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Everything posted by emzebel

  1. emzebel

    Asp Viper (2006)

    Mmm...this is sweet and creamy and spicy - almost like a really rich yummy almond/marzipan tart. In the bottle, this smelled almost too syrupy sweet. And first on, it was so foody that while I liked the scent, I was almost put off...but after wearing it for a bit, it fades into something so wonderfully light and wearable and Snake Oilesque, mixed with an ameretto sour, almost...quite delightful and fun!
  2. emzebel

    The Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn (2006)

    This has the unmistakable almost watery scent that I associate with traditionally masculine cologne - which I think is how I interpret the combination of amber, oakmoss and ambergris - but the addition of the vanilla and patchouli, cloves and pepper, make this a very intersting, wearable blend for me - moving it out of that powdery aquatic realm and into a spicy/creamy/resiny land that I love so much and wear so well.
  3. emzebel


    Violet is not a real winner of a note for me, so I did not have huge hopes for Faith. I am revising my initial review of this, because on further wearings, I have started to fall in love with Faith's soft candy pastille scent. Maybe this is one of the few scents that will have a time of the month chemistry thing going on, but Faith is really a beautiful, sweet sugar, with just a touch of purple flavor.
  4. emzebel


    Rich, sweet rose - I like rose notes, but I like there to be something else going on with them, and Hope does not disappoint. This is a rich, heavy rise, slathered in crisp, almost vanilla sugar. Quite the winner.
  5. emzebel

    Temple Viper

    Temple Viper is almost like Snake Oil prime - take every thing snake oily about Snake Oil and amp it - the spices, the resins, the vanilla and make it spicer, resinier, vanillaier and sweeter - and that is Temple Viper on my skin.
  6. emzebel

    Priala, the Human Phoenix (2006)

    At first, I get a lot of smoke from this one - in fact, it is very very similar to one of my CT's from this last round, to the point that I almost wonder if it was a prototype of this scent. But after a couple of hours, the heavy smoke burns off and the cinnamon and a softer, lusher scent start to blossom. I'm on the fence about Priala, but I think I like her.
  7. emzebel


    Very very sweet chocolate, with the trademark Snake Oil spicyness...this one may be just a little too chocolatey sweet for me...
  8. emzebel

    Death Adder

    THis is definitely heavy on the smoky, darkness. I am surprised to see an extra shot of vanilla in this, along with coconut, because this is definitely a dark, woody, smoky vetiver heavy blend on me - with the ocassional whiff of the sweet sensuality that is Snake Oil. I like it, but it is not in my top loves of the slithering snakes...
  9. emzebel

    The Agony of Heartache

    Mmmm...this was one of the scents I, erm, hinted to the goblins that I'd be quite happy with, so I was definitely not disappointed to find a wee dram of Heartache in my post V-Day box. At first, this is all sage and a mix of blackberry and citrus, but the patchouli is starting to bloom as it sits. I really love this.
  10. Cheshire Cat and Phobos are other great greapfruit scents.
  11. emzebel


    The honey is very strong in this, and it is a very floral, polleny sort of honey, like the honey in Honey Moon, I think, but with wonderful spicy woods instead of the jasmine and other florals that made me so sad about that blend. In fact, this smelled so floral in the bottle, that I thought for sure that it was an orchid/iris heavy blend and just tried a dab, and didn't get enough on my skin to get beyond that initial floral impression. Thank goodness I read the reviews before I added this to my swap page. Because slathered generously and given just a few more minutes to blossom, this blend is a rich incense of spicy, honeyed woody notes that I just adore all to little pieces. Yay!
  12. emzebel


    Very very basil - fresh clean fresh basil - the good stuff, not dried. I can see how this might be interesting as a drop in a blend, but I cannot imagine actually wearing it.
  13. emzebel


    Very citrus, with a definite shot of the iris. The fennel and anise are trying to make their presense known, bu I think the iris and verbena might be just a little too much for me, although the musk that is developing as this dries more is really nice.
  14. emzebel


    Mmmm. In the bottle this smells a little sharp - like it is a little too candy sweet. But on, the skin musk and tonka meld with the florals (which have a definite fruityness as well), and make for a very sexay blend indeed.
  15. emzebel


    Very soft creamy rose. Quite lovely and mellow.
  16. emzebel


    My nose is doing something odd with this one, as I am almost certain I smell honey here - rich deep spicy honey, almost like honey drenched aged Snake Oil, stirred with saffron and musk, but definitely honey. Not that there's anything wrong with that - I am in honey lover heaven, whether a bee has been near this blend or not. Odd how chemistries interpret scent, eh?
  17. emzebel

    Hunger Moon

    I was trying to figure out what that familiar note was, and reading the reviews, I realize - the ozone/snow/chilly note - which my skin is amping massively. I like this well enough, and I definitely like the citrus/sandalwood dancing around the edges, but I wish they were stronger on me...
  18. emzebel

    Faiza, the Black Mamba (2006)

    Mmm...dark green snake, slithering through honey...this is delish. This is actually a little lighter than I expected, but I definitely get a green herbal feel, but a dark, herbally, slightly spicy-woody thin honey is the dominant note. I am in heaven.
  19. emzebel

    Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman

    Vwery much like the descriptio -metallic/aquatic/ozone with wet florals. There is definitely an electric tang to this, but this scent is very much not me. all it needs is asparagus.
  20. emzebel


    Very woody, fresh sandalwood, with an incensy undertone and just enough honey sweetness to keep it from being unbearably dry and overwhelming. This is not an every day sort of blend for me, but definitely a keeper.
  21. emzebel

    The Parliament of Monsters (2006)

    This had an interesting sweet edge to my nose - I couldn't really pick out any of the specific notes, but would have banked on a honey, or a fruit note in here somewhere, just because of the sweetness. Perhaps the tobacco was a sweet blend. Anyway, this is definitely a smoky mysterious blend - an entry point, a drawing in to the figures that await in the 13-in-1, and if anything, I almost get a little of each in this entrance. But perhaps that is just my imagination.
  22. emzebel

    Where is this scent?

    You have to search in advanced mode - a search "nuclear" for all scents for both descriptions and scent names pulled it up. This is all the info you will get from the BPAL site itself. If you want the dates it was live (it was a 2005 Yule LE, not a discontinued blend), then the forum reviews are as close as you will get. It went up 10/05, as indicated in the reviews linked by portal kat and the Lab. I don't recall exactly when it went down, probably 1/06 or 2/06.
  23. emzebel

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    Mmm, must try that one. All of these have already been mentioned, but none of them get enough love in my opinion - Osun - pure honey sweetness, what I had wanted Honey Moon to be. Skuld - rich dark honey with an undercurrent of muskiness. Thaliea - fruity honey, absolutely sublime. Oh, and as someone else mentioned, Luperci is much less dark and animalistic than the description would suggest and definitely has a honey undercurrent going on there. There are a lot of honey scents in the Lupercalias, actually - The Oblation is blackberry shot with lavender and honey...and several others have honey as a base of the blend. Honey lovers unite!
  24. Thirding Western Diamondback, although I haven't tried the ones on your top 4 yet - but Western Diamondback has a very earthy, herbal, shot through with extra creamyness vibe going for it (the tonka) that sounds like it might be right up your Tombstone loving ally.
  25. emzebel

    Western Diamondback

    Mmmm. This is one of the Snake Pit I was most looking forward to - Snake Oil with some of my very favorite notes...I cannot pick out anything in particular, except to note that this is creamier than the typical SO, with a hint of the sage and leather, and a smokyness from the sandalwood that is just divine. Divine, I tell you! If you have ever wondered what the bastard love child of Snake Oil and Corazon (minus the mango ;-) would smell like, run do not walk to buy this blend.