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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by blood*rose*flowers

  1. In the bottle: sweet resion with a harsh pine note that almost burns my nose (Oh no)


    On wet: I get a resiny pine scent. With the Almond and Vanilla slightly to the back.


    Dry Down: This reminds me a bit of a men's cologne I have smelled before but I have no idea what. The Pine has definetly died down and oddly everything has blended almost to well it is very hard to find almost any particular note.


    Overall: This is a very interesting scent very balanced but to me this seems just a little to masculine for me. But I bet it would smell sexy on my guy.

  2. In the bottle: Super sweet syrup of Honey and Sweet.


    On wet: Amber and a super almost sickly sweet scent its a bit heavy so it is almost hard to reconize but assume its a honey scent.


    Dry Down: Now I get the Amber and The Vanilla but sadly I am starting to almost get that fakey Vanilla scent though thank goodness its not turning totalyl bad on me (most vanillas go PlayDoh on me).


    Overall: Sweet very fem. sexy scent. This is not a candy scent but a sweet sex kitten scent. I think a sweet 50's girl in her agoura pink sweater and full petticoated skirt and she is so ready once you get to the Drive-In to let you quickly go to first (possibly 3rd) base but when she gets out of the car everyone still thinks shes a good girl.

  3. In the bottle: A very slightly sweet resin scent. I definetly smell the lovely Amber.


    On wet: First sniff all sandalwood.


    Dry Down: Now there is that Amber I had in the bottle its finally coming back to the forward with a tiny bit of that sandalwood hanging in the back.


    Overall: I believe that there may be a tiny bit of patcholli in this scent but I am still getting a very ambery, sandalwood scent. Sadly the cinnamon never shows up for me which is a disappointment. Overall this is a true incense scent.

  4. In the Bottle: Floral with a smidge of spice probably from the sandalwoods


    On wet: Floral the unsual smell of the egyptian iris and again that touch of spice.


    Drying Down: Wow the depth of the sandalwoods and myrrh is completely deeping this scent. The Iris is retreating to the back.


    Overall: This scent is so clean I almost think of fresh linens. Nefertiti is dressed fresh and clean from water from the Nile pappered in the fresh scents of the desert oasis with Kohl eyes and a faint incense burning far away for the Isis is wafting into her dressing room.


    I have to say this scent was a major surprise I really had no expectations for it but find it very nice and I think perfect for summer.

  5. In the bottle: Tobacco leaf and a scent little a very light white rum.


    First on wet: Very florally this reminds me of being in Hawaii again with the florals just lightly coming up in the heat of the day.


    Drying down: This goes very being very similar to Pele to a whole new scent. The rum comes back first, followed in time by a touch more of the tobacco leaf.


    Overall: This scent is very interesting because it starts so fem. but in the ends starts to become a neutral scent. It really has a neat balance to it.

  6. This scent is very similar both on and in the bottle. It has the sweetness of the dragon's blood and some deepth from the musk and vetiver and I believe I even can smell a smidge of the patcholli. Sadly I get no cinnamon at all on me and since I am not a big fan of vetiver this one just isn't quite me. It is a very nice scent though for those that like a very resinous and incensy scents.

  7. I introduce you to LXIV (64)


    In the bottle spicey, milky, sweet goodness a bit like shub-niggurath mixed with midway and milk moon.


    First sniff sweet and milky possibly something else I am very confused. It then switches briefly to a woody sweet scent but also florally? This is a very odd multi switching oil


    Ok here is where I tried to figure out some of the notes possible floral (carnation or something light ), milk possibly, sandalwood, and I suspected ginger on the first time I tried this.


    As it sits I get a little woodiness that scared me the first time I tried it since it is a BAD scent for me, but underneath I still get a super light floral and then the sweetniess starts to rise and make me smile. It starts a little bubblegummy but then switches to a cherry scent possibly tinted with a little red wine. Ok the floral came back up a smidge again but I know it will drop again.


    And it has back to the cherry maybe sandalwood background goodness. The weird thing is that this scent so reminds me of something but I have no idea what, though I don't think its another BPAL. But I do believe that I own a few with similar notes.


    The final scent eventually sits at a very slightly sweet almost cherry scent (Bing Cherries not an Artifical cherry) mixed with maybe sandalwood, a tiny hint of what might be a red wine, tobacco ? and maybe something creamy. Why am I getting a mental picture of two of the old Ice Cream shops I use to go to???


    This puppy is insanely complex and though it scared me a whole lot the first time I tried it I know as it sits on me now as it travels through all its fazes I end up liking this little 64 though I can't say I would have intially chosen this on. It is really an amazing piece of art. ROCK ON BETH!!!!


    Now to run off and have a lab scientifically study the ingredients so A) I can see if I am right about any of this stuff and :D Get some more to share and Hoard :P :D


    EDIT: OK this is so odd, while playing with some new goodies I just got I realized that my little 64 is VERY smiliar to The Red Queen. Though 64 goes a smidge sweeter in the drydown and sets less woody on me.

  8. In the bottle a slightly sweet citrus scent. With the sweet forward.


    Once on the lime rushes forward sharp and clean with a slight touch of sweet. Quickly this tones down to a more subtle scent that is very uplifting.The balance stays for some time of the slightly sweet with the lime reminding me of something like Limeaid but very natural.


    I got this oil because I have been having problems with stress that I have been holding in my stomach area that has caused me to have a major knot sitting near my solar plexius. I was shocked when I used this oil and almost immediatly the stress drop in about half and I felt more together even though I was still in the middle of the stress. I have been wearing this on and off since and I am in love with how this makes me feel. Even now this is making me feel a little lighter. I am so happy that I got this one it really seems to be doing just what I needed!!!

  9. Amber, saffron and bergamot with mandarin, nutmeg, Bulgar rose, musk and sandalwood.

    In the bottle the first thing I think of is the inside of an old cedar chest filled with your grandmothers keepsakes of pressed flowers and memories

    On I get an interesting mix of the musk, rose, and sandalwood. The amber also starts to move forward. I also am surprised that this is so rosey. But it seems rather well blended with the amber and the musk.

    As this one sits it becomes a bit darker a bit muskier and the roses start to move to the background . This scent is a really interesting mix of both sweet and dark. I can totally see the name in this scent I can imagine a ancient, desert city open air market smelling just like this.

  10. In the bottle I get straight apricot with Brandy but the apricot takes the lead.


    On the sweet apricot comes right up with just a hint of Brandy. On me this is a more sweet fuit scent then an alcholic scent. Its a really nice fragrance but like a few recently this one is just not holding on for me. It is fading down a little to quickly but is nice.

  11. The Spirit of the Divine Messenger, the Lord of the Crossroads, He Who Owns All Doors and Roads in this World. He is the intermediary between the Orishas and mankind, and stands at the intersection of humanity and the Divine. He opens all paths of communication, both mundane and Heavenly. His ofrenda contains coconut, tobacco and sweet, sugared rum

    In the bottle sweet, slightly achoholic, and a tad spicey.

    On I get the coconut but not in a super sunblocky way. The sweetness is there as is a tad of the rum and spice. Its a very light scent on me and wants to disappear. I tried adding a smidge more to finish this review. It is a mix of spices and might smell like the tropics (not in the way they smell bottled by glade or coppertone though) The main notes I keep getting are a very natural coconut and the slight spice that must be the tobacco.

    Its a nice scent that I could see working for both guys and girls, but for me its just a little to short holding. I am a touch sad since it smells so amazing in the bottle I might have to try it on my guy.

  12. WARNING: Do not use while operating heavy machinery, do not drive a vehicle, hold seriously deep conversation, try to watch TV or do anything but climb into a yummy, comfy, bed with wonderful pillows while wearing this oil. :P


    In the bottle I get LAVENDAR, lots and lots of lavendar. As I apply it it seems like this oil has a slightly different cosistancy then I am use to with Beth's oils, but I go ahead and apply it to my chakras, chest and shoulders. I was told that the chest was a great way to apply but since I am a side sleeper I actually found that having applied it on my shoulders I was able to smell the oil easliy without having it anywhere on my face.


    As it goes on I find the scent a bit heavy at first a little too floral for me and a tiny bit medicinal. But I quickly find myself feeling ok about the scent and the lavandar grows on me and doesn't seem so cloying.


    Ok now I am waking up its morning I am a smidge groggy but wow I slept all night and I am very happy!!!


    I have been under a ton of stress lately (haha tends to happen as you get a month or so from getting married :D ) and this really helped me get to sleep instead of spending hours in bed making lists and thinking about junk. I also was able to stay asleep instead of waking myself up with thinking in the middle of the night. I also really like the fact that it didn't seem to interfer at all with my dreams or dream cycles.


    If you have some sleep struggles I would definetly suggest giving this oil a try it really seems to get the job done!

  13. In the bottle an herbally very slightly sweet scent.


    First on this hits my skin as a herbally floral. Not in a heavy way as with Flower moon but instead it sits a little closer to the way Alice turns on me after a period of time.


    In time the sweet scent starts to rise but never in a heavy way. This scent is light in a summery way, its not cloying or heavy on any of its parts instead it blends like a mix of memories of summer. Its hard to explain why I get the feeling of driving by fields of crops growing in the summer sun, alfalfa, oranges, strawberries all of the crops I drive by smelling not the fruits but the greenness of the leaves, the slight damp that is finally burning off as the sun rises, a tinge of sweetness as the flowers blume attracting bees. All the while the sun is shining on my skin.


    This scent is not nearly as rich and sweet as I thought it would be I was thinking of mead like is in Hellcat but instead its light and floral with a tinge of sweetness that is hinted at the back. I tend not to much care for florals but find this scent light enough to actually enjoy and blend to it is unusual and very nice.

  14. Strawberry Moon is a blending of strawberries and cream with light, dry lotus and soft ylang ylang and a touch of green tea and sage to bring it closer to Earth.

    Wow I feel both honored and a little frightened to be the first to review this one.

    In the Bottle: Strawberries and cream with a hint of an edge almost liquory, though I think its the lotus or the tea that is giving it some of that hint.

    On wet: The strawberries are fresh and ripe sitting in cream with a green smell that almost hints at the leaves still being on. Quickly to me it gets even berrier. Fresh and yummy. It smells like some yummy mixed strawberry drink you would enjoy in the summer.

    After a few minutes it gets a bit milder on the berry and the cream and lotus start to even the scent out. The berry is hiden after time but the cream and lotus are blending divinely on me. I wish it still had a touch more of the strawberry but overall am super happy with this scent. The funniest part is this is not nearly as sweet as you would think.

    ETA: I just came across this review and WOW! That was a long time ago! I want to say that over the many years of wearing this scent what has made me the happiest is the lovely almost Strawberry Daqurri scent, it has a fresh, clean and yummy sweet scent that is summer to me.

    Thanks Beth for making this scent, but at the same time you are so evil for making me love this rare scent soooooooooooooo much. I need MORE!!! :P

  15. I am currently in tears over this oil :P


    I am curious if anyone knows what the similiar notes are to milk moon in this oil? Since this did exactly the same thing on me and went all burnt plastic on my skin. I am going to try a carrier oil since I was told that could save it. I really wanted this to work. :D


    I would do a longer review but the burnt plastic scent didn't sneak up on me like Milk Moon but instead only hit that note and never moved off.

  16. When I first tried this at BB it was only because some one else there said how nice it was. So I tried it and was a little shocked. The next time I went in I tried it again and had to have it!


    Since I hadn't read the description until now I have to say my first thought was Patchouli but there was a hint of something else now I realize it is the copal that I smell in the bottle.


    On I still get the patchouli but it has a lovely scent of the copal and what must be the earthy smell of the oakmoss at the back.


    Wow, now with the description in mind I get the wonderful floral hinted at the back. This is glorified patchoulli to me in a wonderful, yummy none hippy way. This oil is so amazingly well balanced, I can't believe that a floral can blend so well with patchouli. This scent just reminds me of the color green money, the forest, moss, the rare bathed green haired hippy, etc..


    Personally I like patchouli but felt I was a little past wearing it but let me tell you I love this oil! It is so unlike the other scents I tend to like of Beth's but this really makes me happy and feel a bit grounded. Funny too since it is the only oil so far that I have liked on my FI and myself. Greed is GOOD!!


    Having heard that this oil actually was attuned to the positive aspects of greed (money/prosperity drawing) I used some of this oil on myself and money box when I was selling at a swap meet and I like to think that it helped us sell.

  17. In the bottle I get a certain earthiness but on the skin this is a rich, nutrient filled, mossy, slightly damp, potting soil. Pure soil.


    Its a neat idea and a bit shocking that Beth managed to create such a natural scent out of oils. To be honest this oil above almost all others makes me want to stand over her shoulder as she creates going "Whats that?" "Why are you using that?" "How did you ever become so smart?" "Will you teach me oh wise one oh master?" :D :P I want to know how this magic trick works!!!


    I really am impressed with this one, but at the same time I have to say I think its a little to grounded for an air sign like me. But I am happy I got to experience it.

  18. I just got this one in the mail yesterday from a swap and OMG!!!! SQUEE!!!


    My first thought though was wow this smells like Shub-Niggurath (one of my loves)

    until I put the two bottles together today and realized though similar they are very different (Shub is far less foodie and more

    green were is GP is COOKIES!!!)


    On it smells like the homemade gingerbread cookies I made once with my mom. It smells like molasses, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger all cooked together in some heavenly goodness.


    As it sits it just becomes more yummy and more joyful to my nose causing me to bounce all over the house exclaiming " Smell me! Smell Me!!" to anyone who came near. I wanted to lick my arm (no I didn't but it was hard to have restraint).


    I love foodie scents so this makes me smile, I am in love. Damn LE little bottle of Gingerbread Poppet why do I have to love you so!

  19. In the bottle it smells like a mix of spice, pumpkins, and something almost alchoholly on the edge like butterscotch schnapps or something else similar.


    On this scent is filled with memory though oddly none from Autumn. The first sniff on my skin reminded me of sitting by the campfire on the trips my family took every year to a beach near Ventura, Ca. It smells not unpleasantly of almost a kerosene type smell but more as if it was mixed with the scent of campfire cooked foods and the scent wafting in with the damp beach air but all along I still smell the pumpkin bringing itself slowly up with the spice.


    After a while I hit a whole new memory one strong and makes more sense to my brain since it matches a little better with the description. I don't know if you have ever been to Magic Mountain in So. California. But in the back is a country themed row of buildings you came to after you walked soaking wet off of Roaring Rapids. Back there they sell some of the worlds best Carmel Apples and fresh made candies and not far down they have a candle shop were you can dip your own candles or buy these crazy elaborate finished ones. I feel like I am there walking along side the wood buildings eating my Carmel apple walking by the candle shop getting just the tiniest hint of the wax and some of the scents they mixed with them all while standing in the California sun on a happy day.


    Briefly I thought this might not work as I hoped but I can safely say I am in LOVE!! I get such a nice mix of the sweet and the spice that it plays off really nice and not too foodie. I have to say this is such a fun oil to sniff I feel like a kid again!!!

  20. I am so happy I found this thread since I am getting married next month :P July 23 to be exact. Right now of the oils I have tried I am thinking of Blood Rose, Thalia, Midwinter's Eve (I know its a summer wedding but god I love the stuff!), Shub or Bon Vivant. I have no idea which one I will pick for our lake side outdoor Renaissance wedding. Hummmm more on my list to worry about :D :D Thank god BB isn't to obsenely far so if anyone has any good suggestions I can at least try to pick them up before the big day.


    I am sad that I wasn't into BPAL when Beth did personal mixes because I would have ditched some decor to have found the money for that splurge it sounds like it was amazing!!! Did anyone here get a personal mix???

  21. A melancholy, deep scent, poignant and brimming with nostalgia. The perfume of sugared plums over a breeze of winter flowers.

    In the bottle: I smell fruit (ok I don't eat enough plums to recognize their distinct scent), a slight bubblegum and sugary sweet tones. Delicious but not childish how Jailbait starts.

    On: Sweet candies not modern ones but the kinds they would have eaten in the Victorian Era all handmade, delicate and beautiful to look at. It also has sort of a clean scent as it sits becoming a slight bit fruitier and a tad bit less sweet.

    Over time I get the scent of Christmas morning as a kid in the 1980's this smells like my sisters Strawberry Shortcake Plum friend sweet and memory filled. But don't get me wrong I don't smell plastic or an artificial tone to this scent at all but more like this scent hints at that Christmas bringing happy memories of the old days.

    I love this scent and I have to say it is officially on my top 5 favorites list!!!

    Addition: I actually had this review saved up due to some internet issues but since then I decided to throw it on and have to say I have a slightly different view of it this time. Today it smells more grown up, more fruity less sweet, but still delicious. I smell like fruit instead of candy. Its a fun change that still makes me love this oil!