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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Tramp

  1. Heat lingers
    As days are still long;
    Early mornings are cool
    While autumn is still young.
    Dew on the lotus
    Scatters pure perfume;
    Wind on the bamboos
    Gives off a gentle tinkling.
    I am idle and lonely,
    Lying down all day,
    Sick and decayed;
    No one asks for me;
    Thin dusk before my gates,
    Cassia blossoms inch deep.

    The scent of wisteria, Cymbidium, lotus blossom, and cassia buds drifting on a breeze through gently swaying bamboo reeds.

    Definatly get the lotus blossom and to a lesser degree the bamboo. There is a green juciness to the blend that always makes me think of bamboo. There are some late summer heavy florals and maybe just a hint of hard candy sweetness. I get a hit of lemongrass that mellows fairly quickly

  2. In Bolivia, many people hold to the tradition of keeping the skulls of their ancestors with them in their homes, caring for their remains. It is believed that each person has seven souls, and one of those souls stays with the skull after death, enabling a spirit to grant protection and prophetic dreams to their descendants, and to bless their families with good health and prosperity.

    The Bolivian Fiesta de las Natitas, or Dia de los Natitas, is a day of honor for these ancestors. Their skulls are dressed with fragrant blossoms, and offerings of cocoa leaves, alcohol, and cigarettes are made.

    White sandalwood, beeswax, and frankincense crowned by hydrangea, rose, and kantuta blossoms, dressed with tobacco, cocoa leaves and flowers from the sacred Cactus of the Four Winds.

    This is Roses, covered by sweet roses, with a side of roses and then roses for dessert. I really can't smell anything else wet. On this is one of the rare rose bpals that doesn't turn to burnt rubber on my skin - Score! As it dries I can see the hydrangea peaking and doing a slow dance with the roses, just a lovely heady floral

  3. On All Saints Day, Spanish families visit their loved ones in the cemeteries, keeping vigil throughout the evening, saying prayers for the dead. Family burial plots are cleaned and tended, and graves are adorned with gladiolas, chrysanthemums, and roses. Bone-shaped pastries called Saint's Bones, or the Bones of the Holy, are baked and shared in honor of the souls in Purgatory, and to remind us of those who no longer share our repast, but with whom we one day hope to be reunited with again.

    Orange-glazed cake, dotted with anise seed, and filled with custard, set beside a bouquet of celebratory funeral flowers.

    Hello deliciousness! This smells just like orange poppyseed cake with a thick layer of custard cream in the middle. (it also kind reminded me of the dry smell of orange fruit loops)

    This is the first bpal that has any kind of "cake" scent that works for me. :P All the others made me sneeze. But this is just wonderful without being cloyingly sweet. Nom

  4. I complained to paypal as well and this was my reply:


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    PayPal Consumer Support

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    I'm pretty sure that translates to - we will keep it just how it is, now fuck off and have a nice day.

  5. I have lost my ability to give insightful reviews full of multi layered notes delivered in a charming and witty manner. Not that I love any less the oils I have been testing lately. Just my brain apparenly has gone on haitus this summer.


    That said, the L'Estate room spray smells entirely like Orange licorice. Tis lovely

  6. Thought I would add a mini review in case it helps those trying to decide on ordering.


    L'Estate goes on all golden amber with a tinge of musk. The amber quickly warms up on the skin and then it is all LILIES! At least on my lily amping skin. I can almost taste them that is how lily it goes on me. Musky lilies. After about half an hour the lilies start to tone down but this is definately a floral blend.

  7. Does anyone have photos posted of any Good Omens bottles?


    I own War, Crowley & Aziraphale already, but I'm particularly interested in Hastur, Ligur, Wensleydale, and The Buggre Alle This Bible. Thanks!!


    hastur and ligur share a label (they are both on it)





    And I don't have the others alone but here they are as part of a group shot



  8. Inez is a rich, musky amber that is has just a hint of spicyness at the end. A really gorgeous blend that stays all sexy close to your skin rather than shout out "Smell me bitches!" it makes you want to snuggle closer for a better wiff.

  9. Well guys here's where the bottles apparently come from:


    "From the person who was originally slated to create Lab branded soaps, actually. She was never able to perfect the recipe and had life issues come up and so it never happened."


    I don't know what to do.. :s


    If I'm not mistaken, those are some of BlackRayne's personal bottles she had on LJ (Marketplace) awhile back. She had about 4-5 of theses 30ml bottles listed and Dragon's Milk, Dana O'Shee and Dorian were a few that I remember sold first (so maybe wikkidraven purchased these 2), there were pictures on her entry and these look just like them. The 'give-away' for me is the fact they don't have handwriting on the label's as Beth and the Lab's 30ml bottles DO have personal hand written names on the labels as I purchased one of the Lab's on Ebay when they were cleaning house.



    The bottles that they lab had for sale with the hand written labels were 4oz bottles (or 125ml) - not 30ml bottles

  10. I'm sitting here sniffing my wrist wondering if I have had some sort of stroke that has left me with an olfactory blind spot. I have on nanny. it is a very light scent that stays close to your skin. I also can't smell anything beyond leather (a very light leather) and wood (again, a very light wood) Where is my honey? My berries? My Amber and flowers?


    *flails about on the floor in a snit*



    Ok, snit over. This really is a lovely light cologne, but more masculine than I was anticipating. I was hoping for nerdy dominatrix but this is more like the nerdy dominatrixes accountant date.

  11. The Stormhold had been carved out of the peak of Mount Huon by the first lord of Stormhold, who reigned at the end of the First Age and into the beginning of the Second. It had been expanded, improved upon, excavated and tunneled into by successive Masters of Stormhold, until the original mountain peak now raked the sky like the ornately carved tusk of some great, grey, granite beast. The Stormhold itself was perched high in the sky, where the thunder clouds gathered before they went down to the lower air, spilling rain and lightning and devastation upon the place beneath.

    Creeping moss, slick granite, murky vetiver, lightning-charged ozone, and icy rain.

    Stormhold reminds me of seattle, all wet streets and cloudy skies. A clean sort of rain that just washes all the dirt and grime away. Kinda reminds me in a general way of Thunderbird. But with more green and less ozone.

  12. I had no expectations for The East, but it is made of win. It is a sweet floral with a distinct red berry note and a hint of something minty as well. Very yummy. The floral is sweet without being cloying, the red berry adds a touch of tartness and the mint is just plain refreshing.

  13. "My father says there's no such thing as witches," said Wensleydale, who had fair, wavy hair, and peered seriously out at life through thick black rimmed spectacles. It was widely believed that he had once been christened Jeremy, but no one ever used the name, not even his parents, who called him Youngster. They did this in the subconscious hope that he might take the hint; Wensleydale gave the impression of having been born with a mental age of forty seven.

    An immaculately clean scent: well-scrubbed soapy skin and fresh cotton.

    There is something almost Antique Lace-esque to the clean cotton scent of this. A hint of sweet pea or maybe pear. But overall it is truth in advertising, warm cotton sheets fresh out of the dryer wrapped around freshly washed skin. A hint of musk behind the soapiness.

  14. The farmhouse was dark and shut up. The meadows were overgrown and seemed abandoned. The farm roof was crumbling at the back; it was covered in black plastic sheeting. They jolted over a ridge and Shadow saw it there.

    It was silver-gray and it was higher than the farm-house. It was the most beautiful tree Shadow had ever seen: spectral and yet utterly real and almost perfectly symmetrical. It also looked instantly familiar: he wondered if he had dreamed it, then he realized that no, he had seen it before, or a representation of it man, many times. It was Wednesday's silver tie pin.

    The VW bus jolted and bumped across the meadow, and it came to a stop about twenty feet from the trunk of the tree.

    There were three women standing by the tree. At first glance Shadow thought they were the Zorya, but no, they were three women he did not know. They looked tired and bored, as if they had been standing there a long time. Each of them held a wooden ladder. The biggest also carried a brown sack. They looked like a set of Russian dolls: a tall one - she was Shadow's height, or even taller - a middle-sized one, and a woman so short and hunched that at first glance Shadow wrongly supposed her to be a child. They looked so much alike that Shadow was certain the women must be sisters.

    The smallest of the women dropped to a curtsey when the bus drew up. The other two just stared. They were sharing a cigarette, and they smoked it down to the filter before one of them stubbed it out against a root.

    Dusty, ancient wood, horehound, and sage, with viper's bugloss, mugwort, chamomile, nettle, apple blossom, chervil, and ashes.

    In the bottle and wet there is a hint of floral sweetness. But that quickly fades as it dries. Dark, dusty woods are the first thing to appear. Later a sort of half sweet spiciness crops up to blend and mellow with the woods. An almost cinnamon scent comes out and settles down in the end. It gets better and better the longer it is on.

  15. Anyone know how many variations there are of the Tiki Queen and King labels? Personally, I wish they would stick with just one label. I hate to be disappointed when I want one label but get the other. Anyone else feel this way??



    I think there are only one label of each? I haven't seen a different version posted at any rate. My Tiki Queen looks just like one other I saw posted as far as I know

  16. Seaweed, awapuhi, and sea foam.

    This is a hard one to wrap my brain around. Or my nose rather.

    There is a sort of juicy/spicy sweetness that I didn't expect. I thought it would be an aquatic. There defiantly is a hit of some sort of nori but it isn't the prominent note once dry. Maybe ginger? Fresh ginger root. And something sweet but mellow. I don't know what sea foam smells like but it is a good analogy for this scent. Just when you think you have a handle on it it just bursts and blows away. Something tangible but ephemeral

    ETA: I should mention that in the bottle this was more of a pungent sort of swirling ocean scent. More like a rocky cold water tide pool on a cloudy day.

  17. The first thing that leaps out is the juicy, pulpy bamboo. That watery green smell like in Holiday moon. There is something almost citrusy in the background but it isn't citrus at the same time. A hint of floral sort of wafts around in the background but becomes more pronounced the longer I have it on.

  18. Black coconut, black musk, lemon blossom, and ironwood bark.

    In the bottle this is the most delicious coconut ever. Reminds me of the coconut in Snake Charmer and really is all I can smell. On the lemon really comes out and the coconut takes more of a back seat. It has much more of a dry, husk type feel to it. After about an hour the lemon mostly fades on me leaving a musky, dry coconut scent in its wake. It is more of subtle blend with not that much throw. Very nice!

  19. This is a quick morpher on me. It starts out as figs and honey and sweet syrupy peaches with a hint of floral innocence. Then it goes through a rather sharp herbal phase that is quickly over before mellowing out to a warm sandalwood with just the barest touch of sweetness

  20. Anybody want to post pics of Suagr Moon and Mort de Cesar? I got my bottles today and I love the artwork, especially the Sugar Moon. I tried to get a picture, but my camera is really old and I can't seem to get a decent close up shot.


    And Hanami! I'd like to see all the new ones.


    If anyone is desperate to see Sugar Moon, someone's got a bottle on eBay. (Not me! I just noticed the cool label. :P)



    I uploaded a pic of Sugar Moon, Hanami and Mort de Cesar to the community gallery


