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Posts posted by Tramp

  1. The naughty half of my inquisition aquisition. Snowblind really is the perfect vanilla mint. The vanilla is a little heavy on first sniff and when wet but the drydown is heaven and the soft mint comes out to play. It really does smell like those pastel after dinner mints. Delish and refreshing. A comforting scent. Love it.


    Rating (out of 5)


  2. Oh hell yes! Snow Angel rocks all kinds of ass. Citrusy tea scents? Have died and gone to heaven. Initally I get a sharp lemony scent that is simply wonderful, then the tea comes out to play with a hint of orange. The citrus smells almost a little boozy as I am wearing it. I keep sniffing my wrist and am going to wander around making people smell me. Seriously, am very happy that I have been deemed this Nice!


    Rating (out of 5)


  3. Sharp, heady and viciously carnivorous.

    With no listed notes to work with bear with me folks. There is lily (of course) but not in your face. There is something that is almost citrusy - orange maybe? Also a spicyness comes through. But again, very suble. This is a scent that will draw you in before going for the kill. It definatly stays close to the skin.

    The color in the imp is an outrageous red-orange. All in all this is lovely and it makes you want to keep on sniffing. :P

  4. This is a hard scent to describe - I don't have a lot that I can compare it to - a really unique scent.


    The first thing I smell in the bottle is the metallic tang of blood, a "real" blood scent - not dragons blood.


    On it has a dry papery cinnamon note that predominates - it isn't sweet/sugary at all. Definitely a musk in there and something that reminds me of dry woods - like when it is so cold and dry that the trees smell almost petrified. A hint of smoke - but that could just be the cinnamon to my nose.



  5. In the bottle this smelled strangely like paint, wet latex paint.


    On - This smells AMAZING! Crisp red apples and mellow cider spices predominate. Simply wonderful. Has a surprising amount of throw which I was not expecting.


    Am VERY glad that I got a bottle of this.


    Rating (out of 5)


  6. A dirty boozy scent with some warm and spicy fruit. This makes me sneeze - but I really like it. It is like Harvest Moons older sister - who runs with the wrong crowd and has a biker boyfriend named Snake who recently got out of jail. Now QoC and Snake ride around on his Harley and knock over bars.


    Rating (out of 5)


  7. My god :P I want to slobber this on a guy and then lick it off. Hands down one of the sexiest scents I have smelled in a long, long time. Yowza. Masculine, feral, woodsy.


    I think I need some alone time now.


    Rating (out of 5)


  8. I bought an imp of this after passing on it when it was live. In the imp it is a light musky citrus smell. Very nice. On the musk is completely overpowering on my skin and just amps up the longer it is on. Definately like this better in the imp and am glad that I passed on buying a bottle as I would most likely sell it.


    Rating (out of 5)


  9. I had such high hopes for this one :P but it is not for me.


    In the bottle it is a VERY sharp citrus smell - like pink grapefruit - only evil.


    As it drys the citrus fades and a very yummy coconut emerges. Unfortunately it fades on my skin within the hour even though I applied it twice.


    Rating (out of 5)


  10. in the bottle - an amazing blend of sweet ripe fruits. I want to pour this over ice, blend it up, and drink it out on the veranda on a tropical island. Insanely good smelling.


    On - melons (mango?) and more juicy fruits. Unfortunately it fade extreamly fast on my skin and I seriously slathered it on. Oh well, can't win them all.



    3 out of 5

  11. After much trial, error, and denial - I have to finally conclude that violets hate me. There is a spicyness to the violet floral that goes all wrong on me. I didn't like this wet, really got the soapyness that others have described, but the drydown was lovely - for about 5 min. It was great for 5 min then just went evil on my skin - sigh.


    Rating (out of 5)

    2 :P

  12. If I had to wear a scent everyday this would be it. I LOVE spooky. I get the coconut mintyness with a hint of rum - it is very cool and refreshing but somehow warm at the same time. I wear this a lot at night. It helps to calm my brain down and help me sleep.


    Rating (out of 5)


  13. This is Jasmine - pure, evil, jasmine. Jasmine hates me - and after trying repeatedly with it the feeling is mutual. Ok - after the drydown I stopped having the urge to gnaw my arms off and got a gentle melon scent - very light. But then if I got my wrist anywhere near my nose.....Gagworthy. So sad.


    This one is headed to my swap pile.


    ETA: 6 months later....


    So in honor of the TAL site going live I dug out the sniffie dregs I had of this and wow - what a difference 6 months makes! I don't know if the oil needed to mellow or if I did :P but this is beautiful. I put it on without remembering what exactly I had thought of it the first time, only the vague recollection that I didn't like it, and as soon as I put it on I felt good and peaceful and calm (no mean feat). I couldn't pick out any notes really, it just smelled "bright" and light. It had a vague floral scent but didn't has the evil jasmine ninja scent of death that I had reacted to in my above post. I really recommend this and am adding it to my "to buy" list
