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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Sapphiremo0n

  1. Sapphiremo0n


    Rich and Decadent comes to mind when I put this on, like fur and fine clothing, and an elaborate ritual. First thing I smell is sweet followed by a rich darkness. WooHoo, One of my favorite scents is here... Opium, married with honeysuckle and kissed by vetivert. Thankfully the vetivert is minimal on my skin, other wise this could potentially be a disaster. Wow I smell good. Others have mentioned smellin like old man, but not me! I smell like a Grande Dame, in a mink stole with diamonds all a glitter. 3hours later, I get mostly opium, the honeysuckle is extremely faint, which is fine by me. Definatly have to get a bottle of this stuff!
  2. Sapphiremo0n


    I gave my girlfriend a bottle of Muse and a bottle of Carnival for Sweetest Day, and she gave me a diamond engagement ring... best Sweetest Day ever. So I'm trying (love) Muse today. In the bottle muse smells all lotus and jasmine to me. I put it on and the lotus is strong it and the jasmine are still the strongest notes and remain such until 4 hours have past. Now the lotus has disapated, leaving behind a fading Jasmine and Rose to dance with a clean squirt of lime... Oh how delightful this is after lotus learns to back off and let the others play too. Overall I like it once the lotus dies down. I wonder how it will smell on my fiancee? One odd thing, the lable on the bottle just says Muse, the cap however says love Muse...i just found it interresting that one says one thing and the other says different...
  3. Sapphiremo0n

    Lunar Eclipse

    Oh Wow, talk about Love at first bite! In the bottle the vetiver bit me. I don't usually care for vetiver but with the frankincense, myrrh and tobacco it is not to hateful. Freshly on my skin the vetiver dies out and the black current and red musk come out to dance with the black orchid. As time is passing it is becoming more of a resiny fruity incense...ohhh so adding this to my list of favs. Now I'm down to blackened fruit gums and Darjeeling tea and black currant. It is such a nice soft scent. I'm just slightly sad that my body is burning throught the different scents so quickly. All of this has been within two hours, usually it takes 6 to 8 for me to proscess a BPAL oil, but this one, i can tell is fading out fast...
  4. Sapphiremo0n

    I Died For Beauty

    This is one Strong Lady, very definatly a feminine scent, a highly sophisticated Lady at that. In the imp she smells flowery and very classic perfume-esque. (oddly enough reminded me of my mother's old Oscar that I had given her as a small child) I put her on (one tiny drop from the imp stick spread between two wrists and both sides of my throat) and I smell ylang ylang and hyssop with a twinge of frankinscence and violet. The violet and frankinscence quickly go in to hiding. Twenty minutes and she is still strong enough to be smelled from across the cubicle isle. Talk about your powerful Floral. I won't say it is a bad thing, it just isn't my taste. While this scent is not for me, it would make a great gift for my mother, I think. Now after 45 minutes it has turned into Play-Doh. Crud and Fudge! Luckily it was a Frimp to begin with so I've lost nothing, but gained a 'Do Not Want' lesson. Ah well, Tomorrow's another day.....back to the testing board.
  5. Sapphiremo0n

    The Spell of Amorous Love

    Wet: Wow. So when I opened the bottle, I immediatly got hit with the cherry, plum and red current. Oh man was it strong, Fruity and Floral goodness with exotic undertones. A very sweet and pretty blend. Dry: I put it on and got some of the green tea to come out with the sweetness of the Fruit. A few minutes after it had dried, the Sake decided to come out to play, and I got steamrolled by a bitter smell like fermentation. That was not cool, it was bad enough I considered washing it off, only my rule of the First wearing of an oil must be worn till it is gone, saved this one. Luckily my chemistry doesn't seem to care for sake and it managed to burry the sake under everything else after about 20minutes of sake ick. Now that the Sake is burried, the plum and cherry are dominating with just a touch of the red currant, and so we are back to goodness and sweetness. YAY! I'm not sure I'd order another bottle, but I'll keep it in the rotation till it is gone or I decide to trade it...
  6. Sapphiremo0n


    I confess to buying this one simply for the trading card, the picture of Marianne, the pose, the chemistry of the art was what enticed me to track down a bottle. I never even looked at the description of notes. When it arrived, we opened the bottle to a delightful aroma. Dark and deep but also loght ans sweet. My wife put some on and it was an instant attractant for me so naturally I have to wear it as well. The Red Musk calls to my nose, with its husky darkness, making me think of passion and fur. The Orchid, black currant, and miamosa blend together sweetly continuing the seduction of my nose. MMmmm this smells sooooo very good. Sweet without being cloying or icky-sticky, a very Soft gentle brush of sweetness. I love the hints of the black currant that make me think of full luscious pouty berry stained lips, and the orchid that makes me think of soft wave after wave of silky brown hair tucked carefully behind the delicate flower, quite the exotic delight. All of this just by scent alone. When I read the description here I was quite supprised to discover the other two ingrediants, especially since I loathe and despise even the barest hint of one and strongly dislike the other. So my first reaction two the two things I can't stand was OMG there is patchouli in this????No Way! I can't smell any patchouli here, wicked cool, and lotus root? can't be. The two are so well blended and barely there that I couldn't detect them this is a very good thing, because I am adoring this oil. I think I may have to order a back up bottle before the Carnaval leaves town.
  7. Sapphiremo0n

    Forbidden Fruit

    Wet: lotus and fruit Dry on my skin: Lotus and fruit, very strong aquatic lotus... and fruit. Any amber or other floral is burried by the lotus. It is a very heavy scent. Three hours later: Lotus seems to have finally died down, now I get sweet fruit and light floral. It is a very soft and nice fragerance...too bad this didn't start out as "light and innocent" as the first time. I think i'm going to age this one a bit, try it again in a few months and then pass it on if it still tries to kill me with lotus. If someone is a fan of lotus, this would be a good one for them, it's just not for me.
  8. Sapphiremo0n


    I recieved an imp of this with my last order. It has been sitting seperate from my other imps because I can smell it over all of the others. Wet in the capped imp I smell Roses, Thousands of Roses, drying roses and blood red wine. It just gets stronger as I uncap the little devil. Dry upon my skin, Nosferatu is soft and dusty and sweet. It does smell intoxicating, like blood and rose wines. It is incredibly sweet but not like sugar, more like the sweetness of decaying funeral flowers. It also smells like my grandmothers room a couple years after she died, grandpa had shut up the room and left it exactly as it was. When we first opened it three years later it smells exactly like this, Sweet like aged perfumes, Dusty like years of neglect; Time has passed and the room has aged. Nosferatu smells of a neglected room. It is an incredible scent...very sexy and heavily intoxicating, I just can't stop smelling myself!
  9. Sapphiremo0n


    This HAS to be my number one top most favorite scent. With my chemistry, Chimera is not volatile, fiery, burning cinnamon hot. Instead I get a warm sensual blanket of everything blended together in a ''warm oven after baking cookies'' scent that envelopes me completely. The cinnamon is like maybe two fine particals for the whole imp, not enough for me to say "I smell cinnamon in this" Myrrh and copal dance delightfully over my skin, while the honeysuckle lightly hovers in the backkground. Overall, the resiny scense of the copal and the Myrrh are the strongest but the most delightful. The whole blend makes me smell Yummy!
  10. Sapphiremo0n


    I was worried when I put it on and got nothing but the smell of a bar of white soap still in the paper that I would be one of a vary few that this happened to. I had been expecting something dark and sweet and something I could wear for a seduction, instead I got the same scent that I remember from my childhood of going to grandma's house and opening the linen closet to retrieve a bar of her white soap, (usually for washing out the dirty mouth of her favorite granddaughter). Talk about your mood killer, lol. I think Jazzie has the right idea by putting it in a bath oil cos then you are expecting the scent. As far as making me think of a "Daughter of Lillith", it fails to do justice. Don't get me wrong, even smelling of grandma's soaps, it has a good scent...when you want something that smells squeeky clean, it would be perfect. It just isn't something I can wear happily.
  11. Sapphiremo0n

    Blood Kiss

    The first touch of this little beauty to my skin bit my nose sharply, made me question my choice of scents for the day. A few minutes pass and I cautiously sneak another whiffing of my wrists half expecting to be bitten again by what I assume is the vetiver. Shock supprise and great joy, the little devil that bit my nose has apparently gone back to Hades where it belongs. Now we are spicy and sweet. The clove takes center stage backed by a chours of sweet honey cream and vanilla. Ohh how nice this is! After Blood Kiss has been caressing my skin for a couple hours the sweetness has faded and the sexy scent of blood red wine and musk begin the dance with clove and cherry, mmm. I'm glad I make myself wear things rather than washing off what I don't like at first whiff. This has lasted on me for several hours now. Finally everything has faded out except for the musk and cherry, and i still can't stop smelling myself. Me thinks I will be ordering a bottle of this for the Winter Hols.
  12. Sapphiremo0n

    Black Cat

    Well I can't say that I'm going to get much wear out of this one, thankfully I only got an imp of it. It sounded like it would be a great oil for me, especially since my spirit animal and animal form is the black cat, but sadly it does not like my chemistry and even repelled my girlfriend from me. When I first applied the oil to my wrists it was extremely minty, green, herbs and medicinal and soapy. I like catmint/catnip, but this was not that kind of mint; mixing that with the medicina, it just made it worse. After about 25 minutes, I had my girlfriend smell it and she immediatly repelled backward, "smells like too many flowers and old old woman perfume." I smelled it and found that the green, herbs and medicinal and soapy was fading but it was still strongly Minted and now starting to choke with way too much floral. After 3 hours have passed, it is now largly a scent of Roses and Rose water or powder. I'll keep the imp and age it for a bit to see if anything improves, but so far I'm really sad that this isn't working with my chemistry the way i had hoped.
  13. Sapphiremo0n

    Lucy's Kiss

    Dressing to go out for the evening, I select my imp of Lucy's kiss. After all, rose based scents can work well for either night or day, but something made with Lucy in mind does make me think this will be perfect for dinner out. I uncap my imp and immediatly find myself engulfed in the heady scent of the rose. It is like walking through a huge victorian greenhouse full of nothing but all kinds of roses. Although rose is the only thing I get from the wet oil, it isn't such a strong scent as to be unpleasant. Upon application, the scent becomes abit on the dusty and powdery side with a lick of something almost jasmine coming through under the rose. After an evening of wear, I still have a beautiful blend of jasmine and rose. This delightful combination lingers on my wrists well into the morning after.
  14. Sapphiremo0n


    I ordered this one simply for the name, and was rewarded with a delightful symphony of scents. First Whiffs from the bottle were ripe and almost green, reminding me of spring, must be the daffodil. A deeper breath reveals the orchid, harmonizing perfectly with the daffodil, making the start of a beautiful bouquet. A dab to each wrist and the bouquet retreats allowing new notes to arise. They bring to mind purple and fruit with the juicyness of plum. After a few hours passing, it changes from the tantalizing fruit to a deeper more incense-ish scent. The plum has bowed out for the the whiteness of jasmine and musk; a delightful pairing that dances gently over my senses and remains for the rest of its duration. With my girlfriend's chemistry the effect is a much different delight. The delicate greens abandon the dance while the purple plum runs in and out peeking out from underneath the big fluffy white skirts of lady jasmine and musk. Overall, we both adore Kitsune-Tsuki and recommend it as a fabulous daytime scent.