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Posts posted by AnArtfuldodger

  1. I get a very strong herbal scent from this. Not a flowery herbal though -- this is like chives, or rosemary. A very put-this-in-your-food herbal, not dried-lavender herbal, if that makes sense. I get a very distinct olfactory memory from this -- whatever herb it is, it's something my mom used to grow in her herb garden, because I remember my hands smelling sort of like this after weeding.


    Putting my decant in the swap pile, I think. It just reminds me of chives, even though I don't think that's the herb in my memory for it. :/


    It's very complex! I don't hate it, but I just can't think of where I'd actually wear this.


    I'm honestly wondering if the decant was mis-labeled and this is really The Potters' Field....*that* has the herbs and such that I'm totally getting from this.


    Hmm. <_< I'm getting a decant of The Potters' Field in a day or so, so I guess I'll see if they match! Lol!

  2. This is for the Res. 2008 version



    Okay, so.....pardon me while I go into diabetic shock with this scent. Holy. Cow. It's all FROSTING FROSTING DING DING DING WEEEOOOOWEEEOOO FROOOOOOSTING and a tiny hint of cheesecake on me.


    I'm a foodie, but this is....this is pure sugar frosting, and I'm beginning to think that while good (it's good, don't get me wrong!! *knaws on wrist*) it may be a biiiiit too much.



  3. :huh?:


    I smell nothin'.


    Seriously. I slathered some on my wrist this morning, all excited to finally try this holy grail of scents....and I got a hint of something that I can't even place....and then nothing. A faint after-smell still lingers on my wrist about four hours later, but it's not even recognizable; it's like some cologne touched my wrist early this morning, and that's it.


    I suppose I should be thankful that I didn't buy a gazillion bottles, and I should be glad that I'm not going to go crazy for more, but I'm disappointed that I don't know what all the hub-bub it about it either! I really wanted to be all :joy: about it..... What am I missing??!!??!!




    I'm going to let it age and see if that does anything.

  4. This is like a dry summer day, hanging laundry sheets in the wind. It's much cleaner than I anticipated (very laundry-esque) and would definitely be good for a spring/summer scent! God, I've been getting lucky in finding laundry/clean scents lately -- I just love this! It's got a good staying power as well, and is not overwhelming in the least. I can see this being a good masculine or feminine scent.

  5. I was so excited to finally snag a bottle of this! I got it in the mail after I'd already applied my daily dose of Dorian (which is my dreamy perfect amazing "me" scent) so I only applied a little to one wrist.


    Wet on my wrist: Lavender. Very strong lavender.


    The drydown: Still very lavender.....not as medicinal as Somnus though (I like the lavender in Somnus too, but it's different here)


    After a while: I'm really not smelling anything besides lavender.... :-/ I'd been hoping more Dorian would shine through (having not yet tried Snake Oil, I don't know what it would smell like!). I don't dislike it, but it's not what I was quite expecting either. Now that I read the review above mine, I'm sort of getting a Skin-so-Soft smell beneath the lavender too (it's been a few hours since the initial dabbing.)


    Given that I only had a dab, though, I may try a more generous bit tomorrow, and some in the hair, to see how that fairs, since often if it's not *quite* right on my skin, the hair will do the trick!


    I'll definitely keep this around for a while to see how it ages, at any rate!


    Hmm. :-/

  6. In the imp: I thought that this scent was ever so sweet and calm in the imp. I could smell slight flowers, but they weren't overpowering (which is amazing for me, since almost anything floral except for lavender and rose smells like dime store perfume to me -- ugh) at all.


    On my wrist wet: Oh, this is lovely! It's so quiet and...and.....WHERE DID IT GO? *slathers on more than a drop* Ahh, that's nice and sweet and........and.........*sniffle sniffle* WHERE DID IT GO?


    This is lovely and quiet for someone who would like the barest, barest hint of a flowery perfume, but nothing more. After five seconds, it all but vanishes on me, leaving only the tiniest trace of ever being there at all. It's a pity, since if it stayed longer, I'd buy a bottle! Alas, I'll be swapping the imp away, as I wear this stuff so I can smell it myself sometimes too! *siigh* I think it's the sweet pea. It's a naturally faint scent, but it's just a bit *too* faint even for me


    But if you're looking for something ever, ever so faint and non-overpowering, this is the scent for you. :P

  7. I finally got a bottle of this, and it's just lovely! It's very lavender, with a sweet kick at the end, if that makes sense. I slathered some on my wrist before going to bed last night, and fell asleep before the episode of Robin Hood even got halfway through! (Of course, I was quite tired, so this could have also been a factor...)


    It's a very comfortable scent. I don't find it to be too herbal, or too sharp. It's almost soft, but not softy-softy-soft. It has a *little* kick to it, but it's not overpowering.



  8. In the imp: I opened up my decant of this, and the second a drop touched my arm, I was like OH MY GOD WHOAH THAT'S STRONG. Strong stuff wet.


    Wet: STRONG. I get cinnamon and orange, but this is spicy orange, not sticky orange.


    On the drydown: A little less strong. I get a hint of rum, lots of cinnamon.


    It's weird. I'm SUCH a foodie girl. I LOVED Gingerbread Poppet and I love Eggnog 07 (and it had a rum note, right?) and this.......there's something off about this on my skin. I can't even place what it is. Is it the cinnamon? It's like redhots spicy instead of cinnamon spice to me. I don't get any cookie feel to this.


    I was sure I'd get a bottle of this, but now that I've tried it, I don't think I will. Color me shocked.

  9. I've never tried any of the Snow Whites before, so I'm going into this pretty blind.


    On my wrist wet: .....almond? It's almondy. That's.....not what I expected.


    On the drydown: where'd it go? heeeeere almond almond almond....there it is. Still almond. Just very faintly.





  10. Very soft at first, so soft I could barely smell it. Cold and crisp, it reminds me of flowery laundry detergent (not to be confused with linen) -- I love it! After a bit, a teeeeeny tinnnny hint of pine creeps in, and I was surprised because normally I find pine too harsh and prickly for me, but this is nice pine, this is soft just-a-hint pine.


    This is quite nice.


    ADDED Jan. 13:


    This is such a clean scent! It's sort of like a sweeter sliiiightly more floral version of Dirty. I get very clean laundry with a hint of floral in this -- almost like sweet liquid laundry detergent rather than the dry clean laundry after. (This is great for me since I love laundry/clean scents!)


    I really want to get a full bottle, but can't order one right now since I can't let myself add any more bottles, so I will just have to hope that I'll find one for sale on the forums at a later date. I do quite like this, and it has a nice long-lasting power and a nice throw. Dammit, I want to tack on another bottle, but I Must. Resist!


    (I get no pine whatsoever in this!)

  11. This is the first Lick It [fill in the blank from whatever year] scent I've ever tried and OH GOSH that's a jolt of peppermint indeed! Very cool and sweet and pepperminty all at once. After about five minutes, it sort of smells like toothpaste, but with a sugary jolt added. Holy cow, peppermint love!

  12. It's a very soft scent -- very airy and light, but not floral. I get a hint of citrus (sort of like lemon dusting spray) and something calm underneath. It has a hint of cologne, but nothing overpowering.


    I bought it to give to my dad as a Christmas present (since the above folks mentioned cologne-y tinges) but I think it's a little too airy for him. Pity, since he's an English teacher and would get a kick out of it being a Wind in the Willows thing (can't get him Toad either, because he wouldn't like the tobacco smell, and neither would my mom!).


    I like the scent, but it's so faint on me that I probably will end up selling or swapping it.


    Oh well. It's NOT a bad scent -- I think it's quite nice. Just not me, or my dad.

  13. When I first apply it on my wrist, it's very warm, I think the molasses really comes through. As it dried down, after about five minutes the warmth faded into a bran/meal mash sort of smell -- very horsey indeed! At this point, having been wearing it an hour, I can still smell it, and it's basically smelling like granola.


    I'm glad I got a bottle. I won't wear it all the time, but it's oddly comforting. I know other people have said it, but it's not foody so much as feedy.


    I'm quite glad, as the hay/chaff note in Hay Moon did not work well on me at all, and I was so afraid that those notes would turn bad on me with Gunpowder as well, but such is not the case! :-D :-D :-D


    It's a scent unlike any others I have -- I feel like this would be good for those days when you're not feeling up to much besides reading a book and having some oatmeal.


    Comforting. :P

  14. In the bottle: oh my god, syrupy syrupy pancakey goodness.


    On my wrist wet: syrupy syrupy.....wait, where did the syrup go?? Cry cry! It turns into dry pancake mix on me -- all the sweetness went out in less than a second flat. I was heartbroken.


    BUT THEN....


    I decided to try it on my hair. I dabbed two dots on, not a lot at all, and low and behold, the syrupy-ness stayed much better than when on my actual skin. And the best part? This has AMAZING staying and throw power. I put it in my hair around 10:30 am, and when my boyfriend got home at 10pm, he was like, YOU SMELL LIKE PANCAKES. And I could still smell them too when I tossed my hair.


    I'm really tempted to buy a backup bottle, but must get funds...om nom nom!
