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Posts posted by sqwook

  1. rosedamaskk -

    Hi! I saw your post but I don't have major opinions on those, other than Mme Moriarty. Is the 2015 release different than the original? Well anyway here are some things you may like if you like Mme Moriarty -- Lampades, Tintagel, Black Lotus, possibly Fenris Wolf for somethign more typically masculine, Phoenix at Midday, The Infernal Lover, Anactoria, Mircalla.


    Psychocygnet -

    If you like Centzon Totochtin - maybe Perversion, Tezcatlipoca, Oblivion

    Dorian - I had the same problem you do, for the longest time! For years. I still don't reach for it, though I like the scent a ton, just not always on my skin, it goes too sweet a lot of the time. You might try other vanilla scents that have other things going on, like Lyonesse, or musk scents like Heroine, or tea/lemony like Embalming Fluid. Or Cairo, idk, lol, I rec Cairo all the time. XD

  2. Hm, interesting!

    Of those you've listed, I've tried Bastet, Brisingamen, Haunted, The Lion, The Little Wooden Doll, Tamora. and Snake OIl. Some were powdery, some weren't. And of actual pure Amber EO, sometimes I think it smells powdery and sometimes not, even the straight EO / resin. It could be that the lab's note is further into the powdery side than you would prefer.
    On me, this was the breakdown for the bpals you listed:
    Not powdery: Bastet (soft & sweetly mild), Haunted (deep ambery), Tamora (primarily very-sweet vanilla on me after it dries down), Snake Oil (also very vanilla-y on me, and I had to get used to it though I love it now).
    Powdery: Brisingamen (though for you it isn't! Weird!), The Little Wooden Doll (like whoa, but I blame rose because I don't really like rose, haha).
    Blends will smell differently when they are first-on vs after they've been on your skin for a few hours, and there are things that I love at first but then later become meh on me after the top notes have worn off.
    I tried to figure out by notes which bpal notes typically seem to powder - I thought it might be light or white musks - but I can't find a definitive pattern, so that is not overly helpful to you, I know!
    In addition to Brisingamen, are there any other bpals you've tried that you've liked and have worked well for you? I'm sure other people who like Brisingamen may have some recs & suggestions.

  3. Right, I totally get what you mean, even your favorite scents can be awful at the gym because it's such an environment with a lot going on, in a lot of different ways. I like things much lighter than normal, and they dont' really need any base notes (Snake Oil seems like all base notes, I wore it once too and even /I/ was annoyed with myself though I love it ordinarily).


    Embalming Fluid and Mag Mell are things I've worn before & are light enough for me for that situation.


    What you might want to do is think of GC scents that you liked but that you felt didn't have enough "oomph" for all day, of that seemed lighter than you prefer. If they're too light for your typical use, then they may be perfect for the gym.


    I feel like there *is* a thread with more ideas somewhere.

    Oh! I found it:


  4. Ohhhh, can I play?


    1) 13 (October '06 orange label)

    2) Eve (Only Lovers Left Alive)

    3) 13 (April '12)

    4) Cheshire Cat

    5) Snake Oil


    (Bonus: Favorite Non-Bpal -- Le Labo Santal)


    I'm *really* hoping for some GE scent recommendations because I keep falling in love with LEs that are increasingly more difficult to hunt down, and I'd love to find a signature in the general catalogue!


    Snake Oil is great! And there's nothing like it, but it's GC so that's good. :)


    Aren't the 13s usually chocolate based? You may want to check out other chocolate and cocoa recs, here's a giant and delicious thread of recs:



    Of Cheshire Cat, is it the citrus that you like? You may want to try some of the other citrus scents, like:


    Embalming Fluid *super zingy and bright!



    Manhattan *really a great scent!

    Mag Mell *love this!

    Cairo *This one is so great!



    Baobhan Sith

  5. Ooh, I've been looking for scent recommendations. I'm still a newbie to this whole thing, but I've tried enough scents to have five favorites.


    1. Alan McMichael

    2. Antony

    3. Mad Hatter.

    4. Loup Garou

    5. Dorian and Jolly Roger are tied, lol


    Haha, well the *good* news is that your Top 5 has some serious winners in it: Antony is fantastic,and Dorian & Jolly Roger are way up there too. Here are some others in that similar family-ish. ;)


    Phoenix Steamworks



    Fascinum *Oooh I had forgotten about this one it's so good!

    Golden Priapus


    Galvanic Goggles


    Death on a Pale Horse

    The Robotic Scarab

    Fenris Wolf



    Loup Garou is a pine, isn't it? There are toooonnnss of pine & forest & tree scents. My favorite tree scent is Yggdrasil, it's not really pine like Loup Garou is though. But. It's fantastic. i also liked Slobbering Pine.


    This might be a long shot but does anyone know of a GC dupe for The Shadowy and the Sublime? It was a 2010 Gothic Fiction Halloweenie and I'm not sure it was hugely popular because I don't see it mentioned much. The notes are Moroccan amber, wisteria, ambergris accord, white rose, magnolia, white mint, angelica, bergamot, and myrrh.

    My imp is all amber and ambergris with an initial whiff of creamy florals that mellows into a slightly sweet wood and resin blend with a wee bit of mint freshening things up. The only other thing I can liken it to is Possets Dangerous oil, but TSATS is much more powdery, floral, spicy and overall complex than that. I will probably cry when my imp is gone.


    That's a tough one. I am not seeing a lot that looks even close on the old Speadsheet of Doom. Maybe try out Torture Queen when she comes back around with the Carnaval. White amber, vanilla musk, white tea, ambergris, gardenia, and chrome.

    Actually The Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus from the Carnaval might be closer, but still no mint Golden amber, blood orange, ambergris, lilac, frankincense, and agarwood.


    But did you see this? She's got a partial for sale.



    @ lexyOZ -- That one was really beautiful, so I had taken a bunch of notes trying to figure out what it reminded me of. I tested it against Mme Moriarty & Hymn to Proserpine, and while they weren't "like each other" necessarily they may hold something you like in them. Interestingly, the thing that seemed the closest in feel to me was Tushnamatay -- so, again, not a dupe, but in a similar family, and a really great blend. I ended up not getting it but if it were today i probably *would* get a bottle. Do try Tushnamatay - it is not the same but you may really like it!

  7. Pale pale real-white-rose (that works, I normally can't do rose at all), pale musk, and then soft vanilla as it all dries down. Really pretty and warm. I'm not really getting champagne, ambergris, or amber, other than possibly as what makes it feel warm and cozy along with the vanilla.

    Edited to add: Oh I just realized, it reminds me of Joyful Moon! So if you liked that one, you may like this too.

  8. This is a much more complex blend than I was thinking, and really nice! It starts out with a lot of the lemony cubeb scent, then rounds out over time. I do not get any rose at all. After a bunch of death-matching, the thing it most reminds me of is Cairo, interestingly! And also Sihaya Designs' 'Amas'. It has more skin-close staying power than Cairo though. Really nice blend.

  9. I tend to end up in ruts where I wear the same thing all the time, so I could use some recommendations! And I just joined the forums so I figured I should post something :)


    1. Dorian

    2. Aizen Myoo

    3. Elf

    4. Morocco

    5. Bard (although I have to be careful with this one, it can get overwhelming fast)


    If you like the soft cozy spice of Morocco, you shoudl try Snake Oil eventually. :)

  10. I'm still pretty new to BPAL, and I do tend to prefer different scents at different times of the year... but out of all the scents I currently own, these are my favourites. In no particular order:


    - Sarah, the Mother Bear

    - Shanghai

    - Velvet

    - Samhain

    - Bewitched



    If you like Shanghai, maybe try Embalming Fluid for something where the "zing" lasts a little longer.

    If you think Velvet with spice might be good, maybe Tezcatlipoca or Oblivion.

    For Samhain, if Samhain is the outdoorsy one, Hetairae might be the indoorsy one.

  11. @Kenaz - Halloo! I like some of your faves, too, myself, so I went through my bpal-notes to find things in a similar theme.

    Also I too have moved to a southwest location, and definitely wear your seasonal stuff in the week or two that you feel all seasonal. XD

    Green Phoenix & Litha:

    The Lilac Wood

    Little Bird ******* SERIOUSLY, on me this is so similar to Litha06

    Garden Path with Chickens




    Aurora Spaceship Takes a Dive

    Roadhouse ?


    The First of the Three Spirits

    Antikythera Mechanism

    A Wonderful Light

    Blossoms in Springtime

    @Miareeva - Hi, I see your post, I"m not familiar with those otehr than Eat Me, and I'm not so much a fan of more foody things. Maybe Shub Niggurath for a spiced-up version? If you haven't tried Snake Oil yet then you should. : )

  12. I really like Tushnamatay for calming me, it is a blend that reminds me to get out of my head (if I have spinning anxious thoughts). It reminds me that things can be okay.


    I also like to wear scents that I wear when it *is* summer or outdoors-season, to remind me of what those times felt like. For me, that is Yggdrasil, which I have worn a lot on hikes and outdoors when I am feeling grounded; it's a foresty golden warm scent for me. So, beyond recommending that scent in particular, I also recommend thinking if there is a scent that *you* feel exemplifies you as you wish to feel, and/or that you wore on a day that was just really great.

  13. I am relatively new to BPAL (and brand new to the forums, obviously!). I would love to hear what you guys have to say for my top 5:




    Question Mark

    Sea of Glass

    Windward Passage


    Hi! Yay, Yggdrasil is my favorite. Tho I don't try to find additionals based on it; I just buy backups ;)


    For Egle: Oh, I haven't tried this one, either, this sounds like it could be very good! I see you like some scents with jasmine; my favorite jasmine is Salome.

    For Ygg: Slobbering Pine, Mag Mell. Pais de la Canela. Death on a Pale Horse. Lyonesse. Ochosi, maybe.

    For Question Mark: I got a maple-y scent from this, probably from the tobacco. Since you also like some 'clean' scents, maybe Beer From The Marsh-Woman's Brewery, which on me is a mix of clean plus caramel or maple-y.

    For Sea of Glass: You may like Dirty.

    For Windward Passage: i haven't tried this! Sounds like a marine scent, there are many really neat & interesting ocean/watery scents. Have you tried Bayou?

  14. Welp this is lovely. I love it. It is brighter than I'd thought, while still being mellow and soft and beautiful, and, ack, I really love it.

    I have a real fondness for Mag Mell, and while they are not the same, and not even really the same feeling, I love how they both balance a brightness with soft-sweet-calm. AAAGGHHH. It's great.

  15. Aww, this is so sweet and lovely cool and clean, light and fresh and sweet. It reminds me of another scent that is beloved to me for when I need to clear my surrounding atmosphere and bring in some freshness, Marc Jacobs' Rain.
