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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by blood*rose*flowers

  1. The scent of Irish coffee, dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls.

    I didn't remember the description when I first smelled this one and at first I actually thought it was like a drink a bartender friend of mine use to make called "Sex in the Snow" (a mix of Kahlua, Vodka, Butterscotch Schnapps and cream) but then I listed about three other drinks I loved before someone reminded me of the description and it clicked and I got the Irish Cream. No matter what drink it was I fell in love and bought the bottle untried drooling like Homer Simpson with a Buffet in sight over this scent.

    Ok I get home drag out all the oils I bought and ran to my SO exclaiming smell this, smell this. He didn't get it I scoffed at him and then decided it was time to try this luscious scent.

    First on delicious intoxicating Irish Cream Coffee, liquory and sweet. Yummy just like in the bottle then something changes it becomes a little darker, a little woodier and possibly dusty? It starts to smell almost exactly like the description. I smell like I am in an old library and I spilled my flask on an old book.

    The problem is that the wood scent becomes stronger and I think the book is getting musty under all that coffee sort of how a paper towel smells when you clean up certain liquids. Its not a completely bad scent but it doesn't set well on me though sadly through all of this that alcoholly, sweet scent still hangs on but it just doesn't complete the picture of what I hoped this oil would be.

    I know its sort of silly on my part since it smells in many ways exactly like the description says but some how I was hoping that the Irish Cream scent would banish the wood scents that tend to despise me in other scents. The good news is I traded it out for another that I hope will hug me instead of making me read a book in a really dark musty library.

  2. In the bottle yummy Bubblegum as mentioned and a touch of possibly fruit? On me it changes almost immediatly to a deeper scent it is sweet but has a touch of spice like cinnamon. Maybe even the tiniest bit of musk. But I am happy that buried under all the more womanly scents I still get a touch of the Bubblegum scent. but it is super subtle. This scent continues to stay spicy and delicious (but not foody at all on me) but sadly is not a super long lasting on me from what I found the last couple times I have tried it. This time I slathered it on and aimed more for my clothes to try and keep it around as long as possible since this stuff puts me in HEAVEN!!! This is one of my top ten scents and I have got to get a Huge bottle of this stuff, I think I just want to bathe in it, sorry to those around me :P

  3. In the bottle this smells very obviously of flowers but has a nice slightly citrusey (orange?) scent behind that is super nice and part of the reason I picked it up to give it a try.


    When its first on I am so pleasantly surprised I normally don't go for florals but so far I am so enjoying this scent. It is a really nice blend of the floral and still the citrus but now it seems slightly more lemony (not in a cleaning product way though).


    After a few minutes it still is very nice the floral is lighter with the citrus still there and a very clean and femine feel to it. I really am so happy I got this one because I never would have thought this would have worked so nicely on me. Yeah!

  4. In the bottle I love this oil in the bottle it smells buttery with a almost coconut and green scent in the mix.


    When first on it switches quickly from milky and sweet to almost minty or a green herb of some sort I can't quite place with a coconuty slightly sweet scent. It isn't really working well with my chemistry its a little thick and cloying and slightly acidic.


    After about five minutes it has mellowed a little milkier and a smidge less minty/green and a little nicer.


    Ok sadly we have hit a problem at about 10 minutes its starting to smell like plastic edging on burnt plastic :P This is the first BPAL oil to turn on me so I am super sad right now.


    I am literally writing this with my very first try of this oil and might try it again and hope it decides to work next time.

  5. This has such an interesting scent in the bottle that I can't completely place, it smells manly but florally. I get the watery tones too.


    On light clean and watery the notes on this one are really hard to individually place but actually really enjoyable. It does smell like a lake in a countryside on a sunny day with the flowers in bloom. But at the same time doesn't smell girly at all.


    I like this it smells natural and light this one was a big surprise for me. I actually bought this for a friend and am so glad I got to check it out.

  6. In the bottle this reminds me of Trader Joe's triple ginger cookies (wonder if they are the same three gingers?)


    On immediatly I smell fresh cut ginger instead of the sweeter tangier scent of it cooked in a desert. Almost a bit lemony. Definetly clean and a touch green in scent. But in almost no time I start to get the spice back.


    Later the scent has traveled back to that ginger cookie scent with a really nice balance of spice and ginger but oddly doesn't smell overly foody.


    I wasn't super sure about this oil but got lucky to get to smell it before buying. This was all I hoped Miskatonic would be and some more!!!

  7. In the bottle: Sweet liquor and Dragons Blood the Roses are just hinted.


    On my skin: At the very begining I get a heavy scent of sweet and roses but almost immediatly the scent goes to almost pure roses. The first time I tried it I tried it with several other scents and at this point I became very disappointed because I am not a huge Rose fan.


    About 10-15mins in: Tada WOW!!!! The Rose has moved into the background and though still there now I have this amazingly lovely foreground scent of the Dragons Blood and the wine is sneaking up also. I love this sexy womanly blend. It just feels like the most perfect blend of sexy, sweet and sultry.


    I am very new to BPAL and I am so happy that this was in my first grouping. I think past the first wear it is one of my favs. I can't say that doesn't make me happy since I had already chosen to use my old handle blood*rose*flowers (from The Cure album and Tori Amos Song) its great to know that I love the Blood Rose scent :P

  8. I am very new but of the 6 new Imps I just got and the 6 or so I tried of my friends I have to say I think I am in LOVE!!!


    This smells very sweet and honeyed with a little cinnamon in the imp.


    On me the first scent is CINNAMON!! Note I Love cinnamon in any form so that made me happy. But as it dries it mellows to a sweeter almond, milky flavor, that smells edible. In time a smidge of the honeysuckle comes out but mostly it stays really even on my skin.


    My very favorite part was when I woke up this morning after a small test yesterday I could still smell it all yummy!! This is I think one of my top 3 BPAL's right now!!

  9. (This is my first review so I hope it comes out ok)


    In the bottle: Woodsy patchouli with a touch of cinnamon. Smells wonderful!!


    On my skin: Immediatly way to overwhelming!! A almost leather smell with a heavy note of the patchouli.


    About 5mins later: I smell like a cedar chest but not in a happy way like I remember a cedar chest smelling as a kid. I think its the patchouli which is odd because normally I love the smell of patchouli but its just blending to earthy and masculine on me. And sadly no notes of cinnamon :P But at least its not sooooo heavy as it was at first.


    About an hour: Thank goodness this has faded I still am not in love but I can handle it. Thank goodness this scent smells amazing on my FI so he now has his very first imp (ok that and Rome).


    For my second round of trying BPAL (this time they are mine and not my friends). I am overall happy though this wasn't my fav.
