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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by tehjos

  1. Oh! Hahah, yes there is. It's the name of my furry persona, actually, and since my last boyfriend met me at a furry con, he knew me first as Patches, and introduced me to an entire new group of friends as exactly that, and it stuck. :P

    People now mostly use my real name when they're admonishing me. :P

  2. Well I don't know, but I fixed that :P

    Thanks for the welcome! <3

  3. Hehe, I forget what I said- you asked if something has a story behind it, but what was it? :P

  4. I'm all full of warm fuzzies thanks to the Pay It Forward threads. The people here are really wonderful! <3

  5. Oooh, you like Pratchett, do you? Got any favourites? <3

    Thanks for the welcome, too :)

  6. Oh, it's a lip piercing :) I just wear labret jewelery in it. And thank you! People have been calling me that for so long that it's actually odd to be called my real name. :P

  7. Oh, it does. Bah! Anyway, hi Jennifer, I'm Jocelyn, or Patches, whichever you prefer. :)

  8. Sigh. All the decant circles are full, or for US only. I want some Halloweenies! :(

  9. I caught your post suggesting Dr. Steel scents- you're totally not alone!

    *soldier salute*

  10. Still feeling a bit lost, but learning fast. I need forum buddies! <3

  11. Oh gods, I know!! The only thing I can think is that someone at the network had a vendetta against Joss, because they also aired the series out of order before canceling it. I've re-watched every episode at least six or seven times, and I never get tired of them... it's just THAT GOOD.

    I nearly died of glee when I heard about the movie coming out, and it didn'...

  12. Oh totally! I'm just head over heels for Firefly, and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog was a riot. I've never been a huge Buffy fan, but I definitely appreciate his storytelling. He's good stuff! :D

  13. Exploring the forums, settling in!
