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Posts posted by Tramp

    Shiny black leather jackets, gleaming silver studs, black pepper, pungent lime, and hellfire.

    In the bottle this is all lovely dark leather and cool metalics with an edge. On me it is total fail. For the first five minutes it is all leather but after that it is so very wrong. I think there is ginger in it which goes totally off on me. I ended up smelling like a well used, wet ashtray. Lush's Ginger perfume does the exact same thing to me. :P

  2. I'm not sure if this is the right place for it, but since it's label related....


    Is anyone else's Invasion of the Flesh Eating Reindeer really dark? I mean, so dark I can hardly see the reindeer and much of the writing. And it looks like something might be written in white on the left of the reindeer, but I can't tell.



    Mine is dark too -



  3. A small sign in the hotel lobby announced that the Washington Room was taken that night by a private function, although there was no information as to what kind of function this might be. Truthfully, if you were to look at the inhabitants of the Washington Room that night, you would have no clearer idea of what was happening, although a rapid glance would tell you that there were no women in there. They were all men, that much was clear, and they sat at round dinner tables, and they were finishing their dessert.

    There were about a hundred of them, all in sober black suits, but the suits were all they had in common. They had white hair or dark hair or fair hair or red hair or no hair at all. They had friendly faces or unfriendly, helpful or sullen, open or secretive, brutish or sensitive. The majority of them were pink-skinned, but there were black-skinned men and brown-skinned. They were European, African, Indian, Chinese, South American, Filipino, American. They all spoke English when they talked to each other, or to the waiters, but the accents were as diverse as the gentlemen. They came from all across Europe and from all over the world.

    A macabre mélange of swanky men's colognes.

    A light sweet musk. Very subtle and sophisticated. No bay rum in your face like some drunken eurotrash wannabe hipster. This hottie is the real thing and doesnt need to flaunt what hes got. And I want to crawl into his lap for an hour or three for some up close and personal sniffing time. It is such a gentle scent that I just love it.

  4. Ghouls do not build. They are parasites and scavengers, eaters of carrion. The city they call Ghûlheim is something they found, long ago, but did not make. No one they call knows (if anyone human ever knew) what kind of creatures it was that made those buildings, who honeycombed the rock with tunnels and towers, but it is certain that no-one but the ghoul-folk could have wanted to stay there, or even to approach that place.

    Even from the path below Ghûlheim, even from miles away, Bod could see that all of the angles were wrong -- that the walls sloped crazily, that it was every nightmare he had ever endured made into a place, like a huge mouth of jutting teeth. It was a city that had been built just to be abandoned, in which all the fears and madnesses and revulsions of the creatures who built it were made into stone. The ghoul folk had found it and delighted in it and called it home.

    A dark and disjointed scent: smoke and black musk, bladderwrack, opopponax, galangal, and pepper.

    Clove cigarettes and sticky club floors. Curling smoke with a hint of cola sweetness. Smells surprisingly good on my skin. But then I like clove cigs and sticky cola. Dripping fatty candlewax is in there too. This is really well blended.

  5. "I'll do no such thing, with Owens and me having a lovely little tomb over by the daffodil patch. Plenty of room in there for a little one."

    Marble and dust surrounded by burdock, knotweed, dandelions, daffodils, and long-dead calla lilies.


    The Owens tomb is a very cold and wet flowers scent complete with green stems. Like a florists walk in cooler that is stocked only with crisp spring flowers. No heavy lush flowers, just white and muted scent ones. There is a woody stem note in there as well that comes out on drydown. I love how cold it feels without being snow/ozone/slushy

  6. "Bod," said Silas. "This is Miss Lupescu."

    Miss Lupescu was not pretty. Her face was pinched and her expression was disapproving. Her hair was grey, although her face seemed too young for grey hair. Her front teeth were slightly crooked. She wore a bulky mackintosh, and a man's tie around her neck.

    "How do you do, Miss Lupescu?" said Bod.

    Miss Lupescu said nothing. She sniffed. Then she looked at Silas and said, "So. This is the boy." She got up from her seat and walked all around Bod, nostrils flared, as if she were sniffing him. When she had made a complete circuit, she said, "You will report to me on waking, and before you go to sleep. I have rented a room in a house over there." She pointed to a roof just visible from where they stood. "However, I shall spend my time in this graveyard. I am here as a historian, researching the history of old graves. You understand, boy? Da?"

    "Bod," said Bod. "It's Bod. Not boy."

    "Short for Nobody," she said. "A foolish name. Also, Bod is a pet name. A nickname. I do not approve. I will call you 'boy'. You will call me 'Miss Lupescu'."

    Bod looked up at Silas, pleadingly, but there was no sympathy on Silas's face. He picked up his bag and said, "You will be in good hands with Miss Lupescu, Bod. I am sure that the two of you will get on."

    "We won't!" said Bod. "She's horrible!"

    "That," said Silas, "Was a very rude thing to say. I think you should apologise, don't you?"

    Bod didn't, but Silas was looking at him and he was carrying his black bag, and about to leave for no-one knew how long, so he said, "I'm sorry Miss Lupescu."

    At first she said nothing in reply. She merely sniffed. Then she said, "I have come a long way to look after you, boy. I hope you are worth it."

    Animalic musk, with amber, patchouli, ho wood, cypress, almond blossom, golden sandalwood, and strange spices.

    First Impression - musk and sandalwood with a hint of sweet wood.

    There is something sharp to the musk on my skin, almost metalic, but that note fades after about 10 minutes. Or maybe that is some of the strange spices. lol. The spices are super mellow and laid back. Nothing in your face about them. If I sniff really hard I imagine I can get a whiff of cinnamon somewhere in there. Not sure about almond blossom but there is an almost almond like hint of sweetness to it. The sandalwood makes it all very easy to on the nose. And maybe it is the amber but I get a bookish dusty note. It's sort of like if Ivanuska was a librairian (which is a good thing!)

  7. My roommate and I are getting nervous, because I don't think my payment has cleared from a 10/15 order from the lab (the last I checked my card statement), and people who ordered on 10/23 have already gotten a cns. And my roommate ordered from the Trading Post on the same day and still hasn't gotten an e-mail about her shirt. And she usually gets her TP stuff before I get my oils.


    I think I'm over worrying, but I want to sniff the yules to see if I like them and want to possibly include them in my next order. I think I'm just greedy and impatient. :P


    I just got my CnS for a 10/14 order on Friday so I would worry just yet.

  8. So wait.... some of the labels for this years Yule are white, and others are black?


    Let me guess.... does it have to do with concepts? Or do all the white labels have a 'snow' component?



    Yeah, it seems to be conceptual. I have multiples of a number of the bottles and it isn't like there is one black label and one white label for everything. As far as I can tell about half the yules have a white background and half dark.

  9. A few rough logs, laid side by side, served for a bridge over this stream. On that side of the road where the brook entered the wood, a group of oaks and chestnuts, matted thick with wild grapevines, threw a cavernous gloom over it. To pass this bridge was the severest trial. It was at this identical spot that the unfortunate André was captured, and under the covert of those chestnuts and vines were the sturdy yeomen concealed who surprised him. This has ever since been considered a haunted stream, and fearful are the feelings of the schoolboy who has to pass it alone after dark.

    Water-logged and rotting wood, fallen chestnuts, oak leaf, bog laurel, and Virginia creeper.

    the sweet stench of rotting wet things and a fizzy hint of what smells like lime. A surprisingly bright scent. the woods in this are very smooth, not in your face at all. Maybe a touch of violets in the background. The most cheerful swamp it has ever been my pleasure to sniff.

  10. ... This is the scent of pure graveyard dust, spattered with grave loam and dusted lightly with tombstone moss.

    Just got the new 2008 Graveyard dirt and dang - Get the shovels and flashlights cuz this smells just like sneaking through a cemetary at midnight.

    Cool damp wet earth, freshly turned, very loomy. A "light" dirt scent. crazy how spot on this is.