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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by darkling

  1. Chaos Theory XX via hologhost


    This one definitely smells like Sangria with its blend of light alcohol and mingled, dulled fruits.


    After a few minutes on my skin, a flowery perfume base started muting the smell of the Sangria.


    I would have enjoyed this scent more without the perfumey undertone. This Chaos Theory will go further down the swap chain.


    Previously reviewed by hologhost.

  2. The King of Clubs is a beautiful and complex scent. On my skin, it becomes a blend of oakmoss, fig, and smoke (musk? or tobacco?). There is a perfect balance between the rich darkness of the earth and the sweetness of the fig.


    My partner has so far resisted wearing any BPAL but I may just have to hold him down and slather some on him. Yum!

  3. This scent was driving me crazy as soon as I sniffed it. Succor smelled like something from the kitchen, something foody . . .


    All of a sudden, it came to me. It smelled like a muffuletta sandwich. In particular, the olive salad portion of the sandwich.


    While it is nice that Succor can remind me of my one trip to New Orleans, smelling like olive salad just doesn't appeal to me.


    Although, maybe this would be a good kitchen scent :P

  4. Elegba is butterscotch with an added helping of sugar to make it super sweet. The rum note becomes stronger after a few minutes, morphing the scent to butter rum.

    It remains very sweet.


    After a half-hour or so, the coconut starts to make an appearance. Elegba is then reminiscent of a boozy suntan lotion. Oddly enough, there is an undertone of something that smells like sand. The mixture of sand and coconut reminds me strongly of the beach.


    Elegba is a lovely, sweet scent smiliar to Grog and Baron Samedi. I will have to compare the three side by side to see where they differ.

  5. Flower Moon along with Milk Moon were the last of my LE ordering idiocy. I don't like flowers and inevitably I didn't enjoy Flower Moon. It is a very strong but not smothering floral scent. I couldn't identify any particular flower notes except I am quite sure that this blend houses the flower that killed the Mi-Go Brain Canister for me. This scent lasts a long time and I can see it being lovely for anyone who loves floral blends.

  6. The first time I tried this scent, it was strongly reminiscent of Graveyard Dirt and Zombi. The Queen was rich dirt with a faint hint of fruit sweetness underneath.


    The second time I tried this scent, I shook up the bottle first. This time the Queen still had a base of earth but the fruit notes were more prominent. The promegranate and currant melded into a delicious sweetness heightened by a hint of vanilla. The richness of the earth was emphasized by the dark myrrh.


    The Queen of Clubs is a lovely scent and different enough from Zombi (one of my favorites) that I plan to keep it.

  7. Chaos Theory XXVII


    In the bottle, this chaos theory smelled like chocolate.


    As soon as it touched my skin, it was a rich, candied lime. When I shook up the bottle a bit, the chocolate disappeared and the lime was prominent.


    A friend who sniffed it was able to identify vanilla and coconut in the blend.


    Over time, the lime became more of a generic citrus and the vanilla was more present. There is a faint undertone of flowers that makes itself known as the blend began to fade on my skin.


    This is an interesting blend. Not one of my favorites, but I plan to try it a few more times before I decide whether to keep it or trade it.

  8. Miskatonic University was creamy, boozy, chocolately coffee in the bottle and on my skin. It was so sweet and alcoholic that I was starting to get worried about wearing it to work.


    On my way out the door, the undertones of wood and dust started to faintly emerge and the booziness disappeared. This left a sweet Irish Coffee scent that made me imagine a Dunkin' Donuts coffee Coolata left in an ancient library :P


    The throw faded fairly quickly but I can still pick up its lovely scent on my wrists at the end of a 10 hour workday.


    I can't imagine how often I will want to smell like sweet coffee but I will love Miskatonic U for when I do.

  9. I loved the idea of a scent that smelled like a marsh. The reality was not as appealing.


    Dunwich smelled like a bog. Dark water swirling with moss and bits of twigs and dying flowers. It is murky and dim. Oppressive and damp.

  10. At first, Shub-Niggurath was strong, orangey citrus paired with ginger.


    After a few minutes, the citrus began to fade and some spices surfaced to meld with the ginger.


    This smelled to me like true gingerbread much more so than Gingerbread Poppet and it was decidedly less sweet.


    There was nothing in this blend that made me think of "evil" and it faded fairly quickly (within two hours).


    I like Shub-Niggurath but I don't love it as I expected based on others' reviews.

  11. Tulzscha smells exquisite. In the bottle and on my skin it is a cool, soothing blend of mints and cucumber.


    It has a slightly watery element that brings to mind a mint milkshake.


    This is the best mint scent that I have ever tried and I expect to slather myself in this throughout the summer to produce the illusion of feeling cool.

  12. This is definitely a dark, evil scent. It is very musky and spicy patchouli with an edge of incense.


    Malediction is a strong, consuming scent with considerable staying power.


    As I don't like patchouli, it is definitely not for me!

  13. Cthulhu immediately reminded me of my partner's favorite cologne: Royal Copenhagen. It was masculine, spicy, and had the tang of ozone.


    I had him sniff it as well and he agreed that it was almost identical to his "signature scent."


    If he didn't already have giant bottle of Royal Copenhagen, this would go to him.


    But it is definitely not for me!

  14. :P


    In the bottle and on my skin there were no fruits at all the first two times I tried my Brain Canister. I don't like florals so I am not skilled at identifying them but I think it is the jasmine (and maybe the peony) that make this smell off to me and completely dominate the scent.


    When I shook up the bottle in desperation, I could scent the faint hint of fruit (kiwi) trying to break past the cloying flowers.


    On my skin, no fruits of any kind made an appearance. No ginger. No tea. There may have been some musk mingling with the flowers.


    I am very disappointed because I love all the fruits in Mi-Go and desperately wanted this to be a sweet fruity scent.

  15. Wow! This is the ONLY patchouli note that I have ever enjoyed. It mingles with the dark musk to create a smoky and spicy blend that is extremely sexy. There is no floral or fruit present on my skin.


    Desire is enticing and draws you into its web with its unusual combination of notes.

  16. Pink Moon was exquisite when it first touched my skin, like a pink sugar version of Sugar Skull. It was sweet and light. I could eat it up!


    As it dried, the florals appeared and dulled the sweetness. A hint of the pink sugar remained but it was no longer prominent. A vague hint of strawberry mingled with the sweet flowers.


    Pink Moon ended up as a lovely, light floral. As I am not a fan of florals, I can't see myself wearing this enough to keep the bottle.

  17. In the vial, Chesed smelled like tree bark. It was very strong, almost overpowering.


    On my skin, the bark mellows slightly and a lovely natural peach scent arises.


    Chesed is a peach tree. It is absolutely lovely and very long-lasting.


    I may have to buy a bottle of this one.

  18. Moxie was all citrus on my skin. Definitely more grapefruit (maybe yuzu) than orange. It is more a dark, bitter citrus than juicy or sweet.


    Moxie has given me the strength and courage to face my hellish workplace the last two days without crying uncontrollably or feeling bullied.
