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Posts posted by Tramp

  1. This smells like warm coconut icing over a fluffy angel food cake. Sweet and a little nutty. The cocoa reminds me of the chocolate in Spooky (this doesn't smell like spooky - this just reminds me of it) where there is a dry, powdery edge to cocoa. My god, I really want some cake right now.

  2. In the bottle: Lime and Mint!


    On: Still getting the lime but the mint dominates - for about 5 minutes. Then there is more of a powdery tea scent that goes slightly soapy on me. My skin just eats this up. I reapplied after 10 minutes because it had faded so much.


    After slathering and then waiting another 20 minutes this is a very light soap scent - stupid skin. This smells awesome in the bottle! Might be a good reason for me to buy a scent locket (like I need a reason)

  3. The Wrath of God, the Most Beautiful Lord of Lightning, the Owner of All Palaces. He is the illumination of a lightning strike in the night sky, and is the retributive strike of the rightful king. Shango punishes those who are not living up to their responsibilities. He gives insight to the truth in all circumstances, and is the essence of the thrill and excitement in life that makes every day worth living. To love Shango is to live life to the fullest, no matter what pains the world inflicts upon you. He is Wrath, and his lightning bolts and gouts of fire remind all of his strength and power. It is said that Lord Shango only speaks to his children once; when the God illuminates an answer for you, you had best understand with no further questions. Shango is trial by fire, the honing and refinement of the spirit, the ability to distinguish between truth and lies. He is a dual-faced God: King and Exile, miser and philanthropist, just and ruthless, honest and devious. Shango is the Lord of Persuasion, and his glib tongue can intimidate, coerce, sway and seduce. He is quick wit, articulate words, and the ability to think on one's feet. He is the King that can incite and enflame the masses with the power of his speech. His words are the sensual murmurs of the lothario, the slick wheedle of the grifter, the convincing argument of the barrister, the dangerous charm of the pimp, the inspiration of the warrior general, and the invigorating exhortations of the monarch. The Roar of Shango is a Universal Truth. Shango governs all professions that cater to the needs and weaknesses of the people. He is the absolute and perfect Male creature, and the rain that falls to earth is His blessed, sublime semen, giving life to the world. His abundant seed washes the land and replenishes Earth's seas, rivers and oceans. He sneers at cowardice, and demands that all of his children have daring spirits, strength of will, nerve and *balls*. Courage is of the utmost importance, as it empowers us to face adversity with dignity and enables us to act decisively and with resourcefulness. Live, don't simply exist. Shango's gifts make it possible for us to find the shortest distance between two points, wring out the best from every situation, recover from every seeming loss and every defeat, and defy all odds to reach our goals. He teaches us wily strategies, masterful tactics, and shows us the value of friendship and camaraderie. His is the comfortable, casual friendship found in just hanging out and having a good time with the guys. Shango is Challenge, the concept of finding the best parts of yourself through conflict and adversity. Shango's weapon is the double-headed axe, and His animals are the black cat and the leopard. The Master of Lightning's ofrenda contains red apples, banana, chili pepper, coconut, pineapple, pomegranate and sugar cane.

    In the bottle - tropical smoothie

    On: this is a crazy awesome blend! Hell yeah! The pineapple, banana, and red apple scents jump out at me. This has a lot of throw - the fresh apple scent is really coming out on my skin. There is a "green" base that grounds the scent - maybe the coconut (black?) and almost a green pepperish waft coming out when I huff my wrist.
  4. Oya

    In the bottle: Plums with an underlying sweetness


    On: This reminds me of something from my childhood only I can't place it! This is going to make me nuts. Ripe plums, syrupy sweetness, and something that reminds me of asprin


    ETA: figured it out - it smells like Cherry Aspergum! Oh man, considering how much of that I had as a child I really should have nailed the scent sooner.


    Mod note: Merged with existing Oya review thread - however the reviews preceding this one refer to a prototype bottle.

  5. In the Bottle: Bright, sweet lemons


    On: It took me a while to place the scent bu I finally got it - it smells exactly like Lemon Zinger Tea with honey. So there must be some rose hip action to go along with the lemons and honey. This is wonderful - I feel energized wearing it.


    Use: Just feeling better about work is a good thing, we'll see how the romance plays out.

  6. A little background for those not familier with Ellegua: Ellegua is the Orisha of doorways and oppertunities and is Guardian of the Crossroads of Life. Ellegua is a messenger to the higher gods. A Trickster by nature Ellegua must never be ignored. Traditional offerings include Rum, Cigars, and Candy.


    In the Bottle: Spooky only with more soul and with out the chocolate


    On: Minty coconut rum. Amazing and powerful. Am in love. Syrupy and sweet but with a boozy assertiveness that is in no way unpleasant. The mint is sharp at first but mellows - assisted into submission by the coconuy

  7. In the Bottle: Fresh cut green grass and lilies.


    On: a heady perfume floral. The clean grass smell disappears and a drier, almost musty scent comes through. There is a hint of soapiness to this, but only a hint. The lily predominates - it reminds me a bit of a vase of dried flowers actually. Very strong with a lot of throw. Is more "prefume-y" than many of the TAL's I have tried.


    I don't have a magical or ritual use discription. I am guessing it is for focusing or centering when calling on a higher power. Or for clarity in seeing threw the veil.

  8. Beautiful. If Dark Maiden is the incarnation of the waning cresent moon, Maiden is the embodiment of the waxing cresent - a time of rebirth and possibilities.


    There is a girlish brighness to this blend - it is a sweet and happy scent. It smells to me of Lemons and Honey. I would say it was a kissing cousin to Milk and Honey. Like all the TAL's the layers to this scent are amazing. I am just blown away by the artistry of them. Not a lot of throw - it is staying close to my skin.

  9. Background: Dating from the late 1880's, Golden Dawn is an order dedicated to the study and advancement of spiritual knowledge and magical power. Golden Dawn draws on, and includes the study of, Christian mysticism, Kabbalah, Hermeticism, Egyptian deities, Theurgy, Alchemy, Enochian Magic, and medieval grimoires.


    In the bottle: Glorious and warm. Herbal florals.


    On: Very strong. Is that sandalwood and jasmine? I'm not sure about the jasmine but is my best guess (I'm in disbelief because all BPAL jasmine hates me - but this is beautiful)


    Ritual: Excellent aide to study and concentration. Centering and calming.

  10. Background: The Dark Maiden is a fourth aspect of the Goddess corresponding to the waning moon as she moves toward the Crone. For others the Dark Maiden refers to the day after the new moon.


    In the bottle: Sharp, warm woods, leather, amber(?), and what I think might be rosemary.


    On: this is freaking strong - and I don't actually recommend wearing it - or if you do make sure it is in moderation. I can literally taste the ceder in my mouth after wearing.


    Ritual: TBD

  11. So I don't know how Beth managed to fit a pan of brownies fresh out of the oven into a little bottle but that is exactly what this smells like. Dark, rich, chewy brownies. It is more of a coco or dark chocolate smell rather than being overly sweet. Any way you look at it - it is good

  12. Huh, I don't get cinnamon from this at all, what I do get is hell damn delicious goodness. This is Hellions bad boy cousin (It's good yo') Dark deep patchouli and smooth leather. The boubon is just icing on the lickable cake. This makes me want to find some badass biker and do very naughty things to him and then leave him in the morning. Damn.

  13. "Drink," I said, presenting him the wine.

    He raised it to his lips with a leer. He paused and nodded to me familiarly, while his bells jingled.

    "I drink," he said, "to the buried that repose around us."

    "And I to your long life."

    The black fruit and vanilla oaken notes of fine Medoc and De Grâve, but not a hint of the elusive Amontillado.

    This smells of black current/cherries with a liberal dose of alcohol but without smelling "boozy" if that makes sense. It has an amazing amount of throw - really packs a punch. It goes through a cherry cough syrup phase before settling down. The golden oak notes are some of the last to come up for me but are fantastic once they do.

    (For the Lush fans it reminds me a lot of Skin Sin)

  14. Very lavendery....Sadly lavenders, despite my love and devotion, smell like a kitty litter box on my skin. This has been a source of constant amazement to me. I feel like a circus sideshow. "See the amazing girl - who can turn the smell of pretty flowers into kitty litter with only the touch...of her skin!" I bought this, even knowing it had lavender, out of my misguided hope that maybe someday it will smell pretty on me. :P

  15. You didn't think I'd really do it, didja?
    Five dark, aggressive, furious musks with ambergris bouquet, Malaysian rainforest plant extracts, black amber and orange peel.
    Inspired by Lycanthrope and Heretic on the BPAL forum!

    Ok - so EOM take two (Glad I copied my post!)
    I love the smell of enraged orangutans in the morning....What do they smell like you ask? So it is musky - go figure - but it stays amazingly close to your skin. There is definately an amber note in here, again not overpowering. It is almost a "light" scent - not a lot of throw - which is a good thing in my book. The first thing I thought was that it would be a great scent for layering. There is definately a tang hit of musk you get at the end of a deep huff off of your wrist.

  16. Khajurajo - you are breaking my heart here. I thought I would be safe from the roses because of all the other yummy scents piled on top of it but alas it is not to be. On my this smells like burnt plastic, maybe microwaved plastic. Despite the horror of that I get whiffs of a really pretty honey sandalwood scent that would be nice if it were not for the evil roses.


    To the roses all I can say is (in homage to my avatar) "you bastards!"

  17. Amber and tobacco are the first things that jump out at me. (I am currently perusing my BPAL spreadsheet as the top notes of Red Lantern are so familiar but I can't place it! Aaarrrggg!) The caramel is quite distinctive but is not in any way over powering - it acts as a binder for the other scents. This isn't your mama's coconut either, for me it is VERY different from either Spooky or Elegba - it is a dry husky coconut. Underneath it it all are a blend of spices that I can't describe. Something incense. Sorry I can't be more specific!

  18. My first impression was "Beaver moon has sex with Snake Oil" but that isn't quite right :P I went and got my bottle of Sed Non Satiata and it is that same patchouli scent only kissed, fondled and screwed into the sheets with a sugar/rum scent. It is devine. Run out and order a bunch of bottles. You will thank me later. If you like patchouli AT ALL you quite simply must have this. The patchouli isn't at all bitter but is a sweet rounded scent. Am in love...


    Ok - after wearing it for a few hours I like it even more. So damn good. I need to go makeout with someone...

  19. As with Holiday Moon there seems to be a return to the more traditional lunar oils scent with Budding Moon. In the bottle it has that lunar oil tang to it followed closely by a cool floral scent. On it is much sweeter - a light springtime bouquet. I can't say that I can pick out the Lotus root - my nose just isn't trained that well. One of the first scents that did hit me was a peach blossom scent.


    Will post more as this is on longer.


    ETA: I see that it is Plum blossom in the mix not Peach but both are in the same genus Prunus so it makes sense


    Edit*2 - After wearing this for a few hours it has an almost tea sweetness to it that is extreamly appealing. A lot of throw too. Very yummy. :P

  20. Dammit! :D Dammit! :D Dammit! :D


    In the bottle this is one of my favorite scents ever. Zesty lemon sweet over clean, fresh-cut bamboo. Wonderful. On - about the same. For 5 minutes. Then it turns into cucumber. :P DAMMIT! Horrible, almost fabric softeneresque cucumber. Am so sad. Am going to try this out in a scent locket type thing and see if that keeps my skin from turning a delicious blend into a salad scented dryer sheet from hell.


    Rating (Out of 5)

    in the bottle - 5

    on my skin - 0

  21. Drool! I love this scent. Seriously love it. What to have it's babies love it. The dry desert sage and lavender is sweetened by the ripe juicy mango. Delish. :P I keep smelling something good throughout the day today and I would keep stopping and realizing that it was me! I would get a whiff of something sage and juicy and go, "damn who smells so good?" It is sad when your own scent turns you on.


    Rating (out of 5)

    5+ baby!

  22. Sweet evergreen branches. This is what I was hoping Talvikuu would smell like. It has the birch and pine forest notes but it is tempered with a sweetness. The floral notes are not jarring - they blend together really well to produce more of a feeling softness rather than individual notes duking it out for supreamacy. This really is lovely and has quite a bit of throw. The sweet florals hover above and around you but if you get in close for a sniff you can really smell the birch in there.


    Rating (out of 5)


  23. Oh god damn! This is spun sugar sex in a bottle. Have died and gone to heaven - if heaven was a sweet smelling orgy. Definately get the sugary note - but warmed sugar. Then a slight, subtle fruity pear - can barely smell the strawberry at all. There is almost a hint of muskyness - which must be how my nose is reading the honeycomb scent. A deep, rich, fresh honeycomb - none of that pansy honey that comes in a bear.


    ETA: ok after wearing it for a few hours this scent has mellowed out to become a dead ringer for Aquilina's Pink Sugar. The vanilla really comes out to play with the spun sugar and the fruits fade into the backgroud. Awesome.


    Rating (out of 5)


  24. Wow! Bought a 5ml on faith and am sooooooooooo very glad that I did! In the bottle and on first application it smells like orange fresh honeycomb just out of the hive. As it dries the orange fades a bit and the apricot comes out to play. Devine. It makes me happy just smelling it. Am not really getting Tonka from the mix, it is very subtle. The ylang-ylang blends smoothly with the honeycomb scent for a mellow tangy undertone. Just wonderful.


    Rating (out of 5)

