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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by faylie

  1. I bought this as one of four to help me through post natal depression. I don't have any experience in doing things pf a magical nature but thought I'd give these a try as I really was wanting to avoid medication. While I didn't manage that I do believe the TAL oils I got have helped me.


    One of the ways my PND was effecting was loss of libido so I thought Caliph's beloved was the thing for me as hubby was really missing out. Hubby works away from home during the week so I put it on one Friday night but nothing really happened, both really tired and the littlies (2yrs 3 months and 3 months) weren't being cooperative. I tried again next weekend and there was something going on. It wasn't like first being in a relationship where you just can't get enough of each other, it was more like a coal how it glows that bright orange when you blow on it, just quietly smoldering away. This was a month or so ago and I've been using it every weekend since then, this weekend just gone I've had some of the more memorable sex of my life and we have been together for 10 years so that is saying something.


    Scent wise this is like cinnamon quills, maybe a little civet but I could be wrong there. It's quite a light scent, not a lot of throw, more of a cling to your skin one. I'm not too sure of wear length, but it lasts long enough to do the job ;)

  2. I bought this as one of four to help me through post natal depression. I don't have any experience in doing things pf a magical nature but thought I'd give these a try as I really was wanting to avoid medication. While I didn't manage that I do believe the TAL oils I got have helped me.


    Lionheart is something that has helped me deal with day to day obstacles in my life, be it a lack of motivation, feeing overwhelmed, like I simply can't cope, or simply don't want to get out of bed. It is not a slap you in the face get your ass in gear sort of help, more of a whisper in your ear 'you can do it, things will get better' supporting hug. I do need to wear it a few days in a row for me to really get help, it's not a quick fix, but I don't think there is any way I can say it isn't doing me good.


    The scent of Lionheart is just an added bonus, I think I can smell vanilla and cherry, maybe some clove or carnation in there. I love it and would want to wear it anyway even if it wasn't helping. It's quite a strong scent in both throw and wear length.


    Thank you TAL.

  3. Thanks for the suggestions. I haven't ventured into the world of TAL, but this might be the time. Maybe give Caliph's Beloved a try, I have no libido whatsoever which DH has been putting up with more than he should


    All my voodoo blends and panaceas (except Black Cat) are in hiding at the moment and I'm at a loss to where they are. We moved house last August and still haven't finished unpacking. They are here somewhere but as I wasn't really wearing much of a variety while pregnant I didn't make a huge effort to find them as it made one less stash of BPAL for Eirik (2yr old) to get into, he is on the verge of obsessed by it, much to DH's dismay.


    I put some Dragons milk on yesterday and it did give me enough of a boost to get some washing and dishes done. I'd forgotten how much I like it. Sudha segara is nice and soothing but it's something I was wearing a lot while pregnant and DH and I were in a bit of a bad patch then, so not brilliant associations atm, same with Alice. Will have to find Kubla Khan and Khrysee but most of all my Quietitude and TKO.


    Parrot Suspect, I have an appointment with the doctor on Tuesday, I saw a community health nurse the Monday gone and she gave me some stuff to read but basically said go for a walk every day, see more people and go to the doctor. The thing is I've never been good around people and am slow to make friends. I tried to arrange a play date for people living nearby on a baby forum but no one showed up. So that's discouraged me a bit.


    I think I've got it down to 4 TAL blends;

    Arabian nights - will try the park thing again and also playgroup for Eirik, he needs to meet more kids. Caliph's beloved - for when hubby is in town. Energy and Lionheart. I'll try the otther ones I have in the mean time.


    Thanks again for all the replies. It's made me feel better just knowing other people are willing to listen and offer help :)



  4. I need suggestions. I have post natal depression. I am not coping very well with a 4 week old and a 2 year old. I find myself snapping at my 2 year old and not being overly interested in anything or motivated to do anything. The house is a mess, I'm way behind in general house work and my 2yr old seems determine every time I start to catch up to undo it all as soon as possible. I'm also in tears way more than usual. I live 2.5 hrs away from family and my husband works away from home too so I'm basically a single mum during the week. My only support nearby is SIL who I do see maybe once a week for a few hours.


    Any help greatly appreciated.

  5. a character who drowned from a horror video game. Here I'm looking for a scent that smells intensely of water and lake--I describe it as "I'm looking for something that smells like drowning", pretty much.
    My first thought here was Undertow from Dark (Bewitching brews) - The Dark Side of Water: clean and purifying, yet menacing -- lotus and juniper with a hint of mint. A scent dragged up from the depths to the Stygian shore

    I find this one kind of scary it's that well blended.


    The next character is aristocratic, very rich and very spoiled with heavily Arabian roots, intermingled with a touch of France. I'm looking for something that smells very Middle Eastern with touches of aristocracy--something just a little bit masculine but very very feminine. Possibly a bit bookish as well.
    Belle Epoque (Bewitching brews) - "The Pretty Era", France's Golden Time: an age of beauty, innovation and peace in France that lasted from the 19th Century through the first World War and gave birth to the cabaret, the cancan, and the cinema as well as the Impressionist and Art Nouveau movements. Sweet opium, Lily of the Valley, vanilla, mandarin and red sandalwood.


    And then a gunslinger who's also a clown. Something that smells like gunpowder or metal and circus.
    For the gunslinger aspect try Tombstone (Wanderlust) - A celebration of one of the first commercially produced perfumes of America's Old West. A rugged, warm blend of vanilla, balsam and sassafras layered over Virginia cedar.


    And finally, a character who's a lot like Link from Legend of Zelda (except not). Possibly carrying hints of "dragon", leather, swords, sweat, battle, and adventure.
    Dragons Hide (Ars Draconis) - Flame-kissed, warm, smooth, and highly protective. Dragon’s blood, leather and a hint of smoke.


    Hope you find something to suit.


  6. Antique Lace Nostalgia encapsulated. A soft, wistful blend of dry flowers, aged linens, and the faint breath of long-faded perfumes. reviews

    On me it's not old linens and wispy flowers at all, it's a bright rich creamy vanilla with very long wear length and a good throw.


    I love Mouse's... and do get primarily vanilla but also get a bit of the sandalwood too, I don't know how you are with woods but I just find it adds a bit of warmth ad the floral softens it. It's more of a cosy comfort scent to me. Antique Lace is definitely the heavier of the two.

  7. I was talking with my husband about how in the last four years I still haven't found a BPAL he likes. I was trying to pick his brains about are there any types of scents he prefers over others, he said he really couldn't say but that he didn't remember disliking the one I used to wear when we first got together 10 years ago which happened to be Tyrian. I really can't remember all that well what it smelled like other than there being a slightly floral vanilla tone, maybe a bit of a soft musk or wood to it.


    I've tried the following blends which I can think of that may have been close in smell or feel, none of which he's said anything other than a bit of a meh or an unenthusiastic it's okay response


    Antique lace

    Mouse's... - I thought this one may have been close but I guess not. Maybe I'll try it again and see




    Dana O'shee


    He doesn't like strong / heady scents at all and doesn't seem that keen on foody ones either. He has on one occasion said he liked Rose red, but then the next time I wore it he didn't, but they were different years. When Dreamland first came out he thought it was okay but the next time I wore it it was a meh one. So he's not entirely consistent, but it could just be mood, me asking too soon after applying so it was too strong or I guess my hormones fluctuating.

  8. I'd say black musk for sure in Black Lotus, it hasn't lasted all that long on me with much throw though, even being applied in my hair. I put it on about 4 hours ago and really have to put my nose right to my wrist to smell it, same with my hair. It's a pity because I did quite like it, floral and all. Maybe it just needs to age a bit, musks do tend to age well don't they?

  9. Paperrose, thanks for the Hecate recommendation, I put some of this on last night and it was all almond and a touch of myrrh, this morning all I could smell was black musk and I had forgotten it was in there. I was starting to think my nose was broken and I was smelling it everywhere even if it wasn't in it.


    There's musk in bewitched?!? I get all light berries and brightness from that, I like it a lot but I'm going to have to hunt my imp down and try it again. Thanks for mentioning it.


    Fairnymph I got a frimp of Black Lily in my 13 order on Friday so I will try that out and see how it goes.


    Haunted sounds perfect for me, that's going on the must have list for sure. Don't know how I missed this before. Habu sounds great too.


    Lavender is good, I count it as much a herbal as much as a floral but I'm a bit apprehensive of ordering the salons as they are more expensive and only come in bottles. Those two do sound good though.


    Mad Hatter (I'm guessing the pennyroyal) and Iago (vetiver of doom) were disasters on me. Titus Andronicus I might try again, I think I still have an imp of it.


    Thanks for all the suggestions, it's so helpful to get ideas from other people.

  10. Could someone tell me when did the Lab change the labels for the Snake Pit? I got a sniffer with just enough to test Coral Snake and it has the snake on one side, can't remember but I think it's on the right and when I bought a bottle the snake is on the left and the background is a bit different too. I'm wondering because they smell quite different, the new one I get LOTS of apple to begin with and a bit of a powdery end. The old one I get no apple or powder whatsoever, just all warm sweet spices with the orange over the top which I do prefer, the new one isn't bad, just no where near as good as the old. knowing when the labels changed will give an idea of how long I will have to age the new bottle for before it's as good. I guess I could speed it up a big by pouring some into the old bottle so it oxidises a bit quicker.



  11. Mods sorry if there is already a topic for this, I did do a search but couldn't find it.


    I have come to the conclusion I love black musk. In the very first batch of imps I got there was Dracul and Black forest, both of which I like, but they aren't really ones I feel like I can wear much. More recently I have found favourites in Aeronwen and my CT:O which also has it in it.


    The problem is that looking at a list of blends with black musk a lot seem to be rather floral or have patchouli, neither of which I am all that keen on. I also don't work well with vetiver / vetivert, most leather notes, most aquatics, most ozones or cologney sorts.


    Any suggestions for me try?

  12. LIV


    This is such a beautiful blend. At first it smelt like strong O with a bit extra vanilla, now after a few hours it has a slight touch of black musk to it on top of the vanilla. although it is quite similar to the original O it is so much better as I don't tend to wear O as it is. I couldn't have asked for better, it's like they took O and tweaked it to be made perfect for me. I think this will age really well too.

  13. In the bottle found this, as many others have, to be rather a sharpish red scent. Initially on application this is the same, but now a good 4+ hours later it is really a lovely red honey smell. It is the same honey as in O. To begin with I was mistaking it for vanilla but now that I can name where I have smelt it before it is definitely the honey. The poppy isn't a big feature in this, more of a supporting role and the berries lend a bit of redness. It's kind of like O having sex on a warm spring day in a poppy field with a breeze wafting over from a berry vine.


    I will be getting a bottle when I can. It's only downfall is not much throw but my skin has been eating oils lately and minimal throw is not always bad as the DH isn't a perfume person so it only matters if I can't smell it.


    Thank you Brian, you almost seem to tailor make oils for me without me knowing it is what I want.

  14. I'd say either Bastet, classy, fits well with formal and lasts or Snow white as I find it a pretty and comforting scent. Rose red would also be nice if you don't find it too sharp. Or if you are really dreading the whole thing Aunt Caroline might be good. Or maybe put some of that on a tissue and sniff it when you need a boost and wear one of the others for fragrance purposes.


    Good luck.
