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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by tehjos

  1. I caught your post suggesting Dr. Steel scents- you're totally not alone!

    *soldier salute*

  2. Oh gods, I know!! The only thing I can think is that someone at the network had a vendetta against Joss, because they also aired the series out of order before canceling it. I've re-watched every episode at least six or seven times, and I never get tired of them... it's just THAT GOOD.

    I nearly died of glee when I heard about the movie coming out, and it didn'...

  3. Oh! Hahah, yes there is. It's the name of my furry persona, actually, and since my last boyfriend met me at a furry con, he knew me first as Patches, and introduced me to an entire new group of friends as exactly that, and it stuck. :P

    People now mostly use my real name when they're admonishing me. :P

  4. Oooh, you like Pratchett, do you? Got any favourites? <3

    Thanks for the welcome, too :)

  5. Well I don't know, but I fixed that :P

    Thanks for the welcome! <3

  6. Exploring the forums, settling in!

  7. Hehe, I forget what I said- you asked if something has a story behind it, but what was it? :P

  8. I'm all full of warm fuzzies thanks to the Pay It Forward threads. The people here are really wonderful! <3

  9. Oh totally! I'm just head over heels for Firefly, and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog was a riot. I've never been a huge Buffy fan, but I definitely appreciate his storytelling. He's good stuff! :D

  10. Oh, it does. Bah! Anyway, hi Jennifer, I'm Jocelyn, or Patches, whichever you prefer. :)

  11. Oh, it's a lip piercing :) I just wear labret jewelery in it. And thank you! People have been calling me that for so long that it's actually odd to be called my real name. :P

  12. Sigh. All the decant circles are full, or for US only. I want some Halloweenies! :(

  13. Still feeling a bit lost, but learning fast. I need forum buddies! <3
