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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Tramp

  1. What does the entire snake pit plus 3 5mls plus the panacea releif pack look like you ask?




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    Sorry for the crappy resolution on some of these - I think my hands were shaking in excitement - lol





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  2. smells like purple fruit, thick spring honey, and a hint of champagne. I get a hit of something different every time I sniff this. I'm going to give it a few more whirls to see if it is bottle worthy for me. So far it is looking good. I love the deep honey sweetness, you can almost picture it dripping off the comb. As for the purple fruits, at first I thought of the sweetness of plums but that isn't quite right - some have mentioned grape kool-aid :P and I can definatly understand the thought. On me the strong initial fruit scent gives way to something more floral. Yummy!

  3. Sweet leather - *swoon* Love this. The fresh pear note is definatly under there, I don't get vanilla at all though. Mostly it is just sweet leather and tobacco. All men should smell this good. I'm not sure I can wear it, but it is definately a scent I would like to snuggle up with. The longer I wear this the more of the pear I am getting. :P

  4. on this is all light white florals. In the bottle I get more of sandalwood vibe. Sadly on there are none of the honey or spice notes I was hoping for. It is a very light scent on me, it stays very close to the skin. (There is an almost metallic undertone but I think it may just be my weird chemistry this week as I got "metalic" from Harvest Moon '05 last night)

  5. This is a dark one. I love that a scent can actually smell mysterious. I get goosebumps from this - it is very evoctive. I actually don't get vetiver at all from this - and I love vetiver so am a little bummed. It smells like deep woods, the oakmoss really comes through, and there is a woody, resinous vibe that is wonderful. There is the slightest hint of sweetness in the top notes mixing with the clove and something almost alcoholic.

  6. This is a surprise winner for me. And I mean Winner. Lavender - in all it's forms turns to pure BO/cat litter box on me. But not this. I freaking love this scent. The coconut is delicious and the vetiver is warm and smooth. Did I mention that I love this? I got an initial flash of the lemony verbena when wet but it is gone on the drydown. Instead a subtle hit of figgy goodness comes out and just a hint of sweetness - which plays so well with the coconut and vetiver.


    Am so glad I can't smell the lavender - or that it doen't go weird on me - this is a new favorite blend for me. :P

  7. Wet this is cherry - but only for about 3 seconds! Then it immediately goes into a spicy cassia/cinammon phase. I'm not getting a lot of patcholi from this, and can't pick out the verbena at all. Dry it doesn't morph and stays that sexy cassia and spices. Much darker than I imagined, no cherry to speak of on drydown which is sort of sad as it really is a yummy cherry in the bottle.


    I should also add that I am usually really sensitive to blends with cassia - make me itch - and this one I only got the slightest tingle from. Definately one of the mildest reactions I have ever had to cassia, which is a good thing!

  8. I'm not getting almond from this at all. It is more of a pine scented cologne with the barest hint of sarsaparilla. Not getting any of the tobacco smoke either. Weird. I did just have a blood transfusion so am not sure if that is throwing my skin chemistry off or not.


    On the drydown it is still pine and cologne - a sort of woodsy cologne with just a hint of soap. sadly - not for me.

  9. Cedar and resins with the barest hint of rose.


    This is a warm, woody scent that is surprisingly addictive. Not something I would ever have thougth about as a perfume but it smells GOOD. This reminds me of the smell of my mothers hope chest - all cedar and and sweet herbs. I just keep huffing my arm.

  10. Very jasmine-y but well tempered with violet. Normally jasmine is one of my four horseman of the apocoplys scents but here it isn't as overpowering as usual. It is an almost juicy that has me intrigued. There is a high, sweet note that I can't place. Maybe it is the vanilla bean tempering the jasmine - I'm not sure. Or maybe it is the first time violet has ever been anything other than pure powder on me. There is something almost boozy on the drydown.

  11. Holy powdered florals batman - jeez I want this scent off of me right now. It is overwhelmingly sweet, and perky, and happy. This really is liquid sunshine. Amazing - just not me. What was I thinking? LOL Well, I guess I was thinking that the honey would be dominant - stupid of me really. The florals really amp up on my skin - ick. I imagine that it will turn more powdry on the drydown when the amber comes out more. Eek - off to wash my wrists...


    Ok I had to wash this off without even waiting for the drydown. So sad...

  12. First off I am just giddy as a schoolgirl to get in on this. I was to much of a wimp - and a newbie - when the CT2 was out last time and didn't order. Well one year and full addiction later I got me a bottle and am so glad I did!


    My CT3 is CCXXI (221) and it totally kicks ass. Sure I am a little high from all the sniffing/huffing of it I have done but so what? It is a fruity/bubblegumesqe scent, pretty much just full on candy. Very girly. It smells so yummy I kinda want to taste it but know that would be a very, very bad idea. I think there might be some strawberry in there, hard to pick out the notes (cuz my sniffer is a total moron when it comes to that) but I will definately be playing around with this some more.


    I immediately wanted to layer it with some smut as it seems like that would be a perfect naughty/nice combo.


    Thank you Beth!

  13. Ok - so I got all of the temple blends and the OCD in my forced me to sniff all of them, even though I haven't used them. Trickster was the most anticipated of the lot. I'm not sure if Beth had the trickster as known by Native Americans in mind or rather that of the Loki variety and since I don't know was fully going to consider this on the NA side. However, as I was sniffing thought the blends I stopped on this one as it had me giggling. I was in my car laughing my ass off really. I swear - SWEAR that this smells just like Trix breakfast cereal - only with a dash of coconut added. Freaking hilarious. I honestly don't know if this was on purpose but am in raptures at the idea. Trickster indeed. Silly rabbit.


    Of course I felt the need to try this on, and am glad I did. On It has that candy/fruit/dusty cereal scent of trix but again with a heavier base/hint of coconut. Am in love. Beth, you totally made my day.

  14. Tried this on without remembering what the listed ingredients were my first thought was Sweettarts - or maybe Jolly Ranchers. Something sweet and bright and tart. It is very fruity - and the mango is somewhat reminicent of Fruit Moon. I don't get much incense from this and unfortunatly it fades super fast on my skin (just like fruit moon in fact) Wah! Will have to give it a whirl in a scent locket.

  15. :P Oh my.


    I came back from vacation to find my Dragon Moon order which I had totally forgot about. First thing I put on was the Mouse and it is just heaven. The vanilla amber scent is just so very perfect. It has something in it that reminds me of a wee bit of Smut - tempered with the sweetness of vanilla and just a hint of the floral sweetpea coming out at the end. Lovely.


    As it dries down the floral starts to amp up - not ideal. I'll have to wait and see (and hope) with this one.


    ETA: As the day has worn on I keep getting a whiff of something amazing smelling and wondering what it is. Then it hits me - it's me. (am such a moron - at one point I was sniffing my shirt thinking that was it and that whatever fabric softener I used I should go buy 5 gallon of - again, such a moron) Am very excited about this scent. It sort of mellows into a warm, sweet, powdery scent that has excellent throw. Thumbs up!

  16. Euphony


    Creates an atmosphere of trust, harmony, compassion and understanding.


    Definitely need some harmony and understanding in my life right now. I used Euphony last night to anoint a white candle as I reflected on the areas of my life that are interconnected but not working in unison and only adding to the dissonance and stress in my life. I hope this will aid in bringing harmony to my personal, professional, and school lives as they are all pulling me in different directions right now.


    Euphony smells of fresh, clean, powdery florals. Possibly of the violet persuasion

  17. I used Temple: Binary last night to annoint my computer hard drive and each of the finger puppets guardians that reside on top of my monitor. I am not entirely sure that the Panda, the purple monster, and the weird one eyed green alien necessarily appreciated the annointing.....but oh well. :P Mabye my computer will stop doing that fun freezing thing it does all the freaking time and actually shutting down when I tell it to shut down instead of having to crash it. So far, so good.


    Scent wise it is very cool. It smells of pine trees and menthol. Helps to wake up my brain. I may wear this to the computer lab tomorrow.


    Update: So one week later - I now have a new computer. It works great too. Old one crashed. Very annoyed and frustrated - but on the plus side - New computer. I think I need to e-mail the lab about working with this :D

  18. There is nothing fig-like about this - but that isn't a bad thing. Instead this is the scent of earth, bark, and fresh cut branches. A green sappy smell like you get from a newly cut, juicy young treebranch - something cut from this years growth. Warm loamy scent as well as that smell you get when you pry a piece of bark off of some old evergreen trees.

  19. In the bottle: A bright yellow fizzy carbonated citrus scent.


    On: There really is a "soda" scent there as well as a fresh daffodil linen/cotton type scent. The citrus fades quickly into the background while a sweetish cloth scent comes up - I don't know how else to describe it.

  20. Boozy buttery fruit with something sharp underneath. I have no idea what red velvet cake is. (Ok, I know what red velvet cake is but I don't know what it smells/tastes like) Red fruit infused burbon frosting over something cakelike. I get a sharp/sour note - maybe the buttercream.


    Warning! DO NOT LICK MONSTER BAIT: Closet - no matter how tempting!


    Ok - so I wasn't actually trying to lick my arm - but in the course of my arm sniffing contortions my lips touched my arm where the oil was - IT BURNS! EEEKKKK!!!!!!!! *shudder*
