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Everything posted by Lilithlefay

  1. Lilithlefay


    In the imp it smells very spicy and warm indeed. On the skin it is still spicy and warm but the violet comes through after a couple of minutes, but is still beat into submission by the spiceness of the blend. This scent is a little too masculine for me but I bet it would smell amazing on a guy. I just need to find a volunteer.....
  2. Lilithlefay


    Smells so sweet and yummy in the imp but on my skin it turned a little powdery. The honey is delish though and the rose isn't that strong. As time goes on I really like this. The orange picks up a bit too. This is very light on me and not overpowering at all. I smell like a sweet little thing
  3. Lilithlefay

    Leanan Sidhe

    On me it was very floral and very soapy, which disappoints me because I love all concepts irish and fae, but it turns vey soapy floral on my skin. Very sad.
  4. Lilithlefay


    In the imp: wow hello almond. Unfortunately I am not a fan of almond so lets hope it changes on my skin. Wet: still very almond. Very almond, can't smell anything else really. Drydown: here is the rose, and almond, but the rose is sure kicking the almond to the curb. I think I detect a tad of orange but it is so faint I am not positive. I can also smell the sandalwood now. This is pretty but not something I would really wear. I'm going to try it again though.
  5. Lilithlefay


    In the imp: it smells very resiny to me, but I catch the sliver of lime and a little of the floral, but it is pretty resiny and dark. Wet: More juicy than resiny, I can smell the berries and the jasmine. The jasmine is much stronger on the skin than in the imp. The lime is also present here. Drydown: the jasmine fades and I can definately smell the berries now. Very juicy indeed, the jasmine has faded quite a bit. It has moved to the background of the fragrance. I can smell the lime too. It is so fruity I love it!!! Such a yummy blend and the imp doesn't smell like it does on me at all. it drys drastically different. I like it.
  6. Lilithlefay


    Salty ocean breezes touched by a numinous, incandescent mist. I think the above reviews captured this nicely. It smells like being at the beach...or right on the ocean. Just a bit of ozone, but a nice clean salty scent. I really like it, reminds me of when I used to go sailing with my Dad when I was younger. It has a touch of floral on the drydown with me but still that ocean saltiness stays.
  7. Lilithlefay

    Miskatonic University

    in the bottle: yummy creamy irish coffee...this smells like it should be edible. On the skin: like yummy creamy irish coffee. I smell like I should be edible. I don't get any dusty book smell with this until later and even then it is subtle, but this is making me crave sweets. It smells like good!!!
  8. Lilithlefay


    I got an imp of this in my order today(hugs for the lab!!!!) in the imp it is very powdery and clean.....it smells like cold. On the skin wet: still very powdery and floral. Drydown: so pretty!!!! glad I ordered this. Still a little floral and the powder scent is not as overpowering as it was initially. There is definately some white floral underneath, and it smells cold and cool but not watery cold and cool if that makes sense. There may be a tad of ozone in here too. I don't smell any citrus or mint at all. Beth is amazing!!!
  9. Lilithlefay


    In the bottle I smell lots of lavendar. On the skin the lavendar is still there but there is something citrusy, I wonder if that is verbena? After wearing I smell some light floral as well. This just gets prettier as time goes by. The lavendar has all but faded and all I can smell is that pretty floral/citrus scent, and I am not usually a fan of citrus notes!!! This scent absolutely captures the essence of sylphs to me...it is so pretty!!! I think I will be wearing this quite a bit.
  10. Lilithlefay


    in the imp it is very herbal, green and pine. yes very pine. It just woke me!!! Maybe a bit of eucalyptus too? on the skin it is still mostly pine. very strong, and invigorating. There is something woodsy underneath it though, a definate woody warmth. The biting pine scent fades down as time goes by but I can still sniff its presence. I think I smell a tad bit of lemon too.
  11. Lilithlefay


    In the imp it smelled all pine and green herbs...it took quite a while for me to actually try this because I was nervous. On the skin: Wow all I smell is the rose but it is such a pretty rose!!! Like the kind my grandmother has in her garden. I can't smell any of the other notes but I really like this. I'm glad I actually got around to finally trying this one. such a pleasant surprise
  12. Lilithlefay

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    In the bottle: very sweet and fruity, but something almost vile underneath. On the skin: nothing vile at all, I tried this again and it smells very sweet and light on my skin. I smell the mango and jasmine the most, but there seems to be some sort of tea scent underneath. Maybe some kind of light musk too? Very pretty.
  13. Lilithlefay

    Buck Moon

    This is not the heavy, musky scent I was expecting, almost the opposite actually. In the bottle there is almost a lemon, slight floral, ozoney scent that is so clean, and yes clean air is a wonderful description. On the skin a little musk comes out but it still smells...well...clean!!! And wonderful!!!! I literally keep smelling my arm because it is that good. It is a really refreshing scent and I am very pleasantly surprised, although I love musks so the original thought would have been fine too I think I will be wearing this one alot.
  14. Lilithlefay

    Val Sans Retour

    in the bottle: very clean and a citrus tone to it. A lemon or lime type of scent. I really like it. There is a bit of fresh cut grass smell as well. wet on skin: definately lemon or lime, but still yummy, surprising because I normally don't go for clean citrusy type of scent. Dries down: this is beautiful. Very clean and fresh. I don't get any woodsy notes and it is very light on the skin. A fresh cut grass and lemon scent, there is also something almost lightly floral underneath. Oddly something a bit creamy as well. Is that honey? My nose must be off because I don't think anyone else got that. If this is released I am definately investing in a bottle.
  15. Lilithlefay

    Tiger Lily

    In the bottle: creamy floral. So yummy!!! I can definately smell the lilies and underneath there is a creaminess, the honey I assume. Wet on skin: very floral. Can't smell the honey or any creaminess at all. Just the lilies and a bit of something very crisp almost lemony Drydown: still mostly lily there but I can smell a tad bit of the honey, but again it is mostly lily. I wish the honey was a little more prominent here. On my skin the honey scent is pretty much eaten up and all I can smell are the lilies. I will try this again later and update as needed.
  16. Lilithlefay


    when I sniff the bottle I get lots of the juniper and cedarwood. It actually puts me quite off. Very green!! Wet on the skin it is still very juniper and cedar but I can alos smell the orange...very citrusy, very strong on my skin. I can't smell any musk or civet which is a shame because I love musk and civet!!!! drydown has faded a bit and I can smell a bit of the civet now but the juniper and cedar are still very strong, mostly the cedar...the orange has all but disappeared after a little whil the civet has mixed with the cedar and it is nice but I am just not a fan of the cedar. This is definately a very green scent and I wish that the civet lasted longer or was a bit stronger. What can i say.....I am definately a musky/ civet kind of girl they work wonderfully on me. I'm just not into that cedar kind of scent. I will be swapping this.
  17. Lilithlefay


    In the bottle: defianately grape, and orange. I can definately pick those out. Can't sense the musk though. wet on the skin: still very grape but I can pick out the musk. It has almost a candyish scent, very sweet indeed. dry down: the grape scent fades and out comes the musk and civet, but it smells wonderful. Very smokey, powdery, and just....sexy. I was worried that civet wouldn't work on me but it does. 5 minutes into it: I can still smell the sweetness of the grapes, and the smokiness and powder scent from the musk and civet, and just a tiny tang of the orange but I do have to search for it, if I didn't know it was in there I wouldn't have been able to pick it out. overall....I am very glad I picked up this scent. I love it!!!! Very sexy scent indeed
  18. Lilithlefay


    I have to agree with the above poster that it didn't change much from imp to skin. However it seemed to last all day on me. Initially it was pretty strong. I might have applied too much, but it was definately a very green floral scent. I can definately pick out the tulips and a grassy smell. It was a pretty clean smelling scent too. As it wore on my skin the scent atill didn't change much on me, just became less intense. I think I am going to have to try this again and not apply as much and see what happens then. Overall, I did like this scent but i can't see myself reaching for it oo often.
  19. Lilithlefay

    The Living Flame

    in the bottle it smells like a juicy floral if that makes sense. I can pick out florals, but there is something kind of juicy underneath it. Yummy...kind of strong in the bottle though. on the skin it goes on with that same sharp floral, juicy scent but as it dries it becomes more powdery and not as sharp. 5 minutes into it: definately a powdery scent...I'm guessing sandalwood as that is often how it smells on my skin, but also a touch of floral. Very nice indeed.
  20. Lilithlefay


    I LOVE this!!!! It isn't overly fruity, and the amber and musk mix with it wonderfully. I can't smell any lavendar on my skin or in the bottle which is good because I am definately not a lavendar girl. I can smell more of the mango initially but as it dries down the musk and amber comes out more. It is a pretty sexy scent and I wish I got another bottle as I can see myself wearing this alot. Drat!!!!
  21. Lilithlefay

    Graveyard Dirt

    In the bottle it smells like...well....dirt. I actually really liked it so I bought a bottle. However, after about an hour it has completely disappeared on me. I can't get a single wiff of it...which is okay because after 15 minutes on my skin it turned into something rather unpleasant. Like dead dirt actually. After 25 minutes it had a really nice dusty smell....but a little while later it had completely disappeared. Makes me sad...but to the swapping pile it goes......I might try layering it with Beltane first to see what happens.
  22. Lilithlefay

    Storm Moon

    wow...this is kind of slapped me across the face. It is pretty strong and I had to move the bottle away the first time I smelled it. My first impression was of soap, and the OZONE. Wow... on my skin it smells very perfumey...and as it dries down i can pick out some aquatic scents and it takes on a powdery scent. It actually starts smelling little like a very floral fragranced baby powder on me, with that soap undertone. A little too strong for my taste. In fact my head is starting to hurt a little. I wanted to love this because I LOVE storms in general but I think I might end up swapping this. It is just too strong for me. Oh well.....I'll try it a few more times and see what happens.
  23. Lilithlefay

    Dragon's Milk

    Oooooo...this is goooood!!! I think I am in love here!!! In the bottle: almost cherry scented, assuming that is the dragon's blood, but a creamy, sweet, honey scent in the background. Definately a little spice somewhere, almost candyish as well. wet on the skin: almost all honey and vanilla...very creamy and delicious!!! drydown: the dragon's blood comes out more, subtle but I know it is there. The creamyness subsides a little but still mingles a little with the dragon. It just seems to complement it so well in the background. after about 10 minutes the scents have balanced out on me so I can smell each equally and I cannot stop sniffing my wrist. It smells absolutely divine and makes me feel very warm and comforted. I feel like I am in a happy place. Lasted a few hours on me too!!!! I think this will definately be a keeper and I will definately be ordering more in the future!!!