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Posts posted by blood*rose*flowers

  1. This scent is just beautiful!!


    First on a beautiful Rose with a tinge of sweet. This is pure happiness


    Overall a sweet rose but when I say sweet I don't mean like candy it is just something about the sandalwood mied with rose that adds that scent. I don't get a standard patchoulli at all but something lightener and more golden. A lovely scent for rose loves looking for something different.


    Ha!! Finally I get what this smells like!! I use to get this scent that was mixed in a salve like cream from an all natural store and that is what this smells like!! This makes me so happy!

  2. First on I get pine as it dries down I get almost a almost juniper like green scent mixed in. This one doesn't quite like me (so happy I got to try it before I ordered it) I start to amp the green scent as time goes by even with several other scents sampled on my arms I got a very green pine scent as I drove down the road.


    After about an hour I started to get a lovely sweet scent it seemed slightly berry and nice but the pine was still a bit to heavy for my tastes. If you like green scents then you should like this one.

  3. This weekend was a ren faire I worked so it was all about Sugar Skull. Last night in a renaissance nobilty costume with hoop and corset I went with Greed I felt appropriate for a High Class costume as well as earthy older scent.

  4. In the Bottle: OMG!!! This is HEAVEN!! Wine, plum, sweet glorious goodness!!


    On wet: First on the wine is deep in red but the fruits and florals are spinning deliriously together. The florals are getting stronger then suddenly sweet. The plums are definetly towards the front on this one.


    Drydown: The wine is being pushed back to the sweet fruits but is still there. The sweetness is smooth and nice. With the spiced apple slowly coming up.The florals keep this in a lovely balance but in no way would I say that this is a floral scent more that it just gives it a twist that makes it also not a fruity scent either instead a glorious balanced deep adult scent. Oh and the amazing spice that comes at the end!!


    Overall: That OMG at opening the bottle has gone to OMFG this is such a perfect scent for fall. This is the memory of the sun as it sets earlier and earlier. Walking down sidewalks as you crush dry leaves under your feet. This is a glorious scent of the coming fall. I think this is going to be one of my top fall scents!!

  5. In the bottle: Bitter green Leather with a touch of sweet. I admit I am scared to put this on :D


    First on: This is slightly spicier then I thought it would be. The green scent is a little more forward then the leather.


    Drydown: Oh god here comes the vetiver!!! I can't say I am surprised since this note hates me. Though the musk is trying to hide it a bit.


    Overall: This is a very manly scent. It is a perfect scent for a man or someone who loves heavy dark scents. I am glad I got to try another scent but this baby soooo isn't me (ok no surprise here I already knew it wouldn't be).


    NOTE: Ok weird, weird don't think this is odd kids it might just be me but suddenly I am wearing a lighter graveyard dirt :P If GD is moist wet new potting soil with the bag first opened this is the potting soil bag you forgot about in the corner it is a dryer less intense scent. Weird.

  6. In the bottle: This smells some how familiar but I can't place it. I do get a olive and herby scent with just a touch of a sweet scent in the back.


    First on: First on its really sweet I am a bit shocked about that but its nice it has an almost Dragon Blood scent but light.


    Drydown: Its getting a bit more herby but still sweet its a really nice scent that might also be really nice on a guy. Though its not dark or musk it still might be good. I will have to try it on my guy. Though it does sit really nice on me too!!


    Add: I normally don't read the reviews right before I write a review so I can see what my nose thinks instead of what my mind knows. But I try to go back and read them later. When I looked back at the reviews I went what pinapple???? I didn't see any but I'll be I went back to sniff this one and suddenly I am wearing pinapple now in later's. It is more unusual then I first thought but still kind of cool.

  7. Source: Fireeater's honeymoon

    Second I also have a 12 year old helper K. (also properly inabled in BPAL :P ) helping with her thoughts on this review.


    In the vial:

    K: gets a soapy scent

    me: Ok I may be nuts but I swear I am getting violet and possibly amber. There is a defininte spicy floral scent here.


    First on:

    K: Pure Floral a really nice not cloying floral in fact. There is a smidge of warmth but nothing like mine.

    Me: Very first scent spice (about 2 seconds :D ) but quickly the floral hits white flowers on fire. This baby is getting HOT fast. But not spice just hot like my skin should be warming up to match.



    K: Pure sweet floral nice again not cloying or heavy. Strangely more similar to the sweeter scents then anything hot here.

    Me: This one is odd it keeps switching on me still. It hits a great period of ambery and possibly a little vanilla yummy spicyness with a hint of floral and then switches to a heavier floral and then back. But in its spicy stage it is so amazingly nice and hot.


    Overall: This one is really a chemistry scent, this is one of those that really varies depending on the person. Where the floral is very nice on K. it just doesn't really fit the name but on me the scent is HOT!! I can feel the flames on my face. I think this is a really great scent I am so happy I got to try it in time to get a bottle.

  8. After hearing from Chaos the Crazy on how great this worked for her so far I had to pick some up. My first event is fast approaching so I had to pick this up to help me get in gear (something hard since before this I was planning my wedding :P ) and help make this project work.


    The scent is very heavy it has a pine and possible wood scent (cedar?) It is fairly thick scented. Humm.. It reminds me a bit of a Money Draw Oil I have had before ( not surprising since that is part of the intent).


    I have used this on clothing to initually try to get a kick from it (I like to use magickal oils on my person when they related to personal work but had heard not to in this case) but have moved to a candle and oil burner with coins annointed near it (I really need a kick to get things finished and to get some inspiration) but won't do that again the scent is just a little to strong for me to stand over time, but feel that things are working forward.


    Oh I just read about the dollar bill I will have to try this to see if this helps to amp the effects.


    I will of course not know exactly what I will get from this for some time but plan to keep you up dated.

  9. In the Bottle: First don't take this wrong but this one does next to nothing for me in the bottle my first thought is of something slightly rotten or sour. Its not horrible but it almost put turned me off to it but there was no way I would pass up FRUIT!

    There is also fruits in here but I am unsure what there is.


    First on: Ok first on this afternoon and a little now again I get an off scent (again slightly sour or something) but I know that it will pass (almost immediatly) and it does. First thing that hits is a lovely citrus espeacially lime scent. Then I get apricot, pomegranate, oh my god so many wonderful fruits rushing at me Yummy!!!!


    Dry down: The scents are becoming a fruit salad like your grandma would never make! This is exotic deliciously ripe fruits, mango, papaya, passion fruit and still that delicious very light touch of citrus.


    Overall: Ok I still hate having to remark on my inital thoughts on this scent but thought I should be honest. But in the end this is a PERFECT fruit scent. Its never overbearing or fake smelling. It is pure delicious!!!


    Note: Interesting I put some on my clothing and wow did the citrus jump up to the foreground I almost thought I had mixed some Detox with it.

  10. In the bottle: A get light white forals possibly gardenia and a possible light rose


    on wet: A light sweet floral. The only difference from the imp on me is a little extra sweetness. This is one of the few florals that doesn't feel over whelming. Its not out screaming, "Hey I smell like flowers!!!"


    Drydown: This smells a little colder a little icyier like white roses left over after the first frost of the season if you slight crushed their petals you would have this scent.


    Overall: One of my very favorite scenes in a book is the descriptive image of Miss Havishams room in Great Expectations, the dining room table littered with the memories of a festive day that became a tragedy. Minus the lack of dust mixed with the dust of ancient food this smells like the sadness and cold that would have hoovered in that cold room and in her heart that went equally cold this scent is a perfect match for its name sake.

  11. In Bottle: Patchouli with a floral that must be the Jasmine. It has a nice almost soil scent but mixed with a clean scent of flowers as well.


    On wet: Ok this baby smells almost excactly Lush's TRAMP its really odd. I get that perfect mix of patchouli without smelling like some funk trying to cover up hippy.


    Overall: This is for all of you people like me crying about your loss of Tramp now I suggest just add this to some soap and you can have your own. It really is just such a great scent, I might have to share this with my patchouli hating mom maybe this might change her mind.

  12. This is so simple and nice a perfect blend of amber and Dragons Blood Tt really is a perfect warming scent. This one is so hard to really describe to some one unless they have smelled individually DB and Amber. Here they are mixed with amber at the forefront and a smidge of DB to lightly sweeten this scent. I have to say I love the simplicity here. And it smells the same from Bottle to drydown always lovely.

  13. In the Bottle:


    On wet: Honey and flowers and a smell I am not into I have a sneaky suspicion its the Apple Blossom of Brisingaman that sadly just is not my friend :P Leaving me smelling over very over whelming florals


    Drydown: The florals have toned down a bit leaving a honeyed scent over the top its nice but sadly not really me.


    Overall: If you appreciate a nice floral with a touch of honey then this scent is so for you.


    Note: it has toned down a little more over time on me to an even sweeter nice Honey like in Alice but sadly I can't handle the heavy floral to get to it. Darn!

  14. In the bottle: um uh-oh this smells a bit well yucky to me. Something in it reminds me of perm solution. But strangley underneath I am finding something nice to make me actually get me to try this on.


    On wet: Ok this is nice I get a super light fragrance of Amber and maybe a little carnation. It is very lightly sweet but mostly amber.


    Drydown: This has gone to slightly more floral scent the sweet is toning down and the amber is still there. I am trying desperatly to find the apple but don't seem to find it.


    Overall: This is a super nice surprise (espeacially after snuffing the imp) it is a very nice amber scent with a little warmth from the nice florals in here.

  15. In the bottle: In the bottle the scent of wet petals after the rain a slight sweet natural scent.


    Wet: Roses true fem. roses. Not the scent of synthetic scents but a true natural beautifully blooming scent


    Drydown: This suddenly is dusted with memories, the icy chill of a ghost walking by, a ting of fog at night, but hanging on is still the dew on the roses



    Overall: A nice fem. scent to make any rose loving girl feel sexy without smelling like her grandmother. This is a modern rose that doesn't smell like potpourri and you can wear without smelling like an old ladies purse.

  16. In the bottle: my first thought ecualuptus but quickly start to notice that it is the individual notes creating this trick. I now see the juniper, lime and something else.


    On wet: Wow I am getting a lot of orange suddenly with some of the sandalwood and sharper scent of the juniper. Wow this is invigorating.


    Drydown: It becomes more balanced as it sits though the orange still sits slightly above the other scents it is really nice. The orange is really interesting since it smells like when you first stick your finger in to peel an orange that crisp slightly sour true scent of oranges not as much like the juice. Which just blends so nicely with sandalwood.


    Overall: I am so bummed that I love this scent since I got it to give as a gift for a Leo friend (had to try it though first :P ) I am not a Leo sun sign but do have it as my raising sign so still love the idea but since I have my sun sign its hard to complain to much. This just is such a beautiful Leoine scent not in a feral animalistic nature but more in the gold light shining on the lions glorious mane (on stage or the Sahara) that a Leo can appreciate.

  17. LXXX (80)- also reviewed by GIN


    In The Bottle (Imp):Something sweet here and a touch of soft floral underneath ??


    Wet:Sweet possibly lotus or something similar though I am also getting something else now, I see it as coconut and maybe a vanilla of some sort. There also seems to be some possible amber of a sort in hear as it dries even further it becomes a bit more resinous in its dry down.


    Drydown:This totally reminds me of something I have smelled recently but can't quite place it. It is a sweeter scent though not a food scent. Its a really nice resin scent with its sweet touches. There also seems to be some possible amber of a sort in hear as it dries even further ot becomes a bit more resinous in its dry down.

  18. In the bottle: An odd blend of fruit, flowers and pepper its really unusual and a bit hard to explain


    On wet: Wow this softened nice. It no longer has the pepper scent it is sort of a little sweet floral. The sweet starts to come forward after just a bit.


    Drydown: Ok there seems to be a fight going on to decide if it wants to be heavier on the floral side or fruit side. But it doesn't stay still long enough for me to get much past noteing the peony in the floral stage. I hope this fruit stage stays it is amazing!!


    Overall: I am just soooooo happy the pepper went away! I think that was what killed white rabbit and another for me. This is another light scent that seems great for the summer. I am so happy I finally decided to try this, I have put it off so long since the imp didn't do anything at all for me.

  19. In Bottle (Imp): Coconut and vanilla a touch of white flowers in the back. Its a bit like the coconut ice cream I had a a Thai restaruant yesterday all ice and yummy


    On wet: the first scent I get is that coconut followed closely by the vanilla. Uh-oh its disappearing super fast and leaving only a soft plasticy scent :P


    Drydown: Unlike others the plastic scent is trying to mellow and give me back the coconut possibly the vanilla but the flowers vanished and then when I give up all hope I get almost the excact scent from the bottle. Icy white scents, subtle and beautifully fem.


    Overall: I am very shocked how this has taken to me, it flows in its strenght from next to nothing on to much stronger and the plastic smell also comes and goes. This scent thankfully skips its negative point so fast on me I so can move past it, its really pretty.

  20. The cruel agony of finding this baby after it is discontinued. This is one of the scents I have been looking for from BPAL.


    In the bottle: Cinnamon


    First on wet: Spicy cinnamon with a touch of spice that is a little different from the cinnamon possily the pepper


    Drydown: Subtler softer cinnamon so well rounded. This goes from smelling like a bottle of pure essential cinnamon oil I use to have to something lighter. The cinnamon is a hint now instead of in your face the clove warms this up and again I think I actually get the pepper. This briefly very briefly goes through a yucky powder stage but I can handle it to get back to this wonderful warm spicey yummy scent.


    Overall: A Imp will not sate my desire for this scent I must find more!!!!! This is perfect for the cinnamon freaks among us.

  21. Say that the men of the old black tower,
    Though they but feed as the goatherd feeds,
    Their money spent, their wine gone sour,
    Lack nothing that a soldier needs,
    That all are oath-bound men:
    Those banners come not in.

    There in the tomb stand the dead upright,
    But winds come up from the shore:
    They shake when the winds roar,
    Old bones upon the mountain shake.

    Those banners come to bribe or threaten,
    Or whisper that a man's a fool
    Who, when his own right king's forgotten,
    Cares what king sets up his rule.
    If he died long ago
    Why do you dread us so?

    There in the tomb drops the faint moonlight,
    But wind comes up from the shore:
    They shake when the winds roar,
    Old bones upon the mountain shake.

    The tower's old cook that must climb and clamber
    Catching small birds in the dew of the morn
    When we hale men lie stretched in slumber
    Swears that he hears the king's great horn.
    But he's a lying hound:
    Stand we on guard oath-bound!

    There in the tomb the dark grows blacker,
    But wind comes up from the shore:
    They shake when the winds roar,
    Old bones upon the mountain shake.

    A sepulchral, desolate scent. Long-dead soldiers, oath-bound; the perfume of their armor, the chill wind that surges through their tower, white bone and blackened steel: white sandalwood, ambergris, wet ozone, galbanum and leather with ebony, teak, burnt grasses, English ivy and a hint of red wine. (Gender neutral)

    In the Bottle: This smells strangely masculine and sweet at the same time. This has the scent of leather mixed with the richness of the red wine and a sweet scent that reminds me of dragons blood

    On wet: This is a light masculine scent to me. It has the depth of incense, touch or leather and a slight sweetness that is a nice touch. As it sits I get the ambergris and I am not sure what in the description is "wet ozone" but I can sense that a bit to the back

    Drydown: This is a sexy, deep, slightly sweet, sense. This is perfect for those of you who adore the incensy blends that Beth can blend so well. This also would work well for guys as well. I can't wait to try it on my new husband!!

  22. In the bottle: Yup white flowers. I get the same thing as Blackrayne, I know this scent but it is alluding to something I can't place. Humm.. possible gardenia with maybe lily or something else :P


    On wet: Slightly sweet floral again I don't know why I am thinking gardenia or something else.


    Drydown: This is a strangely icy, clean, ever so slightly sweet floral. Almost to the point of the ice taking over the floral


    Overall: I see the idea of walking in the underworld to stand before Hel in her Kingdom. This scent is an unexpected find. I really like the clean scent and I think this will help cool me off in the heat.


    Side note: With trying all sorts of scents I noticed by accident that this also smells incredible layered with Al-Shairan.

  23. In the bottle: Oh man in the bottle alone I am in LOVE!!!! This is the scent of pomandars (oranges stabbed with lots of cloves) but there is a touch of cinnamon definetly warming this baby up. Yummy


    On wet: This smells how I hoped Ravenous would. It is the sweet touch of oranges and a warming scent of cinnamon with the depths of clove rounding this out.


    Drydown: This is a sexy spicey scent. This reminds me of a Christmas with pommandars again coming to mind but the cinnamon still warms this girl deeply.


    Overall: Hahahah I kept wondering what this scent reminded me of it smells a bit like the spice traders area at the Northern Ca Ren Faire. Of course it may be because I think of a alchemists tree soap scent, occassionaly unlit clove cigarettes and sexy goth girls. This may have moved up to one of my fav scents.


    If you have been looking for a cinnamonny, clovey scent and Ravenous and others have turned on you race out and get this it is GENIUS!!!!
