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Posts posted by emzebel

  1. This is a beautiful light musk blend, with just the right amount of resin to add texture and minty herbalism to make it crisp - it is a wonderful rendering of the painting and absolutely gorgrous.


    For such a beautiful blend, it is rather non-descript on my skin, however. This is a cold chilly blend that is perfect for people who either adore cold chilly blends and want them all, or who cannot wear the "trademark BPAL snow" that characterizes so many of the Yules each year. And while I like a little cold and chill, I'm much more of a firey colorful jewel tone sort of gal. So this is nice, but probably doesn't jump into my must have list...

  2. Oh wow. Just wow. If you do a search for my reviews here at the forum, or look at my top 10, you will notice a theme - certain blends that I tend to think of as a subset "family", which all seem to have a note in common. A note that I couldn't name, but that I love - this is it. This is the note.


    It is deep and red and musky and almost...juicy. This is so rich and divine...I am so happy to have lucked into this.

  3. Mmm, spicy vanilla berry sex.


    Erm, yes. Thank you. I shall be having with this.


    My only, and I mean, only, reservation about this blend is that it is not the most long lasting if the Snakes. Many of them will last a full 10-12 hour day, but this is but a hint of lovely sweet spice after lunch now.


    But oh, it is lovely.

  4. Really beautiful flowers, none of which, other than the lily and the sandalwood (which is not a flower, but just looking at the notes), are quite my speed. Still, this is a beautiful, wearable blend, but not one I'm broken up over skipping.

  5. I was soooo looking forward to this blend last year, as I love dragons, dragon's blood, and was getting along well with the Asian Moons. Oddly, I wear this a lot less than you might think, even though I do like it.


    This is a light dragon's blood on me, with a lot of the other notes, which make for a very nice, pleasant, fruity, fresh coctail of fruity tea with a shot of DB. :P

  6. Wow. This is a lot less OMG FLORAL than I had initially feared. There are definitely a lot of flowers in here, but I smell as much vanilla and fruit (peach?) as I do anything. A really beautiful, wearable blend that I sort of wish I had a bottle of for spring...

  7. Definite aquatic base notes with swiftly swimming undertows of citrus and bergamont. This is absolutely perfect for Neptune. And I loke it on a lot of levels, but I'm on the fence about whether it is wearable for me.

  8. Sweet floral resins. This is absolutely lovely! I'm not a huge fan of the particular florals in this, but they blend absolutely beautifully with the frankinscense, and the amber and chamomile add a lovely lightness to this. I would never have picked this as a winner for me, but it really is.

  9. This is a werd mixture of wet and dry to my nose - perfumey and herbal. Part of me really wants to like it, and another part is recoiling from something...ah, there's that pesky jasmine. The jas is not overpowering in this, but it's enough that this blend is just off for me. It smells oddly masculine in a way that doesn't quite appeal (this from someone who loves the Wildmen and the Living Skeleton, go figure), but I'm going to send this over to my husband's box for a couple days and see what happens.

  10. This is a very dark, heavy rose scent - I can definitely scent out the musk here. Amber I'm not so good at. Either way, this would be a beautiful blend for rose lovers. I like rose, but usually the lighter variety, so this is a touch heavy for me, but as others have mentioned, it definitely does hep channel the Victorian Goth within...:P

  11. This is a very incensey/resin scent on me, but it is bright sunny resin, not dark church incense. I would guess that there is some light amber and maybe a touch of citrus in here, but I can't really identify specific notes. But I like it.

  12. Mmm...green Snake! This is Snake Oil with a coiled green brow - fresh and light, with a splash of citrus. I can definitely see the comparisons to Holiday Moon, except that where HM smelled wonderful in the bottle but a bit musty on my skin, the Snake in this one coils round my wrist and gives me all of the bamboo, freshy goodness, with the sultry vanilly goodness that is the Oil of Snakey love.


    Another magnificent creation from the Pit. That Fazia, she's got some lovely companions...

  13. Very sweet, almost caramelly on my skin. Sadly, I have a difficult time getting past the thick syrupy sweetness that this becomes on me and I really cannot smell anything else. I tend to sometimes interpret Beth's sugary notes this way, so for folks who can wear things like Sugar Skull and the other uber sweet ones, this couls be a real winner - I could see this as SS with flowers instead of fruits...

  14. I want to love Arachnia, oh yes I do...I adore spiders, and have the black widow tattoo to prove it. And I love each and every note in this - current, patchouli, musk, lily, tobacco...except for the dreaded poppy, which my skin amps like crazy. :P


    All in all, this is a nicely sweet floral blend, that definitely...draws you in. Alas, the poppy just punts it for me.

  15. Very bright, very super sweet, very fruity, with almost nothing to weigh it down - I kept thinking that I might smell something musky underneath all of the crystalline sweetness, but I wonder if that was just my brain playing tricks - like there was supposed to be something like that there. :P This is a very fun, fruity blend.

  16. Mmm...this is one of my unexpected favorites from the first round of CD - rich and mysterious, with just a hint of opium smoke (which can be dodgy with me), the eponymous blend is chock full of sultry night flowers, shot through with tartness (the lemon, which doesn't really register as "lemon" so much as tart on me in this), and sweet (the coconut, similarly, more of a hint than a pure note). I definitely get the whiff of coffee someone else mentioned as well.


    This is a somewhat cacophonus blend, but a perfect manifestation of the delights of the Carnaval - the Diabolical one at that. :P

  17. I am trying to buy some caps with glass rods for my 5ml bottles. but i can't figure out what size caps i need... i am looking here: http://shop.essentialsupplies.com/


    i saw that people have ordered there before by reading this thread, but i didn't see size mentioned...



    Check out the Bottles/Containers/Supplies thread in beyond perfume - a search for "wand" within the thread should get you what you need. :P

  18. I love my little impsie of Oof...just a whiff and it helps open my sinuses and eases pain and pressure like nobody's business and it is ever so much more pleasant than anything I could go buy at CVS.


    While eucalytpus is definitely a dominant note, there is an earthy, herbal naturalness here that is very soothing. And an imp fits wonderfully in a pocket. :P
