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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by emzebel

  1. Definitely very floral - alas, I cannot actually pick out the scent of orchid from other heavy florals. What distinguishes this for me is the very rich undertone, almost a red fruity sort of scent. This is a really gorgeous floral perfume - not my usual scent, but very nice.

  2. Is there a BPAL similar to the new scent, Irresistable Apple? Site says-


    * Fragrance Top Notes: Bergamot, Wild Berries, Succulent Plum

    * Fragrance Mid Notes: White Rose, Orange Flower, Lotus Petals, Iris

    * Fragrance Base Notes: Amber, Creamy Sandalwood, Vanilla, Patchouli, Praline, Musk


    Thanks :D


    I'm deeply amused that there is no actual "apple" in that description. :P


    Desire might be one to try, though (bittersweet neroli, black patchouli and black musk, gilded by apple, bergamot, blood red rose, teak, and vanilla).


    Just looking purely at the notes, if I didn't know that the name of the blend was "Irresistable Apple", they make me think a little bit of Dark Delicacies (devil’s trumpet accord, black orchid, tonka, coconut meat, fruit gums, osmanthus, smoky resin, myrtle, and Indonesian patchouli), Nemesis (Cypress, ginger, fig, dried rose, red patchouli, tonka bean and cyclamen), Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil (Bourbon vanilla, benzoin, caramel, Mysore sandalwood, aged black patchouli, carnation, and iris florentina).

  3. ... but I just had to post that Singing Moon is a close relative to Shanghai Tunnel. Especially at first, I could barely tell them apart. They dry different (but similar). They're both LEs but one is a lot harder to get than the other.

    I'm so glad to hear that. I'm lucky enough to have a bottle of Shanghi Tunnel and I love it beyond all reason. Even my husband likes it and he rarely likes any perfumes at all. I have a pending trade for Singing Moon and if it is anything like ST it will be a huge victory.


    I don't find Singing Moon to be that similar to Shanghai Tunnel (ST is a lot colder and mossy on me), but Singing Moon, at least on my skin, a very very close relative of the non-resurrected Springtime in Arkham scent Whipporwill. Basically, ad a few drops of vanilla or tonka to Whipporwill, and it's my chemistry's Singing Moon. :P

  4. Well crap.


    Mantis has been on my secondary wishlist for years, but I never really gave it any priority - I like all the notes, but none are my OMG FAVORITES, so I just kept passing it by.


    Well, I just swapped for an imp of it and...damn, it is absolutely gorgeous - green and herbal and light and fresh...with an underlying burn of patchouli and musk to keep it from being completly etherial...I love it...and now it is lost to me...:P

  5. I get a definite chilly iron scent from this - kind of like Bed of Nails, but deeper and richer and colder. The nails are embedded in solid rich spicy wood- I get a hint of something almost cinnamony from this, which I can only guess is how my nose and brain are reconciling the gunpowder and smoke, but I can't be sure. I don't get an overwhelming hot smokyness from this, which is good - Brimstone and I are not friends...


    I am looking forward to trying this blend on my husband, as I think it would make a wonderful blend for him as well.

  6. Evidently War likes ginger. Or knives smell of ginger. Or something like that. Because, damn, if ginger and sweet patchouli are not pretty much all I smell in this blend.


    There is some smouldering fire...black spicyness lurking in the background, and a sharp sweet tang of honeysuckle. But my beloved red musks are almost invisible on me...


    This is a hot, spicy red blend - one of the more interesting I've smelled. But alas, for me the patchouli and spices are wrong, and my sinuses just cannot fight through the initial stages. War is hell. And Hell is for other people, I suppose.

  7. Hot damn! This is exactly what I was hoping it would be - an aquatic I can wear!


    Selkie is gorgeous - whispy, airy, but not necessarily light. She is a misty ocean breeze forshadowing a storm, sweetened by the fruity sweet grasses, a swirl of fresh honey, light wildflowers she whips up along the way. Gorgeous, just gorgeous.

  8. Mmmm...the red musk is strong in this, yes. Mmmm. I loves me some red musk, so this makes me verrrrry happy.


    This is a lighter version than some, though, with a beautiful crystaline lunar brightness from the slightly spicy orange peel which blends just beautifully, the gorgeous savory summer herbs, a soft shimmer of amber and just enough floral sweetness to tie it all together in a beautiful bouquet.


    This blend is an absolute perfect melding of just the right scorching summery notes and the hint and hope of autumn relief. It is richer, to my nose, than the first Red Moon, but again, I'm passionately in love with the musk, so take heed. :P

  9. Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide. Two of these were wrong; Heaven is not England, whatever certain poets may have thought, and angels are sexless unless they really want to make an effort.

    Ethereal musk, blonde woods, and dusty Bible accord.

    Azriaphale is...him. Sophisticated, light, bookish...

    While musk and woods seem to pop up in the Asiatic blends a lot, this is not a white musk/bamboo sort of blend. No, these are cold notes. Wet notes. English notes. Or, maybe I'm wrong and they are Heaven's notes by way of England.

    This is the sort of blend that I want to wear on a cloudy day to meld with the rain while I fix a cuppa. Or to wear for a haunt in a used book store. And that is exactly what Azriaphale would want, I should think.

  10. Nothing about him looked particularly demonic, at least by classical standards. No horns, no wings. Admittedly he was listening to a Best of Queen tape, but no conclusions should be drawn from this because all tapes left in a car for more than a fortnights metamorphose into Best of Queen albums. No particularly demonic thoughts were going through his head. In fact, he was wondering vaguely who Moey and Chandon were.

    Crowley had dark hair, and good cheekbones, and he was wearing snakeskin shoes, or at least presumably he was wearing shoes, and he could do really weird things with his tongue. And, whenever he forgot himself, he had a tendency to hiss.

    Infernal musk, red patchouli, lilac cologne, mahogany, lemon rind, oakmoss, leather, and vanilla husk.

    Oh, Crowley, you demon, you...

    This is an absolutely devilish blend - deep and rich and musky and smoldering with resinous patchouli - the firey kind, not the head shop version :D - leather seats, polished mahogany - Crowley wants nothing but the best.

    But he has his lighter side - the touch of lemon hints at his playful side. The vanilla husk, his fondness for humanity. And always, his smooth, suave, lilac cologne.

    Ohh, Crowley, he is a devil, but a delightful one for men and women of the Blood Moon, Mme. Moriarty persuasion as well. :P This is a blend for riding at night with the top down, listening to Queen.

  11. O ALLISON GROSS, that lives in yon towr,
    The ugliest witch i' the north country,
    Has trysted me ae day up till her bowr,
    An monny fair speech she made to me.
    She stroaked my head, an she kembed my hair,
    An she set me down saftly on her knee;
    Says, Gin ye will be my lemman so true,
    Sae monny braw things as I woud you gi.
    She showd me a mantle o red scarlet,
    Wi gouden flowrs an fringes fine;
    Says, Gin ye will be my lemman so true,
    This goodly gift it sal be thine.
    ”˜Awa, awa, ye ugly witch,
    Haud far awa, an lat me be;
    I never will be your lemman sae true,
    An I wish I were out o your company.'
    She neist brought a sark o the saftest silk,
    Well wrought wi pearles about the ban;
    Says, Gin you will be my ain true love,
    This goodly gift you sal comman.
    She showd me a cup of the good red gold,
    Well set wi jewls sae fair to see;
    Says, Gin you will be my lemman sae true,
    This goodly gift I will you gi.
    ”˜Awa, awa, ye ugly witch,
    Had far awa, and lat me be;
    For I woudna ance kiss your ugly mouth
    For a' the gifts that ye coud gi.'
    She's turnd her right and roun about,
    An thrice she blaw on a grass-green horn,
    An she sware by the meen and the stars abeen,
    That she'd gar me rue the day I was born.
    Then out has she taen a silver wand,
    An she's turnd her three times roun an roun;
    She's mutterd sich words till my strength it faild,
    An I fell down senceless upon the groun.
    She's turnd me into an ugly worm,
    And gard me toddle about the tree;
    An ay, on ilka Saturdays night,
    My sister Maisry came to me,
    Wi silver bason an silver kemb,
    To kemb my heady upon her knee;
    But or I had kissd her ugly mouth,
    I'd rather a toddled about the tree.
    But as it fell out on last Hallow-even,
    When the Seely court was ridin by,
    The queen lighted down on a gowany bank,
    Nae far frae the tree where I wont to lye.
    She took me up in her milk-white han,
    An she's stroakd me three times oer her knee;
    She chang'd me again to my ain proper shape,
    An I nae mair maun toddle about the tree.

    Witch-herbs, crushed golden flowers, and a man-made-dragon's surly musk lightened by the scent of the blossoms and unearthly incense that clings to the Faerie Queen's hair. Dragon's blood musk, ambergris, sunflower, chrysanthemum, muguet, and rue, with gingered lily, moonflower, bluebell, peony, nightwort, and white rose.

    This is an absolutely gorgeous blend - deep rich late summer herbs and greenery dominate on me, along with gorgeous earthy musks and just the lightest breath of the late summer florals to add a touch of feminine mystique to Allison's quiver. Because while as a witch she may have been ugly, she still was a captivating one, that Allison Gross - and her perfume is simply perfect.

    Beth, darling, you have completely outdone yourself with this one.

  12. This blend is the absolute perfect complement to Hermia. Rich and creamy with a hint of resin, the lime and the herbs and the blackberry blend to add just a touch of mystery, a dollop of masculinity, a drop of virility...and the floral notes, on someone who can wear lilac and violet, would add just the perfect touch of the feminine. Unfortunately, I am not that person, and I weep.

  13. Pink pepper, golden amber, honeysuckle, and passion flower.

    Hermis is a truly beautiful blend - a light rich almost perfumey amber that sifts into light perfect powder tinged with pink pepper, and the beautiful tropical flowers, warmed with the honeysuckle. This is a gorgeous blend, although a little too feminine for my regular tastes, and I tend to amp amber beyond what I really care for - or maybe I'm just a wee bit too tall. :P

  14. I am very surprised as I review the notes for this, as on me, it is very rich and sweet, not at all dank and cologney, as mosses sometimes turn on me. I thin I must be amping the musk and sweetening it with the sage and heather.


    Either way, this is a gorgeous, almost golden scent on me, with just a hint of woodsyness around the edges - but on my skin, Robin is most definitely playing in the light. A real winner.

  15. Tamamo-no-Mae is the most creamy almost edible Asian inspired blend I've ever smelled of Beth's. Which is not to say that it is foody - it is just evocative of things that are rich and delicious, without necessarily being highly caloric itself...if that makes any sense. :P


    The skin musk, benzoin, tea, rice flower and ginger blend together for a smooth, clingy seductive base that reminds me just a wee bit of the cello-clear cake part of Japanese red bean cakes, steaming and hot from an Asian market. Except that the sandalwood, and sweet florals add a richness that pull this out of the realm of snack foods and into something more intreaguing entirely...this is the scent of Spirited Away, innocense bruised, not necessarily lost completely.


    It is completely and utterly devestatingly gorgeous.

  16. The spirit of the full moon is capricious, intense and passionate, yet still distant, aloof and cold. Luna herself governs glamours, bewitchments and dream-work, innocent wonder, transient pleasure and delight, the Moment, impulse, mystery and veils. The Blue Moon is one of her rarest manifestations, and this scent is formulated to encapsulate her most complex and profound nature:

    Mugwort and bay, for psychic sensitivity...
    Juniper, for divination through dreams...
    Orchid and galbanum, for complexity, wisdom and noscere...

    ... with a potent lunar-charged blend of exquisite Asian woods, moonflower, Madagascan ylang ylang, Florentine iris, Greek cypress, davana, green tea absolute, palmarosa, cucumber, Clary sage, melilot trefoils, wood aloes, and pale creeping buttercup.

    Oh...wow. This is just gorgeous.

    Very light and ephemeral, I can sense hints of herbs, a wee touch of green tea and cucumber, light green woods...light light light fresh florals...this is just perfect. Mysterious, lush, delightful. I will be getting much much wear from this over the summer months.

  17. Mutable Air: the essence of thought.
    Lavender, benzoin, orchid, and frankincense.

    This is a soft scent of dusky florals, with a sharp tinge of resin from the frankincense, and a sweet vanilla note from the benzoin. A nice complementary mix, very calming to erratic Gemini, yet evocative of our sometimes hidden, mysterious, playful nature.

    I prefer the peppery happy tone of the original formulation of this astrological, however, this is a lovely interpretation as well and it feels very...homey to me, moreso than any of the others in this year's releases have. Which makes sense, I suppose, seeing as I am so firmly a Gemini.

  18. Wow.


    First off, you have to understand that while a love love love cherries as a fruit, and I love fruity perfume, something about the combination of cherry-scented-perfume just doesn't seem to work with my chemistry. And syrupy sweet creamy cheesecaky is not really my bag, either. Love it for bath and body products, not so much for my daily wear scent.


    But I digress. Bloody Mary shoots all of the above all to hell.


    It is gorgeous, sinister, rich, dark, and lush with ripe black cherries, which totally dominate the blend for me. I would have put money on them being liquor soaked, but regardless, they smell just delightful and true to life, with not a hint of plastic or anything off. These juicy treats are splashed with just enough sweet cream and sugar to take the edge off, but not enough to really alter the scent. I don't get cherry cheesecake, blessedly - the milkiness is not nearly dominant enough on me for that.


    This is a wonderful surprise of a scent. What a treat.

  19. Dry dry woods, dry dry dark patchouli. At first this is mostly cedar, sandalwood and dark patchouli, with a splash of fruity sweet and a hint of something more. As it warms on my skin, the sugary notes sort of breeze by - this is the perfect scent for people like me who *want* to like the other Monster Baits, but find them too cloying - there's a whiff of sugary caramelly puppetry here, but not enough to make me feel like I'm wearing a bakery.


    Just delightful!
