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Posts posted by blood*rose*flowers

  1. Old Nick, the Devil himself, as seen through the eyes of Victorian New England. A jaunty, dapper scent, deceptively genteel: a lavender fougere with tonka, amber, rosewood and a whiff of diabolical patchouli.

    In the bottle: Wow not what I would have expected it has a light earth scent. The lavendar is very apparent as is the tonka. This might sound odd but it sort of smells like the Lush store in Pasadena.

    On wet: Wow did that Lavendar settle down it is far more subtle to the tonka and touch of what must be the rosewood. And here comes that beautiful amber warming this scent up nicely.

    Drydown: This is such a perfectly balanced scent that it becomes difficult to really see any of the individual scents it just becomes one perfect slightly warm scent. Its not super incensy but more a resinious warm scent.

    Overall: I admit originally I wasn't drawn to this scent, but wow this is nice. It is not a florally scent in fact it is a well blended spicey warm scent that is nice. I personally just wish it had a tiny bit more throw but that could be just me.

  2. A sultry and unruly blend that emulates the ambient scent of the markets in ancient Bengal: skin musk with honey, peppers, clove, cinnamon bark and ginger.

    In the bottle: Earthy fresh scent of cinnamon bark, mixed with the pepper and ginger.

    On wet: Cinnamon, not as cooked but the smell of the fresh bark as well as the scent of the dry spicey scent of the pepper and ginger. Soon the clove comes forward

    Drydown: A smidge of musk is hinted at in the back. This scent is HOT. But strange in some moments I get the hot humid reaction of being in a steamy jungle with deep green trees giving off hot scents from their bark, but then it changes to the heat of the desert with the dry scent of the hot air mixed with the brush growing in the hot sands.

    Overall: This is a hot cinnamony scent with a touch of clove and ginger this has a amazing spice to it. With a tiny touch of the honey to add a hint of sweet. I think this will be a perfect scent for keeping warm in the middle of winter.

  3. In the bottle: A tinge of sweet from the vanilla, some cocoa, a tinge of the red fruits all mixing to create a very unusual scent


    On Wet: My first thought is dark chocolate covered fig newtons. Not just the figs but also the scent of the white cookie. As it sits the chocolate drops to the background still offering its depth but not the full body of its scent. The honey is also starting to move forward as is the tonka.


    Drydown: This is definetly becoming less cakey and more sensual fruits of the dark goddesses with a touch of the sweet darkness of the tonka and chocolate.


    Overall: This baby is delicious!!! I was scared of the chocolate since normally it is not me but this is a deep sexy fem. scent that reminds me of sexy lounge singers laying on pianos in dark smokey bars.

  4. In the Bottle: I get the floral of the rose and lily and maybe a smidge of vanilla. It is a very clean light floral scent.


    On wet: A vanilla tinged floral no particular floral is really coming to the fore ground though nice and light. Here comes that Lily again and possibly some amber to blend with the vanilla.


    Drydown: The florals are becoming more focused I am seeing the lily, honeysuckle and possible jasmine while the amber is definetly there, as is the vanilla.


    Overall: This is a wonderfully balanced oil with many levels.

  5. In the Bottle: I get the scent of sweet burning candles, I definetly get the musk and roses but also the spicey depths of the incense.


    On wet: A slight floral from the rose, but deep and dark slightly smoking and waxy.


    Drydown: OK this is a little odd this smells quite a bit like my CT2. The amber and the rose are mixing richly with what seems a bit like blood-orange or dragons blood its something just tinged with sweet and again that slight candle scent.


    Overall: This is a deep rich scent that is great for those who like incense scents but somehow not so deep and masculine that I actually really like it and I normally stay away from those scents.

  6. I only got to do a small sample on this last night but have to say I really enjoyed it! Mind you I appreciate the sweet scents. I got a lovely smell of cherry Kool-aid powder before you add sugar. It was slightly sweet, red scent with a touch of tart.

  7. In the bottle: I got a almost immediate thought of I have smelled this before. I pulled out a bottle of a scent that I have loved for years and cannot replace called Champange and Roses and dang these are so close to each other. There is a floral scent that I can almost place like a white flower of some sort. Though no roses.


    On wet: This is very similar on my skin it still smells floraly and light.


    Drydown: A soft icy unusual floral blend. I love this scent!!!

  8. In the bottle: lemon, a slight leather and lavendar. This smells like a mens after shave.


    On wet: I get the smell of lemony fresh leather with again a touch of lavendar. Wow the lemon is disappearing super fast Its getting leatherier ( a new word :P ) and I think that tonka is appearing just slightly.


    Dry Down: Hey Anise is that you in there? Hey Anise? I swear he is hiding in there somewhere and I wish he would come out. I still getting that leather and lavendar scent that smells very nicely manly.


    Overall: I bet this rocks on a man with its strange twist on leather. But sadly not good on me.

  9. in the bottle: Interesting it is very green with a touch of coconut and slight slight fruit


    on wet: Green and a touch of fruit (very slight touch) Quickly there comes that coconut and I mean fresh cracked opened coconut with the scent of the the milk, meat and husk. The fig is being slightly hinted at but hasn't really jumped out. Sniffing deep briefly I started to reconize the sandalwood under the other scents. But oddly I briefly get a floral as well but it may be the fig leaf or something else.


    Drydown: Yippee this is the stage that makes me go from being really sure this scent is going to the swap pile to saying heck no I think I LOVE you!!!! Suddenly this is a slightly honeyed, coconut, fig (not a heavy fruit scent). This scent reminds me of summers of my past. I am not sure why but there is just something there. It is a natural light sweet, warm, and beautiful scent.


    Overall: This one does not disappoint AT ALL!!!! It seems like many of us are getting that odd green scent but be prepared it takes very little time to get past it and whats hidden under that fig leaf is well worth the wait !!!!

  10. In the bottle: Dragons blood and something I just can't seem to place maybe floral


    On wet: First scent Dragons Blood, with a floral behind maybe Lily or gardenia. It is a slightly soapy scent but the dragons blood still leads the way.


    Drydown: This switches to a more floral scent on me and then hits a slightly soapy period. Sadly this just doesn't seem to love me :P

  11. In the bottle: Vetiver and what must be the moist lichen and oak leaf


    on wet: Anise hits first with a touch of something moist and slightly woody. But I am now getting more of the vetiver and what might be the civet.


    Dry down: Darn it last time the anise held on much longer so I thought I liked it but even with the anise coming back for a while on the dry down I just don't think this scent is super me. Though it isn't that good for me I think overall its not a bad fragrance darn vetiver :P

  12. In the bottle: Corriander, Fennel and possibly sage


    Wet: Oh man delicious!!!! This smells excactly like the sugar covered anise you get at the end of an indian meal. I adore these and I love the smell.


    Drydown: The cruelness of this scent it softened down to next to nothing just a tiny bit of anise and possibly something else but it is so incredibly light you can barely sniff anything.


    Overall: A bit has come back up I hope it will continue I love this scent it is clean and herby and the scent of the anise could not make me happier!!!!

  13. Sharp, shining, metallic: rubbed iron with a dry wooden base.

    In the bottle: Wow this is an odd one but not how I expected it seems to have ecualuptus, cinnamon and possibly dragons blood or something sweet at the back. But the menthol of the ecualuptus is the first thing you get with the sweet next and spice last.

    On wet: If this is nails I only see clean and shiny ones. The ecualuptus has fallen to the back pushing up that slight sweet and spice. But this is no ordinary sweet and spice scent this is also very crisp and again slightly (very slightly) menthol. This scent is light and clean on me.

    Drydown: This is getting more aquatic now very crisp and clean, with that slightly interesting twist to the back. I still don't get a metalic scent but it does remind me of sharp objects and could picture the shininess of the metal. I also don't see any wood in this.

    Overall: This is an interesting I am getting a smidge of vanilla, spice and that green scent. I think its a very complicated scent, that should twist so many ways for so many.

    But was a little weirded out when at one point in the dry down my SO sniffed it and said it smelt like Eternity for men and was a little scared that I also could see the smidge of colonge it had at that point. But that never stayed long.

  14. Sensual, sibilant, sexual and hypnotic: Arabian musk and exotic spices slinking through Egyptian amber, enticing vanilla, and a serpentine blend of black plum, labdanum, ambrette, benzoin and black coconut.

    A note to readers: Several bottles of Snake Charmer were mislabeled as House of Mirrors, and vice versa. Many of the reviews have been sorted out; there are undoubtedly a few that haven't. Caveat lector. --Shollin

    In the bottle: Amber with something slightly spicey and something else I can't name hiding at the back.

    On wet: Amber and possibly some patcholli or something else slightly earthy and spicey behind.

    Dry Down: This has gone more incensey on me. It has a warm ambery scent scent with a hint of spice behind it. It is very interesting warm scent.

  15. I can't wait to annoint some candles with this one and planned to wait but some one was just to curious about the scent so I had to tr it to be able to explain it.


    In the bottle: A cinnamony, orangey odd scent that borders on Bubblegum


    On wet: Citrus is the very first thing that hits me, with possibly some vanilla, dragons blood and some cinnamon. I get a slightly candy scent on but not bubblegum currently. Also deep hanging down at the bottom a tinge of wood. This scent is super warm and nice.


    Dry down: This gets a little more vanillay and that citrus is definetly still there and so is the spiceness that I am thinking might be cinnamon, clove and cardamon. Some of the bubblegum scent has come back again which actually is nice espeacially since it is mixed with the other scents so its not sickly sweet.


    Overall: I adore the citrusy, sweet, spicey scent of this. This is what I wanted Ravenous to smell like (instead I got bandaids :P ). This is a joyful scent to me and I am so happy that I get to work with this side of Bastet since she is one of the Goddesses I enjoy working with. This scent makes me want to purr like a content cat.

  16. In the bottle: I imagine very sweet white flowers. Very, Very slightly floral but very clean, sweet and a tiny bit of spice.


    On wet: A warm scent with a slight spice (cinnamon), and slight floral. Its a clean warming scent that is very comforting and nice.


    Dry Down: The scents mingle deeper together becoming a beautifully blended scent. Very light and clean.


    Overall: I really like this scent it seems to bring me a little happiness and calming when I wear it. I think that it is a good centering oil and I have found it works very well when placed on the chakras or just the third eye.


    I have been mixing this with Thalia for its "Good Cheer" to help me get through some stress and found they create a lovely mix that really seems to keep my mood up.

  17. In the bottle: Florals with a slight, slight tinge of spice with a very slight powdery scent.


    On wet: Jasmine, a slight musk and maybe a little of the sandalwood. Very nice light floral with a tinge of warmth around the edges.


    Dry Down: Wow this baby warmed up a whole lot of me!! Wow! I suddenly went from a light floral, to spicey with a touch of floral. Not really the jasmine now but more likely the Lily is what I am getting. I also am getting a tiny bit of the vanilla's sweetness.


    Overall: This scent is very different then I thought from the first sniff. This is a very warm sexy scent with just that touch of fem floral. Yummy!

  18. In the Bottle: Spicey dirt this one is off to an odd start


    On wet: The potting soil scent drops off a tiny bit with a smidge more spice moving forward. Almost a little more like desert dust instead of the thick rich soil I get in the bottle. There also in brief sniffs seems like a slightly sandalwoody scent.


    Dry Down: I am getting a warm spicey scent like cinnamon or clove but maybe something else, and now a little Dragons blood maybe, but the scent is still tinged with that scent of dirt. This is one of the oddest scents. I have to say I really think I might like it. This actually makes me understand how some people could like the smell of dirt.

  19. Alrighty I have an odd one I got a imp of Mata Hari a while back and brand new one from the Lab recently and they look and smell very differnt (though slightly similar) both have a resiny scent but one is pretty much clear and the other is a light orange. Can they change that much in color and smell over time? Or am I looking at two seperate entitys both claiming to be Mata Hari or is one just a little older ?

  20. In the Bottle: The sweet scent of Dragons Blood with Lotus.


    Wet: The lotus comes out strong with a hint of sweet Dragons Blood in the back


    Dry Down: I am losing some of the sweetness otherwise the same notes are still here.


    Overall very similar to in the bottle very nice if you like Dragons Blood Blends

  21. In the Bottle: I get the strawberries, cherries and some spice.


    Wet: The strawberries are coming right out with the cherries not far behind. This is the sweetness I thought I would get in Strawberry Moon but didn't.


    Dry Down: As this sits the sweetness gains an edge of spice and musk. This goes from being little girl to getting the edge of a naughty girl.


    Overall: Sweet but sexy I adore this scent it is a lovely mix of spice and fruit.

  22. In the Bottle: A sweet tang of Almonds mixed with a tang of spices and slight florals.


    On wet: Almonds and spice I am unsure what spices but I get pictures in my head of saffron, nutmeg, sandalwood and for some reason cardamon though I am unsure. The scent is a clean spice nothing takes a real hold and none of the spice is hot like clove or cinnamon.


    Dry Down: Either this is Almond and sandalwood or something else. I don't know why I feel I have smelled this mix before. I keep thinking I have been somewhere that smells like this before or maybe had a similiar incense or something. Don't get me wrong this is not an incensey smell it just holds an odd hidden memory. The almond keeps holding on but the spices hold their own to give a deliciously, divine sultry scent.


    About an hour after application: wow theres a strange woody scent that has popped up. It could be sandalwood or something else but every now and then I catch the scent sitting over the spice and sweet that is still there.

  23. In the Bottle: I smell sage and what must be the Sweet Pea.


    Wet: I get a fresh florally scent mixed with the Tonka which adds almost a sweet scent.


    Dry Down: This is getting a bit deeper and muskier the floral is really retreating leaving a nice scent of subtle musk, sweet and a tiny bit of floral though I don't get any of the sage I smelled in the bottle.


    Overall: This is a womanly scent a smidge musky a smidge of hidden girliness. Sexy and nice without being overwhelming.

  24. In the Bottle: The Sweetness of the cherry


    On wet: Really green I don't know why I am think of the smell of fresh wet tumbleweeds as they are chopped apart. It is a heavy think green scent that is becoming slightly citrusy (grapefruit?)


    Dry Down: Where is the cherries?? I might be getting some tea now but I still can't tell what the green scent totally is.


    Overall: No cherries or even their blossoms found in here for me. This scent sadly is just a mix of green and citrus on my skin. Though fresh and nice this scent just wasn't quite what I was looking for.

  25. In the bottle: Rosemary and Lavendar


    On wet: Lavendar lots of lavendar


    Dry Down: This one switches quickly to a much milder less heavy floral scent to a more incense scent as the frankincense comes forward.


    Overall: This is a very interesting mix of floral and incense this is very nice scent over all.
