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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Chrysis

  1. Chrysis


    If you took the darkest, sweetest cherry and wrapped it in syrupy goodness and drowned the whole thing in the finest dark chocolate THEN Turned it into glinting lead crystal confection, AND Broke it open and inhaled Vice would be what you smelled.
  2. Chrysis

    Milk Moon 2005

    This is simply an amazing scent. In the bottle: soft, creamy, with a breath of mint or tang reminicent of those little pillowy mints that you get at baby showers. Wet, on skin: much the same, but some lovely coconut is wafting in. This isn't your plasticy, imitation coconut, nor is it the baking type of coconut. This is the scent of a freshly broken open nut of the palm. Drydown: cream, cream, cream, a bit of honey and that same tang coming back in. Coconut is still there as well. Fade: the cream gradually fades away on me and the coconut is left. Mind you, I am not a coconut lover, but this is fresh and lovely, not stale and perfumy. While this isn't a scent that I would every wear out, it is the first scent I reach for when coming home from work. Off come the hose and heels; on come the jeans and Milk Moon. It wraps you in a soft embrace and reminds you that yes, you DO deserve those good things in life.
  3. Chrysis

    Dragon's Milk

    I ordered this as an imp because of the description of Dragon's Blood, milk and honey from some of the other reviews. I so wanted to like this! In the imp: Cherries and almonds. Very sweet. On me: Ugh. Went straight to plastic wrap and some vaguely acrid smell. Drydown: Still plasticy. Dry: The plastic is gone now, however, most of the sent is gone too. This had disappointing scent, throw and staying power. I will let it age for three weeks and update then in the hopes that aging will let me like it more!
  4. Chrysis


    Went. Straight. To. Baby. Powder. Too sad.