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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by lizzi

  1. In the bottle - It reminds me of the Aqua Velva Sport that my dad used to wear.

    Drydown - Softer. Can a scent be sporty and resiny at the same time?

    Four hours later - I'm loving this scent. It's morphed into something reminiscent of the farm; of the smoky smell of hay that's been hit by lightening.


    A wonderful and complex (on me, at least) summer scent.

  2. In the bottle - Johnson's Baby Shampoo and a light floral. It reminds me of giving my children baths when they were little.


    Wet - Very violet; I can't pick up the iris at all.


    Dry - A very creamy, soft floral.


    This is a keeper for when I my three teenagers are acting like idiots. I can use this scent to remind me of when they were sweet and little. :P
