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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by emzebel

  1. emzebel

    Astrology Recommendations

    this gemini is inclined to say that what would attract me is a different scent every day. it would intrigue me and keep me interested. it's part of what attracts me to bpal overall, the sheer variety to play with. Ditto. I do love the morphing scents, and ones that have a lot of complexity - that don't necessarily morph, but that are multi layered, so that each time I bring my wrist to my nose, I get something just a little different. I do not like light florals or "sparkly" scents, though, for the most part. Except when I do (because I'm a Gemini, dammit! ;-)
  2. emzebel

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    Oo yes, the Bandersnatch is a good suggestion. Based on the title, I was thinking Carnivale (spicy berries), but I'm not sure how much of that is still floating around.
  3. emzebel

    Trick #1

    By now I think I should pretty much know that Beth's red musk + patchouli = Emz Nirvana...because this is absolutely flipping amazing. Even better than Trick 2, which I would not have thought possible from sniffing the bottles. In the bottle this is a dark floral scent (which sort of had me worried), but on my skin, my god, this just blossoms, for lack of a better non-pun-laden word, into something dark and mysterious and musky and sensual with a swipe of floral, but so much more...I don't really get any leather from this, but everything else is wafting beautifully...this is a truly beautiful blend.
  4. emzebel

    Trick #2

    Oh, wow...in the bottle, this is a very rich, complex dark sort of scent, which carries over to the skin, but with the vanilla and the fruit, the pine pitch and dark woods are very nicely balanced. And that shot of sweet patchouli just gives the perfect kick. I am loving this. Lovelovelove!!!!! Thanks Puddin!!!
  5. emzebel

    My problem(s) with Heaven & Earth Essentials

    PK, fwiw, although you are accusing people of "coming into the thread without having tried the products", personally, I have tried several of Michele's scents. Several of the other people who have criticized her business methods have mentioned that they have placed orders in the past or have tried her scents from friends. But really, that is irrelevant. There is no rule here that someone has to have tried a product to make a judgement about the business ethics of the proprietor of the business. I don't need to make an order from some of the businesses that people have complained about in the "Buyer Beware" thread to start to make a judgement about whether I want to order from that business, or to buy some feMaledictions to be wary about the shipping problems people are reporting. Likewise, I don't have to have actually given Michelle any money in exchange for product to dislike the fact that she has refused to follow the rules here and flat out lied to moderators and admins when asked to follow the same rules that every other forumite is asked to follow. I don't have to buy her products to dislike the fact that she was a member of this board prior to opening her own business selling perfume oils, targeted to an alternative market, with several similar names and stated note combinations to popular BPAL blends. And no one on this board has to be a customer of a business to point these things out.
  6. Just wanted to let everyone know that there are some new "official", hopefully pretty common sense guidelines for the Politics forum up here. Please check 'em out, especially if you frequent that section. Thanks!
  7. emzebel

    Pulcinella & Teresina

    Rose and wood. A nice blend really - there is a hint of something else that reminds me a bit of Sol in here as well, but one I probably will not get a lot of use out of.
  8. emzebel

    Melisande, The Puppet Mistress

    Melisande is a crafty one, she is. In the bottle, she is powerfully jasmine laden. But on my skin, a rich vanilla sweetness comes out, and this is actually a very pretty, not migraine inducing blend on my skin. Still, it is not something that I will regularly wear, so, in the interest of enabling, I've gifted my bottle, which was itself a wonderful gift to a friend in the hopes of bringing her into the fold...
  9. emzebel


    This is wonderful - richly spicy and just sweet and creamy enough to sit well on the skin. This is what I had hoped Three Witches might be, and it's in the general catalogue - what could be better?
  10. emzebel


    I am a sucker for anything with honey as a prominent note, so I was really looking forward to my bottle of Cockaigne. This is a very very sweet scent - the honey, cake, and sweet wine make for a very cloying sugary perfume that is just a little too much for my tastes. It's something about the cake, I think. I want to love it, but something about the food scent just doesn't sit well with me. Ah well...plenty to love.
  11. emzebel

    Ice Queen

    I tried a decant of Ice Queen on a whim, thinking it would be too...something. Floraly? Icy? Piney? All things that have, er, chilled me on some winter blends in the past. In the vial it smelled of very cold florals, like ice perfume. Not really me. But on my skin, the Queen blossoms into a winter cornucopia of petals and fruits, ice tinged with just enough pine bough to keep it earth bound.
  12. emzebel


    I have loved this scent since it first came out and have not reviewed it, in part, I think, because it is so hard for me to capture it in words. Luperci is the woods, the wild, the crisp musky air of the hunt. It is sweet, it is rich, it is savory. When I sniff it directly on my wrists it smells manly and dark, but the scent that wafts in little breezes as I wander through the day when I wear it is soft and alluring and sensual. There is no way that I could begin to describe the notes. That would destry Luperci's mystery.
  13. emzebel

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    ApCat used to be a licensed BPAL wholesaler. At this point, they are just selling off the last of their backstock, so this is okay, if a tad confusing.
  14. emzebel


    Sweet, cloying skin musk - absolutely sensual and delightful, with a drop of honeyed vanilla. On me, at least. So glad I bought a bottle.
  15. emzebel

    BPAL and pregnancy

    I know this has been said before, but it really cannot be said enough - for questions about the safety of specific blends it really is best to email the Lab (answers @ blackphoenixalchemylab . com), since it is not necessarily possible to go by the listed notes when determining safety. I am absolutely positive that Beth would have no problem with letting anyone know if their favorite oil was counterindicated for pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  16. GothHobbit - I've never had any problems emailing the answers @ email addy from gmail. I have, however, had emails from the Lab *to* my gmail account that I have been unable to respond to for some reason - it's not a consistent problem, and it's not clear to me whether it's a gmail glitch or a Lab-based glitch. Either way, it appears to be temporary, at least for me. Did you get a response to your follow up?
  17. emzebel


    Cirtus, herbal, very light and fresh - this seems almost autumnal to me, like fresh fallen leaves, or fresh cut herbs with a squeeze of lemon and a hint of fresh musk. A real gem and definite keeper.
  18. emzebel

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    In the bottle, Xanthe smells like candy banana to me - which realistically probably just means sweet candy tropical. On my skin, however, she transforms, like the spirits she is associated with, into something rich and almost sophistocated - not candy-like at all, per se. She is sweet and fruity, don't get me wrong, but the pepper adds a sharpness that keeps this from being...jolly. I would venture to guess that the listed notes are incomplete, to be honest, and that there is something else savory and grounding in here...or else, this is just the type of blend that is made for my chemistry...because I am not a member of the lollipop guild, and I adore this scent.
  19. emzebel

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    Lightning splits the sky, illuminating the skeletal skyline of the carnival rides: sugared incense and night-blooming flowers. First off, I don't get *any* jasmine out of this, thank goodness, as the night blooming variety is almost certain to bring on an instant migraine. What I do get is a collection of florals that are sort of similar to Cheoptera, richly coated with something akin to incense and cotton candy. Which sounds sort of weird, but is really quite lovely.
  20. emzebel

    The Candy Butcher 2006

    The Candy Butcher is rich and creamy - like the best hot cocoa made from real dark chocolate melted in condensed milk. The creamy note is enough to bump this out of the Bliss category for me, which is one of those "nice, but not interesting enough to keep me entertained" sort of blends. But the slithering chocolate snakes are divine.
  21. emzebel

    Harvest Moon 2006

    Mmm, rich fruity mulled wine, with lots of spices and herbs, but without a strong alcoholic note. This scent is like the perfect marriage of last year's amazing Harvest Moon and Mabon...absolutely breathtaking. It will be getting a lot of wear this month, methinks.
  22. emzebel

    Tavern of Hell

    Tavern of Hell is a rich, complex scent - I'm very glad I bought a bottle right off, as it will be getting a lot of wear. On me it goes on with a rush of burnished florals, which quickly fade into the background and the whiskey, tobacco and dark "tavern" notes start to come out. This is a sweet whiskey, though, not a dry scotch whiskey, and it is nicely aged. This doesn't smell boozy on me, so much as rich and carmeley. It is a really sophisticated, rich layered blend.
  23. emzebel


    I swapped for half an imp of this and OMG, it is amazing...if you are me. It is fresh and citrusy with a hit of green herbals. It is a nice light refreshing scent, just lovely on a hot summer day. Oh for a bottle...
  24. emzebel


    Lampades on my skin is rich ans sensual and darkly sweet - it reminds me a lot of a fruit tinged Skuld, actually, which is a very very good thing...the I would have guessed at the notes being sweet patchouli, maybe dragons blood and an ambery musk along with a fruity honey...wow was I not too close. Whatever, it is lovely.
  25. Beth has asked me to let everyone know how happy she is that people are by and large taking her post in the wee hours the way that it was intended. In order to facilitate communication on this issue between concerned customers and the Lab, whether to report potential misuse of the Lab's name or to ask questions regarding specific scenarios, a special email account has been set up which will allow the Lab and it's legal advisors to more efficiently review your concerns. Please feel free to email bpaltm@gmail.com with any such concerns you may have. Thanks!