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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by anastasia

  1. anastasia

    Cake, cookies, donuts, baked goods, even Cinnabon

    I just love all the recommendations. It is one of my favorite parts of the forum. Thanks for all the ideas. I will definitely try Chimera. Also intrigued by Mr Jaquel and The Lion. I was already planning on Shub. Lovecraft is pretty much a part of my reality. Again, thank you!
  2. anastasia

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    I have not tried any of the others but agree that Verdandi is a green or even gold apple smell. The herbs and amber are very complimentary. I have been burning it in my oil burner and it makes the best interior smell ever. Also, reviews coming in about Nowhere In Particular look extremely promising!!! Yay for real smelling apples!
  3. anastasia

    Doc Constantine (2006)

    Have not reviewed this yet even though The Doc has gotten me through several Fridays which are my most challenging days at work. I have discovered through Whitechapel that what I am looking for to get thru everyday life are the BPAL scents that are evocative of "bad men." And the Doc is one of them. He is very charming but behind everything, not in any way tameable. He really values solitude. He is extremely intellingent in kind of a Jack London way. The fragrance itself in it's wet stages has a citrusy element that is not any fruit I can name and may be the pine. It is really fresh smelling and though civilized what with the sheer musk/cologne aspect, there remains something "truly" wild about it. It smells slightly of army surplus camping gear and actually reminds me of whenever Al Swearengen from Deadwood talks about the town in the past as "the camp." There is a slight bitterness like someone brewing pine needle tea over a cedarwood fire. Now I love Deadwood more than life itself. This in no way smells like The Doc in Deadwood. But it reminds me of that Doc's house with its unfinished bark walls. I knew I would love this but had no idea how. I feel like this man spends time in The Carnival but takes off part of the year to go study with medicine men and trek around the vastness of the U.S. gathering materials and information before coming back to meet up with The Carnival and work that job... I am starting to be afraid of what I will do with myself when he leaves
  4. anastasia

    Van Van

    I really like VanVan. I feel like it is a very grounded kind of charisma strengthener. I like to put all of The Conjure Bag on my head but I really like to use this one in my hair products or just rub it in my hair. It makes me feel accompanied by something strong and no nonsense but also gives me a little bit of radiance and makes me feel open. To me the scent is almost pure tabacco. In a fresh leafy way. It smells potent and golden.
  5. anastasia

    Cake, cookies, donuts, baked goods, even Cinnabon

    My local mall just opened a Cinnabon kiosk. I remember this from malls elsewhere I have lived and the thing that intrigues me is that it smells unbelievably good but does not really smell like food to me. I don't know if it is the mall atmosphere or something going on with the Cinnabon goods themselves but it always actually smells like a fragrance to me and like there is a bit of a musk base to it or something. It is a deeply sexy smell to me that makes me want to slink around all feral like while smelling it but does not so much make me want to eat their product. Is there a BPAL fragrance anyone can think of that will be the smell of Cinnabon? Not cinnamon or candy but Cinnabon musk?
  6. Doc Constantine is sheer musk. It is very bright and kind of smells like someone brewing something in the woods. I wouldn't say light woods necessarily because to me the wood part is like pine needle tea being made outside over a cedarwood fire. But it is a really nice musk fragrance to me. Light in spirit.
  7. Doc Constantine to me smells like a really enjoyable fella that hangs out in the forest a lot. And I think that Chant d'Automne and Priala the Human Phoeinx have forresty qualities but I haven't quite figured them out yet.
  8. anastasia

    smells like anticipation

    For some reason, I would say The Goblin Rider smells like anticipation. To me it is kind of an idea scent because it is kind of sharp and airy. I bet there are lots of more sensual anticipation scents. Goblin Rider to me is kind of neutral anticipation. It could apply to fear or anxiety or excitement. To me it might be kind of like christmas eve anticipation. It is definitely night. Now I kind of want to find one that smells like daytime anticipation... hmmm.
  9. anastasia

    The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork

    Oh heretic's fork!!! Selecting from The Wunderkammer just about did me in but in the end I could not say no to the fork. The vetiver and the smoke combine to be incensey to me and a lot of the labs smoke/incense blends smell almost like food in the bottle. Like bread baked with wine or I suppose blood in it. Kind of sacreligiouly nourishing. In the bottle this is like that but almost peppery with the metallic note. Wet, it is like a propolis tincture I used to get. As it starts to dry I get the metal and smoke and still something a little meaty in the background. I started out my first orders here with a lot of smoky scents and some of them were also ozoney which made them sweet. This is salty. Like kalamata olives. All of my favorite foods and cocktails are salty. One of my newfound delights with BPAL fragrance is how much they change. I find it very exciting. This one lightens up a lot and gets a little sweeter. I know it is a strange thing to say but this gets very comfortable for me. I am a little afraid to wear it to work because I really like smells other people do not but I wear it to bed sometimes. It is almost a skin scent on me in the end. Warm and musky and lightly pyrotechnic. Like firecracker musk.
  10. anastasia


    I have been having difficulty with the review for this because I like it so much in a very personal way. For me it is VERY girly and gives me a huge feeling of ancestral connection. I wear it to bed a lot and absolutely see using it for ritual purposes. I get a lot of copal, agave, spice and rose with the tobacco in the background or just sweetening things up a lot but sometimes I drink tequila and hot chocolate and it also reminds me of that. I know that there is no cocoa in it but when I wear it to bed it is like hot cocoa made with dried pink rosebuds with tequila in it and Mexico dust. It is a little dry, arid, spooky like when the wind blows in the lowlands. Not the verdant Mexico but the dusty Mexico. Dusty ruffles and sun faded pink ribbons. I think the agave, spice and tobacco are fresh enough to keep it from being too much like the cemetary. It is still lively but a little spooky all the same.
  11. anastasia


    Wow, this is just extrememly smutty on me. I really like it but it almost makes me feel a little bit shy. There is a winey thing that the myrrh is doing and an EXTREMELY skin salty factor from the vanilla cocoa and the sandalwood on me is like freshly cut lumber. I think it smells like I got nailed on a jobsite and then went to a really swank party with wine and chocolate. It actually does kind of smell like the texture of velvet because velvet is a little rough and sensual at the same time, I mean, it has a serious nap to it but we don't seem to actually think about it as rough. Toothy. So yes, I guess for me, soft and a little brutal. For some reason this makes me want to wear it a lot during the upcoming holiday season. In the drydown, once in a while, it smells like an expensive christmas baby doll. Hanging out expectantly on a construction site. I still like it.
  12. yay, posts. it's like sending a message in a bottle. I have made a little spray bottle of High John to use at work. I spray it on top of my head just a little in my cubicle through the day because I work in this terrible call center and it seems to make the day easier to get thru. Like I seem to dodge the really heinous callers and also to have more emotional equilibrium and sense of humor over the bad calls. I want to try Aunt Caroline's Joy and Has No Hanna and see in what ways they make a difference in how I move through my days. I think it works better if I just smear the oil on my head but I was afraid of running out of my imp. Van Van seems to be very subtle augmentation of personal power but in a grounded way and not a rock star way. Blockbuster is my favorite so far and very comforting to me personally but I really like a lot of change so that makes sense. It does seem like a little bit is pretty effective with these. I look forward to actually doing some "work" with Twilight Lab oils as a holiday bonus gift to myself but The Conjure Bag seems extremely solid to me so far and also, comfortable for day to day use. I am reviewing these oils too but would love to hear more info and chat here too if anyone likes to. It is good to know about All Night Long. I have had my eye on that one. I like feeling out the subtle differences in The Conjure Bag. And thanks for all the posts!
  13. anastasia

    Give me caramel!

    Also, I have not tried it but every single review of The Salon's Arrival At The Sabbath and Homage To The Devil, it seems to smell of caramel. I know that butterscotch and caramel are different but you might like it too.
  14. anastasia


    I love this one. It makes me feel like I am sitting on the floor of a man's closet in the dark. Lurking there. A man with really good smelling expensive shoes.
  15. anastasia

    Block Buster

    This was a frimp that I will be getting a full bottle of with my next order!!! I used it in my oil burner before bed the first night I had it and had a lot of really interesting dream activity that seemed to be progress and prosperity related and just interesting travel in general. Also sexual dream activity which is a door I have trouble getting open in dream and try to work on. The next day, I used it in my oil burner in my kitchen after being really lazy all day and found myself happily going from one project to the next and ended up having an incredibly productive afternoon and evening. I consider the actual scents of the conjure bag oils to be kind of a surprise bonus since I use them for the purposes stated in the descriptions. This one was a nice surprise as it was very butterscotchy to me but not in the food scent way. More like I had put butterscotch liquer in my oil burner with maybe some tobacco flower under everything. It smells really tasty and though I like my bedroom to smell like a forest or like natural flowers piled on an altar, I am perfectly happy to go to bed with this warm liquid nicotine butterscotch smell. I am a terrible procrastinator though I have improved a lot the last few years. I will be using this in my oil burner a lot and wearing it on my head (where I usually like to put a few drops of the Conjure bag products.) I like a lot of change and have some areas where I feel doors could be more open so I forsee using a lot of this!!!
  16. First of all, I just wanted to say thanks for this thread! Have any of you used any of these in combination with each other and are there any ADDITIONAL reviews or recommendations on the effectiveness rather than the fragrance of these oils? I have gotten some frimps and have put some Van Van in the water I spray on my hair in the morning and Blockbuster in my hot oil burner but my must try list of The Conjure Bag seems to be including all of them which is simply not affordable all at once and I had wonderful results from my last request for recommendations from this forum so... Ask, ask again!!!
  17. anastasia

    The Goblin Rider

    when i got this, it and several other bottles, seemed too fresh and green. really sharp and perfumey. so going with a theory that these perfumes are like wine, i let them breathe a while last night because i had noticed that each time i opened a bottle they smelled a little different. then i really let my skin touch the scent in the bottle when i put it on so the oils on my skin could get in there and on the bottle neck etc. because it seems like my smell and the perfume's smell really need to get to know each other sometimes. i was very afraid because i had my heart set on liking this one and i was determined to work with it and let it have a real chance. put it on liberally to go check the mail and sniffing outside with the wind blowing like madness today and sun and bright yellow leaves, it is going to work!!! it is still a lot brighter than i would have expected from the components. i am beginning to suspect that the lab's pine is very sweet on me. but it is getting airier and is definitely cool and under everything just starting to happen for me is what i was looking for which is kind of sulpher-ey or brimstone-ey like a just lit match! it is light but i think my relationship with this one will grow. this is a lit match and the air that is feeding the flame
  18. anastasia


    one of the reasons i wear fragrance on some days is that it will be the one true spot of "reality" for me within a day that belongs almost entirely to other people whom i do not give a fuck about. fridays are especially hard for me so i was looking for something to "power me through." sniffing the outsides of imps and frimps this said, "pick me, i am bright and friendly and i smell a little of absinthe. together, we can get some things done!" so i did. and boy did we have a wonderful day. so this fellow from whitechapel, he is jaunty. he is quick and smart. he wears white gloves and knows how to get things done. he is welcoming and friendly. he is a doctor who makes housecalls on the troubled female aristocracy and knows exactly what to say to humor them through their vapors and make them feel safe and flattered and really really comfortable and i don't know what he does with women of "the other sort." i will definitely be making this a staple. it is not really absinth-ey but is friends with the absinthe drinkers. it is of that time period and the wrong time period for the song Mack the Knife by Bobby Darrin but it is that cheerful and REALLY makes me think of that song and every single lyric. it is oh so green but changes in depth and intensity throughout the day and in final drydown smells like a thin lime pie with maybe a breath of cucumber somewhere and a huge topping of meringue made of white musk and something unidentifiable and great which i believe must be lilac. I will never be afraid of lilac again.
  19. anastasia

    Black Opal and other stone, mineral type scents

    I have not tried them yet but also like things that smell like stone and had marked Jezirat Al Tennyn and Kumari Kandam from Wanderlust. One sounds warm and one sounds cold to me.
  20. anastasia

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    Thank you all very much. I have had my eye on Love and Pain since I saw it because I have loved that painting for years although I am thankful that my perspective on relationships is no longer represented by it! lol. I also have a lot of the other recommendations on my imp list. I am still waiting on my first (and second) orders, sigh, but will definitely give these recommendations a try AND look forward to reporting back via review! anyway, thank you again and keep 'em coming if anyone feels anything has been neglected.
  21. anastasia

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    yay answers! thank you all very much. the scent is for me actually. I realized that almost everything I have ordered is smoke. which is fine. I am definitly into incense, wood and smoke but I pretty much love a little of everything. I am happy to say I have an imp of Antekithyra Mechanism on the way but will investigate the rest of the suggestions. I am soooo happy here!!!
  22. anastasia

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    any recommendations for a vanilla that is not very sweet?