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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by emzebel

  1. emzebel

    Where is this scent?

    Edited because Clover beat me to it, but, yes, my understanding is that this particular auction is actually a very very old bottle from the days from before there was an actual Lab.
  2. emzebel

    Dilution and Carrier Oils

    Are you sure that what you have is pure jojoba and not jojoba mixed with a vegetable oil? According to this site and several others I found when googling "jojoba" and "rancid", part of the reason why jojoba is such a popular carrier is that it does not oxidize because it is not actually an oil.
  3. emzebel

    Flower Moon 2005

    This is a really beauiful fresh floral. Had I been smart enough to know about the lunacy when this came out, there is no way I would have ordered it, due to my floraphobia, but I am really glad to have swapped for an imp, because the light pretty wild flowers are just the kind I can wear - not to perfumey, very fresh, very much like a real field of flowers, dewy from a moonlit night, with that special scent of th sun just starting to hit at the start of the day...
  4. emzebel

    Et Lux Fuit

    This is golden, fresh, sweet, spicy, citrusy, vanilly...just about everything I love in a scent all in a bottle. This is one of those scents that gives me a happy little shiver down to my core when I smell it. And happily a little bit lasts for a while, so I don't have to slather it madly...
  5. emzebel

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    DLI (I know this has been reviewed before, but I will have to hunt down the cross references later): I swapped for this bottle based on a review of this as being fruity, and boy is it - on me it is basically like a musky pina colada, which for fun summer scent is just about perfect. Yay! Last reviewed by t3andcrumpets.
  6. emzebel

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    I took a chance on three of these babies (after chickening out last year): CDVIII - The scent of a dark cafe, drinking espresso, smoking imported cigarettes, listening to slam poetry and strange otherworldly music. A touch of upturned earth hints at diabolical things to come. CCCIC - An interesting mix of musky citrus and light florals. At first I had high hopes for this, but eventually it turns to an almost deodorant scent on me. CCCXC - A fresh green herbal floral bouquet. In the short term, this is Dial soap. After about half an hour a really nice creamy note emerges, which I like a lot, but not enough to sit through the beginning. ETA additional bottles tried: LXXXV: This is a very deep rich autumn scent - most notably, the scent of burning leaves, mixed with a deep musky note. Not an everyday scent in the least, but definitely something fun for the dimming days of October, and great for layering with scents like Jack and Creepy to make them a little less sweet. CI: Tea rose. Roseroserose. Very pretty, very light - not the fresh cut red rose of Rose Red, but a nosegay of pink tea roses. ____: I shall have to fill in the number later, but suffice to say that my true love of the Strange Attractors series came to me completely and utterly by accident. And this is a beautiful citrus musk that I dearly love. XXXIX: A decant from cranberry, this is a delightfully light herbal mint scent, with maybe a hint of musk. Truly lovely.
  7. emzebel

    Lotus Moon 2006

    This is lovely...the lotus is soft and sophistocated (not bubblegum), and the result is a sweet, but rich sophisticated blend that is just perfect for summer. This may well be the first opium blend that I've ever been able to wear. My only complaint is that this fades fast on me...I'm not sure if I just need to slather like a mofo, or my skin is drinking this up...shall have to test some more.
  8. emzebel

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2006

    Sweet candy like fruits. I really really wanted to love this one, and almost ordered two bottles, but I am discovering that as much as I love fruity scents, I like things to have a hint of sweetness with something a little darker, and HGM is just a tad too candy on my skin. It is lovely, but almost a little too much of a good thing.
  9. emzebel

    Al Azif

    Very very sweet rich incense. Heavy and intense and really altogether to much for my little nose to appreciate.
  10. emzebel


    The jasmine jumps to the forfront of this heavy floral right away, overwhelming the other notes with my chemistry, which woefully is a poor mix with jasmine. A lover of floral perfumes would be fond of this I'm sure, as Eos does seem a beauty, but alas, she cannot stay with me.
  11. emzebel


    Mmmm. Fresh, fruity spicy citrus. Just delightful Should have sprung for the bottle on this baby, 'cause it's a beauty.
  12. emzebel

    Drink Me

    Drink Me is very very foody on me...fruit laden bread puuding perhaps? Jack meets Beaver Moon? Alas, it is just a little bit too something...sugary? Bakery sweet? I can't quite put my finger on it, but I just cannot see myself wearing this one. Ah well. You cannot win them all.
  13. emzebel

    Eat Me

    Oh my...I only ordered an imp of this, because I couldn't justify bottles of both Eat Me and Drink Me in my Dragon Moon order and I figured I had a lot of cake already... Boy did I make the wrong call. The most impressive scent in Eat Me for me is the currants...ripe and juicy and sharp. They are on top of a cake to be sure, but the cake is just a vehicle. The tart fruit is the star of this blend for me. Another for the bottle list.
  14. emzebel

    The King of Hearts

    This is a very red scent. It is bright creamy cherry, but not overly sweet...while that is the only note that really jumps out at me, the other notes temper it into something that is playful, yet sophisticated. Another that I am glad to have chanced a big bottle.
  15. emzebel


    Pine and eucalyptus - very similar to vapor rub, but then again, I like vapor rub smell, so that's not a criticism. This isn't something that I would wear every day, but it is very apt for its subject and is something I'll keep an imp about me for medicinal purposes.
  16. emzebel


    Mmmm. Spicy mango. This is a very orange and green scent in my mind, as someone else said above, I think. The patchouli is not overly obvious, but it definitely keeps the mango from being too WOAH FRUIT on me, and the fig and tea add really neat depth. Definitely something I am glad I ordered in a bottle right off the bat.
  17. emzebel

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    Spicy spicy spicy plum. Almost like a mulled spiced baked plum, but not overtly foody, if that makes any sense whatsoever. I bought a bottle of this unsniffed, based on a love of plum and carnation, and am not disappointed. This is not an everyday sort of scent, but definitely something I am getting good use of and that is slather worthy. It might also be good as a room scent, were I an oil burner sort of gal.
  18. emzebel

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    Right out of the imp, I really really like this. But then again, I really like vanilla, so that makes sense. I also like sweet amber and am defeloping a fondness for white florals, so I had hight hopes for this. Unfortunately, there is something, maybe the sweet pea, maybe the particular vanilla, wno can know for sure, that reminds me a lot of Snow White on my skin, which alas is not a good thing for me, as it tends toward the overwhelming and sort of...overcooked. Ah well. The beauty of BPAL is that I already have a home in mind for the imp, and there are a multitude of other scents to fulfill my vanilla desires.
  19. emzebel

    Litha 2006

    Very rich and sophistocated - Litha is an amazing blend of honey mead and green floral notes. The undernote reminds me of Voodoo Queen just a tad, which is wonderful, but this is a lighter, fresher scent. Just wonderful...so glad I bought a bottle.
  20. emzebel

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    Actually, I am pretty sure that the fees that BPAL incurrs are fees that the Lab cannot really directly pass on to its customers - it's just that if you are going to pay via PayPal *anyway* then it is best for the Lab to go through PayPal directly, rather than through CC Now, because the fees are higher that way. Since this week is still sort of nuts for the Labbies what with settling into the new place and all, if I were you, I would sit tight until your server trouble is settled, anyway, then go ahead and email the answers@blackphoenixalchemylab.com addy to explain what happened and ask if there is anything you can do - but I'm about 97% sure that Sara's answer will be not to worry about it and just go through Paypal next time.
  21. emzebel

    The Black Tower

    This is very light and sweet and almost floral on me, which makes me think that perhaps my chemistry is just really really strange, as I was expecting something dark and forboding. But, whatever, it is absolutely lovely - I think it is probably the ivy and light sandalwood and the wine all coming together, but whatever it is, I want a big bottle.
  22. emzebel


    Umbra was very dark and almost incensy on me - I don't get much woodiness, which surprised me. There was something very evocative about this scent...it reminded me of something which I really like, but for some reason this scent just didn't sit right on my skin.
  23. emzebel

    Enraged Orangutan Musk

    Five dark, aggressive, furious musks with ambergris bouquet, Malaysian rainforest plant extracts, black amber and orange peel. This is very sweet musk, almost caramely on me...I get a whiff of the orange, and it is not foody per se, in that it smells like cake or something, but it is a very sweet creamy blend on my skin. I like it, but it is not quite what I was expecting...
  24. emzebel

    The Hierophant

    I received an imp of this from the Trading Post with my locket order... On first sniff I really like thi - it is moist and herbal with a spicy sort of background that reminds me a lot of Sol, but softer and less sundrenched. Alas, after ten minutes or so, the base note that has been common in all of the Tarots I've tried comes to the fore and starts to make me woozy, and I had to wash this off. So sad, because it really was a beautiful blend...
  25. emzebel


    Marie is very very pretty and feminine perfume. But I don't really *do* pretty and feminine all that much. It is a very nice blend of roses and violets, both of which I like when blended with other notes, but together it is just a little too much pretty flower for me.