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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by shoogaqube

  1. shoogaqube


    Another one of my first scent samples from BPAL. I love that I can wear this one to work, and I feel like I am above all the drama and drear of the day. 51 takes you to a place that's floating just above the surface...here and yet, not from here. Aware but with another purpose. The bf said it smells like soap, but to me it's not even close. It is fresh though. A really good one to try out. Edit: I got this and Yemaya as well in my recent order, and Yemaya is completely sweety sweet melon, while this sweetness is held down with a little more balance.
  2. shoogaqube

    Queen of Sheba

    One of my first samples from BPAL, it's already a favorite. This is amazingly sexy without being too overtly "fuck me now." It's more like a "wallow in my glory" kind of esteemed sexy. The throw isn't too strong, but snuggled up to somebody it does call some attention to me. Although on me, it literally burns when I apply it. Maybe it's coming from the open pores (sweat, after-shower application), but I can't help but notice it happens often. Only after sitting on my skin I get a strange allergic reaction to something in it, and my skin gets red and burns for a couple of minutes or so. I wonder if this has happened to any one else? But that is not keeping me from using this scent! I love it and can't gush more about it.