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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by emzebel

  1. A very light, surprisingly not alcoholic blend, given the context. This is a very fresh, sophistocated turn on BPAL's other Bay Rum blends, such as Port Au Prince - this is a more floral, coconutty version, that makes me think of the blending of the working girls perfume, mixed with a touch of rum and a dash of sea air. Very nice.

  2. Wow...this is just an amazingly beautiful fragrance - the amber and the vetiver and tobacco blend in a beautiful soft husky sensual simmer, shot through with bright vibrant citrus, which I just adore. This is an absolutely luscious blend which is definitely going to deserve a bottle.

  3. So, I am absolutely loving this on me - it is a deep musky citrus - a savory citrus, mind you, like bitter orange cooked in a rich olive oil, but there is definitely something in my chemistry that processes a fruit note in this. I can also scent out the ginger and possibly a very light patchouli. But the dark feral notes...not coming out on me.


    I am extremely happy with whatever is in my bottle, but this is definitely one of those times that I read the notes and the other reviews and start to wonder if I'm nuts or something. :P

  4. Woah - syrupy sweet. I love honey and cassia, but wine notes are hit or miss for me and this is an overpowering miss. After a time, the syrupy tang calms and morphs into something more spicy sweet and nice - but not quite nice enough to get beyond the beginnng stages for me.

  5. Whoo, baby - this is extremely similar to the leather from Dead Man's Hand, but tempered ever so slightly (and I do mean slightly) by the other notes. I was sort of hoping for a fruity, vanilla, tobacco scent with a touch of leather that I could wear, but this is definitely going to be wandering over to Mr.Man's BPAL box-o-fun. :P

  6. This is very strong on the juniper berry on me - it is almost jarring - an unexpected weet fruityness that brightens what I had remembered as a deep dark blend. I want to let this age a little bit to see if it gets a little more animalistic and earthy. In the meantime, this is a nice fresh blend for the man of the house. :P

  7. Mmmm, this is nice, on both me and my husband (we both ended up trying it simultaneously after an imp accident of sorts). On me it is primarily amber, with warm bookish notes. I think it was Belladonnastrap's first review that described this as a curling up in a leather chair kind of blend, which is so true. I like this on me...I like this even more on him. :P

  8. Sweet florals with an undercurrent of fruit. This is a very sweet blend on my skin - I don't get much sandalwood or resin, but the fruit is enough to tame the florals and make it interesting to me...I'll have to try this a few times, I think, before I decide whether it has a permenant hime with me.

  9. Bright vibrant citrus - like a margarita distilled to its olfactory essense. Not too sweet, very refreshing, and a little something that gives you the sense that it's not just something pretty.


    I'ma going to need a bottle of this one.

  10. Mmmm...harvest apples - not just fresh juicy apples, but the trees - the beginnings of the mouldering leaves, the sharp tang of the fruit right off the tree, and the sour tinge of the fruit that's fallen to the ground and gone soft.


    And in the background, a hint of smoke and forest herbs and just a touch of berries to round it out. So delish.

  11. :P Wha, ho...yes. The review.


    I have not tried the TKO Panacea oil, but the bomb...oh, it is the bomb.


    It is the most lovely luscious lavender vanilla, both in solid dry form and when ploinked into a hot tub.


    And the fizz. Seriously, I do not think I have ever experienced a bath bomb with the powerful fizz of this bomb. It was like a Vegas fountain in my tub.


    The water was so soft and almost creamy - not bubbly, but emulsified. It was like water somehow made lotion.


    Normally, I am one for the big bubbly "movie star bath" as Lush puts it, but these bombs, I tell you - they just don't need anything but the soft sensuality of what they got.


    And I did sleep like a wee tyke.

  12. A rich, resinous blend - a mix of encroaching forest, Dragon's Blood and a subtle sweetness. This bears certain similarities to both The Bloody Sword and Count Dracula, but is deeper and darker than either of them and hints at forboding secrets.

  13. Wow, just wow. This is my very favorite of all of the OOTD scents, I think - rich and spicy with a rich undercurrent of sweetness. I would have sworn up and down that there was honey or something overtly sweet in this (other than the neroli), but I think that may chemistry my just take the patchouli/tonka combo and make it something wonderfully caramelly.


    This is the scent of sweet burning passion, of the vampire kiss, of the irristible danger that is Dracula. And boy do I love it.

  14. Reading the description of this, I should love it, as I love almost every note. But the poppy smoke/opium haze will get me almost every time.


    Dammit. This was one of those blends that I actually had to wash off, because the opium scent futzes with my sinuses so much. I think it might have been really pretty under that murkeiness, too...:P

  15. Mmm. At first this was very floral on me - I would guess that the incense in this is similar to that in All Souls, but lighter. Soon the woods and cedar come out, and warm to the incense, making for a sweet woody blend on me. This is very nice, if not quite what I expected.

  16. Mmmm, very sweet and fruity, with a hint of something darker - probably the musk and the frankensinse. Surprisingly, to me, the jasmine is behaving and just adding a floral tinge to the blend, but not causing any pain.


    I really like this!

  17. Very sour, green and mossy. I don't really get much of the spicyness of cumin or patchouli - mostly I get a mossy men's cologne sort of scent. I don't dislike this, actually, but it is not really me. I am definitely going to have to try this on my husband, because it has the potential to be quite wonderful.

  18. Energy, vigor, verve, strength, courage, balls.
    Sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, shea oil, coconut milk, ginger essential oil, witch hazel, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's Elixir blend.

    Yummy spicy orange - much like Moxie oil. Even it its baggie, this bomb totally scents the room.

    I should note that Moxie was an oil that I tried, liked the idea of, but was a little overwhelmed by as an oil. But as a bath bomb, for a morning or mid-day bath, where you want a pick-me-up before heading out into the world - this is just perfect.

    It is bright, and effervescent and very highly scented. As for the bomb itself, it fizzed quickly and powerfully, and made the water soft, smooth and a refreshing bath all around.

    Moxie for everyone!

  19. Purge, purify, cleanse.
    Sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, shea oil, coconut milk, dead sea salts, witch hazel, lemongrass essential oil, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's Elixir blend.

    I could smell this baby through it's baggie - fresh and clean and citrusy - I have not tried the Detox oil yet, but this is definitely a scent that I can imagine would be very refreshing and purifying...As a lover of herby citrusy scents, I am definitely wanting to try the oil just from sniffing this!

    In the water this has a huge scent and fizzy release - it fizzes for a looooooong time and the initial scent is strong, but not overwhelming. As someone who normally uses bubbles rather than bombs, I really liked the softness and freshness of the water - thanks to the oils and the sea salts. There is even an almost emulsfying effect - not sudsy, don't get me wrong, but fizzy bubbles.

    Sitting emerged in the water, there was a great refreshing citrusy scent, and I loved the use of sea salt for its, well, detoxifying properties - it gave the water a fresh, slippery, deep cleansing feel that was a terrific complement with the nature of the oil and the purpose.

    This is definitely one that will be slipping into my cart again!