For the one who fears the lavender, no worry, even if strong in the imp, this one stayed tuned on my skin

  20. Swap test!


    Smell alike: My brother’s former shampoo


    Color impression: bright yellow-green


    On me: Herbal attack! All I can smell is powerful verbena and sage. Then, comes a very nice fresh citrus-ginger blend


    Wearing: I like herbal but not as perfume! But I would love this one as a shower gel/soap/shampoo: it has this *I am gonna clean your sleepy mind* scent I love sooo much in the morning

  21. Swap test!


    Smell alike: Patchouli is too strong in the imp and on my skin to decide :P


    Color impression: Damp purple


    On me: First I got a nice orchid and bergamot blend. And then, Doom happened and the patchouli exploded ^^;


    Wearing: If you like patchouli, just go! This scent is sweet and discreet enough for office wear. But, if patchouli hates you as much as it hates me… run, quick!

  22. Swap test!


    Smell alike: Violet indeed


    Color impression: flirtatious violet


    On me: A pleasant violet blend. Not me all all but it do get the *old lady* accents some violet perfume bears: this Marie stays nicely young, (not so-) innocent and sweet


    Wearing: For me, it’s a girly scent and would do wonders on little ones! But I guess violet makes a smart evening scent too


    Note: excellent staying power (even washed a long time ago, I still smell it :P)

  23. Swap test!


    Smell alike: Dried sage in my kitchen


    Color impression: bluish dark silver


    On me: It quickly gets a salty note because of the sage. It’s a really sad scent indeed, a bit far-away and empty (because of the cedarwood?)


    Wearing: Herbal tends to run away on me and this one did the same. Too bad it was interesting even if I don’t think it’s a fragrance I’d appreciate as a perfume

  24. Swap test!

    (plus that’s my first name so I had to at least test this one :3)


    Smell alike: Strange, I get accents quite alike Aizen-Miyo ^^;


    Color impression: tender orange and soft deep green


    On me: I thought this one was going to be clean fresh and too powdery because of the lilly. Wrong. The sweet pea and the pear are the real stars of this blend. The white musk and the honeysuckle bring a happy, carefree note in the background, just enough to balance everything


    Wearing: I love it! Light and shiny yet really sweet, bottle please!

  25. Swap test!


    Smell alike: Violet liquor which is my town speciality ôO


    Color impression: dark smoky purple


    On me: Started all yummy thanks to the fig but I must say that I find the alliance with cocoa and wood a bit strange. It made the scent a bit sticky, like an old poison.


    Wearing: Interesting but far too dark and sweet. Definitely not me


    Note: this one is really sticky! Even after washing it, it last hours :P
