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Everything posted by shadow

  1. shadow


    The first time I tried this one, I was shocked. I'd read all these beautiful reviews and all I could smell was cat pee. (Don't ask, I think I have really freaky body chemistry.) Luckily I gave it another chance, and now I love it. This is sparkly and clear red. It's incredibly feminine and doesn't go powdery or sugary, it just gets softer and softer. Like all my scents so far it has very good staying power.
  2. shadow


    I really like this one. It's spicy, and something in it reminds me faintly of Snake Oil, but without the sex of that one. It's sexy, but not obviously (at least on me). After a few hours some smell begins to dominate on me. I want to say it's the sassafras, but since I don't think I've ever smelled sassafras, I wouldn't really know. On my husband, this is incredible. Whatever that smell is on me is undetectable on him, all I get is the yummy spices. So far this is the one I shove at him when we're going to get romantic. Actually, now he grabs it for himself when he wants to get romantic. He learned quick.
  3. shadow

    Snake Oil

    This is definitely going on my bottle list. The first time I smelled it, I thought it was too sweet/vanilla-y and strong for me. Then I put it on before a romantic evening with my husband, and I was shocked. I was absolutely in love. With myself. Oh yeah, and him. But mostly me. I felt slinky and sexy and mysterious and... all those things that I would like to feel all the time but don't. I don't know what was up with the first time, it must have been some weird hormonal thing, because I've worn it three times since with the same result. The vanilla is there, but it's not cloyingly sweet. It just adds richness to the smokey spices.
  4. shadow


    I'm going to have to try this one again when the weather has cooled a bit. It's sexy, yes. But it's a little sweet for my taste. This scent's color is honey. It's got that texture too, thick, syrupy and translucent.
  5. shadow


    This one's sweet and a little warm. I guess that's the earthy note people are attributing to the fig? As far as fig goes, I prefer that really dry green smell, I guess that's actually fig leaf, but I still like this one. I put it on the other night, and then got worried I wouldn't sleep, but I slept like a baby. I might have just been exhausted, but I'm going to try this again to see if that was it. The color of this one is a deep peach with brown speckles.
  6. shadow

    Queen Mab

    Jasmine has never worked well on me. Rose has never worked well on me. This? This works on me. I don't get it, and I really don't care about the why. I just really like this one. Dark? Yes. Overpowering? No. Jasmine is usually sharp and rose is generally the same, but this one is soft and dusky. For colors, I would say a deep purply gray with black striation. Kind of how a soft grayish purple would look at night with not much illumination.
  7. shadow


    This one doesn't blend into my skin like some of the other ones. It stays a little sharp and has a candy feel. Like sweet tarts or some other sharp sweet tangy candy. I seem to assign colors to scents, so this one is a deep rosey pink, softer than fuschia, but still bright and vibrant. I do like this on Fridays when I need a little help feeling Friday-y.
  8. shadow

    Dana O'Shee

    Mmm. This scent is soft yet substantial. There's no whispiness here. I looked at a couple of the reviews and someone compared it to a blanket. That's a great description, like one of those super soft luxurious fuzzy cashmere blend blankets. In a pale pale green. This is perfect for when you want a little comfort. If I'm not feeling so great I put a little dab on in the morning and I sniff throughout the day. It had fantastic lasting power on me.
  9. shadow

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    I love Old Port-au-Prince on my husband. And he loves that I love it on him. But I recently ordered some others for him to try. I'm really looking forward to Antony.
  10. Airheads? My husband wants to know.
  11. shadow

    Am still here...

    You all are so wonderful. Get plenty of rest!
  12. shadow


    Please get some rest, as I think you all are going to be horrendously busy quite soon. Why am I wasting time here? Thanks!
  13. shadow

    Preview of the June 1st Update

    I might cry. I just put in a big order thinking that when the update came I could just put in a small order of 6 or so. But I want over half! What am I going to do?
  14. shadow

    An update on the update.

    I recently made an order through Pay Pal, and since there seemed to be so miuch confusion here in the forum, sent a real quick email to the customer service address (I think it's Nella's) with just the transaction number. They got it fine, so I don't think a followup email is necessary. I won't send one with my next order now that I know the process works. And I sent it to the blackphoenix@blackphoenixalchemylab.com address. That's the one listed in the faq now.
  15. shadow

    An update on the update.

    If you're not dead asleep when you're done with your other stuff, I would LOVE to see a listing of all the new scents with descriptions. I just put in an order, but oh well, it's not like I didn't know these were coming. I'm so excited!
  16. shadow

    Blackrayne and Black Phoenix Collide: SOAPS

    Probably the easiest way to do it is to pick the most popular scent from each category. For instance, Snake Oil would be from the heavier incensey/oriental (at least that's how it is on me) category. At least to start with. Then you could expand after that and add more soaps per each category. But I think you have to have Snake Oil and Black Phoenix as those are your signature scents.
  17. shadow

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Mine is sandalwood. I think. Get me near a warm, woody incense, and my nose/face gets all itchy and then I get an ice pick to the brain. It sucks.